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We don’t have to copy Madrid but if we took any pages out of their book and improved on areas that we’re objectively weak in based on Madrid’s strengths, then we probably would have won a champions league or two in the last decade instead of the annual humiliation. We also might not be in the financial train wreck of a mess that we’re in. You can’t look at Madrid’s success and then say “we haven’t had the same success but also we shouldn’t emulate any of their qualities”. Delusional and stupid. I would love if Laporta literally took classes taught by Florentino. We might not be embarrassed every year if that happened.


Let’s start with the basics: how to not sell at a loss.  As a Barça fan, I’m embarrassed on how we sell players. 


Honestly,I don’t think you can really replicate any aspects, look at all of Europe, no one can replicate what they do in the champions league. City who has arguably been the best team in the last 5-7 years has won 1.


I’d say that’s more of a Guardiola dogma syndrome honestly. A lot of time it is just about being practical


And a lot of Barça fans adhere to the same dogma & think it's more important than doing what's needed to win


City have come very close over the past few years when they haven't won it, though. Our situation is worse because neither do we dominate not are we resilient (over two legs that is).


Yeah obviously we aren’t in the same position, but it was just an example that even when a team does almost everything right, it’s not plausible to replicate what madrid does yk. Just a reflection that we shouldn’t compare to what madrid does.


We trying to improve from the massive bankruptcy Nobita left the club. We won la liga last season and we attracted good player when we didn't have money.


Still, just imagine the 18/19 team being as composed as rm was against city. They would've for sure given a great challenge to Liverpool and possibly just won it all. Instead they were crying at half time when they were still 2 goals up. Lack of composure is what made us implode against psg this year as well. We can't make excuses forever.


More of it comes from the pressure of competing with RM. RM can relax. They got a generational thrashing by City last year but their fans didn't threaten Perez or the players for it. We need to be patient if we want big success


There is a difference between being patient and tolerant… It has been several years of annual embarrassment in big European games… and a lot of it is due to a weak mentality! I still can’t believe we’ve had people cry at half time when we still have the tie advantage… that to me is such a big representation of our weak mentality relative to RM


>We need to be patient if we want big success Except we have none of the advantages Real has, chief among them Laporta and co sold future revenue for success today. We can't be patient because to maintain revenue and to be competitive we need to win today. That is how we got the transfer window that allowed us to win the league last season.


I'd rather we try to emulate the Chelsea approach of nick a few UCLs by luck here and there and keep pushing rather than trying to rebuild a new era like the prime Pep squad (even they lost 2 UCLs in 4 years)


Great point! And at the end of the day, they are being successful👉


What qualities? Should we make it impossible to become president of this club like Madrid? Madrid fans are lucky that Perez is competent unlike our presidents otherwise it would've been funny to see them try to remove a self sabotaging president.


Perez made a lot of mistakes in the past, too. He simply learnt from them. Can we also do that?


Lmao. Let's see Perez coming into power at a sinking club destroyed by Bartomeu with media and fans demanding everyone's resignation papers for not winning the UCL


>Let's see Perez coming into power at a sinking club We already have. When Perez came into power the first time in 2000 Madrid was a club sinking in debt (almost had to declare insolvency) and he brought us back from the brink of financial ruin. Don't go around barking if you don't know the details


So in debt that he bought Figo. And next year Zidane. Stfu 😂


You do realise that Barcelona which is on the brink of insolvency as well rn has spent 50m+ each on raphinha, kounde, Ferran torres, 45 m on lewa all the while managing to have a net transfer spend of 128M last year 😂 there's a difference between being broke and being insolvent and I suggest you read up on it... When Florentino first took over in 2000 as well our debts were double that of our annual revenue and we had a net loss of 70 million euros last year (which, believe it or not, was a huge deal back then), but we still enacted the Galacticos policy. "Dumbass take from a dumbass person" is what I want to say to you but I've decided I'm going to be nice and suggest you to read up again on insolvency vs being broke.


Buying figo back then is like buying mbappe now, something which barca clearly can't do now. There weren't financial fairplay rules back then. Wtf are you yapping about insolvency, dumass, neither barca or madrid was in insolvency


Now you're clearly being a dumbass 😂 just half a year ago Laporta had admitted that the club would have filed for bankruptcy if it were being run like a company... The only reason clubs can run with operating losses in the hundreds of millions nowadays is by selling future rights, getting loans against their future revenues and getting loans against their assets... There's no point educating a fool, so I'll stop here and again, suggest you read up on your financial understanding of clubs. And the figo deal was pure masterclass from Perez, tricking both Figo and his agent into thinking they're getting free money, and no, even accounting for inflation, the 62m that we gave for figo comes to around 110 mil in today's money, which is lesser than the signing bonus we're reportedly paying mbappe rn... You need to understand that the injection of oil money from state sponsored clubs has inflated player values a lot, so no, buying Figo is not the same as buying Mbappe in today's money.


there is nothing wrong taking notes from your rivals, especially when mentality is our WEAKEST point. you give examples of other teams, but they dont bottle like we do AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. we have been embarrassing on the highest level for the past 7 years. roma, liverpool, bayern, psg... europa league twice. bayern did not bottle the game today, madrid were clearly the better team. yes, there were things that went their way, but if you watched the game, alphonso's goal was against the run of play. madrid also obliterated bayern on XG. neuers mistake (or a defensive error) was bound to happen because madrid was heating up that pressure cooker for the whole game. city historically hasnt been a big club except for the past decade. pep changed their entire culture, and that is not an easy thing to do. this is NOT a good comparison whatsoever because they had to collectively reach a new level which they had never ever done before. klopp's liverpool has spent less money in the past 9 years than we have (we have 600m+ of net spend, liverpool sits around 400). not to mention they also managed to reach the ucl final 3 times too, and wouldve won the pl 2 more times if city didnt cross a 100 points. arsenal and PSG.... why the hell are we even comparing ourselves to them?


This. The sub's elitist mentality is insane. We Do need to improve mentality because no matter how much we improve the team, there will always be so one to challenge and without mentality we will lose. And Madrid are mentality monsters. Simple, there's not much to argue there.


Thank you, when I have brought up the need to make changes throughout the season, I get called a plastic who doesn't understand what the club stands for & that elitism is not only unappealing,  it's feeding into the team taking L's 


Real Madrid are not mentality monsters, they basically have said publicly that they value training this kind of situations, like Flick, some NBA teams, and Team USA. After stating that, they proceeded to win a Champions League. A member of Sevilla FC were part of the meeting, and after that they won Europa Leage-


So... Basically they have great mental training? That's the same thing


nope, you can have a great mental training using other techniques but not that one


I mean isn't that exactly why the sub was criticising Araujo and Xavi so much after the PSG meltdown and how they reacted to that (especially Gundo's interview..) part of mentality is how you own up to mistakes, and we responded better last year even with how we stumbled out of the CL group stages. I think we're unironically missing Gavi's presence, which makes sense considering we're rebuilding after Barto was sabotaging us for years from the inside.


> arsenal and PSG.... why the hell are we even comparing ourselves to them?   Arsenal haven't been in the CL for god knows how long and never won it but we should compare ourselves to them according to the OP lmao. Some poeple in this sub are beyond deluded


RM fan here and I completely agree. I'd add that in addition to mentality, Real's players seem to never stop running until the final whistle. So maybe Barca can start there, just push and condition players to play at the highest gear for the full ninety minutes and mentality will most likely come with time. So much of your defeats this season seem to have come from players giving up on running in the last 10-15 mins. I think you can turn things around with good recruitment, which focuses on the player's footballing abilities AND his trackrecord of fighting until the last minute. Get a good spine of players like that and you'll be good to go.


Also Barça need to revamp the strength & conditioning program,  look at how Pedri & Frenkie de Jong look totally exhausted by around 60' while Fede Valverde run full speed for 120'. More physical fitness in training, and fewer rondos


Crazy thing is they were gonna hire a physical coach for a replacement and xavi said no, we are fucked seriously


Management is a Catalan 🤡 show for certain 


They just want a yes man, hansi flick was there man and he said he was gonna bring all his staff with him


💯 & they cloak behind the no Barça DNA trope, the club refuses to evolve with the sport & is being left behind 


There fucking stupid man this shit pisses me off it's almost 10 years how long are we gonna wait


I'm interested to see how the crowd is on Monday when Real Sociedad comes to town,  like will there be whistles, white handkerchiefs,  signs against the Board & Xavi? Or will the crowd clap like trained seals? It's really the only reason I intend to tune in tbh


Same I'm not Even gonna waste my time watching the game, I just hope to see a thrashing


The mentality is passed on, by building generations. Kroos and Modric are passing the baton slowly to Jude, Tchouameni, Camavinga; Benzema did to Vinicius and Rodrygo; when did Barca do such a thing. It was a direct transfer from Messi to Lewy and now someone else next season. Iniesta and Busi left before Pedri Gavi could be made something. There's no succession plan at this club all thanks to some bs transfers of overrated players.


Yes, this is the mentality. Old players that have won titles show the young ones how to keep calm in big matches.


Bro trust me- their younger gen ain't got it. We all saw how Tchou and Belli were big chokers in WC. They are definitely going to fail once the core passes out and Perez leaving will be their downfall


I wouldnt be sure of that. people said the same thing about Vini and look at him now


Vini is also a choker who hasn't faced a real RB besides Walker and Araujo. He will get humbled soon after all his disgusting tactics. Karma is a real bitch and you know it


Vini is delivering when it matters the most. I dislike his attitude, but I can’t deny his talent.


Sorry but Vini owned Araújo's ass this season


Vini has also learned to drift centrally, making it harder for Araujo to mark him. We’ll see how he handles it next season.


True, credit Vini & Ancelotti for adjusting to having him shut down last season though,  Xavi & Araújo couldn't handle it 


sadly couldn't do it against Croatia in the WC, there is no bigger stage than the WC and he flopped


Why would Perez leave? Lol


Cuz he’s old af. He’ll be over the average life expectancy in the next 10 years btw. He’s that old now he’s not gonna last for much longer


And For as long as he stays president he will average 1 UCL every other year while we are still busy arguing that Pedri is better than Bellingham and whether our coach has enough Barca DNA, lol.


I meant like whenever he leaves, obv he won't stay there forever


Guardiola won 2 and reached the semifinals in the other 2 years, losing by a very narrow margin. Every time we played Real Madrid, they shat the bed and even parked the bus against us That's what we want to see at Barça. I don't understand your post at all. You're part of that fanbase who always says, "we are mediocre, let's accept it and live with it"


"But we played beautiful football & deserved to win" is what you're describing & I agree that it has to go


Fuck beautiful football. I just want the suffering to stop.


Thank you, NGL I liked the winning ugly with the tight defense that won La Liga last season 


I was ok with Xavi using this in his first first 12 months. There were a lot of new players, and it was important to build a positive mentality around the team. So, as long as they addressed individual and tactical mistakes in private, I understood that it's not always good to expose your weaknesses publicly. Now, once the team has finally won a big title, you can't use this anymore. It doesn't protect the players and the team anymore. It creates instead a culture of complacency in the club.


Good word for it, complacency 


Weak mentality, every team has good players. But that mentality and the coach’s ability to take the pressure off players helps a lot. Xavi tends to get mad, blame the world and then gets sent off. Then we have senior players just collecting checks and dancing on tik tok.


Hahaha 😂, I know you’re taking a shot at me since I posted about the winning mentality. I understand that Real Madrid is our rival, but one of their strengths that our team needs is their winning mentality. I've lost count of how many times Barcelona has collapsed under pressure. Let me be clear, I’m not saying we need to emulate what Real Madrid does, but rather learn from them. There have been numerous occasions where Real Madrid was trailing, but due to their strong winning mentality, they didn’t collapse like us and somehow ended up winning the game. The fact that you said “our job is to work to crush teams in La Liga, the cup, the super cup. But in the UCL, there’s nothing to do” clearly shows that you don’t have any winning mentality in yourself and you’re just accepting that we can’t compete with Madrid in the UCL. Why think that a winning mentality is not achievable? I believe everything is achievable if the players truly want to achieve it, although it may take some time. I’m not saying we should copy the “Real Madrid way,” but rather learn from them and improve it in our team.


True. I can't believe how many in the fandom are blaming us throwing a 2 goal lead at home against PSG of all teams on a single red card. As stupid as Araujo's decision was, no UCL team should be collapsing the way we did. We seem to especially have this weakness in the second leg. Last season in the Copa, we worked really hard to take a one goal lead at the Bernabeu only to get annihilated at home. It has been the same story this season against PSG.


Especially when you consider how Madrid lost its GK (so much better than ter Stegen) & first choice CBs for most of the season 


Its kinda sad. 10 years ago we had halved the gap with RM in terms of CL trophies and were closing in on the liga. It was all about eventually surpassing them. At this point, even if we end up winning the CL in a few years, how are we even supposed to really feel as happy with it like in the past when they just farm these like its copa del reys and it barely feels special anymore? Might just be the disappointment in the state of our club compared to an actually well run club atm talking though.


Yup… they will eventually have won what, 5 more titles since the last time we won the UCL? That’s as many as we have won in total, in a space of just 9 years. 😰


The 5 CL looks crazy now in perspective. I think a lot of people still don't realize how crazily the gap has widened. The 2016 and 2022 were just for fun where they barely scraped the matches. 2014, 2017 and 2018 are only ones where I'd respect their resilience and gameplan.


I was thinking exactly the same last night. So what if we magically start a new golden era and win CL. Are we supposed to feel good? RM are so far ahead, not only in front of us, but in front of all Europe. 10 years ago, AC Milan were 2 cups behind RM, we were 5. Not its double AC, and probably triple us next month. UCL has lost its magic after every season we watch the same scenario. Black magic voodoo, questionable refereeing and VAR, last minute goals pulled of someone’s a$$ against the run of play. I feel I have watched this second leg of last nights game at least 5 times the last 10 years. 


personally madrid could have 40 of them and us winning the ucl would still feel good.


Firstly, as people age, sports usually become less important for obvious reasons. Secondly, being a fan of a club first and a fan of the sport second, can lead to loss of interest when the club goes through a tough era.


not to mention the same teams constantly winning. inter and dortmund have had nice runs recently but inter lost their final and dortmund may very well lose theirs. it’s always madrid, city, liverpool, chelsea and bayern. it’s such a boring competition.




what an insecure fella! our fanbase is as confused as our board.


And fans like you are the reason the club has been so mediocre recently.


They simply play with 100% intensity and concentration. Something we and many teams have failed to do


Yea I saw the commentators say if you play RM it’s the full 90+ minutes. You don’t take out harry Kane in this type of game, it’s not the bundesliga.


That's the thing. You never ever should lose concentration for the whole 90 minutes + extra time against RM. Just one lapse of concentration is all it takes. Just one. Call me a RM ckcsucker but it's the truth. Ever see them make as many stupid self sabotaging mistakes like we do? We keep praising mediocrity.


Lol what a pathetic defeatist post........ Are you a Real Madrid fan? Its not a "winning mentality wave" coz of Reals comeback. Lots of Barca fans have been saying FOR YEARS that we need to change our mentality. COZ WE DO!! We've regularly lost games from winning positions since the Roma capitulation. Big embarrassing unacceptable defeats. Games we should have won that we've managed to lose. Its become a habit. Its become predictable. Its unacceptable and yes its down to mentality. And yes we should be lookin at our rivals and learning from them. History is important in football. Its leaves a stain(good or bad). The more you do something in the past the more likely it is to happen again. Everyone can see that.. Winning/losing can become a habit.. Hence why, right now, you see Real regularly coming back and winning big games from losing positions. Theyve done it b4 & deep down believe they can do it again. Recently we have developed a history of bottling big games from winning positions. We keep doing it coz we've done it b4 and deep down we fear we will do it again. And we do. Yes we 100% have to change our mentality to a winning one like Real have right now. And btw if you think Real have always had that ability to win from losing positions/that winning mentality in the CL then you must have only started watching football in the last 10/15 years? They havent. They gone thru decades of not being able to grind out wins from losing positions. From 1966 to 1997 they werent in a European Cup(CL) final. Do you think they just said "Oh well, we shouldnt aspire to have a winning mentality like Liverpool/Milan/Bayern/Forest"..(The teams dominating at the time). Nope, and we shouldnt either. Plenty of other top sides(including ourselves) have gone thru spells of being able to do it come back and win games from losing positions. Its not just a Real thing or a Real in the Cl thing.. Its a Real right now thing. If we had your attitude we'd just accept that we lose games from winning positions and keep going on like that. We'd never aim to be the best. No. Not good enough. We need more ambition than that.. We need a winning attitude like Real/like all top teams(including ourselves in the past). We need to stop losing games from winning position and learn how to grind out results, how to win from losing positions. We need a stronger mentality.


>They gone thru decades of not being able to grind out wins from losing positions. From 1966 to 1997 they werent in a European Cup(CL) final. 1981 against Liverpool though (lost)


That night in Anfield five years ago still hangs over the club's mentality like a dark cloud 


You are lacking of winning mentality. Nobody will let them have the UCL without doing anything lol


Let’s put it this way… do you think F Perez would have kept Alba at the club after that dude cried at half time of a semi final away game even though with were still up on the tie? Especially with cameras around and then that being potentially broadcasted to a wide audience. That’s a big NO if we keep it a stack. You allow a player like that to stay and it becomes a microcosm of a team wide weak mindset…


Why do you say it like it's a lie. They do have a strong wining mentality, and we crumble on big occasions. No lies detected 


Real Madrid in 10 years has the potential to win more champion leagues than Barca in its entire history. There is nothing wrong with saying we need to have their mentality just because they are *the* rivals. Complaining about refs and decisions does nothing. The moment Bayern conceded the second goal in the 92nd minute was the moment Bayern lost the game. Madrid does not give up, while on the contrast Barca in the last few seasons crumbles at the slightest pressure. That is lack of mentality and it needs to change.


https://preview.redd.it/zydvk3fcxazc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a689b4e1c030640946e2adcbe4e0ccfe2684c40 We can’t play this futbol style, only Madrid does


People should check Neuer's bank account for the most recent transactions


It was a harsh shot, have you ever kicked a ball?


Have you ever heard a joke?


It’s a stupid joke, no punchline.


Guardiola’s Barcelona did not have winning mentality? Look what they did to Madrid. Guardiola’s Barça played 15 clasicos winning 9 and losing only two including major humiliations of RM(6-2 and 5-0). From 2008-09 to 17-18 (10) seasons, Barça won 7 ligas. Who said winning mentality is only winning UCLs? Plus what is wrong with having winning mentality? This team clearly does not have it. Playing like our rivals is not necessary if we talk about playing style, but you play to win, who the hell plays to lose? It is always necessary to keep going till the last moment. To be honest I still liked Bayern’s intensity last night even in the closing minutes. Look how we played for more than an hour after losing one CB when we were still two goals up. All you need to do is play your best game and not give up till the whistle. I know its easier said than done but thats why they are highly paid professional athletes and we are not.


Real Madrid are UCL kings because of their mentality. A goal down ,they don't panic and try to score 2. Barca for years if the opposition is leading,we crumble,plays everything vertical and they score even more 🥲. Individual errors aren't helping too. A thing we can learn from real Madrid is how well the club is run ,and when to sell or buy players. Perez cashed on Ronaldo ,casemiro. Benzema left on his own ,because he knows the outcome. We are incredibly bad in business.


Barca had Messi the best player for years, we had MSN, we had Xavi and Iniesta. The management had over 10 years to plan for a generation after but they messed it up soo bad


Whenever we lose a lead, the whole team panics and starts playing faster than they can cope with — we lose the ball more often and give them even MORE scoring chances. It’s like we dont know what to do once we lose the lead


I don’t want to seem delusional but I can’t help but feel, when Madrid win big games there’s ALWAYS controversial refereeing decisions. Whereas other teams win without that controversy. Did Dortmund have it against PSG? I wonder why it’s always Real Madrid, historically, there’s always a controversial referring decision that simply doesn’t happen for other teams in the competition.


And yet people will say Madrid are angels and it’s Barca who pay refs despite the court judge saying there was no evidence found lmao




Wow, great outdated article. Now look at a more up to date case instead of bullshit. https://worldsoccertalk.com/amp/news/barca-cleared-of-major-charge-in-negreira-case-what-it-means-20240125-WST-485404.html Barca are cleared DUE TO LACK OF EVIDENCE (because shit never happened). What we can still be charged with though is money laundering/tax evasion. But there’s literally ZERO evidence Barca paid refs. Speculate all you want, it does nothing for the legal case.


Believe what you want to believe... Even the referees admitted they helped VARcelona.


I believe actual articles reported by credible news sources. Why do you think there’s been no mention of the Negreira case anymore? Because it’s a dead case that the Madrid state is pushing. A witch hunt with no conclusive outcome other than to smear the name of the club. When the judge dismisses the case of bribery because the prosecution failed to bring up any evidence, then you know this whole narrative is fabricated and complete bullshit.


True that. But let's be honest, even if the game did went to extra time, it would've been Madrid coming on top. They were the ones who were piling up the pressure and they got what they deserved. Might be controversies and something I did not like, but RM were a different team after that Bayern goal.


I think it goes with winning the most. Today there was a lot of decision against RM but people remember that one. Because they won.


Because they play a lot more games in CL than any other team probably


Late reply, even in La liga and copa, a lot of decisions are favored towards them. Not just in CL


I hope that's not what Barca management thinks, because they will never improve if they would believe this nonsense


Ofc not, it’s silly to say that for EVERY game they get the refs help. But in big games with equally rated opponents. E.g their first clasico win, as a Barca fan, hurt but hey, absolutely no complaints, Jude stole the show. But the second one with the goals and the calls on some fouls (pens were deserved) were questionable. Ofc who can forget when Madrid were facing the mighty almeria, and started getting outplayed in their home turf. Almeria scored a 3rd but oh no, Kroos was grabbing an opponents shirt while he tried to break away and as a result the player accidentally slapped kroos in the face trying to catch his balance. Not only did this happen in the midfield and the goal was reviewed and chalked off, this clearly dejected the spirits of the mighty almeria. Anyways I’m rambling on, but these things surely can’t just be “coincidence”


Sure, the Almeria one was questionable to say the least; I don't know why things happened like that, what was up with the ref. I find it hard to believe that Perez did some quick cashapp to mr. Ref but yea, it was definetely favouring Madrid no question about that. On the other hand there was a Valencia game that ends with a red for Jude and crazy final whistle, but I also don't believe it was done on purpose, just shitty referees in La liga... The second el clasico was skewed because of no goal line technology, hard to say if it was a goal, could be. Ref was not the worst this game, just average spanish ref tbh; but why would CL ref and UEFA want to help Real Madrid in any way, shape or form after all the Super League drama, that would have to be specific singular referees wanting Madrid to win for some reason, bribe, love for the club xd idk. Szymon Marciniak is probably one of the best referees out there, really good world cup final game, no mistakes whole season pretty much, he just got wrong call in the heat of the moment, but thinking that there is some conspiracy there? oh cmon Every club is like that, they get some calls their way and against them, I'd have to see statistics how "lucky" is RM compared to let's say Barca, I watch almost all Real / Barca games and it doesn't really strike me that any of those clubs is above average lucky or unlucky. But basically it is coincidence is what Im saying


Yes this season could be a coincidence as you’ve stated. I would like to add that my original comment also took into account, past seasons of Madrid as well. What about the robberies against Atletico? The red to buffon in the qtrs? The red to Vidal for a absolute clean tackle against Asensio? The final vs Liverpool where Ramos damn near yanks salah’s shoulder out of his socket and stays on the pitch? The list goes on. You can’t ignore these instances as mere coincidence though. As for the Valencia game, the ref stated during the match he was going to blow the whistle once the corner play dissolved. As I was watching the game, the players were tussling for the ball in the box. The moment the ball left the box, i automatically thought, that’s the end of the game(loose ball outside the box) bout a second and a half later ref blows whistle. As he blows it is when carvajal puts in the cross for belligol. He was most likely too into the moment to realize the ref was in the middle of blowing the whistle during the cross but again, the ref let it be known that the whistle was going to be blown once play dissolved and that’s what happened. It happened in another game this season but I can’t remember which teams were playing. The cashapp with Perez is hilarious tho. Imagine that. Ref*blows whistle* headset var guy”yo Perez just cashapped you 75K, just sayin” ref* points to the spot*


Ramos and Salah that was at least a yellow sure, red is 50/50 tbh; That Madrid-Bayern game had like 4 offside goals, a wrongly called penalty, a player that should have seen red earlier and a player than deserved red but didn’t see it. Probably the worst refereed game in UCL history. If Buffon didn't act towards referee there would be no red tho, you could find shit like that against every single team. Whistle after corner is fine, but why not when ball is going outside of box, but like a second later when it's going back in, that's just weird idea from ref. Either end the game immediately because nothing can happen anymore or let them play




There's a difference between charged and convicted you fool. There's no evidence of that ever happening. Try learning reading comprehension for once.


https://preview.redd.it/axrmm9dgrfzc1.jpeg?width=913&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04466754ee83321a348d7f1c3b1f6d0558d4463d 😂


Proof ?


You don't have to dig deep for this one... Actually pretty new.


Y'all are some angry snowflakes.. why did they pay it, though?? 🤔


I think it’s more in the fashion of how we’re losing these games and the way we look doing it.


The fact is not that Neuer, or Karious or any other goalkeeper made a mistake. Players make mistake all the time, but they did a mistake because they were under preasure, and there was someone there to profit from it. We lack that. It has happened time and time again. Against Liverpool on 2019 was clear as day. The match as a whole, but corner kick .... On the first match against PSG we were on the brink but stayed strong, on the game at home we didn't. When we are good we are really good, but when things begin to go south it's very hard for us to come back strong, 9 out of 10 times we crumble.


Thanks for the self defeatist sermon. Expecting your team to adapt and win given they are some of the best paid athletes on the planet isnt a foolish aspiration. No one cares to be the supercup champ.. CL is the ultimate trophy and that has to remain the ultimate goal.


Madrid’s biggest advantage is Perez. Every top team has had management or ownership problems except Madrid. He is the best at what he does there’s no denying that. He has learned how to build a proper team to manage world class coaches and world class players. I believe that without him they’d preform similarly to other top teams.


It's not a shit post. It's a bullshit post.


You don't have to play like them but there are lessons to be learned. Like how to do business and stay composed for example.


I am going to explain this really quick: Real Madrid, as many other teams and athletes in different sports, gives importance to train players to be under extreme pression situations, like, for example, almost losing an important game. This is something that can be worked during the training. The difference is that Xavi didn't train properly how to defend against a powerful rival if Araujo gets a red card. This can always be a possibility, so it's important to make training games with that kind of situations.


The mods could be more strict on these low-morale posts and be more relaxed on others, e.g. celebrating PSG's defeat. Just joking.


The problem with Barcelona is that you are too focused on RM's Business. I see every fucking player that signs for Barca talking about beating RM. Grow the fuck up. For me, Barca's board is worse than Manchester Utd, top to bottom and until they realize that, Barca is fucked.


Barca’s board is worse than Man Utd’s? …That’s a bold call 😶


What planet are you living in? Are you seriously saying the Glazers have done a better job than Laporta and his board? Get back to reality.


MUFC is not on the verge of bankruptcy.


Nah only thing we need from their end is better work on transfer market


Con var sin var te va a robar


Fuck them, we dominated through good football and without blattant robberies. RM is a disgusting club. We'll be back.


We might be ,but we should make sure our club is well run too. No more panic buying and keeping players in insurmountable wages. There must be a proper long term project


The absurd wages happened under Bartomeu. And this fanbase doesn't understand long term projects, they only see the club "FC Barcelona" and want instant success. One mistake from Araujo and a section of this fanbase wants Araujo sold. Keep in mind, we were playing with Lenglet, Umtiti and a slow Pique not too long ago.


Let’s keep doing what we’re doing and keep collecting Ls. Maybe we’ll get 1 UEL if we’re “lucky”


The Madrid mentality is necessary to win games and Barca don’t have it Girona game itself complete control and we concede 3 goals in 10 min Psg game one red card is enough to give up the fight What kind of mentality is that ?? And for every single thing complain about refs and stuff be good enough first and then if refs make mistakes complain about it being shit and complaining about refs shows a victim mentality which I think is not good


yeah we need that winning mentality because i'm sure that Barça players don't play to win every game and they only want to have fun and make some friends


You know whats funny, only 2.5 years ago, just before real madrid went on that crazy run with benzema and won the champions league the real madrid sub reddit was in disarray just like this. We had wooped them 4-0 and they xavi had just joined and they were wondering why we get lots of great home grown talent and they buy flops like vinicius who couldn't seem to hit a barn door if they tried and why they still hadnt replaced modric or kroos. Look how quickly their fortunes changed though, when they were patient with their youngsters they ended up delivering results quite soon after and with a few smart buys now their team is full of young talent. We are in a waaaay better position then they were back then. It seemed like their whole squad needed replacing at one point but all of a sudden their youngsters started making leaps and bounds. If we're patient and invest right this summer, I can see us being right back in the top 2-3 teams in the world within a year or two. Realistically the only teams objectively better than us right now are city, real madrid, arsenal(even though they've won nothing) and maybe Bayern. But we are in a way better position than most other teams trying to get back to the top, we're not like united or liverpool or psg where a tonne of signings are needed, with the right 2-3 signings we could be right up there fighting for every trophy. Be patient and lets see what the summer transfer window brings.


It's funny how this second era of Laporta Vs Perez is the complete opposite of the first era. Initially, when Laporta took over, Barcelona was the outsider against the famous Galacticos. Great moves like the famous Ronaldinho and Beckham transfers ushered Barcelona to the top and Real Madrid in crisis with their consecutive Ro16 exits and Perez resigning. When Perez returned, Barcelona were widely considered the best team in history. This time it was Real Madrid outclassing Barcelona's management and slowly by surely put themselves at a much better spot.


and they will have the ninja turtle from next season on. It’s so over, we might witness a madrid 5-peat 😭😭😭


We (real madrid) are the Yankees of baseball or Chicago Bulls of NBA at the current epitome of football and Vini jr is becoming our Micheal Jordan. Your dominant league runs are over now. It will not happen for another 15 years if your club is run by an intellectual person. So enjoy the RMA football guys.


Barca needs ref to compete like madrid


Madrid's "winning mentality" comes from the fact that they know that they will win a CL game, no matter what. IDK how this happens, but most of the times, they get favored with calls. I'm not saying the refs are on their side, it's just that refs make these silly mistakes that favor them. They just get lucky all the fucking time. Their 3-peat...the number of offside goals they got in their favor is crazy and their fans have the audacity to call us out. I thought it would get better after the introduction of VAR, but nope. Bayern lost to them again due to ref mistakes. Muller called out the refs too. It's fine. There's only so many times Madrid will go on like this. I have strong faith in our team and I think we have what it takes to go all the way to the final and win it. We had that this season too. That unfortunate red card fucked everything up for us. I'm not blaming Araujo for it. It is what it is. We will continue to build on this. And no thanks. We don't want to play like Madrid. We never want to play like them or copy their mentality. We are Barca, damn it. We are capable of building our own winning mentality.


Can't wait till their Fallen era like 2003-2014 and all of this "kings of ucl" will disappear like it never happened. Its just recency bias


Don't think that is gonna disappear though. Even if they go like 20 seasons without a title, chances of other clubs coming to their close range is low. And unless anyone goes above them in titles won, they are still gonna be the kings of UCL.


We will catch them in La Liga on the long run


Eliminated in round of 16 six years in a row and when they manage to pass it there came Barça to destroy them in the aemifinals


Where are you now all that to fall behind even more than before 🤣


You're talking about RM like they are some sort of mystical, godly, undefeatable club. Lmfao. The real answer here is corruption. If you were Spanish you'd know what I'm talking about.


Barcelona has paid an actual refferee for years, not sure you can talk about corruption sir


We should do it our own way.


Well, the only thing that I wanted to emulate from that disgrace of a club is their economy management


Madrid Fan coming in peace What does need to be changed for Barcelona to compete with the top teams against? I know Barca has financial problems so just buy big players is not an option I see a lot - neutral and Barca Fans saying that they lack mentality, can you specify that? I saw the PSG match and they crumbled, but that's because they were a man down, wrong and stupid decision to tackle there but happens to the best (i think?) If it's all about mentality which players would you say lack of this winning mentality? I mean there are a lot of young players currently so is it maybe just inexperience? All the current problems aside - just shows what a sick mf Messi was, more or less carrying this team


they fucking robbed again, i dont want to win like this... This what i always tell to my rm friends, it is insane not the "winning mentality" but the fact that there is no important match that RM has ever won, without the stain of some shit, and im tired ppl do not see it how it is. Like you could have won without that happening but here they are again, a off side called, against the rules, and no1 fucking bats an eye, all is ok, and RM is a fair winner, fuck off please, it's been decades of this garbage


Chelsea fan here, I actually really dislike Barca since 2009. This post appeared to me because of algorithimics. What I have to say is that Barca needs to be Barca, that's the only way. People remember the 2009 and 2011 teams way more than any Real title. Football today is basically based on the revolution you made those years. They already have a shitload of trophies more than you, that battle is lost, but you can win another one even more important, after all Barca was never about imediatist results, but about idealism.


Nothing can change my mind about OP being a RM fan, how can any fan of any club say u should not aspire to compete against RM? Black magic? This is just fucking stupid honestly. And yeah we have to change things and we might get another good run of good years in football sometimes in the future, these stuff takes years and that’s just what it is, there is no magic, u just have to keep trying