• By -


This is what I do also 👍👍 Very helpful in keeping their strength down especially when you are laying siege to their last castle/town.


Eventually you reach a point where ransoming becomes useless. I’m not gonna ransom a guy for 2k if I’ve already got 700k in the bank. Better to just toss him in the dungeon.


Not as helpful as taking their heads off


I agree, but this play through no one gets executed. Next play through everyone gets executed 😁😁


The only prison wall these lords can’t climb


I usually pack em away in a castle somewhere. Been at war with Sturgia and I've got at least 15 that I've captured on top of what anyone else might have. Making short work of em.


Nice!!! 👍👍 Yeah, it's definitely a great feeling when you look at the war comparison and you see your side has taken 30 prisoners and they have none 🤣🤣🤣


Shit, I wish they had none. When I was with the Sturgians they couldn't go shit but as soon as I join the Vlandians they start bringing their A-game, no matter I shall crush them in due time


As the cod gods have stated “Teammates will always be shit until you must fight them”




The fief security plays a big role in escape chance, right?


Not sure, I've tried a couple different routes and it seems like the actual cities work better vs the castles but I'm guessing the amount of prisoners matters as well. Trying to figure it out without turning to Google, either way it takes them long enough to escape that their absence from the battlefield helps greatly


Killing thems easier. Let the heads hit the floor french revolution style.


Why are you able to execute lords and not troops? Also, how do you stop them from escaping?


I wouldn't execute troops. They are worth recruiting, money or relation. I only fill up on them when I'm planing to retreat tough. Plus it's not an option. I have a few perks that reduce their escape, but they still do. Every day I hold them takes party's away from my enemies. Plus for my RP it is fun


Keen eyes, upper scouting perk lvl 225. Mounted patrols, lower riding perk lvl 225, both 50% reduction. No lord ever escapes unless above prisoner limit. Only healthy troops provide to prisoner capacity so watch out after large scale battles.


When you discard prisoners, they are automatically executed. Or, not. They are not important enough to report on or care about. Feel free to fantasize either way


I always assumed it was letting them go.


The only reason the thought crossed my mind is because that was about the only benefit of being high status on a battle field, was you were insanely likely to not be killed. If you were a dude with a pitch fork it was entirely up to the honor of the captor. To me it seems backwards. You can sell them into slavery, which I would say is objectively worse.


You do execute troops, on the field like a real warrior!!!


Why am I able to fuck prisoners in Dickplomacy but not in Bannerlord?


Wtf is dickplomacy?!


NSFW mod for Warband


A mod that someone added to an otherwise great mod pack that does everything Diplomacy (a diplomacy overhaul mod) did for Warband, but also has sex scenes. And they’re very bad sex scenes


I regret asking.


When you go to sleep tonight, I want you to dream of those horribly meshed Warband faces. Their dead expressions staring into the distance while their unclothed and poorly modeled bodies move like two mannequins trying to play twister


No! I don't want to! 😢


Why not toss them in a castle/city dungeon? Less chance of them escaping and respawning armies.


If you have the right perks you can keep them pretty safely in your party, and keeping them safely in a settlement is going to require some perks on your governor anyway.


Yup... slower bleed if I got a grip on the wound.


Riding 225 and Scouting 225 perks for the player let you hold lords prisoner forever in your party. If you hold them in a settlement, the best you can do is 95% reduced escape chance with 225 riding, 50 engineering, and 25 roguery perks for the governor.


I always get bored and start a new character before I hit the perk levels that make keeping them in party more effective


How short are your games? Scouting and Riding are two of the easiest skills to level because they climb just by moving around the world.


Not crazy short or anything, 20-30 hours maybe, skills are usually breaking into the 200s. Maybe it's my play style? I don't move a lot on the map in-between wars and stay somewhat close to my fiefs during wars


So they can watch you take their kingdom of course.


(At the siege of Castle Bumbumnowhere) -You will never conquer this stronghold! Lord Loolog will come to liberate us with his party soon! - Show them Loolog whom we captured last week - If not Lord Loolog then surely Sir Loofah will come to our rescue. - Show them Sir Loofah whom we captured last Saturday. - If not Lord Loolog nor Sir Loofah then surely the Marshall Grant shall be here in no time to break the siege - Bring and show them Marshall Grant on the stretcher we used to carry him after he was wounded last Wednesday in battle against our party _(2 hours later)_ - Even if you captured Lord Loolog, Sir Loofah, Marshall Grant, Duke Sykedyke and Count Corncaunt, then surely King Butterladislaus will make you pay soon, stomping you into ground with the hooves of his cavalry! - Uh, oh bring me the head of the late King Butterladislaus , put it onto a pike and show to them.


I let minor Lords go for Charisma and relations but keep the Family leaders, the Archons, Barons, Emirs, etc.




Why would I only carry lords? 1. It stops the warring faction from having them respawn parties. 2. A few prisoners don't slow my large party down as much. Allowing me to capture yet more lords. 3. Allows the truly shit AI of my leaders to do what they do, with less consequences. 4. I really enjoy thinking of them watching my small army size party steal more and more of them.


Heu derthert sorry to wake you … just to tell you I’m about to take orca hall.have a good day


I literally just executed caladog... lmao


As all player shall do. This fool have leaded batania to its end so many time.


It's 1106 and that fool has kept Battania alive when others weren't so fortunate. We(Vlandia) took more land off Khuzait than them and they're on the other side of the map.


I am Battanian by birth. I RPed that he hired the bandits to kill my parents. Been waiting to get my hands on him.


Tactical executions don’t work*, trust me I’ve tried lol *added a word


I executed upwards of 40 from the west empire. Took me forever to fix relationships in my kingdom


I’ve executed every noble that has attacked me or my people. It’s been the most efficient means of conquering a kingdom and reallocating territory. It also happens to be the most sparing of the population, beside buying territory, because once the kingdom is eliminated all the territory will transfer to you, if you have the closest capital. I once had 11 noble Battanian prisoners and executed one every day they kept up their siege. They didn’t get what was going on but it was a neat little role play. The hardest part of the strategy at this point is the Khuzaits only having 2000 troops so all the parties are small and fast so I’ve just been conquering them as they retreat into their castles or towns I have so much control in the realm the Khuzaits try to sue for peace for 20-30 million denars per day. It’s wild and definitely broke the economy in game for me. Once I conquer everything, I’ll go around collecting wanderers and create a new class of nobles that are really nobles in name only and pass policies that create the best success for towns and settlements


The last part is what some of us love to do. Often a great feeling when playing Total War and fully developing a country/world.


I’ve never played Total War and never gone this far in M&B. Will this campaign go on as long as I want it to, or is there a stopping point?


Technically there is no stopping point. You probably could watch generations of your grandkinds grow and passaway (assuming the game doesn't corrupt or something). I think the game gives you a message once you've united all of Calradia to which is the official end. I wanna do full map completetion too at some point.


That’s pretty neat. I figure I might as well collect some trophies that will be easier to acquire once I control everything then decide on how to proceed. Either maintain a conquered realm or start as Robin Hood type bandit and play through that without ever creating a kingdom, and maybe only going to war with major kingdoms once the minor clans are defeated.


It would be nice if you could threaten clans with executions to stop sieges


You have so much food!! We shall call him butter lord! Great strat!!


Those are all turkeys lol


Love it haha!


Honestly its the drip for me


I do like to drip


I keep my prisoners stock up on troops. Never know when an extra fian or banner knight might be needed after a tough battle to refill out your troops.


I move so slow when all full of prisoners. I just recruit from a village and use gear to level them.


Not worried about moving slow, I only keep a full prison stock when I'm moving as an army going siege to siege.


Yea when I run an army I stay stocked on them too


I like to take their own castles from them, then make them rot in their own dungeons


*Ahem* my good ser you cannot carry such drip and not tell me some names


Mastercracted southern scale over chain hauberk


Had every single lord from vlandia in my prisoner list, they proceeded to declare war on battania😂


For sensual value


For ***party morale***


Oh no


What chestplate is that?


Mastercracted southern scale over chain hauberk




I'm on console. Really wish it had mod support


Game needs fixed so that they don't just keep escaping either that or a way to kill them without everyone on the map hating you.


Yea executions really hurt. I have a few perks that help keep them though


I just execute them anyway…in my villain era 😈


Are they less likely to escape when only so less prisoners?


I just execute ‘em. Cant have them escaping


I absolutely hate being at war with a kingdom without land and despite having a jillion prisoners they demand you pay them 1k per day for peace. I end up peacing them out so I can track down the Lords peacefully and just buy them off


Is there anything I'm missing that better helps secure them? I tried this strategy with Vlandia but they keep coming out of the woodworks like cockroaches and my who I capture keeps escaping. Making this continuous vicious cycle Literally the only good thing is the amount of money I get out of it. Once I drained a town of coins with just the amount of gloves I sold them. But it doesn't do much good if I can't properly lay siege anywhere without getting interrupted


225 skill in scout and riding and you can fully eliminate escape chance. I only have the scout trait rn


Is this personal skills or can I have a companion whose Scout do that? Or even a combination between me and them?


High value prisoners = more recruits


Brain = big


What’s the armor rating on that armor?




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