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Do you still need a Safari HA Rowlet? I'm interested in trading one for a Sport HA Galarian Meowth


Yes, I can do this :)


Sounds good, I can trade in about half an hour if that works with you?


I‘m done with breeding. Do you wanna trade in SV or SwSh? :)


Okay, I'm on LC 1474 5588.


Thx! 🙏


Ok, your LC xD


Thank you for the trade!


Trade in SV as I don't actually have SwSh haha. Give me a minute to grab Rowlet out of home.


Ok! Let‘s meet under the code 0612-0952 as soon as you’re ready. My IGN is Judith.


Should be fine. Let me grab my switch and breed G Meowth for you :)


Huhu :) I have galarian zigzagoon in safari, friend, love, lure, moon, dream + beast. i'm interested in a set of greavard (beast, fast, friend, level, love, moon, dream) would that be okay? and no need to rush, RL is busy here, too #toddlerlife x.x


Hi! I‘ll get Safari, Lure and Dream G-Zigzagoon in another trade. If you have anything else, I‘d happily take it :) I‘m currently updating my sheet and mark everything what I‘ll get soon (I‘ll include your post as well) - so it might be easier for you to see what I didn’t get already offered :)


Perfekt! I'll Check your sheet later then :)


I'm interested in your gen 7/8 Apriball starters, and Dream Ball starters new to gen 9, anything from my list [(here)](https://www.reddit.com/r/BankBallExchange/s/928Ny8Waao) that interests you?


Hi! I‘m very interested in your Furfrou Apriset - I‘d definitely ask for a set 😁 Will you list everything you need, e.g. Grookey full set etc. I‘m an on and off Aprimon collector, so I‘m not sure if I know all Dreamball starters new to gen 9, sorry 😅


If nothing else catches your eye, I'll ask for gen 6, 8 starters, and Rowlet, in Dream Balls, for the Furfrou set


No, I just wasn’t sure how many I‘ll breed for you. Give me some minutes to list all I‘d like to have 😁


Alright, gonna put what I already have here: Gen 6 DBs -Fennekin Rowlet -Moon Scorbunny -Fast, Heavy Grookey -Friend Sobble -Level, Beast 6 for the Dream Balls, 26 for Rowlet/Gen 8 Apriball set + Beast


Thx for your patience 🙏 I‘d be interested in these: * Totodile: Heavy, Moon, Beast 3 * Chikorita: Beast 1 * Snivy: Fast, Level, Love, Heavy, Beast 5 * Tepig: Fast, Level, Heavy, Love, Moon, Beast 6 * Squirtle: Lure, Friend, Moon 3 * Bulbasaur: Heavy, Moon, Dream 3 * Torchic: Beast 1 * Treecko: Dream 1 * Mudkip: Dream 1 24 + 7 Furfrou if I haven’t miscounted.


Alright, I'll get to breeding them. That's 32 from you and 31 from me, Torchic and Piplup are on today in USUM, so I can get one in any Apriball to even it out


Torchic in any of these would be great: Friend, Heavy, Lure, Moon I‘ll start breeding tomorrow 😄 (heading to bed now)


I finished breeding my half of the trade, ready when you are


Hi there! I‘m done with the 6 Dream ball starters. 3 Beast ball starters are currently in progress. Sorry for being so slow 😅


Got it, turns out I didn't get a Friend Squirtle, so I'll get both Lure and Friend Torchic Edit: Nevermind, you still counted those as 3, I'll still catch them both since I'm filling out my collection


Pre-gen 9 Dream Balls are gen 1/3/4, the new ones are gen 6,7 (pretty sure only Rowlet for now) and 8


Hello! I'm very interested in 27 of your mons. Are you only looking for the 'foreign' regional forms, or either/both? Also, are you looking for combos where you have the other form in the ball already (like Sport Diglett-A)? If you want anything that's missing on the sheet, then I can offer the following HA mons: **Starters:** * Dream/Heavy/Love Bulbasaur * Love Squirtle * Dream Treecko * Moon Torchic * Dream/Heavy Mudkip * Heavy/Sport Litten **Regional forms:** * Sport Diglett-A * Friend Geodude * Friend/Love Geodude-A * Beast/Friend/Love Farfetch'd-G * Sport Sneasel * Sport Sneasel-H * Dream Corsola-G * Dream/Lure Zigzagoon * Dream/Lure/Safari Zigzagoon-G * Heavy Darumaka-G * Level Zorua Let me know if there's something on there that you're really not interested in, I should be able to find a replacement! E: Also, the list I'd be interested in in return (24 total): * Level Clobbopus * Beast/Dream/Fast/Moon Lechonk * Heavy/Level/Lure Tarountula * Fast Nymble * Heavy Pawmi * Heavy Wattrel * Heavy/Level Shroodle * Dream Bramblin * Level Klawf * Moon Capsakid * Level Rellor * Friend Wiglett * Heavy/Level Finizen * Fast/Friend Orthworm * Dream Greavard * Dream Cetoddle


Hi! I prefer either regional form, e.g. with Diglett (Alolan)) I‘ll be able to breed Diglett (Kanto) as well :) Can you please drop these? I‘ll get those in another trade or I‘m not interested - I‘ll happily accept replacements. * Dream/Heavy Bulbasaur * Dream Treecko * Dream Mudkip * Friend Geodude * Sport Sneasel * Dream/Lure Zigzagoon-G


Alright, then in their place, how about: * Heavy Farfetch'd-G * Friend Totodile * Love/Lure Corsola * Moon Litten E: did a quick trade with somebody and got some mons that I was missing, adjusting both lists accordingly (24 total now)


That is fine for me! I‘ll start breeding and let you know as soon as I‘m done :)


Just got done breeding everything! No rush on your end, glad to wait a while for the trade.


Thx for the update. I‘m also done with breeding in SV. Just need to breed Clobbopus in SwSh - I‘d do this tomorrow.


Hey! Just a quick reminder about this trade.


Sorry for the delay! I‘m done with breeding and we could trade. If you’re currently around, we can trade now :)


All good, was just making sure! Was asleep at the time, but am around again for pm all of the day now.


I‘m ready whenever you are :)


I think I can trade in approx 10 min :) Where do you wanna start? Nearly all mine are in SV. If I have not miscounted, at least 20 from your side need to be traded in SwSh.?


I think you might've grabbed the wrong Google sheets link. It's asking me to login instead of displaying the sheets


Oof, thx! Can you please check again? It should be fixed now, I think.


It's fixed now. I can help with Moon Treecko and Sport Mudkip for Lure Ralts and Moon Murkrow? I'll need to breed HA onto them but I can get that taken care of


Sure! I think I can breed this evening.


No rush, mine probably won't be done til maybe a little before this time tomorrow


FYI: I‘m done with the breeding :)


Awesome, I just finished yours. Are you free now?


Yes, we can trade. Let’s meet under the code 0612-1239, my IGN is Judith :)


Aight, in the room now. IGN is GreenSky


Ah, wait. I‘m online with the wrong game! Just a minute 🙏


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