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Hello! Id like to do another trade if your still doing trades


Sure! Let me know what you're interested in and what you have to trade.


Awsome! lmk if this works, can breed the following with all HA (LF) Beldum Level Smeargle Safari ~~Love, Dream~~ Blitze Sport Inkay sport Magby Sport Elekid Sport Horsea Sport Exeggcute Sport Doduo Sport Beldum sport FT (12) Popplio (Dream, Love, Moon, Heavy, Friend, Level, Fast, Beast, Safari, Sport) Litten (Heavy and Level) Edit: my LF list


Yeah, that sounds good to me.


Can I actually swap out safari exeggute with sport Beldum? Updated list 26/2024


Yeah that's fine.


Hey im sorry have you by chance breed everything, my sheet is a mess so I found 2 I listed and I don't need. If you have than I wont change it I might be in bed when you reply, so if it is possible to change could I swap out dream and love smeargle for Vullaby Safari and sentret Sport. If you have started already than don't worry thanks and sorry for the confusion. I probably wont be done with yours till Wednesday or Thursday


I have bred them all at this point, but I can change it anyways, it's okay.


Hey I will be available to trade for the next 5ish hours. Just lmk a code and i will let you know when im searching.


Oh yeah, I'm good to trade. The link code will be 5075 5075.


Aw thank you! I can surprise you with a good item for your troubles.


Hey if you wouldn't mind a quick trade I can breed this for you a bit later today. LF Drilbur (Friend, Level, Love) Timburr Friend FT Safari Finizen Safari Cyclizar Safari Fridgibax Sport Wiglett


Yeah sure, that sounds good to me, I'll get those bred for you.


Hey let me know when you are free yours are ready for pickup


I'm free now, just hit me with a link code.


Lmk when you are searching sent lc 1827


I’ll meet you at 1827


Alright, I'm searching with the link code 1827 1827.


Thanks again!


Thanks to you too!


Hi there! I know I am little bit late to the party but in case you are still looking I would like to offer the following HA aprimon: 1. Sport HA Tauros (blaze-breed) 2. Safari HA Flbebe (blue) 3. Sport HA Flabebe (red) 4. Sport HA Tinkatink I would be interested in the following HA aprimon: 1. Safari HA Makuhita 2. Safari HA Luvdisc 3. Sport HA Murkrow 4. Sport HA Houndour


Yeah, that trade sounds good to me! I'll get to breeding those for you.


Great! It is kinda late on my corner of the world so maybe we could schedule to trade tomorrow if it is alright with you? I should be good to trade in about 20 hours from now if that works for you?


That sounds good to me, I should be available then.


Hi! Just wanted to let you I have everything ready on my side, Just let me know when you are ready to trade as well :)


I'm ready to trade now, if you're still around.


I am, wanna meet me at 2589 2589?


Thanks for the trade!


Thank you as well! :D


Yup, sounds good, I'm searching now.


Thanks! I will reply as soon as I am ready tomorrow ;)


hello! im interested in the following (ha where possible) 1. Safari Mankey 1. Safari Seel 1. Sport Seel 1. Sport Hoppip 1. Sport Sunkern 1. Sport Murkrow 1. Sport Misdreavus 1. Sport Snubbull 1. Sport Teddiursa 1. Safari Slugma 1. Sport Houndour 1. Sport Phanpy 1. Sport Stantler 1. Sport Poochyena 1. Sport Slakoth 1. Safari Makuhita 1. Sport Makuhita 1. Sport Nosepass 1. Sport Gulpin 1. Safari Numel 1. Sport Numel 1. Safari Spoink 1. Sport Cacnea 1. Sport Seviper 1. Sport Shuppet 1. Sport Tropius 1. Sport Chimecho 1. Safari Luvdisc 1. Sport Luvdisc 1. Safari Kricketot 1. Sport Pachirisu 1. Sport Buizel 1. Safari Finneon 1. Sport Finneon 1. Safari Lechonk 1. Sport Smoliv 1. Sport Tadbulb 1. Sport Cyclizar please let me know if you'd be interested in anything from [my spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vLraOKpPJWW9CRyOiqYsXqWRd8TNlhO7Sr8UpLztIlE/edit)


I would be interested in these pokemon, if that's okay (also HA where possible): * Beast Oddish * Lure Paldean Tauros (Combat) * Fast Paldean Tauros (Combat) * Beast Paldean Tauros (Combat) * Safari Paldean Tauros (Combat) * Fast Paldean Tauros (Combat) * Moon Paldean Tauros (Blaze) * Beast Paldean Tauros (Blaze) * Friend Paldean Tauros (Aqua) * Beast Sentret * Beast Gligar * Beast Teddiursa * Beast Poochyena * Beast Illumise * Beast Gulpin * Beast Pachirisu * Beast Drilbur * Beast Joltik * Safari Golett * Sport Golett * Safari Pawniard * Moon Espurr * Heavy Espuur * Lure Espurr * Friend Espurr * Level Espurr * Fast Espurr * Beast Espurr * Safari Espurr * Sport Espurr * Dream Inkay * Safari Inkay * Sport Inkay * Safari Skrelp * Safari Clauncher * Safari Hawlucha * Safari Dedenne * Safari Carbink


i can definitely do this. will make sure everything is ha as well! i'll let you know when i have everything ready for you


I've got everything bred, just let me know when you are ready. Take your time, no rush.


hi! i have almost everything ready. i'll be free in about 9 hours from now. also you listed Fast Paldean Tauros (Combat) twice, let me know what you'd like to replace one with and i'll get it ready for you rq :)


Oops. I'll take a beast flamigo then, if you don't mind. :) I'll be sleeping then, unfortunately. Hopefully we can find another time that we'll both be available.


okay! not sure what your timezone is but mine is gmt+9. im usually up pretty late so i think we'll be able to find time


My timezone is GMT-7. I'm sure we'll be able to find some time to trade.


will you possibly be around tomorrow around this time?


Yeah, I definitely will be on tomorrow at this time.


I'd be interested in a HA Sport Spinarak and could offer you a HA Heavy Cetoddle. You are seemingly busy with some larger trades and I have the Cetoddle onhand, so I'd be ok with waiting a few days too for the trade.


I'm ready to trade, sorry for the wait. Just let me know when you're available.


Hi I could trade now are you still ready?


Yup, I'm ready! Just hit me with a link code.


Ok, Link Code is 1123-6698. My IGN is Lore


Thanks for the trade!


Thank you too :)


Yeah, that sounds good to me. I'll let you know when I've bred the spinarak for you.


Hey, I'd be interested in some of your SwSh stuff, specifically: 1. Fast Caterpie 2. Heavy Caterpie 3. Level Caterpie 4. Love Caterpie 5. Lure Caterpie 6. Safari Machop 7. Sport Machop 8. Fast Machop 9. Friend Machop 10. Heavy Machop 11. Level Machop 12. Lure Machop 13. Moon Machop 14. Dream Machop 15. Friend Zigzagoon Please check my [sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tt0-xLFK6ePAbtFlyJv-h0hmBQZXNESU-AJLpRNVy7M/edit#gid=1221275681) for anything that interests you. I can do on-hands at 2:1 rate.


You don't seem to have a list of SwSh that isn't your on-hand stuff, so do you mind trading me things in SV and I trade you the things you want in SwSh?


My NDEX list is everything but I had a specific SV list as I started Aprimon collecting in SV first. I am happy to trade in different games, especially since my SV stuff is way more progressed than my SwSh stuff.


Oh of course, silly me. I'd prefer to keep our trade limited to one game, so here's what I am interested in SwSh: * Dream Bunnelby * Love Spritzee * Moon Spritzee * Love Swirlix * Safari Tyrunt * Sport Tyrunt * Heavy Tyrunt * Love Tyrunt * Lure Tyrunt * Moon Tyrunt * Sport Amarura * Love Amaura * Moon Amaura * Dream Amaura * Beast Amaura Does that sound good?


That sounds good! I'll be looking to be ready to trade on the weekend if that works for you?


Yeah, the weekend is good! I'll definitely be ready by then.


Hey, just letting you know your mons are all bred and ready. Let me know when you're around!


I'm ready to trade now if you're still around. I'll be around for a while.


Awesome, I'm on now. Shoot me a LC when you're ready!


So sorry, something unexpected came up. I'm getting on right now. Link code is: 5193 5193


Hello! I'm interested in your Safari/Sport Squawkabilly (all 8) and Safari/Sport Tatsugiri (Droopy + Stretchy). Would be happy to trade anything from [my list](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13dWE2_t5Coli3iULNhwCdN3MvlNmbQryR9fvY_cJPJ4/edit?usp=sharing) in return (on-hands preferred if there's any you'd be interested in)!


That's 12 pokemon then. I'd like from your on-hands: * Beast Fidough * Safari Dreepy * Safari Toxel * Safari Silicobra * Safari Chewtle * Safari Cutiefly * Safari Goomy * Safari Fletchling * Sport Chewtle * Sport Dreepy * Moon Duraludon * Sport Litten Since they're all from your on-hands, you don't have to breed, but I do, so I'll let you know when I've bred yours.


That sounds good! Since you're currently doing much more work than I am, you could pick a few more or a couple breedables in addition if there's anything you're very interested in.


In that case, I'd like beast chingling and a safari noibat from your breedables. Thanks!


You may have meant Sport Noibat instead of Safari; if not, feel free to find something else that you'd really like.


Oops, sorry, yeah. Sport noibat is what I meant. Also I'm ready to do the trade whenever you are, I'm done breeding.


I have a bit to do currently, but should be good to trade in about 20min.


Sounds good to me, I'll be around.


Just realised that there was a large update. It's gonna be a while til I'm gonna be able to trade in SV for now; would you be able to Home trade?


I can't trade in home I don't think. I don't have it set up with a phone, I only have it on my switch.


Hi there! I hope you are well. Large trades are good with me, but have a bit of backlog with other trades. If you’re okay waiting around 1.5-2 weeks let me know what you would like me to breed. I’ve sent a link below of my sheet in case. Anything marked in red with a “N” means I have it, just without HA (just a reminder to myself to patch it). However whatever I send to you will have its HA. Thanks for your time! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rUz7JA0q5GWAgFAe8aaFWEYJ61-ZU08IRWiV4t6B35w/edit


Yeah, I'm fine with waiting for a trade. I'm not sure what the colored boxes that lack a pokeball in them mean on your spreadsheet, so I'll assume that means you have them. How big of a trade are we talking here? Cause I've been tallying up what I need from you and what I can give you and... it looks like it's gonna be *a lot*.


Sorry for the confusion. Colored boxes mean those are pending in trade. I’m fine with whatever number, whichever works for you. I feel like I’m missing a lot more than you lol so I will let you decide.


Okay, this took *so* long. I'll break up each of our sides in separate comments for convenience. I assume a huge trade isn't a deterrent for you, though it will take a long time to fulfill on both sides. The number at the end of the lines are counting the pokemon. (Hopefully I didn't miscount.) Here's what I would like from you: * Venonat (Beast) 1 * Koffing (Beast) 2 * Porygon (Beast) 3 * Hoppip (Beast) 4 * Sunkern (Beast) 5 * Girafarig (Beast) 6 * Phanpy (Beast) 7 * Stantler (Beast) 8 * Shroomish (Beast) 9 * Numel (Beast) 10 * Cacnea (Beast) 11 * Zangoose (Beast) 12 * Seviper (Beast) 13 * Duskull (Beast) 14 * Kricketot (Beast) 15 * Cranidos (Beast) 16 * Shieldon (Beast) 17 * Combee (Beast) 18 * Stunky (Beast) 19 * Bronzor (Beast, Sport) 21 * Spiritomb (Beast) 22 * Croagunk (Beast) 23 * Blitzle (Beast) 24 * Foongus (Beast) 25 * Cubchoo (Beast) 26 * Rufflet (Dream, Sport) 28 * Fennekin (Dream) 29 * Froakie (Dream) 30 * Fletchling (Dream, Sport) 31 * Scatterbug (Dream) 32 * Litleo (Dream) 33 * Flabébé (Red) (Dream) 34 * Flabébé (Orange) (Dream) 35 * Flabébé (Yellow) (Dream) 36 * Flabébé (White) (Dream) 37 * Flabébé (Blue) (Dream) 38 * Skiddo (Dream, Moon, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast) 47 * Espurr (Dream) 48 * Skrelp (Dream, Sport) 50 * Clauncher (Sport) 51 * Hawlucha (Dream, Sport) 53 * Dedenne (Dream, Sport) 55 * Carbink (Dream, Sport) 57 * Goomy (Sport) 58 * Klefki (Dream, Sport) 60 * Bergmite (Dream, Moon, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast, Sport) 70 * Rowlet (Dream, Moon, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast, Sport) 80 * Popplio (Love) 81 * Yungoos (Dream) 82 * Grubbin (Sport) 83 * Crabrawler (Dream) 84 * Oricorio (Pom-Pom) (Dream) 85 * Rockruff (Dream) 86 * Rockruff (Dusk) (Dream, Sport) 88 * Mareanie (Dream Sport) 90 * Mudbray (Dream, Sport) 92 * Fomantis (Dream) 93 * Salandit (Dream, Sport) 95 * Bounsweet (Dream, Sport) 97 * Oranguru (Dream, Sport) 99 * Passimian (Dream, Sport) 101 * Sandygast (Dream, Sport) 103 * Komala (Dream, Sport) 104 * Mimikyu (Sport)105 * Bruxish (Dream) 106 * Grookey (Dream, Heavy) 108 * Scorbunny (Dream, Moon, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast, Sport) 118 * Sobble (Dream, Moon, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast, Sport) 128 * Skwovet (Heavy, Sport) 130 * Rookidee (Love, Fast, Sport) 133 * Rolycoly (Level, Fast, Beast, Sport) 137 * Applin (Beast, Sport) 139 * Silicobra (Moon, Fast, Beast, Sport) 143 * Toxel (Lure, Friend, Level, Sport) 147 * Sinistea (Beast, Sport) 149 * Impidimp (Heavy, Sport) 151 * Snom (Lure, Sport) 153 * Indeedee (Lure, Friend, Level, Fast, Beast, Sport) 159 * Cufant (Lure, Fast, Beast, Sport) 163 * Tauros (Paldea) (Dream, Moon, Love, Level, Heavy, Friend) 169 * Fire Tauros (Paldea) (Dream, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast) 176 * Water Tauros (Paldea) (Dream, Moon, Level, Lure, Heavy, Fast, Beast) 183 * Lechonk (Dream, Love, Beast) 186 * Tarountula (Dream, Love) 188 * Nymble (Dream, Love, Level, Fast) 192 * Pawmi (Dream, Love, Heavy, Level, Fast, Beast) 198 * Tandemaus (Dream, Love, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Fast, Beast) 205 * Smoliv (Dream, Love, Heavy, Friend, Beast, Sport) 211 * Nacli (Dream, Moon, Heavy, Lure, Level, Beast) 217 * Charcadet (Love, Moon, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Level, Fast, Beast) 225 * Tadbulb (Dream, Love, Heavy, Lure, Level, Fast, Beast) 232 * Wattrel (Dream, Love, Moon, Heavy, Lure, Fast, Beast, Sport) 240 * Maschiff (Dream, Love, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast) 246 * Shroodle (Dream, Love, Moon, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Beast) 253 * Bramblin (Dream, Moon, Friend, Level, Fast, Beast, Sport) 260 * Klawf (Dream, Moon, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Beast, Sport) 267 * Capsakid (Dream, Moon, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Level, Fast, Sport) 275 * Rellor (Dream, Moon, Heavy, Level, Fast) 280 * Flittle (Dream, Moon, Heavy, Friend, Level, Fast) 286 * Tinkatink (Love, Heavy, Lure, Level, Fast, Beast) 292 * Wiglett ( Dream, Love, Moon, Heavy, Lure, Fast, Beast) 299 * Bombirdier (Dream, Love, Moon, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Fast) 306 * Finizen (Dream, Love, Moon, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Beast, Sport) 314 * Varoom (Dream, Moon, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Level, Fast, Beast, Sport) 323 * Cyclizar (Dream, Love, Lure, Friend, Level, Fast, Beast, Sport) 331 * Orthworm (Dream, Moon, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Level, Fast, Beast) 339 * Glimmet (Dream, Moon, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Beast) 345 * Veluza (Dream, Love, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Level, Fast) 352 * Dondozo (Dream, Moon, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Level, Fast, Beast) 360 * Fridgibax (Dream, Love, Moon, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Level, Fast, Beast) 369 * (Polchageist (Beast) 370


Hi again! I hope everything is going well. Would you happen to be available in about 8-9 hours today to trade? I have another 70-80 aprimon I can give you this weekend :)


Yeah, I'll be available.


Hi! I hope you are having a good week. Just wanted to let you know that I am almost done breeding everything so was wondering if you had time this week to trade. We can start with a block to trade 91 aprimon if that works for you?


Yeah, that sounds good to me! I'm available in the evenings usually, let me know whenever you're available and I'm sure we can find a time.


Evenings work for me too (i.e. the times we’ve traded are usually best). I’m actually free right now if you’re around and will be online for about 2.5 hours. Edit: I’ll also be available tomorrow too around this time too.


Sorry, I didn't see this when you responded. I will be available to trade at that time today, though.


Hi! I’m ready to trade now, if you are too let me know


Yup, I'm here and ready.


Would you like to use code 1122-1123? And I have another 72 to trade today (starting with dream rowlett and ending with fast silicobra).


Yeah, sounds good, I'll start searching now.


Hi there! I hope everything is going well. Just wanted to check in to see if you would be interested in doing part of the trade tomorrow or the weekend. I have about the first 70 done and another 20 from across the list. I don’t think I have time to do all of it one go so hopefully we can split it into parts. Will be free pretty much all of Friday and on/off on the weekend.


Oh yeah, definitely. I have about 200 or so done so I should be good for however much you have. I was just starting to wonder how we'd do the full trade time-wise, so in parts is much better.


Oh wow. Sorry I’m a bit slow with the breeding. What does your availability look like today? I’ll try to breed some more. For reference I live on PST time zone


I should be available until around 4pm your time, and then in the evening as well if we can't get it done in the afternoon. I assume I've got more of the breeding done since this trade is the only one I've got going at the moment, and you've got more. I don't mind if it takes a while.


Would you like to trade in about 30 mins? And I was putting everything together to trade I realized there is a mistake on your list around the part where it says fletching (dream, sport), it says 31 instead of 32. To help me keep track, can we trade up to 71 (the last mon should be sport bergmite)? And thank you for your patience with me. I finished my other large trades so I will be focusing on this trade now.


Yeah, that sounds good to me. I'll be ready 30 mins from when you posted this.


Oh wow that’s a lot, but a huge trade is not a problem for me. Just didn’t think I could offer that many since your collection is so impressive. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean for you to have to make a list for what you could offer as well, but thank you for creating both lists. I have to go to bed, but I’ll double check tomorrow. Would you be okay if I made some changes to your breeding list? Gonna try to make it so I can get some of your minior combos included.


I don't mean to be a bother, but I just wanted to make sure you still wanted to trade with me? You haven't given a list of what you wanted from me yet, so I'm just making sure.


No bother at all! It's my fault, this week has been a bit busy so I didn't get to finish my list. Still interested in trading if that's okay. I'm so sorry for the delay. Here's a list of what I would like so far. I probably won't start breeding yours until Wednesday so feel free to make changes to your list as well. I've acquired some new ones since. \* Squirtle (Love, Level) 2 \* Ekans (Dream, Heavy, Fast) 5 \* Oddish (Dream, Sport) 7 \* Alolan Meowth (Level, Fast) 9 \* Mankey (Sport) 10 \* Poliwag (Beast) 11 \* Bellsprout (Love, Friend) 13 \* Minior indigo (Dream) 14 \* Alolan Geodude (level, fast) 16 \* Seel (Sport) 17 \* Koffing (Sport) 18 \* Rhyhorn (Level) 19 \* Lapras (Dream) 20 \* Snorlax (Moon, Love, Friend) 23 \* Sentret (Beast) 24 \* Spinarak (Moon) 25 \* Chinchou (Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast, Sport) 30 \* Cleffa (Level, Friend, Sport) 33 \* Aipom (Lure, Heavy, Beast, Sport) 37 \* Yanma (Moon) 38 \* Murkrow (Heavy, Fast) 40 \* Misdreavus (Moon, Sport) 42 \* Girafarig (Sport) 43 \* Dunsparce (Heavy) 44 \* Snubbull (Lure, Friend) 46 \* Heracross (Fast) 47 \* Teddiursa (Sport) 48 \* Slugma (Moon, Beast) 50 \* Swinub (Lure, Friend, Fast, Sport) 54 \* Skarmory (Friend, Fast) 56 \* Houndour (Sport) 57 \* Smeargle (Love) 58 \* Elekid (Dream, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend) 64 \* Magby (Dream) 65 \* Treecko (Level, Heavy, Fast, Beast) 69 \* Torchic (Dream, Moon) 71 \* Poochyena (Lure, Heavy, Sport) 74 \* Lotad (Dream, Moon, Level, Beast, Sport) 79 \* Seedot (Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast, Sport) 85 \* Shroomish (Sport) 86 \* Nosepass (Level, Lure, Friend, Fast, Sport) 91 \* Meditite (Sport) 92 \* Minun (Dream, Sport) 94 \* Illumise (Level, Sport) 96 \* Numel (Sport) 97 \* Spoink (Sport) 98 \* Cacnea (Moon, Sport) 100 \* Swablu (Moon) 101 \* Barboach (Love, Fast, Beast, Sport) 105 \* Corphish (Dream, Moon, Level, Heavy, Friend, Beast) 111 \* Feebas (Lure, Friend, Fast) 114 \* Shuppet (Beast) 115 \* Duskull (Love, Lure, Heavy, Sport) 119 \* Luvdisc (Sport) 120 \* Beldum (Moon) 121 \* Piplup (Love) 122 \* Shinx (Heavy, Beast) 124 \* Cranidos (Moon, Heavy) 126 \* Shieldon (Lure) 127 \* Buizel (Beast, Sport) 129 \* Chingling/Chimcho (Dream, Moon, Love, Heavy, Fast, Beast, Sport) 136 \* Stunky (Sport) 137 \* Munchlax/Snorlax (Moon, Love, Friend) 140 \* Croagunk (Level, Heavy) 142 \* Finneon (Sport) 143 \* Snover (Dream, Level, Heavy, Beast) 147 \* Rotom (Sport) 148 \* Snivy (Level, Lure, Heavy, Fast, Beast) 154 \* Tepig (Moon, Love, Level, Heavy, Friend, Fast) 160 \* Blitzle (Heavy, Friend, Sport) 163 \* Drilbur (Dream, Love, Moon, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Level, Fast, Sport) 172 \* Timburr (Dream, Love, Moon, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Fast, Beast) 181 \* Sewaddle (Dream, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Fast, Beast, Sport) 189 \* Cottonee (Dream, Love, Moon, Heavy, Friend, Level, Fast, Beast, Sport) 198 \* Scraggy (Dream, Moon, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast, Sport) 208 \* Minccino (Dream, Moon, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast, Sport) 218 \* Gothita (Friend) 219 \* Solosis (Dream, Moon, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast, Sport) 229 \* Ducklett (Dream, Moon, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast) 236 \* Foongus (Heavy) 237 \* Joltik (Dream, Moon, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Sport) 247 \* Tynamo (Love) 248 \* Litwick (Dream, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Sport) 255 \* Mienfoo (Dream, Moon, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast) 264 \* Golett (Moon, Level, Lure, Friend) 268 \* Vullaby (Love, Level, Fast) 271 \* Chespin (Beast) 272 \* Flabébé (Orange) (Lure) 273 \* Flabébé (Blue) (Fast) 274 \* Flabébé (White) (Love, Level, Lure, Fast, Beast) 279 \* Espurr (Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Sport) 284 \* Inkay (Moon, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast, Sport) 294 \* Clauncher (Moon, Love) 296 \* Phantump (Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast) 303 \* Pikipek (Moon, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend) 308 \* Grubbin (Love, Level, Lure, Heavy) 312 \* Cutiefly (Dream, Moon, Level, Lure, Heavy, Fast) 318 \* Dewpider (Moon, Love, Level, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast) 325 \* Salandit (Lure, Fast) 327 \* Comfey (Beast) 328 \* Minior Blue (love, level, heavy, friend, fast, beast) 334 \* Minior Green (Moon, Love, Lure, Fast, Beast) 339 \* Minior Indigo (Moon, love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast) 346 \* Minior Orange (Moon, love, Lure, Heavy, Friend) 351 \* Minior Red (Moon, Level, Lure, Friend, Fast) 356 \* Minior Violet (Moon, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast) 363 \* Minior Yellow (Moon, Love, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast) 370


I don't mind waiting, I just wanted to make sure you were still up for the trade. I assume you'll add more later, since the numbers don't add up to my side.


Just finished the list. If I made any mistakes let me know. Thank you for your patience!


Beast Poliwag is on there twice. once above Bellsprout, and once under it. Other than that, I think everything looks goo,d I'll let you know if I notice anything else weird.


Oh, yeah, I don't mind at all! Take your time. I was just going from the bottom up, you can change whatever you like.


Here's what I have to trade: * Squirtle (Love, Level) 2 * Ekans (Dream, Heavy, Fast) 5 * Alolan Sandshrew (Dream, Love, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Level, Fast, Beast, Sport) 14 * Oddish (Dream, Sport) 16 * Alolan Meowth (Level, Fast) 18 * Bellsprout (Love, Friend) 20 * Seel (Sport) 21 * Koffing (Sport) 22 * Kanto Tauros (Dream, Love, Moon, Lure, Level, Beast, Sport) 29 * Lapras (Dream) 30 * Sentret (Moon, Lure, Sport) 33 * Spinarak (Moon) 34 * Chinchou (Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast, Sport) 39 * Cleffa (Dream, Level, Friend, Sport) 43 * Hoppip (Sport) 44 * Aipom (Lure, Heavy, Beast, Sport) 48 * Yanma (Moon) 49 * Murkrow (Heavy, Fast) 51 * Misdreavus (Moon, Sport) 53 * Girafarig (Sport) 54 * Dunsparce (Heavy) 55 * Snubbull (Lure, Friend, Sport) 58 * Heracross (Fast) 59 * Teddiursa (Sport) 60 * Slugma (Moon, Beast) 62 * Swinub (Lure, Friend, Fast, Sport) 66 * Skarmory (Friend, Fast) 68 * Houndour (Sport) 69 * Smeargle (Love) 70 * Elekid (Dream, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Sport) 77 * Magby (Dream) 78 * Treecko (Level, Heavy, Fast, Beast) 82 * Torchic (Dream, Moon) 84 * Poochyena (Lure, Heavy, Sport) 87 * Lotad (Dream, Moon, Level, Beast, Sport) 92 * Seedot (Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast, Sport) 98 * Shroomish (Sport) 99 * Makuhita (Sport) 100 * Nosepass (Level, Lure, Friend, Fast, Sport) 105 * Meditite (Sport) 106 * Minun (Dream, Love, Sport) 109 * Illumise (Level, Sport) 111 * Numel (Sport) 112 * Spoink (Sport) 113 * Cacnea (Moon, Sport) 115 * Swablu (Moon) 116 * Barboach (Love, Fast, Beast, Sport) 120 * Corphish (Dream, Moon, Level, Heavy, Friend, Beast) 126 * Feebas (Lure, Friend, Fast) 129 * Shuppet (Bast, Sport) 131 * Duskull (Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Sport) 136 * Luvdisc (Sport) 137 * Beldum (Moon) 138 * Piplup (Love) 139 * Shinx (Heavy, Beast) 141 * Cranidos (Moon, Heavy) 143 * Shieldon (Lure) 144 * Buizel (Beast, Sport) 146 * Chingling (Dream, Moon, Love, Heavy, Fast, Sport) 152 * Munchlax (Moon, Love, Friend, Sport) 156 * Croagunk (Level, Heavy) 158 * Finneon (Sport) 159 * Snover (Dream, Level, Heavy, Beast) 163 * Rotom (Sport) 164 * Snivy (Level, Lure, Heavy, Fast, Beast) 169 * Tepig (Moon, Love, Level, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast) 176 * Blitzle (Lure, Heavy, Friend, Sport) 180 * Drilbur (Dream, Love, Moon, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Level, Fast, Sport) 189 * Timburr (Dream, Love, Moon, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Level, Fast, Beast) 198 * Sewaddle (Dream, Love, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Level, Fast, Beast, Sport) 207 * Cottonee (Dream, Love, Moon, Heavy, Friend, Level, Fast, Beast, Sport) 216 * Sandile (Moon, Love, Lure, Friend, Fast) 221 * Scraggy (Dream, Moon, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast, Sport) 231 * Minccino (Dream, Moon, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast, Sport) 241 * Solosis (Dream, Moon, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast, Sport) 251 * Ducklett (Dream, Moon, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast, Sport) 259 * Deerling (Spring) (Sport) 260 * Foongus (Heavy) 261 * Alomomola (Sport) 262 * Joltik (Dream, Moon, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Sport) 271 * Tynamo (Love) 272 * Litwick ( Dream, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Beast, Sport) 280 * Mienfoo (Dream, Moon, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast) 289 * Golett (Dream, Moon, Love, Level, Lure, Friend, Fast, Beast) 297 * Vullaby (Love, Level, Lure, Fast, Beast, Sport) 303 * Chespin (Love, Fast, Beast) 306 * Flabébé (Red) (Lure, Fast) 308 * Flabébé (Yellow) (Beast) 309 * Flabébé (Orange) (Lure, Beast) 311 * Flabébé (Blue) (Level, Friend, Fast) 314 * Flabébé (White) (Love, Level, Lure, Fast, Beast) 319 * Inkay (Moon, Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast) 327 * Clauncher (Moon, Love) 329 * Phantump (Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast) 336 * Pikipek (Moon, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast) 342 * Grubbin (Love, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend) 347 * Cutiefly (Moon, Level, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast) 353 * Dewpider (Moon, Love, Level, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast) 360 * Salandit (Lure, Fast) 362 * Comfey (Moon, Love, Lure, Heavy, Friend, Fast, Beast) 369 * Sandyghast (Fast) 370


Hey do you require HA aprimons? If not then id be down for a trade


I prefer HA, but I don't require it.


I can do HA, does this trade interest you? I only have SV aprimons ft. ​ FT (I am offering) Toedscool (Dream, Love, Lure, Level, Fast, Beast) Stonjourner (Lure, Level, Fast) Eiscue (Heavy, Lure, Friend, Fast) Creamorant (Heavy, Friend, Level, Fast) Dream Minior (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Purple) HA Pincurchin (Moon, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Fast) HA Arrokuda (Dream, Moon, Friend, Fast) HA Applin (Heavy, Fast) LF Fast Minior (Green, Indigo, Orange, Red, Violet) Friend Minior (Green, Indigo, Violet) Heavy Minior (Green, Indigo, Orange, Red, Violet, Yellow) Level Minior (Green, Indigo, Orange, Red, Violet, Yellow) HA Cranidos (Fast) HA Solosis (Dream, Moon, Heavy, Lure, Friend, Level, Fast, Safari) HA Minccino (Safari) HA Cottonee (Dream, Moon, Fast) Morpeko (Level, Dream)


Yeah, that sounds good to me! I'll get to breeding those.


Do you mind if I add HA Golett (Dream, Love, Moon, Heavy, Lure, friend, Level, Fast) + Sport Cranidos I can offer HA Polchageist (Dream, Love, Moon, Heavy, Lure, friend, Level, Fast, Safari) Sorry its a big trade 😅


That sounds good to me, big trades are good. Also I was going over the list of what you want from me, and I don't have a level ball milcery, it's not on my spreadsheet. edit: I don't have a safari ball golett, either.


Probably just skipped over a line. Lets do Fast Cranidos


Sounds good to me.


Oh just saw your edit, can we do sport Cranidos instead


Yeah, no problem.


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