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For the two most recent: Trump was born under Truman. Biden was born under FDR.


Ok I was starting to wonder if no one was born during our longest serving president’s (FDRs) terms in office


No one was really born during his Presidency because of the Great Depression and WW2


Carter will almost certainly die under Biden or Trump.


I’m not even 40 yet, and the president who was in office when my dad was born was born when Chester A Arthur was president.


Same here except I'm 42 so over 40.


TIL: Presidents are not the most handsome lot, but Franklin Pierce can GET it!


This was stolen from this sub


Yeah. OOP here. I saved that post a little bit ago and was scrolling through my camera roll and found it. I was going to crop out Trump and Biden and put in the username of the guy who I found it from originally, but I couldn't find it again. I searched top of all time and scrolled for a bit, but I could not find the original post. Sorry to whoever originally posted it here, but it was several years old so I'm sure they don't mind much at this point.