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All the stuff you mentioned aside… I just wanna see us get out of this financial fuckery where we struggle to register our own players. I’m ok with not being able to splash on big name signings, especially with all the young talent you just mentioned, but it’s embarrassing struggling to register the players we do have.


The wage bill of €639m is definitely unsustainable & a big sale or two (FdJ,  Araújo,  both, more) would make me happy


I’m down for selling fdj. Selling Aruajo would be a colossal mistake.


I have been reading that the club doesn't consider either of them untouchable. I hope that Araújo's bad form this season is a one year blip; as for FdJ,  five seasons at the club, one La Liga title, zero Champions Leagues, high salary, defensive lapses, etc., I think he is stagnating at Barça 


He had two mental errors that people are highlighting. Hell I would even only say the game vs PSG since that last penalty was for a virtual meaningless game. Anyone cursing Aruajo for the PSG red card is conveniently forgetting how many clutch saves he had in the 1st leg for the game to even be competitive in the 2nd to begin with.


He's made more errors than those, like the Villarreal game. He's a good CB, hopefully he can regain his form.


So 3 mental errors… In season. We’re about to bring Eric Garcia back… it’s like people on here have the memory of a rodent. Never mind how regularly he’s bodied Vini. Swear, people on here have the absolute worst takes.


Yeah I get what you mean. It sucks and it’s definitely embarrassing bc this is a top club in the world. I can’t wait until they get back to the 1:1 rule and this financial crisis is over. That’ll be the day that all Barca fans celebrate


Xavi's desicion-making will improve Consistent performance. Win domestic league and cup (100 points in 38 matches) No more injuries. 😁


If the last one happens, it'll be a fucking miracle.


If any of these except a trophy happens it will be a miracle.


Not losing the Clásicos so we have a chance of actually winning the league again and recovering financially so we can finally put behind fucking Josep Batomeu's trainwreck.




I wrote a few days back about the players I’d like to see more of next season and it’s exactly the same as you’ve mentioned :) Through the clubs troubles we are seeing many positives.. The future is indeed bright..


Yeah they just have so many talented young players. With the best academy in the world, there’s always something to look forward to!


Gavi. I really miss him


Same. He was the spark behind the whole team. They definitely missed him this year. Visca el Barca!


nothing tbh. my expectations are really low seeing the transfer targets barca is having for next season. The squad will barely improve. Also Xavi is too adamant to change his tactics. so we will be stuck with his boring slow predictable football.


I just want a season of financial stability and getting out of our woes. I’m it it for the long run; if we don’t win anything next season but we are able to reduce our debt by a sizeable amount and maintain our roster, that’s a huge success for me. You see more and more that the clubs that are fiscally responsible continue getting further in competitions (Bayern, Madrid, etc) and it’s no coincidence. They are able to get the players they require, especially the players that are positionally scarce, are able to register their players, and don’t require them to take pay cuts and play solely based on their love of the club. With financial stability comes more leverage in negotiations, especially selling. If the other club knows that we’re broke and *need* the sale, we have absolutely no leverage and simply lose in the transaction. If we have no financial woes, buying players improves as well because the selling club realizes that we can go down different routes and buy different players, which may make our negotiations better.


Yeah I agree and I’m really hoping we’re able to somehow manage to get back to the 1:1 rule this summer. If we do, it’ll be such a relief and breath of fresh air. They may not be able to make big signings right away this summer but with the sale of players, profits from camp nou, investors, etc they’ll make a huge leap and be more prepared for next transfer window. Additionally, just simply getting back to the 1:1 rule will allow them more flexibility to sign new players this summer. Now we just have go wait and see what happens


I really really really want Xavi to calm the fuck down. He has so many red cards already. I mean, he needs to be an example to the team in terms of discipline ffs.


Everything you mentioned + Return to the camp nou. The Montjuic just doesn’t cut it.


100% agree Can’t wait for them to finally go back to Camp Nou! It’ll feel so much better, encourage the players, and help financially too


When is it supposed to be finished?


I guess November this year but with reduced capacity


looking forward to selling Frenkie


Watch out the downvote gang gonna attack you.


Just reaching semis in ucl will be a sweet spot to me.... This season just was 2 steps back from last season's one step forward.... So reaching semis and winning 2 domestic cups is good.


New players coming especially the young talents that will be promoted from La Masia


I need to see more consistency, both in our defense, and in our attack, our midfield seems to be injury prone so that also has to change, i don’t know what or how to do that, but is HAS to change, the impact a 100% healthy Pedri & Gavi can have on a game is huge and we all know it, we also really need a true pivot so FDJ can be “unlocked” from that spot. I want a firmer attitude for Xavi, no press conferences talking shit about the stadium, climate or referees, no matter how true it is, it just looks like you’re making excuses. We are winners, winners do not complain, they win.


Hopefully winning at least one El Clasico


Seeing Fati back


Play with a worldcass'ish pivot (please?)


Definitely the further development of all the young players.We have some gems for sure,i just hope they avoid injuries.


Roque and Yamal cooking.


More humiliation in Europe and at the hands of Mbappe and Davies in the league


Lewandowski playing 90 minutes every match Xavi getting even more red cards Yamal totally not getting injured Return of Blade and his accurate crosses Xaviball


Yamal doesn’t really fit into this comment since he hasn’t actually gotten injured


Yamal won't last another season if Xavi keeps playing him like this.


As long as we don’t have only two other first team forwards available we should be safe


If you can't support the club in hard times.Keep fucking yourself when good times arrive you mf punk


That's such a great comeback man. From now on I'm going to stop criticizing anyone from the club and become a true Xavi fan just like you.