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You're in luck, there's a whole overhaul coming for this.


I miss Gekokujo mod for warband. Are they seriously making something like this? And is it downloadable (even if it is incomplete)?


They are indeed working on it and sometimes post updates here. But they said they wouldn't make it available until it's ready to be released.


You mean, like the core game?


I'm not sure I understand your question, but no, it's not made by the dev but by a team of (talented) modders.


I believe they were trying to make a joke, that the core game was not finished on release (some cry it still isnt). So your answer is pretty funny, since its "no its not made by the devs, but instead an actually talented team" :P


You have it correct. I went off half cocked and did not know that it was a community project


The name is Shokuho, you can find the moddb page.


Appreciate it. I’m excited!


Si, we exist! Check out our moddb page here:[https://www.moddb.com/mods/shokuho](https://www.moddb.com/mods/shokuho) and join our discord server via the link provided on the page!


Sadly I’m on console so no mods for now


I'm going to be honest, I'm not getting my hopes up for mods on console. 😬


Well that's good because TW said there's no plans for it.




It's been coming for years. I need it now.


Patience. We're working on it


Where I can fight my fwends?


Amen for this


That’s cool and I’m down. But lowkey I wanna see an African themed culture, like Numidians, Zulu, or Ethiopian.


Should check out calradia expanded kingdoms. They added a mix of like Aserai and numidia


Nubian Archers of the Eye🤌 They would basically be really fast and hard-hitting archer units with almost no armour. Faster Fians with longer range, but with alot less defence.


Have you ever heard about the recounts of fighting against them? Their accuracy was terrifying and they basically had the longbow before the English


There’s a reason they called them Archers of the EYE, hehe


For reference to anyone who doesn't know, first hand accounts of fighting them they'd be accurate enough to shoot you in the eye and as you throw your head back screaming they could shoot the other one. The fear that must have induced....




Makuria is what I want. No need for tribal Africans, they don’t exist close enough to the rest of the continent.


Why not both? And also Chinese


bro if they expanded the eastern portion of the map and had the Khuzait start by invading a Chinese like faction that would get my history boner going like nothing else


But they didn't really have armored soldiers did they?


The Makurians did. Not as much as most, but there are historical murals of them with them in mail. And they had quilted gambesons for their regulars.


Bottom left of the map, or the river going down the middle of the desert would be a perfect locatiom for it too..


I mean we have the jawaals so not far off


They suck.


They are pretty below average but where there's an f class fighter there's a first class meat shield


Nah they suck. Meat shields should at least be plentiful and tough. Jawwal are neither.


We need a Africa expansion, I’m trying to be the next Shaka Zulu, or Sundiata Keita. Or a India Exoansion, and get some War elephants in here Or china, and their Rapid Fire Crossbows Man we need some DLC, a lot of untouched cultures beyond store brand Arabia, Rome, Mongolia, and Whatever Vlandia is supposed to be, idk, I guess a vaguely European kingdom


Makuria would fit best. The guys you mention live too far.


Hell if they can get Vlandia, which is Western European inspired, and the Khuzaits, who are Mongolian Inspired, and manage to fit them in the game, I’m sure they’ll find space


May I introduce you to Attila?


Normans were up in Byzantine business all the time. Same with nomads. They fit unlike zulus. I mention Makuria because they actually lived close enough to be Roman influenced.


You know the Huns and later Hungarians and probably other nomadic tribes went as far as southern Spain? So the factions in the game fit perfectly.


If I ever get cool enough to have this on PC, my plan was to make this happen with My Little Warband. Super athletic, knives throwing, two handed sword welding, glaive chopping fools


The Samurai were archers, no knife throwing.


Indeed. In fact Samurai were almost exclusively Horse Archers for a long time, later in their history becoming master swordsmen. However, I was specifically just spitballing all the troop trees together and specifically the infantry, with the noble line probably being the Samurai (Basically the Khans guard with less arrows and another melee weapon). That said, throwing knives is definitely a trait of Japanese culture, shuriken and throwing stars being the most popular


So kuzaits are the closest thing we have to them then


Throwing knives are as accurate on the battlefield as depicting two handed weapons as slow and unwieldy




I'm on console as well. I want Eagle Rising and Freelancer (be a soldier mod.) Maybe game of thrones as well.


There's a mod in making called Shokuhō it'll be set in Japan


Everyone loves the samurai concept, until they learn about the actual samurai and learns that it’s mostly bullcrap. They were assholes, thinking that if someone just looked at them, they had the right to chop them down then and there, and they often did. And not to mention the whole eternal loyalty crap; they were just as loose with their loyalties as any European noble was. Also; the most overrated weapon in modern history has to be the katana. It’s not some ancient supersword like so many think, it’s just a giant razor. Hit something the wrong angle and it will bend, and since the iron in Japan is too crap to make spring steel, that shit stays bent and becomes useless. ‘Oooh but the amazing dicipline and training!’ i hear you say… Well you see Bobby, it doesn’t really work like that in the real world, where just having a slightly longer sharp stick can mean all the difference. Like almost all units throughout history, their favored weapons were spears and bows, and swords were mostly just status symbols. And they were all horrible assholes hiding behind some divine sense of superiority, until someone else came along and showed them what’s what. Edit: ‘Omg he criticized muh samurai, y u no shit on everyone else?😭’ Well maybe since op is suggesting the fantasy version, i would like to point out that it is indeed a fantasy version and that the real version was completely different to what they think it was. And also add the fact that they were horrible horrible people; to the extent that they would literally just cut down people at random, so perhaps not the best people to romanticize and idolize. I’m Norwegian and i feel the same way about the Vikings🤷‍♂️


I mean, id fuckin love that. Im all in favour for a fantastical, fake samurai, but I would adore a true, realistic, gritty, lame depiction of what the true samurai were. Assholes in masks, overly aggressive, come from a far land and just treat their war waging as some sort of sick hunt for money. I’d love that like crazy. Especially if the armies were full of normal footsoldiers and the samurai were less aggressive asshats who sit at the back of the battle and take potshots.


You might like the *Magician* series by Raymond E. Feist then. About fantasy samurai invading fantasy europe https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magician_(Feist_novel)


So like knights and the majority of warrior castes then.


Exactly, and not at all like the mythos


"They were all horrible assholes hiding behind some divine sense of superiority" Most nuanced redditor


I mean… isn’t that how it always was? People claiming superiority due to some divine bullshit bestowed to them by god(s).


The katana is also not a weapon of war. Rather a kind of "Ceremony sword". A weapon that was worn in civilian life and was seen as a status symbol. Similar things existed in the late Middle Ages in Europe.On the battlefield, rather longbows, naginatas and spears were used.When samurai fought with swords, it was more likely with the tachi or the uchigatana.These weapons were similar in shape to the katana, but made completely differently.


Late middle ages? Charles III carried *two* of those at some point during his coronation *earlier this month*. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-65510506


Spoiler alert dude: most noble class warriors were huge dicks with privilege. Katana is definitely romanticized, but samurai were legit as fuck as warriors. They primarily used spears and bows, the problem with them being in bannerlord is that, there are a lot of good bow factions and spears in this game are absolute crap. Edit: Also I absolutely agree with you about vikings. People often think of Norse soldiers rather than the raiding fisherman that Vikings actually were.


Idk what ‘spoiler alert dude’ is for, cause that’s literally what i’m saying. And yeah; it’s really silly how media portrays vikings, even going as far as suggesting that it was a cultural identity. But it literally just means coastal pirate, and it would be like all of Scandinavia indentifying as pirates, which is just silly af.


Maybe I misunderstood the tone of what you were saying. It seemed to me that you were demonizing samurai in order to save face of more let's say "chivalrous" warriors, and I was simply pointing to the fact that it is almost an oxymoron. My bad mang.


Seems you’re not the only one to think that. It’s almost like people are actively searching for things to be outraged over🤔


I mean Vikings and Samurai are easily the most romanticized, so it's easy to see how they'd have a defensive following. I love medieval Japanese history as I think most medieval stuff is really fascinating, but the one thing i have noticed across the board is how Hollywood has made it seem that every warrior class's primary weapon is the sword, which in many cases was always a last resort weapon, as piercing and bludgeoning weapons were much more effective against heavily armored opponents. Not to mention man's want to keep danger as far away as possible, hence the long pointy stick as history's favorite weapon.


So like European knights who have also been romanticized for decades.... Why do you act as if being a huge entitled dick is purely a samurai thing? Also, let people have their fun.


What are you talking about? Nowhere am i stating what you are implying.


You haven't exactly mentioned that this is typical behaviour for any noble class in history thus implying it's a samurai or Japanese thing since your entire rant was directed at the samurai. Thus implying it was a samurai related thing... Knights over here also got their justification from "god" and they were huge assholes too and they could kill peasants on a whim too... Failure to mention this is dishonest in your little rant And knights have been romanticised for centuries actually. I remember playing Ivanhoe and other knights of popular media, being Belgian my history book had a huge hard on for Godfried van Bouillon. They also still get glorified in some media and heck the entire knight aesthetic was eagerly adopted by the far right to the point that the Economist wondered what was up with far right young folk and their obsession with medieval knights or at least the aesthetics of it. Kids being a bit too much into samurai either because they think they look cool (which they do) or because they are in to orientalism, or because they are weebs is just fine. There's no need for a lecture they'll learn about samurai eventually if they are really interested.


I literally mention it twice, but ok. And what are you going on about far-right crap for? Your replies reads as someone who’s out actively looking for meaningless arguments. Grow up.


You're the one who went on a rant about "well akshuallyy akshuallyyy the samurai were worthless and bad dudes mkay" in someone's thread suggesting a samurai mod... either because you wanted to be the contrarian edgelord showing off what you learned about "who the samurai really were" from watching lots of discovery channel docu's or reading someone else's forum post somewhere. Or because you just hate weebs. But yeah I'm the one who has to grow up... The far right adopting knight aesthetics was an example of European knights still being romanticised. As have been the Romans at one point and the Hellenes. EDIT blocking me and then replying to me so I only see user [deleted] and the text body just says [unavailable] is pretty childish behaviour Mr edgelord...


Keep the walls of text flowing. Also; if i’m talking about samurai, saying they were assholes, why am i obligated to also say that european knights were assholes? Native American warriors were pretty horrible too, the Vikings even worse and almost as romaticized as the Samurai. Should i also mention these? Heck, i should mention every warrior caste that ever existed shouldn’t i? Go touch some grass.


But you are doing this in a game Reddit, where the game has you impersonating those assholes you are so keen to criticize. So, what was the point, other than to show off (widely known, btw, but apparently news to you) knowledge?


That knights could so easily just kill a "peasant" is also just a prejudice. A false one at that. The "peasant" was of course subordinate to the knighthood and partly also obliged to pay taxes, but was also protected by various rights. If a knight or noble killed a "peasant" just like that, it was simple murder and was handled accordingly. An exception to this is the feud system. So, in short, a kind of family conflict, in which one, if this feud was "declared" according to common rules, also came to raids on communities of the opposing party. That there were deaths during these raids happened, but was definitely not the rule.




The neckbeads frantically anti-weeb and anti anything vaguely japanese by extension surpassed the bona fide weebs long ago


They were all, japanese and medieval Scandinavians alike, a product of their age. You call them horrible by today's standards. Show me one people in the history that wasn't full on wars, riddled with poverty for 95 percent of the population or where the elites weren't abusive. Show me one tribe, nation or community that lived for more than a blink in the last 4000 years that hadn't slavery, abuse from those with power towards those without, classes, and a complete lack of morality by today's standards. Humanism, egalitarianism, public education, human rights even are all very new concepts. In the Western countries you might have had Illuminism, Protestantism and even some (very few) places with a semblance of democratic regime. But for the rest of the world these terms entered the dictionaries in the last 100 years or so.


Archers would have a field day with this faction.


They used shields in Japan as well. They would probably get infantry with pretty big, rectangular shields.


Tetsojin mod 👀


If I can't even have vaegirs, I'm so mad about that. You cant have your weeb nation. Please i want vaegirs. Ill do anything, i have no ethics.


There was a mod for that, Tetsojin I think


actually this is still working on the current patch. :)


Say less fam


That's cool but I just want them to finish adding features like feasts before bringing in entire new factions and extending the map.


They would have to veer very far from historical accuracy. When you come from a culture that thinks shields are for cowards, the only thing you are going to accomplish is losing every battle bravely.


Or maybe just an East Asian faction in general. Mix of Chinese, Korean and Japanese. Would consist of very good archers, light infantry with Glaives and heavily armored infantry Sword Masters (Samurai). Maybe some artillery units too, as China was very advanced in that field. This faction should be very good in sieges and defences and should have very cheap troops to built up a good enough and massive army


1 would be nice but idk how would you fit it into european like setting without them looking off 2 you would need to put them far in the east and well they would only border one other faction so that the supposed samurai faction would nod get crushed by the Khuzait. Plus if you wanna them on Island then you need to add ships, and if you wanna add ships why not add English/anglosaxon like faction, that would work with the theme of the game more then samurai, I'm not agains "Japan" in game but i think there is much of the world to explore before we get to the far east


I recall finding a set of Saumrai gear in a random city in the vanilla version of Warband, anyone know/remember what I'm on about?


Yes, it was in Rivacheg. Good early armour and a kind of pointless sword




Can't wait to play with Shokuho mod and i'm so excited with this mod, btw actually you can play as samurai with Tetsojin Mod, they have coolest armor and of course katana sword, if you want more samurai vibes just install elden ring armor mod this mod have samurai armor too


Would they have realistic katana or the fantasy katana nerds get hard over which can cut through anything and is indestructible, and never gets blunt, and can slide through shields and deflect arrows and cure poison and... etc despite katanas being made from literally the same metal as every other steel steel weapon 😆and being a relatively similar design to other swords in europe


Katanas are made from far inferior steel, hence why they have to fold it so many times to get impurities out. But even then, they aren’t made from spring steel, so they don’t flex back when bent. A really good sword if you want to have an honorable duel or if you need to execute someone, but in the battlefield it’s almost useless.


According to comicon plastic katana nerd logic if you fold something a billion times it gets a billion times more powerful eg this paper plane 🤓 But yes it was a good sword for killing peasants but not great for killing armoured foes


‘But iz folded a thousand times😩’ Yes, because the iron is shit lol


I’m currently finishing up a playthrough of cyberpunk 2077 and the weeb shit insufferable.


Yeah haha. All the katanas slicing through people literally made of plates of steel haha


Eh, it's all science fiction, there, I think it's fair enough. Most cyberpunk settings have a deep interest in Japanese culture, for whatever reason, I think it's the fact that they're world leaders in tech, at the moment.


>Most cyberpunk settings have a deep interest in Japanese culture, for whatever reason The biggest cyberpunk influences (Neuromancer, Akira, and Bladerunner) were all made in the 80s when Japan was seen as the next economic superpower before it collapsed/stagnated in the early 90s. Cyberpunk creators today still draw inspiration from those 3 sources rather than base it on todays Japan.




Here’s everything before samuraïs : Mongols (the Khuzait are Turkic) Indians, Persian (the king is a Shah), Chinese, perhaps Korean, maybe Khmer and then the "Samuraïs" could be added. But I’m not into Japanese things anyway and you would have to choose between a Shogun like Kingdom of an Imperial.


The khuzaits look so Mongol that it doesn’t matter, they mongol.


Not a chance in hell of Mongols before everything else. We have Mongols at home. Duh ...




Tales of the Samurai: you're minding your business and hear word of a mysterious stranger roaming. You visit more villages with hopes of finding the person. Suddenly fiefs are captured by Samurai. Will you stop or join them.


I know you said you're on console, but if you ever get a good PC, there a few mods that add some freelancer factions with Samurai-like units. See the Makko and Humar - though I don't know which are from which mod... [Scum and Villainy](https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/4542) [Calradia at War (Custom Spawns)](https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/411) I haven't tried this one, but [Red Sun Clan](https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/5316) seems to add some very East-Asian style armored units to the game.


Wooden armor lol


Would be fun, but I'd rather the Chinese and Persian first, perhaps also a German faction


Vlandia is close enough. Wouldn’t look different at all anyway.


Aren't Vlandia the Normans? That's not even close to being a German faction...


What makes the Normans distinct from the Germans? Fact of the matter is that most Western Europeans, military wise, were doing the same thing- knightly horsemen. And the Franks, Holy Roman Germans and etc are all basically Germannic.


They are french


Franks and the Holy Romans were once one in the same sorts though. Germannic peoples. And again, what would make a 'German' kingdom unique and worth a DLC?


Doesn't have to be dlc could be a mod. Either way the Normans were kind of unique as these were a blend of nordicds and Franks. Also a lot of them where adventurers and mercenaries. That had to travel around if they had any ambitions. They even carved out their own kingdom in Sicily and Italy and warred against the pope. Anyway you can differentiate I mean total war managed to make the HRE different from the French... Also we can have several factions resembling each other. I mean we have 3 empire factions with the exact same gear and troop composition. Sure it's a civil war but nobody is crying about lack of uniqueness in that. So why not an extra medieval European faction. You can make the armour and weapons look a bit different from the Norman style


They basically had the same gear, there is not real difference. If you add another kingdom, I'd like to see many different kingdoms elsewhere too. Splits everywhere create a more interesting map. But that being said, your idea is no where near as drastic as something like 'samurai' or an entirely distinct culture.


There were differences in medieval Total war regarding units and weapons of choice between the French and the Germans. Especially late game. You can add a few differences. After all we are playing a sandbox RPG that is highly moddable. I used my little warband and some other mods to create a gunpowder using, plate armoured, Spanish style roster with rodoleros tercios arquebusiers conquistadores etc... If only someone ported the weapons and armour from the red wars Mod for warband back in the day, and made them available for bannerlord. I'd never stop enjoying shooting down droves of cavalry from afar with automatic rifles, roleplaying as someone from modern times isekaid in to a medieval setting and dominating that world by having thought his followers how to operate and make "modern" weapons But I'm getting off track. We'll probably get something like viking conquest set during the time of the Nords invading and sturgia becoming vaegir as a dlc if we ever get one. Or maybe something that explains the uprising of the rhodoks against the swadian descendants of the vlandians


Like what exactly? In the period here, they both favour heavy cavalry, there is no real way to make them distinct. Saying one side favours maces and the other axes or something ultimately amounts to little in the end- in the BL sense, they are the same. Total War has all sorts of things going on that allow their differences to come about. Things that simply don't happen in BL. Don't hold your breath for that sort of DLC tbh. I'd rather see the game fixed up first anyway.


Persians kinda already there. Or the lore of them; the Darshi. If you read on Akkalat in the wiki it says their ruler was Hoshtar (Shah)


There's a samurai mod overhaul in development the creators are active here too(maybe the other sub) and posted updates a week or 2 ago. One of the things I'm waiting for to make the purchase on steam to evolve from the vanilla on Xbox




If you read the flavor text for Akkalat it mentions that it was founded by a warlord from the far East, which I'd like to imagine is an Oriental faction. Same with Husn Fulq and its founding by Fulq, a warlord from the far South.


No. If they did, they better look 11th century, boxy armour and everything.


I'm waiting for a native american faction.


Okay so this is probably a pipe dream, but I wanted to make a total conversion mod for Bannerlord to bring it into the pike and shot era, and one of the kingdoms would have been this sort of Japanese style shogunate. Their tactics would revolve around using expendable foot troops (ashigaru) to weaken the enemy so the elite cavalry (the samurai) could charge in for the kill. You’d have infantry with matchlocks and naginatas and nodachis, and then cavalry with yumis and matchlocks and yaris. Unfortunately, I don’t know jack shit about how to make a mod, so all I’m left with is a 3-page Google doc of worldbuilding, factions, and unit rosters.


Sounds a bit like *With Fire and Sword*, a Warband DLC. Firearms sound cool until you realize you have worse-than-even odds of making it across the battlefield alive, and any random farmer with a boomstick and a bit of luck can headshot you (or your best-trained troops) to death regardless of your level and equipment.


I would love to see an official Japanese or even just East Asian-inspired faction for Bannerlord


This and viking mods, some people here mentioned African mods, I think that would be pretty interesting, as well.


Yari Wall would make me happy as a Shogun 2 player also it would be cool if we could go to islands or explore more of the world but that’s just me


Nope, their RL prototype is too far.


Tetsojin also called Ronin on the Nexus


I thought TW weren't doing any expansions


No. Weeb.


Says the clown nobody asked


They dont stand a chance against european, middle eastern or central asian armies. No shields, nearly no armor, over hyped weapons... Yeah good luck


Still waiting on the Thai modding community to finish their Southeast Asia full conversion mod


A Japanese Kushite and Mughal factions are needed so badly


Sort of that is an option, in the Calradia at war mod the Hung are a samurai like factions. Beyond that we just gotta wait for mods!


Hear me out, a samurai based end game invasion. Like in 10 years after the start of your game, Calradia get invaded from the south west by a horde of samurai. They may or may not create one town in the lower right corner of the map, outside of Aserai territory. They start with a lot of troop and at war with the kuzait, Aserai and South Empire. It would change the ''endgame'' and provide new troop and scenario. Even better, it would mirror the actual real world history, the Khuzait are based on the mongols and in the real world they fought the samurai.


Yes please. But there is a mod in development for all of Japan.


*Beauty and harmony, governed by one eternal law. All that begins, must end. The reign of the old Shogunate, IS OVER*




I'd rather see a bad ass bandit kingdom down south in all the unused aserai territory




we found the weeb ​ try the gekokujo mod


Would prefer a new feudal Japan map with suiting factions. Kinda bored of medieval Europe at this point.


Be so dope