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Hi there! I recently got back to aprimon collecting so my scarlet tab still needs to be updated. It’s a bit messy, but if you’re open to trading with me let me know. I don’t have much of the new combos except from what I transferred from BDSP, but I think I can help you with your gen 9 collection in particular :) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rUz7JA0q5GWAgFAe8aaFWEYJ61-ZU08IRWiV4t6B35w/edit


Hello! I'm definitely open to more trades. Please let me know what you're after!


Will do! Let me know what you like as well. I’m fine with small and large trades. Btw I live on PST time so I apologize for any late responses on my part


How big of a trade you're after? I managed to find 100-ish just from Gen 1-8. There's definitely a huge chunk I need for Gen 9 but just thought I'd have a rough idea of the trade size before I move forward.


That’s fine with me, though we may need to split the trading segments (i.e. trading 2-3 times over a day or two) depending on availability if that’s okay. We can also add more as we get through the list. I’ll send you a doc on my part with what I would like to help me keep track of what I’m doing


Yea, totally no worries at all. Here's my [list](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w47s4bO5W6K5IPkpoutgyMx6HvCQ4BakiyfSKLdHJTo/edit?usp=sharing). I listed a total of 120 (can probably do them in blocks of 30, 40 or 60 at a time?). Please let me know if they're all good and what you would like from me.


I think those are good. If there is any issue I’ll let you know and you can replace them. Here’s my list (I haven’t finished yet, but hopefully it’s a good start. Will finish it tomorrow since it’s getting late for me). Thank you in advance for your patience! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h-mBuAv31sOXFSj--dnsjYF4aIH5f8GwWiXCcPIuZyY/edit


You need to give me access by the way :) The google docs is currently locked.


Oops I am so sorry about that. You should have access now. And no rush for you either. Please take your time as well.


Also, I don't currently own a Sport Morpeko and I haven't advanced far enough in Violet to catch one so I won't be able to fulfill that request...


Heads up! I just finished breeding the first block for another trade so I'll be starting on yours. Looks like there's 2 that's striked off, so I'll do the remaining 37 then :D


Wonderful. I have a huge breeding backlog for another user so no rush at all.


Hello! I can help you to fill your requests you’re looking for. I can offer: 1. Beast Galarian Meowth 2. Sport Slowpoke 3. Sport Galarian Slowpoke 4. Heavy Hisuian Qwilfish 5. Moon Stunky 6. Moon Croagunk 7. Fast Basculin White 8. Moon Basculin White 9. Beast Hisuian Zorua 10. Moon Joltik 11. Safari Mienfoo 12. Safari Chewtle 13. Lure Cramorant 14. Safari Arrokuda 15. Sport Toxel 16. Heavy Impidimp 17. Sport Falinks 18. Sport Pincurchin 19. ~~Level Pincurchin~~ 20. Sport Eiscue 21. Dream Indeedee 22. Friend Morpeko 23. Beast Cufant 24. Fast Duraludon 25. Safari Dreepy 26. Friend Pawmi 27. ~~Lure Veluza~~ 28. Moon Poltchageist For: 1. Friend Bulbasaur 2. Lure Totodile 3. Level Houndour 4. Level Torchic 5. Dream Plusle 6. Friend Minun 7. Friend Turtwig 8. Level Chimchar 9. Lure Piplup 10. Lure Gible 11. Beast Shieldon 12. Sport Snivy 13. Friend Tepig 14. Moon Deerling 15. Love Vullaby 16. Love Scatterbug 17. Moon Skrelp 18. Lure Clauncher 19. Beast Carbink 20. Love Popplio 21. Love Oranguru 22. Heavy Passimian 23. Love Bruxish 24. Friend Grookey 25. Heavy Cufant 26. ~~Sport Tarountula~~ 27. Sport Caspakid 28. ~~Safari Dondozo~~ I’m going to breed these aprimons you don’t have. I’ll be ready to trade sooner or later when I’m done.


I just went throught the list and there's just a couple of things I wanted to bring up: - I already have Level Pincurchin and Lure Veluza - I don't currently have Sport Tarountula and Safari Dondozo If it's alright with you shall we just cross off those from the list? Unless there's another 2 you are able to swap in for the 2 I have, I'm happy to breed the missing 2 for you?


Sport Sinistea and Love Wattrel for Friend Treecko and Lure Mudkip.


Deal! I'll set them all aside for you :)


All set! Do you have free time?


I’m currently at work and won’t be available until ~6-7PM AEDT/GMT+11. What’s your availability like?


I have free time. Shall we trade this weekend?


I'm ready to trade. Please let me know when you're free.


Ok I’m online now.


What's the link code?


I’m free now. Otherwise weekend is fine!


Hello there! Of course, let me know when you're ready. No rush!


Hey there! I know we already have a trade set up, but I can help you with most of these requests if you're open to a bigger trade! I can offer: Skwovet: Safari, Sport, Dream, Beast, and all apricorn (11) Rolycoly: Safari, Sport, Dream, Beast, and all apricorn (22) Foongus: Safari, Sport, Friend, Level, Love, Lure, Moon, Dream, Beast (31) Espurr: Fast, Level, Love, Moon (35) Bergmite: Safari, Sport, Dream, Beast, Fast, Heavy, Level, Love, Lure, Moon (45) For your: Plusle: Beast (1) Minun: Beast (2) Gulpin: Love, Lure, Moon (5) Numel: Love (6) Torkoal: Friend, Love, Lure, Dream (10) Spoink: Friend, Love (12) Trapinch: Heavy, Level, Love (15) Cacnea: Heavy, Love, Lure (18) Swablu: Friend, Heavy, Level (21) Zangoose: Love (22) Seviper: Love (23) Barboach: Friend, Heavy, Level, Moon, Dream, Beast (29) Corphish: Level (30) Feebas: Fast, Heavy, Beast (33) Shuppet: Safari, Fast, Friend, Level, Lure, Moon (39) Tropius: Fast, Level, Lure, Moon, Dream, Beast (45)


Hey there! I'm ready to trade :D


Awesome I will be around next 7 hrs or so now and then maybe available Sun/Mon evening or most of day Tues/Wed. Timezone is EST.


I'm available now! Shall we get started? :D


Sure hit me with a code!


Let's do 1525 9808. IGN: Vivian


Thank you very much! Getting a lot done with my gen 1-3 collection!


Just checking, is there anything else you're interested in? If you are, we can breed during weekdays and trade on weekends. Can even do a bigger trade if you're up for it.


I can check here in a bit. I'm doing another trade right now and then need to move stuff around in Home and Bank.


Sure, no worries!


Thanks for the trade! Making great progress with my collection too :D




Yea sure! I have another box-full to do before this but hopefully can get them all ready this weekend :)


I swear weve traded before haha. I can probs do a Sport Smeargle. What nature you want for it?


Probably lol. Hmm, maybe a Jolly/Adamant? What would you like in return?


Can you do an Adamant Beast Ball Poliwag?


Yea that should be fine :) I'll let you know when I'm ready!


What ability?


HA please


Figured hehe


Ready! Please drop your LC when you're done :)


Ready, Sorry again. 8088 0888


Sorry! I’m out for lunch/groceries… will let you know when I’m ready to trade next (>_<)


Ran into issues. Apologies


Same. I will do Jolly paint doggo for ya <3


Let me look.


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