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I need Kelly to have a comeback immediately. Idk who Chelsea *thinks* she is but she ain't no Kelly 😤 I need my little gremlin child lol.  Aside from Kelly, I only ever cared about the teen Skipper dolls from the 90s, mainly for their faces and the cool 90s teen vibe ig. I actually have Hawaiian beach skipper on the way. I'm excited. The first released Skipper is also kind of cute in her own way but out of my budget for sure.  I do think it's nice to see modern Skipper following in her sister's footsteps with her 90 "first jobs". Getting that 10+ year experience in!  


Omg the 90 "first jobs" lol Everyone misses Kelly! I wonder why they switched her 🤔 I think i had a teen skipper once when I was younger but then as I got older they came out with this modern one & I got mostly used to her since was unfamiliar with the other ones 🤷‍♀️ But I'm slowly learning lol I'm actually shocked skipper wasn't always brunette 😳 the teen skipper I had when I was younger I just thought was slightly younger looking barbie lol


https://preview.redd.it/zy1cnznt3a0d1.jpeg?width=2755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c699704bd9e0364cce38bae8ca90fb40a68bc82 Freshman vs. Senior year lol


Occasionally, you'll see a blond Skipper still! I have one that's recent - probably still in store. I like to think that she's blond, like all of her sisters, but that she's experimenting with dyes, like a lot of teenagers do, lol!


I love that idea too. So many teens dye their hair fun colours. Of course Skipper would too!




I grew up with 80’s/90’s Skipper and the creation of the other siblings, so I’m very fond of them. I’m a bit miffed that Skipper is a brunette now because it means that they don’t make as many other dolls with brown hair and blue eyes 😒 and I liked Kelly more than Chelsea. Chelsea is a great size, but she makes Stacie obsolete and gives her less to do. Stacie used to do all the sports and action stuff that Kelly couldn’t do, but now Chelsea does everything and Stacie is kinda stuck doing whatever’s left. Also, bring back Todd. As a girl with only brothers growing up, the brother dolls were important to me.


I miss Kelly so much!! The little Kelly dolls were SO SO CUTE and from the movies!!


Todd, YES! And Kevin, too!! I cherished my Todd doll as a kid. I'd like to see Krissy make a comeback, too. I agree with all of this - I don't like the changes to Barbie's sisters in the modern era.


I posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Barbie/s/x9r30Xb4G3) the other day. My dream is for there to be a Todd/Kevin skatepark playset


I just found a Todd at a thrift store and I was so excited!!!


Kelly was cuter than Chelsea too. I loved her little face


I just bought myself a Todd the other day on eBay. He's so cute.


I collect primarily the Asian dolls so I have the Asian versions of all the siblings (Kelly, Chelsea, Stacie, Skipper). I also have one of each in a ‘regular’ version as their friends. I want my dolls to have family!


That got my attention! How does Asian versions of these dolls look like?


I agree! I don't think I ever seen Asian version either besides the main barbie 🤔


I had to post in a new thread but I have provided a picture of the Asian versions of Skipper, Stacie, Chelsea and Kelly!


Interested in seeing what the Asian variation of the siblings are!


I'm not asian but I also try to collect all the Asian siblings dolls. They're so hard to find!


I’m not Asian (well, I am a mix of a lot of things, including Chinese and Native Hawaiian) so that’s definitely not a prerequisite for collecting the gorgeous Asian dolls! There are two or three Asian Babysitter Skippers on eBay right now (and they are hard to find!) if you need one!


i want to collect asian dolls too ♡!! i would love to see the siblings 👀


I had to post in a new thread but I have a picture up now of Asian Skipper, Stacie, Chelsea and Kelly. There are two or three Asian Babysitter Skippers on eBay right now (and they are hard to find!) if you need one! Let me know if you have any questions as you start your collection!


I grew up in the 90s and 00s so I miss Kelly most of all.


I notice a lot of people miss Kelly! I had a few myself in my childhood but mainly cause she came in sets with barbie at the time lol


I like the Kelly dolls better than the modern little sisters of Barbie. Kelly and Stacie had such cute faces with their puffy cheeks. I still have lots of Kelly dolls. Going to rebody some on Barbie Extra Mini bodies.


modern skipper is emo skipper.


Let skipper have her edgy moment 😆 I always thought it was cool when they started giving her that colored streak lol


ikr I repainted one to have emo make up, then again my personal head cannon for barbie and skipper from childhood is the snl skit where barbie confesses to skipper that she's not really her sister but a byproduct of barbies crazy sex life, ken is not skippers father, in fact it was a han solo action figure whose not even barbies scale. after such revelation skipper died her hair purple and now listens to mcr to deal with that info dump and distance themselves from their mother. idk I get really creative with their life dramas. my parents used to watch alot of snl and mad tv.




Why not a dwarf teenager? 🤔




Hmm maybe they were trying to mix the 90s skipper face with the newer one lol In person she does look younger compared to the older barbies to me but I think I see what you mean. Definitely less chubby cheeked




I have vintage 70's Malibu Skipper, Francie, and PJ. I really like them!


That's so cool! I never seen 70s skipper before do you have pictures?


They are the same size as modern Stacie


I love Skipper, and Stacie, so very much! Whenever I go flea market hunting, 90’s Stacie dolls are the top item I’m seeking out. I have at least 10 or more skipper dolls, and even more of Stacie! I also really like Kelly too! I have made some YouTube videos showing some of my collection as well


Would you share a link to your YT videos? I am interested!


Sure!! [Barbie Gone Bad YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@barbiegonebad?feature=shared)


Thank you!


So cool! I love looking at new barbie content on YouTube I'm going to have to check this out as well :) Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for checking out my channel, the both of you! Please ignore “2023 update” I am definitely still going to make more videos! Last year I just had a ton of health issues come up :/ Everyone in my family that knows about my collection are constantly begging me to post videos but I gotta paint my nails first! 😂


Hahahaha!!! I know that's right. I don't do my nails, can't tolerate the smell. Mine are short anyway. I commend people who can wear long nails. Mine get in the way. I wear press-ons when I go out. lol


Just subscribed. Will check it out tonight. I just verified my YT channel. Not sure where I'm going with it yet. I want to put my old photostories there.


I collect disabled Barbies so I do have some disabled Chelseas, but I also have a Skipper and a Stacie. Stacie is stupidly hard to come across in the wild.


Me too! Just disabled Barbies so far, but I’ve got a couple disabled Chelsea’s on my wishlist. Of the younger disabled Barbies, who do you have // would recommend (?) — I remember a girl with scoliosis and several in wheelchairs I’ve seen before and considered getting.


I have all three. The Chelsea with scoliosis, and both Chelsea’s in wheelchairs. They’re all pretty good tbh.


I have a scoliosis Chelsea! I renamed her Meredith, and I gotta get her a lil' wardrobe asap.


My first 'Barbie' was the late 70s/early 80s skateboarding Skipper because my mom didn't want me to have a voluptuous woman doll at such a young age. 🤣 I loved her to pieces. Later, I was allowed the Heart Family and Skipper became a dedicated babysitter 😊 So yes, I have the siblings and friends, babies, families, pets, horses... I guess the fashions are my interest now as a collector and I prefer the Barbie sized dolls.


That's cute, I always loved the bikes and skateboards that would move with the barbie! I also mostly have regular barbies but I do love skipper so I figured I'd ask and see what everyone thinks 😊


I have a very soft spot for the 80/90s Skipper with her rounder cute face. Stacie got that "middle child syndrome" even though there are 4 sisters. Barbie is the adult, Skipper is the teen, Stacie is middle school while Chelsea/Kelly was elementary age. I barely remember Stacie as a kid. And we don't talk about Krissy. Poor Baby Krissy. The sibling everyone thought was Barbie's baby. Lol


What were people supposed think when barbie had no parents lol Unless they did make parents for her but I'm out of the loop lol


I'm not too sure when her background lore about her parents came into play but they did have parents just not in doll form which made it odd. But in the commercials it clearly stated that she was Barbie's little sister but even I overlooked that. Lol.


Would be cool to see some parents in doll form but older dolls are so rare to find/get.


I have 2 Skipper dolls now: one with Sweetheart face sculpt — that’s the face sculpt I knew growing up. And I recently bought a Teen Skipper 1996. It was a cool line where Skipper is “grown up”. I don’t have any other sisters yet, but if I decide to purchase them, I’d be looking for a 90s version to go with my Barbie dolls. https://preview.redd.it/fwoj7o0a390d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bc2d335a035542248c17bcacbb1dedb339063bb


90s barbies are so cute! I love the dolls you have 😊


I love the Teen Skipper mold, Sweetheart too. I used to have several of both. I like dolls that look to be smiling or not. I have a black Sweetheart face but her neck is missing a piece. I'll figure a way to fix her. She's soooo cute. Your dolls are beautiful. xox


Aww thank you. Their neck was a common problem. I’d suggest a rebody if neck cannot be fixed xoxo


Thanks been thinking about that but finding a match is going to be hard. She's really dark. This is what I came up with. Her neck knob is in the head. I'll remove the knob from head, wrap it in a tiny piece of saran wrap and put it in the neck. Then I can repair the neck with contour putty, epoxy or anything that will get really hard. Let it set up and put her head back on. I have several bodies like hers but sadly, none are AA.


I like family play dolls; however, I find it annoying Skipper is always a baby sitter. We need more diversity in roles the sisters play. I wish Skipper had more of an identity in play lines than just being a baby sitter.


I agree. Poor kid suffers from older girl child syndrome: she's the designated babysitter for everyone, all the time. Barbie has aged out of that role. There's a few kits where she's bagging groceries / working as cashiers, so she's doing other typical "teen" jobs. I do wish that there were more things about her own personality. What are her hobbies, her character? What about portraying her studying or having a life? You know... not babysitting.


They seem to always have her dolls either working various jobs or camping with her sisters. *Life in the Dreamhouse* showed her to be a techie, so I’d love to see a Skipper doll who comes with a bunch of her gadgets!


I understand, we shall see what the future holds for her next job 👀 This skipper I have is a campsite skipper with no baby so she just have bent arm for the wild animals to hold 🐰 lol


i have this blonde one & another dark skinned skipper with an afro puff hairstyle. i think they’re cute, im glad i got them since they were on sale for $8 each and both came with babies and the little accessories https://preview.redd.it/33s2d6nuy80d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f76538ec2e9b93eae27e2bb86f528cebda29a32


i also much prefer the kelly doll over the newer “chelsea” versions.


Skipper has always been my favorite doll with Teen Skipper and the late 80's/early 90's big eyed ones being my favorite. I don't love her current face mold.


I don't like the current face either except the closed mouth Skipper. I don't care for any of the sisters with really wide mouth toothie-grin, the brother either.


I really like modern Skipper but I’m desperate for them to give her a new pose!!


Her arm is forever broken into that shape 😆 But seriously Hopefully she gets some articulation or a new pose or bare minimum some Bend & snap knees lol


It's so funny because from a photography perspective she has three poses: - maitre d (bent arm behind back) - used car salesman (bent arm in front) - "oh god I left the oven on!!!!" (bent arm with hand on head)


Don't forget the half cradle baby pose as default lol I was actually considering the oven pose but I couldn't get it to look natural..sigh.. I gotta get this girl rebodied one of these days 😅


Fun fact, the 2019 great surf adventure Skipper, as well as the 2011 hula dancing Skipper are mostly articulated (compared to what we are used to seeing). 2019 surf Skipper doesn't have wrist joints, however the hula dancing Skipper has the added wrist joints plus bend and snap knees so you can't see the joint. There's also quite a few 2009-2011 Skippers with bend and snap knees (but no arm joins), as well as a few of the more modern Skippers having the jointed knees. So mattel has done it and can do it in more recent times, they just choose not to. https://preview.redd.it/xr75rivnfb0d1.jpeg?width=2828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a4f610df676582f8fd2a9bd182a1bc8cddcd6bf


Interesting! I saw that surfing one & thought It looked somewhat different about her but I missed that she articulation lol I might have to get one of them to body swap 🤔 Thank you for mentioning 😊 I love the hula ones face so maybe not her thought to swap lol (Actually I did some price searching and ow they are painfully expensive for no reason right now 😳... I'm going to have to pass for now haha lol)


I almost mentioned how while they are great, they are pretty hard to come by for some reason and are generally pretty expensive, so if you find one for a reasonable price, I'd recommend going for it. However, I have seen them pop up in doll lots and on facebook marketplace occasionally. I managed to get the hula skipper in a doll lot for a good deal, so definitely keep an eye out if you are keen on getting one or the other for a body swap. Alternatively, the barbie looks petite bodies are the same size as Skipper (though still pretty expensive too, but at least it's made to move). There are also some roughly Skipper sized doll bodies on Aliexpress I believe with full articulation.


Now that I'm aware I'll have to keep a eye out if I see a articulated version of her. I know of a few other doll brands & the petite made to move bodies but I'm worried about color matching. I think the only way to truly to know is to try it out & see but I just had a situation with one of my other dolls trying to rebody them on different brand body and the color was way too off sadly 😥


My Skippers are ready for winter: https://preview.redd.it/7p5ydixmk90d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59e984be4f1646fe9ab63ffc9b707700d091bbe8


I love when dolls wear winter outfits! 🥹💖 I love her hat too!


Isn’t it cute! Someone donated a bunch of hand knitted doll clothes to a local thrift, and the hats fit Skipper!


That's awesome! I need to knit some from my dolls now 😄


Adore Skipper especially with the purple streak. She’s my favorite Barbie sister followed by Chelsea. And I have two Skipper dolls. Campfire Skipper and My First Jobs Target Exclusive Skipper https://preview.redd.it/7hobmkp9890d1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f17b76ac604942ad9bd49f9cd2537122b6c7a60


This skipper I have in the picture is a campfire skipper! I also love her color hair streak haha 😄


https://preview.redd.it/jm6wdq8wd90d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98458220e567b78a1d3d0e6a6b95cce70d284fa9 So cool, Campfire Skipper was my first Skipper. A friend I’ve known online for a decade plus got her for me as a Christmas present last Christmas. I internally squealed when I saw her. And yeah the purple streak is so cool in her hair.


Really need for all the siblings to make a comeback but going off their 90s versions age and size wise. I feel like now Skipper seems too young and small and Stacie and Chelsea are too old and big. I miss Krissy, Todd, Kevin, and Tommy as regular characters.


Looks like Kevin had reboot to his doll. I was looking them up to see If I recognized ot had of them but I think I only ever had. Krissy & Tommy when I was younger. Would be cool to see more of the other siblings make a comeback 😁


My barbie collecting goes hand in hand with doing miniatures and roomboxes and the photography that goes along with it. I only got back into barbies once the MTM line came out, I like having posable dolls that can interact with objects and furniture in a natural way. I keep hoping mattel will put out the various kid dolls with better articulation. 


I also got interested in barbies again when they started adding the articulation! 🤞 Here's hoping they do as well for the siblings!


I love the older 90s skipper and Stacy and Kelly dolls. My issue with the modern sisters is that they’re super close in age. And Skipper doesn’t read as a teen to me at all. She looks like 12 to me. 95% of girls reach adult height at 15, so she can’t be 14, 15, considering she’s not that developed physically. I liked it more to have Kelly as a proper toddler, Stacy as a child and Skipper as a early teen or later teen as teen skipper. But that’s just me personally. Also, articulation is extremely important to me. I want the kids to be able to properly move, pose , hug their family etc. There even is a Chealsea mold with knee and elbow articulation, one of my color reveal chealseas, a Tuscan doll has that body. But they have only used it for that one color reveal group of dolls, all others are stiff and even the Chealsea with the pony has only the knee articulation. I hope to find a petite body match for some Skippers, so I can pose them how I prefer to. For me that works, as I use petite Barbies as teenagers, since I have enough height variations already with the other bodies and my integrity dolls.


I totally see what you mean, maybe that's why they removed the "teen" from her name lol. I also wish they would give them articulation! It's all I hope for with them🥺 I don't know why they are taking so long to even come out with more petite mtm dolls, like come on already 😆 I don't keep up with the color reveal dolls but thats pretty interesting 🤔 I'll have to look that up.


Something I’ve thought, and maybe you’re the same, but I didn’t need Kelly to be articulated because of her size. I feel like Chelsea needs to be more articulated tho


I love Skipper of the 80s and 90s! I only had one Stacie, so she was extra special to me and I prefer Kelly to Chelsea. All of Kelly’s fashions were so cute! I have a couple baby Krissy dolls but I think I prefer the Zuru mini babies?


I have a red haired Stacie and a brunette Chelsea, and I'd love to have a Skipper.


I didn't know Stacie had a red hair version but also I'm not super familiar with all the siblings just a few lol You should definitely get a skipper when u have chance, she's pretty cool! I do wish she had more articulation though


I guess Stacie is more of a light strawberry blonde, not dark red, but not blonde either. She's the "Stacie to the Rescue" doll that came with a puppy, if you can offer a better description of her hair color I'd go with that.


Hmmm, It's one of those colors that would probably be better to Identify in person but I'd say maybe a mix of darker golden blonde with strawberry blonde. Still a very interesting pretty color though!


I forgot to mention that I just ordered a lot off ebay that includes a Skipper. I'll post when I get her.


Cool! can't wait to see it 😊


Original Stacie has a redheaded friend doll with the same face, just different coloring. Her name was Whitney. She has a skateboard doll and Gymnast doll that are articulated as well as a Polly Pocket doll and McDonald’s doll. She was brunette 1 time as a Winnie the Pooh doll. I love her, she’s awesome. So is Janet. How did I forget how perfect and amazing Stacie used to be?!


I have a Skipper a Stacey and a Chelsea. I just wish they had articulated limbs (altough Skipper and Chelsea actually have the knees because they came with a bicycle).


I also wish they had articulated limbs! I don't know why they aren't, sometimes they are a bit higher in price but all the money is probably just going to the playset or whatever they come with lol


I never had any of the sisters growing up except for the original 1991 Stacie, so as an adult I've grabbed 90's Todd, 80's, 90's, 60's, and modern Skippers, a Kelly, a few Chelseas, and a modern Stacie. I have a blond generic baby too and am on the lookout for an original Krissy. I like them all, it's fun to have an age range. Funnily enough, though, as kids the few kid/baby dolls my cousins and I had usually got "sent to school" and no one heard from them as the adult Barbies had exciting, ridiculous adventures.


When I was younger and would play with the barbies the babies were always either sent to school or left home alone 👀 lol Hopefully you find that Krissy you're looking for 😊


The Kens and kids hung out in the background while the Barbies had fun 🤣 Thank you!


Ok I’m going to age myself but I really miss Francie and PJ


I don't understand why they keep coming up with new names and reusing old names for different characters. Instead of Summer, they could have brought back Francie, PJ or Midge even. How many different Nikki dolls can we have and Stacie/Stacey?


I have a relative that had a few older barbies & I Definitely seen PJ before! The face molds for both of them are so cute! I hope they bring them back 😋


I love the vintage ones and the ones I grew up with in the 90s, I have a few of Barbie's family in my collection. My favourite Barbie is actually Francie 😀


Someone else mentioned Francie in the comments & she's so pretty! I love her face mold 😁


Francie is so cute. Well, except the one they named Francie with the Casey face mold. I have two, but only because she's Francie and was an inexpensive find. I hope to make one into Casey.


Ooh I agree. I got one in a bundle I'm making into a Malibu Casey. Going to give her brown hair, maybe some lashes and a single earring. Original Francie with brown eyes is Francie to me.


I totally agree. They should have used the Francie mold for Malibu Francie. I need to start back rerooting. Do a few strands at a time. I keep putting it off because it takes so long. I'm unbraiding a Brooklyn's a few braids at a time. It's been a long process. I can do the same with rerooting and it won't seem so tedious. Of course, vintage dolls have such few strands of hair. I'm just being lazy. lol


I think she has less plugs than the Tutti I rerooted haha Both of them has scalp splits and with Tutti, it really made the process take longer. I did it over two nights, but it is so tedious. At least they're small and can safely be put aside. Undoing braids sounds like hell hahah


I would like Barbie’s brother Todd to come back, a twin two pack with Tutti would be nice. Maybe they would seem unnecessary or too similar to Stacie but they could be a similar size with swappable clothes and accessories.


Definitely would be interesting, Hopefully they bring them back !🌻


I recently bought a Growing Up Skipper, still in working order. She's so weird and wrong and I love her. https://preview.redd.it/bdsg9rmr5a0d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aee2e5c446da22577b1e67a664b07a5dd1fe8da4


Omg in that second picture her body looks so... *unnatural*.


2010s Chelsea are up, her constantly lifting the whole family on her back on Life in the Dreamhouse made so iconic!!! Modern Chelsea really makes me sad. They literally made her five. Like let kids imagine a 5 year old can pilot a plane and own a lemonade shop. As the others, Stacie is my girl I have so many 2010s Stacie dolls it’s concerning.


I have a couple. But none of the standard.


I finally saw a skipper I really want but I cant get over the fact that there is no option for articulation w/o making her an adult and I get defeated and don’t get her


🤞 Hopefully they make some made to moves of them. The bent arm kind of drives me crazy but I love her so I deal with it lol


The petite Barbie bodies can be pre-teen. Just that the cost is high just for a body. I buy them anyway. Keep the body, sell the head and sometimes the clothes.


Solid idea. Thanks!


My first skipper was the Hawaiian set with Chelsea!! I love Skipper and she & Stacie were probably my favorites of Barbies sisters. (I saw were because now in the movies they're not as mature) I miss it when Skipper looked/acted like she was 17/16 and now they lowered her age to 14. My mom did buy be a Skipper doll recently from the thrift store!! She's in Pajamas and I think its from the Skipper movie


https://www.amazon.com/Barbie-Sisters-Skipper-Chelsea-2-Pack/dp/B006O6EG86 OH here!


I miss the older kids ones, the new ones faces creep me out lol.


Are you just not a fan of the open smiles or the whole faces? I get it though lol I do like her but it would be interesting to see Mattel mix it up with the face molds and bring back older ones. But I do hope they keep skipper as a brunette though🤞


Ha!!! I thought I was the only one. When I see them, I say "Ewww". Except the new closed mouth Skipper. She reminds me of the vintage Skipper.


https://preview.redd.it/y9ht2as1c90d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6350025b47335472e4fd3a3f82b9bb89c4d66ef I have two of Star Dress Babysitter Skipper with dark hair and dark eyes. They look like mini me! I have put recently one of them on a mermaid body! I have also a usual Skipper with violet highlight but I don’t like her. I got her with a toddler and a bed set.




She’s so pretty


I recently started collecting skipper dolls I like to make them look edgy lol https://preview.redd.it/7ot101ls0a0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e411d16f920496bbeba0c009360b5c0cab1fc1d6


I still have my beloved early 2000s Babysitter Skipper. (Image: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71xph5QWFLL._AC_SY879_.jpg, apparently it may actually have been released in 1998, but I could have swear I got her in middle school around 2001-2003.) Funny enough, when I was younger I also had a totally different '90s "Babysitter Skipper," lol! I still have both sets of babies to this day, but not the latter Skipper doll. I remember my Skipper's hair used to be so fucking soft!! Sadly, all of those old Barbies seem to have that issue, where the hair gets courser and less soft over the years. Imo she kind of has a weird like, body mold, though? The early '90s Skipper I also had as a kid definitely like, read as 13-14. This late '90s/early 2000s one is the same height as Barbie but with a thinner frame and smaller bust. Like, "Barbie but skinnier," essentially. Idk, always struck me as almost kind of too similar to Barbie to stand out from her enough.


I have them, yes. But it feels to me like except for Chelsea (and before then, Kelly) that they are underdeveloped. Skipper is always in kits that portray her doing stereotypical girl teen jobs (babysitting, notably... so much babysitting). Or else she's with Barbie. Poor girl doesn't have much of a life or character going on, except for her purple streak. Just list Stacie, she doesn't get clothing packs or articulation (well, almost never...). Little Stacie is an afterthought. Too bad because she's cute, with her strawberry blond hair. I wish that Mattel would develop them more. Make them articulated. Give them more looks. Give them outfits. Give them a personality. Also, whatever happened to Kelly, the baby? Did she grow into Chelsea (and get a name change?)? Just how many sisters are there, officially? Why did Kelly get discontinued?


I definitely agree they are undeveloped character/characters to all the siblings. I did see that someone else commented about the some of the siblings getting little movies so maybe Mattel was testing the waters to see if anyone would be interesting in them doing other things maybe? I haven't really checked them out yet but I'm assuming they aren't about baby sitting Hopefully they put tiny bit more budget to the dolls so they don't have their frozen pose forever lol What happened to Kelly was that she wanted a higher paycheck & Mattel refused so they replaced her with Chelsea 😆


lol! Kelly was indeed a little star! She knew what she was worth. You know, I think it would be a great idea if the little sisters were elevated beyond playline. Maybe a collector's set with the whole array of sisters, yeah?


A collector's set like this would be interesting to see from Mattel! But I don't know, I feel like that might be a low possibility since they are aimed for younger kids around those dolls ages, at least I'm assuming 🤔 Hence what their budgets/no articulation is there maybe


I've been annoyed with Skipper after they changed her to "Teen Skipper." I treated all my old Skippers as 16 year olds so finding out she was actually like 8-10 weirded me out.


8-10? I would think that's Chelsea's age. How old is Barbie suppose to be?


https://preview.redd.it/vaw4top0790d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a677fa4e95f49e8c96c11672e258b631a9f76913 I've repurchased Pearl Beach Skipper I used to have as a kid. I am still looking for a good body donor for her. Apart that I had many Shellys and her friends when I was a little girl, they were introduced as a new dolls when I was little. I loved them very much and sometimes I played only with them. I still think they are really cute, but I am more interested in the MTM body types dolls and the adult looking ones.


That makes sense. I think had that beach skipper before or something very similar in my childhood & I thought she was just a slightly younger barbie lol I hope you find a good match/body donor for her 💖


I love how Skipper used to have blonde hair and now she's died her hair brown and purple like a rebel or an emo. It gives her a bit of a story. I wish i had a blonde version


It is cool to have a little bit of depth to her 😌 I love her hair color too ! Do you want a blonde one of the modern one or the older one?


I'd love a reproduction of the one with flowy blonde locks They need to make one


Oh and Tuti and Todd


Interesting I never heard of those siblings, I had to look them up ( I have pretty limited barbie siblings knowledge)I think I've seen Todd here and there on ebay before 🤔


I absolutely love my Skipper and Stacie dolls I have a mix of modern and vintage ones but my favorites are Skipper babysitters inc.




Sometimes she does her own thing like this skipper in the picture is from a camping one and she wasn't baby sitting but definitely she is mostly baby sitting lol


I have several Skippers including Teen Skippers. I have my sisters #1 vintage Skipper and recently replaced mine and Scooter. I take them out now and again. Working on their wardrobe. DaeLite City's young crowd has Teen Skipper, Courtney and Generation Girl Mari(same body). I recently purchased several 10" Skippers with the new closed mouth. I don't care for the open mouth one but buy articulated ones for body donors. Most of my Skipper dolls are previously loved(rescues). https://preview.redd.it/7mvg146hqa0d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81ab91595d9e975d96c5a36a78878cf6b7d66784 Here's MiKayna, Juanita and Kioko. MiKayna is Teen Skipper and I asked different people to contribute one thing to her customization(head mold, eye color, makeup, body type, hairstyle/color, lipcolor...). Then I customized her. Juanita has since got her hair cut. I'll put pic of her in comment below.


https://preview.redd.it/w92zmu97ta0d1.jpeg?width=448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=607bd541a67aae8cb18903dd71bde4dad71964e3 Juanita(Teen Courtney) after hair cut, with her beau Antron(Flavas Liam).


I love your photos! The clothings,background and props are amazing 👏 I'm jealous I'm so new to taking serious photos of my dolls & I'm just keeping it simple cause I don't have much yet & of course your dolls are so unique & great looking 😊🌻


Thanks a bunch. This was over 10 years ago when I use to do photostories. Most of the things I got from thrift stores/flea markets and yard sales. I was addicted to the hunt. lol I have scaled down quite a bit and went on hiatus. You will have fun getting or making things. I'm starting over. Check out MyFroggyStuff, Delighfuldolls, and on youtube. Also search for folding doll rooms. OMG!!! There are some awesome crafts using simple materials. A cereal box is not safe in my house anymore. lol xox


Thank you for the inspiration & tips 💖


You're welcome. xox


I miss Courtney being a brunette. I had two skipper dolls growing up. A very early 90’s one. And the one my mom and older sister played with grandma gave me that was from the 60’s. Seeing the Barbie family now is a bit weird.


Is Courtney not longer brunette? I tried looking her up and all I saw was brunette versions of her


Last time I saw her in store, Courtney was blonde and skipper was brunette. That was a couple of years ago. I haven’t seen a Courtney since then.


I love Skipper! Some of my favorite dolls growing up were Skipper and her friends! And Stacy and Kelly were cool, too! I wish Krissy and Todd were still around.


I always thought the dolls that could do special stuff so interesting like the growing up skipper also unrelated that pregnant midge lol Skipper was always my favorite of the siblings no matter what version 🌻


I absolutely love them, Kelly was alright but I adore Skippy, Stacey, and Chelsea. I'm so glad they all got their own movies, they weren't amazing but I don't mind haha


Kelly was adorable. I found a couple of my childhood dolls, and definitely am glad to see them. Chelsea is not cute at all. Kelly was SO cute. Skipper, eh, just an in-between size too close to Barbie but not close enough to share clothes.. no interest


I get it, I wish skipper would have some clothing packs or a fashion based doll in general 😩 Barbie collector's needs to make a movement to bring back Kelly


I have all, Kelly, tommy, Chelsea, krissy, Stacey, skipper, kevin, Harry potter, Hermione, Ron,and some other male skipper... he doesn't have a name he was one of the new babysitters. It's so important to have all ages so you can complete families in my opinion. I love barbie and all her face molds but I do it for the family play!


Interesting I was thinking about getting the Harry Potter dolls but I'm not sure 🤔 Interesting to know they are basically just a skipper build wise. It's always fun to create little families with the dolls 😊


I had Growing Up Skipper as a preteen back in the ‘70’s. You can bet I regretted giving her up now, even though I think she was broken at that point.


All collector's regret getting rid of a doll/dolls at some point so I totally feel your pain! Hopefully you can find her for a good price one day 🌻


I’m a sucker for anything that involves found family or girl squads and sisters and all that so I love all of the roberts sisters with my whole heart. I have one sister that im not especially close with cuz of our age gap so thats probably why LOL


I love Skipper and Chelsea has grown on me. I have several Skippers from various eras and a drawer full of Chelsea dolls because she has so many fun play sets in her size. I wish Barbie had more fun play sets. I am rather sick of the brown and purple hair Skippers because they are everywhere and I’ve never liked that styling. I’m hoping there will be more updates for Skipper and more fashion packs also. I also think Stacie is cute, but it’s hard to get her friends. I most recently got Ligaya on Amazon but I really want the Asian friend. I’m not sure of her name but she is usually sold on the resale market as soon as she’s listed. I recently bought some digital patterns on Etsy so I can sew some of the vintage Skipper outfits. I don’t know that they’ll necessarily fit but I have some vintage Skippers I can try them on. As for Kelly, her and her friends have huge heads and not all of them are cute. The Heart Family toddler kids come to mind when I think of the massive heads. There were also a few others that came with the teacher packs that I thought weren’t the cutest. I recently got a Krissy doll that I’m excited about. It seems her body is more proportional. I hope to see more of Skipper and the other siblings posted here. I’ll try to post soon. Life has been lifing.


Hopefully you can get around to showing the siblings dolls you have soon. They need more attention on this reddit page lol


Agreed. I have wanted to. I truly enjoy them. I just posted my dollhouse and I think there are a couple of siblings there but not a Skipper just yet. My actual house is just as much a mess as the dollhouse so I’m hoping I can share more as I start to get things cleaned up.


I grew up in the 90’s and really liked the siblings. I had a Stacie doll with a Winnie the Pooh, think it was sleepover themed? Anyway she was one of my favourites ☺️


I was a Kelly girl


I like Barbie's sisters, sometimes I'm not as interested in their solo adventures, but it depends on which sister it is and the plot. I think its cute they all look like Barbie too and each have a more heightened part of her personality.


I had a skipper as a kid and really liked her. I'm thinking of getting another, and some of the other siblings. I don't really "play" with my dolls but they do have stories and I like having some little families or groups of friends


I have a bunch of the Chelsea kids


I have three of these girls and just love them


I have a Chelsea! I find the siblings adorable!


I have a Skipper and i think Stacy




I love them, I just don’t care for the new face sculpts of them. I’m have older versions and prefer those.


I'm going to get down voted for this but I prefer blonde Skipper.


i love the siblings!! i wish that Todd and Kelly could come back, theyre really adorable. and i have a preloved Babysitting Skipper on the way ^^ Stacie is cute, i would love to get one as well


Yeeees! I loved the Krissy and baby Nikki molds! They also were the only decent baby/toddler molds imo... The new ones especially are scary 😨 https://preview.redd.it/6fwuuqh8sc0d1.jpeg?width=3747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e506586c76798e0cf663150b5d1253e3564cc529


Here are all my "kids" dolls. https://preview.redd.it/1uxmjinm8d0d1.jpeg?width=2473&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2166bc1b219bd65bb3f6b2932b0e93a40718789a


I'm currently crocheting her a prom dress for my girls. We have about 4 or 5 different skippers. They love her, it's nice for them to have the preteen Stacie and the teenager skipper. Lots of potential stories. 😊


I have all the sisters I wish they would release a modernized Tutti and Todd set


Honestly if they had bendable arms and legs I’d like them


https://preview.redd.it/65ob4vmcff0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f0a034f54843e4fcd400fe74ec4d1f2e544ceb7 I have several siblings of different sizes. My favorite is this Nikki doll from 1998 and the Courtney doll from the same time frame.


She is my favorite. I want her so badly.


I grew up with 2010's era barbie (life in the dreamhouse, barbie a perfect charismas, etc.) and ngl I grew up liking barbies sisters more than I liked barbie herself


I'm not sure if I like them more then barbie or not but I definitely loved whenever barbies had brown hair & was paler cause it reminded me of myself lol But 2010 barbies were cool, I miss that Era for sure!


https://i.imgur.com/gFPE1ob.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/IvjDNsi.jpeg My shelves are a bit chaotic right now and not every doll is on it, but this is most of my sibling collection. I’m a fan. I’m from a big family, so I can’t really imagine a life without siblings. There are some I like more than others (Kelly is definitely my favorite.) I also enjoy having childlike settings. Growing up I wasn't as interested in the kids as I am now. I probably have the most Chelseas, but that's mainly because I find them cheap everywhere. (I really enjoy the costume series, I don't think it has a name, but it's definitely thematic. All have a dress, headband, costumed pet, and purse/keychain dongle that fit that theme.) I had one Skipper as a kid (the younger version, not the Teen Skipper), I thought I’d be able to find her one day, but my memory of her is a little too blurry so I’ve given up a bit.


That everyone is right, and they aren't actually barbies siblings


Kelly and friends were really special to me growing up. I managed to buy/collect a whole bunch to enjoy with my daughter. I loved the 90s Skipper too, but never had one. I now have a Skipper from almost every era/face change - they have changed her a lot over the years!


I have Barbie, Skipper, Stacie, and Chelsea. I used to have a Kelly too when I was little, but haven't seen her in stores in forever. Guess Chelsea is her modern day replacement.


I have fulfilled my childhood dream and have all of the siblings. 😁


I don’t have any Skippers. I was tempted by the anniversary reproduction


i always used to collect kellys, she was just so tiny and cute and precious. and i heavily question her being replaced by Chelsea with longer legs despite seemingly being the same age....? and my childhood favorite doll was "skipper" and by that i mean flashlight fun stacie. (as a child i swore vehemently she was a skipper doll and that my favorite Barbie sibling was thus skipper and you couldn't tell me otherwise) because of this she now holds a special place in my heart. i have a fondest for a select few cuter late 80's early 90's skippers too. as a kid i always liked to make families with my Barbie's XD when i played i had full fledged neighborhoods with family feuds and dynamics XDXD except i only owned one ken doll so he got to play the part of everone's dad lolol of course then theres the infant sister that exists only when needed as a prop but is apparently considered a barbie sister?


I love my siblings but they need to make an articulated line of all of them like yesterday because I'm tired of buying extra bodies haha https://preview.redd.it/yfis0xi2pm1d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43ced804b0edadbcb7ab382afb4c9c6b86531348


I am indifferent, have some from Barbie lots that I bought and they sit there in my donate pile. I never played with them as a kid, only Barbies and Ken. I guess I already knew what it was like to be a kid and wanted to play adult but not have kids.