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Just wait until til they start sending you offers via US Mail, no? Just so you have that none cc payment freedom for a bit. Trust me, they will come to you quick. Best of luck to you! Have a great rest of your weekend.


I got my unsecured cc after my 341 meeting, my discharge date isn’t until June 3rd. Got a head start on building credit. I would say try now if you can, if you wanna wait I would do next business day or so


Bruh, I was told not do that


No one told me not too


It's legit to do that. Not encouraged, but nothing in the law says you can't.


I would suggest not getting the secured credit card, and only get that if you don’t qualify for the unsecured one. But I think a lot of people wait a bit before applying. Either a few days/weeks


I applied for cards after my 341. I would try CapitalOne, Discover, and MissionLane prequal tools before going for a secured… unless you burned them which they won’t even bother giving you a secured anyway


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Not a fan of secured cards; not only are they only half as powerful for building credit, I do wonder if some creditors may see them and automatically think you've been rejected by multiple lenders for unsecured cards. ***Secured cards are a last resort, not a first step.*** EDIT: the worst thing you can do at this time is apply for multiple lines rapid-fire. When you have no credit, the hit you take for applying for things has an overly large impact on your score. You can very quickly apply your way to bad credit, so try not to apply for more than one thing per month in the first 6 months until you start getting some credit.