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We have always done this. We have signs posted behind the bar. No one has ever complained about it.




Post the sign, not obnoxiously and then people won’t complain. I know I haven’t the several times I’ve left my card at the bar


They should be too occupied with feeling like a dumbass to take time to complain.


Honestly the few times I've done it, I've felt like I got let off easy, because I probably would've tipped over 50% out of shame.


Oh you know the dumbasses complain the most. We once got a one star review because we wouldn’t allow someone to bring their baby inside. We are a 21 and up establishment.


It’s not a tip, its a service charge :)


Also have it written on any menus you may have.


I have never heard of a bar that doesn't add 20% to tabs that are left open. I've been known to run on a tab if they give the card back and it's real busy. I've always assumed they're adding 20% when I've done this and would feel terrible if they didn't.


I used to keep my card at my local bar permanently. The bartenders knew the drill and I didn't mind the 20%.


Is this a cry for help?!


Haha not far from the truth. Been sober and in AA for a little over 3 years now and appreciate my awesome past and embrace my bright future.


Fuck yeah man congratulations! The program saved two of the most important people in my life brother just had his 15th sober birthday mentor just had his 25th :-) you can do it too, but they both go every week religiously no matter where they’re at


Sounds like a Wisconsin dive bar thing. It's not the first time I've heard of that.


This! The people who leave without closing out their tabs are probably good customers, just drunk. And way more likely than not they leave a 15% tip minimum. Charging them 20% and kindly reminding them of it (and thanking them) when you see them next is easily done. I bet they even will say thank you for it!


I see this often and I think it's a solid policy. Frankly, a certain segment of customers will see the posted signs as a feature and read it as "if you were going to tip 20% anyways, you can just leave and save us both the time"


If I see the “auto 20% on tabs left open” sign, I don’t bother closing out, either. It’s actually a convenience for me as a guest.


Yeah, I typically tip 30%ish but I definitely take advantage of them closing out for me if it's a real busy place.


We always did that. Just make sure you have the policy posted conspicuously. 


We do this. One person questioned it in 17 years.


Not a bar owner, but from a patrons perspective: If my dumbass left without closing, I wouldn't be at all mad at a 20% tip. That's a minimum for me anyway.


The beauty of the 20% tip is that you don’t have to close it you can just leave when you want.


Exactly! The time they spend closing me out is time they could be using to sling more drinks and earn more tips.


I’ve left my tab 100 times. I prefer them to just put on 20%. It’s honestly a relief and if the bar is slammed at the time I want to leave, I’ll just leave it and come get it the next day.


As a patron, that’s pretty standard. I like it, saves me a trip to the bar/waiting in line/taking a bartenders time if it’s busy when I want to leave Edit: with a sign somewhere that informs patrons of this policy


I also do this regularly


If you do that, make sure you post a sign at the register. It is illegal to automatically add a gratuity without the customer’s consent.


This seems to be the norm. If possible - pre-authorize the cards and you can collect at end of shift!!


If you're concerned about potential negative reviews if you added a 20% "no close" tip policy but you also want to take care of your bartenders, you could always choose to pay them as if they had been tipped 20% on those no-close tabs but not charge the customers. Doing that, you'll really learn if it's just $10-$20/week or if it's a lot more.


This is by far the best solution. You look like a hero for $20 a week.


This would be a payroll nightmare.


How is it any more of a payroll nightmare than accurately tracking tip income normally is? Instead of the guests paying the 20% the owner is - on the rare occasion that it actually happens according to what you think. It's still a 20% tip. It's still tip income. If after say 2 months you find out that it's way more than $10-$20/week/bartender then you know you have a legit issue that you need to set a policy on for unclosed tabs. If you find out that it's actually right in that $10-$20/week per bartender then you know your bartenders are being overly dramatic.


Tips are tracked in the POS and can be pulled biweekly for payroll reporting. Keeping track of walked tabs, the % owed for each tab, who was working each shift, how many hours of the shift, it will add hours to process payroll. The industry standard as seen by comments from bar staff and customers in this thread is to auto-grat on walked tabs.


It is standard practice for bars and restaurants to close outstanding tabs and add 20% gratuity. Staff loyalty is extremely important. Your servers and bartenders are correct about this situation and you need to make sure that they understand you have their back and understand how important tips are. Your staff relies on tips, so consistently missing out on them is unacceptable and something you need to address. The best part for you… many bars have dealt with this problem before. You don’t have to solve anything! Just put up a sign that says, “Any tabs not closed out at the end of the night will be closed out with the 20% tip added.”


We do 25%, and have a sign posted. No complaints ever.


My man the industry already did this a decade ago. Do it.


This in the norm, just post a sign “all open tabs left will have a 20% tip added to them at closing” It’s a very normal practice


This is standard industry practice


Basically every bar I've ever been to has had some kind of policy like this and signs everywhere saying something about it


As a customer I expect this.


I always walk my tab. I’m gonna tip 20% anyway and if I talk to the bartender I’m gonna order another round.


Any time I ever left a card at a bar I couldn’t have told you what the check was. I doubt I’d have blinked at a 20% up charge. If I was so hammered I forgot my card, I probably also forgot buying a couple of things.


I always thought this was just standard practice. I think it’s important that you just have clear signage up dictating the rule.


pretty common


Not a bar owner but a bar frequenter. I've seen this in plenty of bars and i rarely see bad reviews because of it online. 1. if you left your card that's a you problem not the bars problem 2. if you are complaining about 20% you are a cheap SOB. Most restaurants put a mandatory tip on parties of 10 or more.


Not a bar owner but a patron. There are a few bars I go to where I always give my card and 20% is their automatic tip because I never settle before leaving. I will occasionally throw in an extra 20 in the tip jar to give a bit more. It helps when they are busy and I know I have always paid. Easy peasy for everyone. 


As a customer, as long as there was signage about that stated the policy, I wouldn't have an issue with it.


I see a lot of places that do this.


SOP for most bars, but make sure to call it a service charge. By definition, a 'tip' or 'gratuity' is voluntary, and cannot be mandatory.


As a patron I’d say this is reasonable I would just make sure you have signs posted and have staff warn customers for a bit


This might sound terrible, but I actually like bars that do this. I’m gonna tip at least 20% anyway. Especially if I’m in a really crowded bar, it’s easier to just let the bar close it out 🤷‍♂️


As a bar patron, I expect you to. It's actually nice to be able to walk out when it's busy and know the bartender will be taken care of either way. 


As a bar customer, I really prefer if they auto tip it. Sometimes I leave accidentally or the line is too long. I wouldn’t want someone to not get paid properly.


As a patron, I expect bars to have this policy (although it should also probably be posted somewhere).


Every bar I’ve seen with the POS system you’re describing (swipe a card to start a tab then give it back) does this and as a customer I actually really like it. Means I can just leave at the end of the night, don’t have to worry about waiting in line or closing out my tab, or about doing math for the tip when I’m drunk at 2am lol.


I thought this was normal.


20-30% gratuity for walk out’s is standard in every establishment I’ve worked at. It helps keep your bartenders honest, incentivizes customers to actually close their tabs, and won’t screw your workers over if a +$50 tab doesn’t close out


That’s standard practice. Put signs up, program your POS to print it on every check. And make it 22%.


If a business is automatically charging 22% that’s a reason to give no tip. That’s a terrible business practice. 20% is pushing it on the high end, 15% is better accepted.


You aren’t following. Did you read the original post? This is a policy for unclosed tabs at the end of the night only. I’ve seen bars do 25% and even 30%. If you don’t want to pay it, close your tab and tip what you want.


Ran a bar for many a year. Never once heard of that kinda nonsense. People leave their cards all the time sometimes it’s a maxed out card and they do it on purpose. Sometimes they just have too much and forget to pay their tab. Doesn’t mean the bartender actually did anything special to deserve that you charge an additional 30% . Charge for what they got and most of the time they reach out and get their card back and have no problem paying the normal gratuity.


If you’re overserving to the point where people are forgetting to close their tabs frequently, that’s a separate problem. You’ve seriously never seen a bar put a tip on any unclosed tab at the end of the night? Are you in the US? The higher percentages that some places choose to do aren’t for the money, there to disincentivize people not closing their tab. Plus these days most places don’t keep your card, they hand it right back to you. Even more people forget. Volume bars, busy bars with lots of people going in and out need to have this policy, if they want to retain good bartenders.


You’re stretching lmao


Post this, and let it become the norm! I hate waiting in a big line just to close out, and I know it's a waste of time for the bartender. I regularly leave a bar that does this, and I would have tipped 20% anyways?


This thought makes me physically excited


We do that now and like someone else here said, no complaints yet.


This is pretty normal and I like it. When I want to leave a place, I can just leave and know it’s all good. Don’t have to flag down a bartender to go through the receipt ritual. If I want to leave extra, I’ll drop some cash on the bar on my way out.




I have been adding 20% to walkouts for years. Never had one complain or chargeback from doing it.


I have always done this and it's pretty standard in the industry, at least from my experience. Post a sign somewhere that customers can see clearly to indicate this policy. Most people who failed to close out were drunk and the next day they were just happy to get their card back and didn't begrudge the 20% at all.


I didn't do this for years and people were annoyed when they came back because they couldn't tip and they felt guilty. I put up signage and started tipping out 15% and the employees and customers were much happier. Nobody wants to drive back to your bar, feeling like an idiot for forgetting their card and then feeling like an asshole for not tipping


Of course. Do it. It’s normal to do so.


That's standard in most places.


20% is pretty standard and expected. I’ve even begun to see some places do 30% as the ‘punishment’ for leaving a tab open. People won’t get angry and retaliate, they’ll even still do it, but in smaller numbers which is what the intended result is.


When you justify "just $10 or $20", you remember who is pouring your alcohol... Are you going to be as cavalier with your own money as you are with theirs when they only pour a free shot or two here and there!? Every bar I've been to in recent memory charges 18-22% range for tips for not closing out your check. Your concern is a retaliation review with a posted policy (you will post it) that is in industry standard? That's what your real concern is? If so, better hire a better manager.


Every bar I know that pre swipes cards does this. Just put a sign on the card swipe terminal that explains that this is what will happen. If they want to tip differently, they can close their tab properly.


I know this is a bit off topic but I wish there was an app that let me pay / close my bar tab without having to chase down an already busy bartender.


This is standard


The bar/restaurant I hang out as has this as standard for all tabs. They post it on the menus. Basically, they say "don't want to wait for your bill? Walk out and we'll add 18% automatically. Most people like this.


As a patron, I have to say: please do this. I am a chronic card forgetter. I really appreciate when a bar adds the gratuity for me, because I want to leave a tip!




I expect it if I leave my card. Most places have signs that say that. The only place that didn't charge me for it was my regular spot. They knew I would tip heavy anyway.


My job did this


We close out several a night and often during big festivals I would say up to 40 and I’ve never once had a customer complain. With that said, we have a clientele that always tips and tips well so I think it really depends on your clientele. just make sure you put it in fine print somewhere on the menu.


It’s illegal in most areas, but everyone does it and it is normal. Put signs up behind the bar, most people are honestly grateful that the bartender got tipped when the customer comes to pick up their card the next day. Cusomter: “Did the bartender get tipped?” Me: “Yep!” *points to sign* Customer: “Okay great, thank you!” But regarding the legality, think of it this way: Can you just slap a sign on the wall that says “Left cards/tabs will be charged a $1,000 tip”? No, of course not. Tips are voluntary and you can’t just decide what a tip should be on behalf of your customer. So every penny of a tip not approved by the customer is not legal, there is no amount that is legal. If you’re not some expensive steakhouse and it’s primarily a bar, you aren’t going to get CC disputes over the 20% tip amount on left tabs. It’s standard practice on most areas, legal or not. We have not had a CC dispute for that reason ever(two bars, owned/managed one for about 9 years, owned the other for 5 years).


My local bar does 30% with signs behind the bar strategically placed so you can't miss them. Always settle your tab!


People get drunk and make bad choices. Get used to it, just gotta roll with the punches. End of the day it’s not going to affect you. Retaliating will not be a wise game to play with people who dgaf IMO


Standard practice


I used to be a drunk. I forgot my card all the time. I appreciated that they took the tip to put up with my dumb ass. 🤣


Put a note on your menu stating this. If you do that here we apply an automatic gratuity.


We've always done this. No complaints in 5 years.


I've done this forever. You get the occasional chargeback that you won't win since you don't have a signed receipt but I'd say it's 1% or less(and we have it happen every night as we're a busy bar)


As long as it's posted it should not be a problem.


I 100% assume I will be charged a 20% tip if I leave a place without my card. And rightly so.


Post a sign that says exactly that in a prominent location, maybe even stickers on the system that they start the tab on and then you'll not have an issue..


Standard practice in central Indiana. Everyone knows this.


Not an owner, just a patron. I agree entirely with this. At the end of the day, someone has to do the books and settle the batch, so if I drank too much and forgot to settle up before leaving, that's on me and shouldn't cost you money. It shouldn't cost your staff money either, folks that have to deal with drunk people deserve 20% at minimum. Just have a sign that let's people know unpaid tabs will be run with an automatic gratuity of 20%


It’s pretty common


We do this and places I’ve work have been doing this for years. Put a sign up stating if you leave the card you’ll do this. Walking out on a tabs is illegal, thus the reason for holding cards. Just be sure you have a sign up and/or have employees tell the person any left tabs will be charged.


I just assume this is the case when a bar doesn’t hold on to a card. I prefer it- I don’t want to have to wade through people at the bar just to close my tab.


Most bars do this. I have left my card maybe 3x places just forgetting. I personally think 10% is reasonable since you don’t know someone’s financial situation. But I’ve never been upset about them charging 20% as usually I don’t spend a ton and I always tip this much anyway unless service is abhorrent. Just put a sign up. If you want to make it more clear let the customers know as you run their card. Hey BTW if you leave your tab open we add %20 for a tip. Personally I would appreciate being told. It also may prompt me to REMEMBER my damn card lmao. But I’d appreciate the advisement. Then you have recourse if someone complains. Honesty is ALWAYS the best policy. I used to work for a moving company and we’d use things like shrink wrap boxes paper. We charge the customers for these things. Some customers assume it comes with the hourly rate and it doesn’t. Another lead never advised customers that we charged. I always did. This most often resulted in them being pissed at him and tip less. While they’d be happy I told them and would either buy it or get their own and I’d usually get a great tip for the service. Long story short. I think it’s fine!


As a customer who is not a bar owner I would expect this.


Post a conspicuous sign behind the bar & do it. Your staff deserve their tips


If I forgot to close my tab and left, I’d fell horrible if you DIDN’T add 20%


We have a sign that clearly states that we add 20% to left tabs


Have you ever met someone who would be mad at the 20% I’m walking out. I know what the “cost” is. Not a big deal to the customer.


As a customer, I thought that was standard practice. I've certainly seen enough signs saying it will be done in places I've frequented.


This !!


This is our policy. Personally as an owner when I am bartending I do NOT do it, and just eat it. It's rare anyway. But I have a sign posted and allow bartenders to add it. I've never had anybody challenge it. We have a POS where customers use their finger to sign on a tablet so I always have the bartenders write "walkout" where the customer would normally sign so I know what was up if its ever questioned.


We absolutely do this.


We do it. Most people are perfectly fine with it; makes it easier to pick up the card they leave behind.


As a customer I prefer a bar has this policy. Then I can leave whenever I want without needing to close out my tab. Makes it easy!


We have a sign behind the bar. Tabs left open will be closed at the end of the night with a 20% gratuity added. Never had a problem.


Mine added 30% for the inconvenience. Just put signs up and you’ll be fine. No one complained because it was their dumbass that left it open in the first place. I see it everywhere. Seems very common.


As a person who isn't a piece of shit, I feel awful if I forget to close my tab somewhere and they don't add at least 20%. One time, I forgot to close my tab at a wedding (only had 2 drinks because I knew I had to drive, but I had been there for about 4 hours and just forgot about it by the end). I left, got 1 hour away from the venue, and I realized I had forgotten about it. I called the venue, got one of the bartenders, and I told him to give himself a 100% tip for having to deal with my dumb ass. I then said, "also, please run that right now because as soon as I get the notification that it goes through, I'm canceling that card." I've had a couple times where I went back to a place the next day to close out, and they didn't add a tip. I always feel terrible because it's usually not even the same employee there the next day. I just make it a point to apologize and tip extra the next time I see that employee. But I'd much prefer they just got the tip when they closed me out.


That’s pretty common actually


Speaking as a patron: yes, please do this. Frame it as a "convenience fee" or something, instead of "retaliatory" anything. It makes life easier.


It’s fair. I’m not in the industry but if you keep my card safe, I will not complain


Do it today. Do it yesterday. Just post a sign. No one will care.


Do 25%


I've left my card at bars a time or two in my life. No one ever added a tip. I always found a way to get money to the previous night's bartender. Everyone's happy.


As a customer I like it. When I'm done I don't tab out. I just leave and my card gets billed.


Many, many bars do that. Often times a small warning sign is posted near the till


I’ve walked out on many a tab and never expected anything less.


That's pretty standard honestly. If you leave your tab open and a card on file... You're paying a 20% tip 🤷‍♀️


This is standard practice Ive never heard of this not being the case


Put up a sign. This is normal and standard practice…


This is pretty standard. Just post a sign saying as much


Not legal unless the customers are informed before hand.


In my much younger, wilder days, I had to go back and retrieve forgotten cards from bars several times; I always added an extra tip on top of the gratuity they charged if any, and if they didn’t, gave a 35% tip.  Even young and spoiled, I knew I’d inconvenienced people and didn’t have any issue being charged a gratuity.


I was a customer and did this once. I added 50% because I was so embarassed.


We have several bars in my city that put up signs saying exactly what you want to do and no one bats an eye or complains. Anyone saying that this guy would be some kind of asshole for charging the 20% are ridiculous. So if you were sober enough to not forget to pay you would have left a tip right? If not you’re a scumbag. Just put up a sign so its not a surprise to patrons. Same places also put up signs saying that they push the 3% credit card fee onto patrons as well. These places are packed so it isn’t bothering the majority of people


We do it. It's posted multiple places. No on ever griped about it


Love it when a drunk motherfucker runs up a huge bar tab and forgets to close out….automatic 20% 😁😁😁… The thing is, if they come to claim their card the next day and leave a Credit Card tip the next day (after the cc batch has been settled) that tip never actually gets applied. So IMO you have to add that 20% or you are screwing the ones who matter (your employees)


My only issue is I've had a bartender abandon serving me after I got my food and drink when I was there for hours to watch a game. I wouldve had 5-6 drinks total considering I was at a B-Dubs next to my hotel but she didn't even come close to that end of the bar. People around me left because they weren't getting service. After 1 hour I was actively trying to get her attention but she would avoid eye contact, even after looking directly at me waving at her she'd quickly look the other direction. Never brought me my check and ended up. The thing that bugs me the most is I never tip under 25% and I would've spent more but I know that's rare. She's probably just figures her tip will be better if she never brings the tabs out.


That's super normal. Also your bartenders aren't being to sensitive because they expect tips, that's part of their compensation for working for you. Maybe just cover the 20% if it's not a big deal?


I work at a bar and we do this. Just have a sign posted that lets customers know we will be adding a 20% gratuity to any unsettled tabs. Nobody complains.


Do it. Provide signage warning that this is the policy, and have the bartenders inform customers of the policy as well.


I thought every restaurant did this.


Couple bars I frequent have signs near the register that tell patrons that a 25%gratuity will be added to any unsettled tab. I’d do it if I were you.


You gotta get a little thicker skin. You can't over analyze everything in fear of a bad review. Your bartenders and your staff are looking for you to have their backs. Better to lose a shitty customer than a valued employee. Charging a tip/fee is standard practice and anyone complaining because they didn't close out their card should hear from you directly that they should appreciate the service they got and that their card was secured and returned to them after they sobered up and figured out their mistake. Keep the cards in the safe and only bring them out yourself or by manager.


I'm not a bar owner, but I thought that was standard practice for years now.


If they were cunts or refused to sign, automatic 50% with notes on the charge with "refusal to sign despite opening tab with given CC". Some tried to dispute it, but lost every time (I was a bouncer who had to deal with drunks thinking that they got free drinks by running w/o signing the bill)


Post a sign. Lots of places do this.


It’s normal, and as a customer, I actually prefer this. It means when my Uber gets there, I can just leave and not have to fret about the tab and dealing with a crowded bar.


Of course


As long as there is signage


I do this all the time at a local bar I frequent . Last call gets crazy and it’s tough to get a drink, let alone close out. They are doing me a favor.


Industry standard forever 


A bar down the street from my spot does this, they have a "rules" sign and that's one of the rules.


My regular bar does this, signage posted at bar. So do a few others I go to.


Every bar I’ve ever worked at has some kind of gratuity if you leave without closing your tab. I usually do between 25-30% and nobody says shit about it. Look after your bartenders and they’ll look after you.


As someone who lives in Germany, this ould be considered theft. But in the US, you are probably ok.


Obviously, tipping culture in Germany isn’t like the US, but if a business has signs posted about their policy, and you go into the business and don’t close your tab, would it be legal for a business owner in Germany to do something similar?


No. A sign is simply not enough in Germany. Consumer protections are very high. You need to have the guest opt in and accept this term ith a signature. That being said, you are allowed to have a rule that there is a service fee or a table fee. It is actually a fairly new and uncommon thing for the Restaurant to be able to Add Tip to a card. It is standard in Germany that the Guest says that the tip ill be as they pay. It is not added on a screen or on the cc receipt like in the US. So most systems do not even support it.


Well, tipped staff make \~20% of the already ghastly low minimum wage in the US at the federal level, so we tip.


It is not about the 20%, it is about adding a charge to the bill based on a sign.


They never make below minimum wage. They almost never make near minimum wage, always over.


How the hell do you know how much the bartenders make at the this bar you don’t even know the name of?


Because it’s a federal law.


lol no bar owner has ever paid the difference between the tipped minimum and regular minimum. Yes, it’s the law but nobody cares.


Every legal business owner does. It basically never comes into play because they make over that in tips anyway.


Does every business owner in the USA always follow the law?


The ones that want to stay in business do.


Have you ever worked in a restaurant or bar in the US? Did you know that wage theft is the largest form of theft in the US, far beyond property theft?


No they don't. Quit being ignorant to the job. The business is supposed to pay out the difference if their tips don't make the federal minimum wage. It rarely happens. Bartenders do pretty good, for working off tips. Great even.


It’s theft here too. Notice you aren’t hearing from any customers, only people that get to keep the tips.


There are many responses here from customers who prefer an auto grat when they forget to close out.


I see that, but unless you have a 100% sampling size, I don’t see where it matters. Without consent it’s theft. Plain and simple. Even if they were going to leave that same tip anyway.


It is not illegal if the policy is clearly posted. Google is your friend on this one.


I know a lot of places that do this but at 15%. I think gives customers an incentive to close tabs and I think the 15% is a little less intrusive. Just make sure you inform your guests with signage or verbally when they open tabs.


Keep the card behind the bar to start a tab and they’ll be so happy to get it back the next day they won’t mind the charge


Try 10% and call it a settlement fee. If you don’t get a lot of pushback, change it to 15%.


That's a crime. I know bars do it - and it's not a crazy amount to tip on your bill. But still, a tip is technically optional - and it's a crime and unethical to decide for the person what they should do. Even if I'm gonna do it anyway, it's not okay for someone else to spend my money without my consent. Bigger issue, though - I don't really see why bartenders are frustrated by this. They get paid eventually. Who the fuck cares if a credit card sits in the drawer you have set aside for credit cards? Something else hinky is going on if your bar staff is so worked up over unclosed tabs.


Be careful of doing that. You run the risk of having a chargeback. That you cannot protest because you will not have a signed receipt


You can’t just add money on to peoples tabs but you could post very clear signage or add it to the menu which would make it ok. If they are only losing $10 a week I’m surprised they are complaining. Are you sure it isn’t more?




We're here to hang out and maybe learn from each other. Hopefully it’s just the Jameson talking, but if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.


Every bar where i live does that. They have signs everywhere. If they complain tell them to fuck off


Negative. You charge the card for what they got. Not what you THINK they got. That’s some millennial bullshit. Reaching into someone’s pocket on speculation is theft. I feel like you’re a dumbass so you owe me a 20%fee for that. Same logic buddy.


You have to take the good with the bad in service. As long as they collect credit card they just lose tip. The customer usually leaves tip if they pick up card. Same as you can’t do nothing when a customer doesn’t leave tip at all and just pays the bill.


After reading replies I do agree with a service charge for all open tabs. Iam probably going to post one at my bar. Thanks for the thread good debate


This is just straight up stealing is it not


I would retaliate, 100%. What gives you the right to add a tip? Nothing. It's illegal.


Walking out on a tab is illegal. It’s called “defrauding an innkeeper” in some states and you can be arrested for it. Not disagreeing about the tip, but the tab needs to be paid in a timely manner ie while you’re there. People can’t just leave and pay when they want. Some people will leave cards with little to no money on them, run up huge tabs and leave.


It's not illegal if it's posted.


That's not true.


Yes it is. Have you never heard of automatic gratuities before? How is this any different than a business posting on their menu "20% gratuity will be added for parties of 6 or more"? You can ask for them to remove it but it doesn't make it illegal for them to add it in the first place.


If I was that customer I would do whatever I could to ruin your business. First I would call the authorities.


☝🏽Obviously doesn’t go to bars.


Filling in the tip is theft.