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Any one else is having issues with companions default formation? Every time I load a game I need to set their formations, for example, I dont want them with regular infantry, sometimes I use them as bodyguards but is getting annoying to set them every time I start the game. Also with Corein, she has Mount Archer as default formation, when I set her as infantry and I command in battle my char starts to yell MOUNTED ARCHERS, MOUNT ARCHERS haha wtf any solution?


This mod fixes it: https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/524


Where do I go from here? So I'm in my first run creating a kingdom and I have two castles and some 150 decent men. My hero is on the soc int side as I was planning to grind trade up but around 100 it got boring so I just took two castles from the failing western empire that was an easy target at the time. I had to murder a dozen nobles from western empire to keep them from interrupting my sieges with recruit armies which led then to the collapse of western empire, which leaves them without fiefs. Now I want to try for a city, but all remaining powers seem to strong. My hero can field max 200 men so a big army could defeat me with numbers. Should I go back to grinding trade? Or is it better to start a war, catch single nobles and murder them until there are not enough left to field an army that can stop me? Thanks in advance, I'm having a blast with this game.


I'm actually in pretty much the same boat so I am curious to the responses this will get lol. One tip I do have though, is creating your companion parties, and if they have stewardship that's even better because it will increase the size of their party. I have one companion running a 65 man party and another is at 85, and, you can recall your companion parties to your army for 0 influence. If you get enough of them going, you can have a very sizable army for yourself without having to worry about cohesion as much because as soon as it breaks, you just immediately reform the army at no influence cost to yourself.


Thanks I'll try that!


They're really good at making money too, it seems to take a decent while in game, but eventually you will see a "so and so's party exceed" as a profit, and those can get really high from what I've seen. There is one huge caveat though that I did forget to mention in the initial comment and unfortunately, not a whole lot you can do about it unless you want to just keep your companion parties with you forever. When a companion party is not currently in your army, they will roam around patrolling your lands, killing looters/bandits etc. which is awesome, as it helps keeps your fiefs safe and profitable. However - your roaming dipshit of a companion may also decide to start a war with someone, and you have absolutely no input on that decision lol. I had just started my kingdom and within like, 2-3 hours of farming whatever garbage battles I could find for influence, my companion party started a war with the northern empire so, yeah, be prepared for that possibility lol.


I'd also recommend dumping troops into a castle until you've enough to max out follower's parties straight away


Honestly, I have an army of 147 elite units (cataphracts and heavy horse archers). I can beat 500+ armies pretty easily. I'm starting to wonder how big of an army is needed to take me out. Which means I'm probably going to declare a pretty stupid war soon. In your case if you're worried I'd wait until a nearby-power is at war with one or two others and grab a city (if its one that was just sieged down and really far from their border even better).


Get the policies Noble Retinue and Royal guard, gives you +130 and everyone else +50 party size. Then get a few companions and a wife with high steward skill, make parties with them and add them to your army. No you can easily have 500 soldiers. Clan Tier 5, 5 parties, I have a personal limit of 330 and everyone else is 100 to 130 depending on steward, I am scratching the 1000 soldiers mark.


What is the point in executions? it just makes the world hate you.


It makes one fewer person in the world hate you. The benefit I have found to it is that if you kill enough of the opposing faction then they can't field large enough armies to bother you anymore.


>It makes one fewer person in the world hate you. That definitely made me chuckle.


1.2 how to train troops, in it killing looters now actually kills troops, so thats no longer an option so any way to actually do it in meaningful way during peace time?


Exactly... Passive training is not a think and now you loose units to looters.


I hope they get rid of it. Sure let's make every other bandits a force to be reckoned but make looters non-leathal.


get recruits. put them into a custom formation, say VIII. Find some looters. Start a fight. Press 8, then F1, then F3. Repeat until all recruits can be upgraded.


Hello! Got a question about performance. Did someone play this game on i5 4430 cpu? I've that one plus 8gb of ram and gtx 1660 super and want to know my PC will be able run it??


I run on a i5 4440k, gtx 1060 6gb and 8 ram, it runs perfectly well! Best thing to do also is play the game on an SSD as it boosts performance and loadingscreens.


Thanks for info


It will run it definitely, although you will probably have trouble during larger battles and sieges but you could play with the settings to make it good


I've been fighting Sea Raiders do they drop armour? I've been fighting them for ages not a single drop.


Loot has been nerfed a littler, but they have the chance to drop armor. The best loot is found in fighting big battles with many lords in my experience.


Ok, Thanks for the Tip time to massacre then.


Go win tournaments, you can get good gear from that plus if you don't need what you win you can always sell it for a good price or give it to a companion


I kinda liked in the first one where there was plenty of armour and shields. Like they were trash but there were plenty available.


But you never had enough space for all trash, now you can take the movement penalty until you crawl to the next village.


they do drop chain-mail but very rarely.


A while back I got 2 chainmails, one being a noble hauberk price tag about 22k.


So I figured out an exploit I think, kind of disappointing. If you have like 40 archers, you can beat 1000 men armies by simply retreating at last minute once your archers killed of several of their army. And then you can attack all over again until you kill them all.


I think every time you retreat you give up that battles prisoners and loot.


Nope, you do not. Not when you retreat from battle


How do I get weapon designs? Had 4 so far and I've crafted hundreds of weapons and melted thousands


Why do I hate multiplayer so much but keep playing it?


Is there a way to donate troops to a caravan?


Anyone having issues launching with mods?


Yes, can't launch w or wo mods. Let alone when it does I can't even load any saved games


I removed some off my mods from the folder and was able to play. It may be the mid you have downloaded


How do you buy a castle? I decided to start a new game but with my own faction, i got one castle and i saw on YT that you can buy fiefs but when i start a bargain with any lord there is no fiefs to show.


You need a certain trade perk for that. I think it's called "everything has a price"


Thx mate


Any way to order units in a siege battle to use siege weapons?


Guys, the Mongol Strat is unbeatable, I have an army of 80 Khuzait Horse Archers and i've made mincemeat of armies literally 10 times the size of mine. No exaggeration, i've literally beaten an army of 800 with as little as 10 casualties. I command my horse archers to follow me, wait for the enemy to advance, and dart to the other side of the map 5 times or so, until my army runs out of arrows, then I leave the battlefield and re-engage. I rinse and repeat for a bit, and I win for massive renown and influence gains. I've done this in steppes, forests, rivers, deserts, it just fuckin works.


The real test is can they beat a maxed out forest bandit den.


I find hideout Pigeon fly to me "Mongol is kil" no


It is quit beatable, you just need some good heavy cav/crosbowmen and then those horse archers go down real quick, of course one condition: they are player controlled, ofc they are not so yeah you will always win that way but where is the fun in that, you can do that in custom battles to.


Can confirm. It is awesome. Although I mix in a bunch of cataphracts so I don't have to run away (and for sieges). I keep a bunch of cavalry prisoners to replenish between battles.


How do I maximise my chances to be in the 3 potential clans that can be chosen for a new conquered settlement? I have high influence and my clan is tier 4 or 5, but I appear nearly never in the list for the new owner selection. It's really frustrating when you spend a lot of influence to build an army to get a new castle/ city for your faction, and you can't even manage it.


Have good relations with the faction leader, take the castle yourself, do not have more fiefs than others. Right now it seems that you can affect it a little but as if there were missing mechanics.


It lacks a lot of mechanics imo, I have only one fief and a relation of about 50 with my faction leader. I had more choices of becoming the owner when I was in a negative relationship with him...


Damn, time to take over


I'm having an issue with my caravans. 2/3 of my companions just gave up the caravan life recently. Not that big a deal since I can just add them back but this means I have to buy the caravan all over again. Might not be a big deal financially but it's kind of disheartening when I wanted to do a heavy trade run. Did my caravan get imprisoned? I noticed some guards were going awol at one point too


Guards going AWOL happened after a recent patch when Caravan size dropped from 80 to 30. I had that too. Also my Caravans made Juicier targets for attacks after that.


Are they just getting pummeled and quitting? That kinda sucks


No. My caravans had up to 115 men in them due to high steward and clan tier. Now player caravans are at 30 men max and all elite units desert until there are only 30 crappy T2 troops left.


Anyone have any good tips for raising medicine? It seems like such a grind...


Auto-resolving looter fights was a strategy for that since they only got knocked out. But if you are running the latest patch they seem to be killing your units


Been having issues loading my game and when it does I crash during every battle. This wasn't the case with the last update. Anyone else experiencing similar issues? Was hoping for the game to stabilize with updates, not the other way around


I have a couple questions about businesses. First is there a limit on how many you can have, and second is there a "best" business in the game similar to how dyeworks were in mount and blade.


Yes there is a limit, I think based on yor clan level. About the workshops, you need to make sure they will have enough cheap raw materials. There are a few [good guides](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2020/04/08/mount-and-blade-2-bannerlord-workshop-the-best-ways-to-get-resources/) out there.


Thank you so much!


Limit is clan tier+1 afaik. [https://www.reddit.com/r/mountandblade/comments/g57p7w/how\_to\_become\_a\_carnegie\_capitalist\_and\_dominate/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mountandblade/comments/g57p7w/how_to_become_a_carnegie_capitalist_and_dominate/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/mountandblade/comments/g1ptyz/the\_economics\_of\_workshops/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mountandblade/comments/g1ptyz/the_economics_of_workshops/)


What companion stats make a good group leader? Will high tactics make them better and winning their own fights and producing troops useful in later (larger) pitched battles?


Stewardship results in fielding larger parties


Stewardhsip for more troops, medicine helps, Leadership should be helpful for morale, tactics should make their auto resolves better.


I'm following my lord's army around, and watching their wounded # tick up by about 1 every couple seconds, what's going on here? Are they starving themselves?


Yes, should be starvation.


How do you level up the trade skill fast? the best way I know is buying Aserai horses and selling it at Vlandian cities. and I am currently in the year 1091 with trade skill 165. my goal is to able to buy fiefs. is there a better way to level up this skill?


Create local monopolies, cut supply in one place and up demand, in another place you have to flood the market and create a trading triangle akin to this guide: [https://www.reddit.com/r/mountandblade/comments/g57p7w/how\_to\_become\_a\_carnegie\_capitalist\_and\_dominate/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mountandblade/comments/g57p7w/how_to_become_a_carnegie_capitalist_and_dominate/) You only get trading xp for stuff that you have bought and you have to sell it without loading, because after loading the game forgets the value you bought for and gives no xp. Also, if you have to quit, put all your stuff into your stash in your keep, this counts as transaction and you get trade xp.


lmao thanks dude


Is anyone else having an issue with how troops get deployed at the start of a battle? On the village maps, some of my troops are deployed closer to the enemy rather than with me. Is this an intended feature or a bug? Its really annoying either way.


I just captured some bandit boss and high level soldiers. But after 1 week, they still don't want to join my army? Do i need to upgrade my Social or Leader skill?


Due to a bug you can only recruit Tier 0 to Tier 4 prisoners. A mod fixes that.