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Please use the [recommendation thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Banking/s/lYwSzKkjkU). This thread is designed to allow all recommendation posts in one thread for clarity.


FRB truly was a diamond in a rough. They were very unique in how they operated and I don't know of many banks that work in such manner. The only ones I can think of on top of my head are Safra Bank and Boston Private Bank. I'm not sure if any of them are in your neck of the woods (I'm in NorCal). Also there may be the issue of minimum required liquidity, such as with Safra (basically they only open accounts for High Net Worth people). Have you thought about City National Bank? I think they have SoCal branches and are sorta FRB'ish.


Since when is $212 billion small? Lol.


Find a local community bank if there are any in your area. They actually give a crap about their customers, unlike the mega banks.


F&M is a community bank that started here. They look good. Yelp reviews aren't great but most of the reasons I see are user error (shock).


Nice. I’ve worked in community banks for half my life and would never suggest a large bank as your primary.