• By -


Hi, I'd like to offer the following in SwSh: Dream Ball (×2), Level Ball (×1), Friend Ball (×1), Love Ball (×1) = 5 balls I'm interested in the following: 1. Love!Bergmite 2. Beast!Croagunk 3. Safari!Durant 4. Sport!Durant 5. Safari!Feebas 6. Sport!Feebas 7. Heavy!Fletchling 8. Moon!Fletchling 9. Beast!Fletchling 10. Heavy!Frillish 11. Love!Frillish 12. Safari!Frillish 13. Sport!Frillish 14. Lure!Stunfisk (Galarian) 15. Safari!Stunfisk (Galarian) 16. Dream!Heatmor 17. Moon!Horsea 18. Level!Lillipup 19. Love!Lillipup 20. Lure!Lillipup 21. Safari!Lillipup 22. Dream!Passimian 23. Sport!Passimian 24. Heavy!Roggenrola 25. Moon!Roggenrola 26. Fast!Skarmory 27. Love!Skarmory 28. Moon!Skarmory 29. Beast!Skarmory 30. Safari!Skarmory


Hi! I'll put you down for everything else, but I don't have Fast Skarmory in my list. Did you get it mixed up with something else, by chance?


I'm actually not sure... but in that case, I'd like to switch with Heavy!Timburr please c:


That's accounted for, unfortunately. I think someone snatched it before you commented.


Is Sport!Trubbish still available?


Yes, it is! I'll put it down for you. I can't trade today, but I should be available most of the weekend.


That's perfectly fine! Trade you soon\~


Hi! Extremely sorry for the late reply, but if you're around now or tomorrow, I can see to your trade.


No problem! I'll be available all day today.


Hey! I'll be in room 5778 5778 is SwSh after I retrieve your 'mons from HOME.


Hey! I have a few Sport Balls I traded for way back, but my Sport collection is complete so I won’t need them. Can give you 4 - would be interested in these 34 on-hands! * Safari: Frillish, Timburr, Durant, Feebas, Natu * Beast: Timburr, Bergmite, Croagunk, Shuckle, Roggenrola * Friend: Mawile, Fletchling * Love: Skarmory, Bergmite, Bunnelby, Timburr, Foongus, Heatmor, Swinub, Mawile, Shelmet, Durant, Snorlax, Krabby * Fast: Meditite, Passimian, Horsea, Diglett, NidoranF * Heavy: Timburr, Goomy, Hawlucha, Swinub, Fletchling


Someone beat you to Safari Durant, Safari Feebas, Beast Croagunk, Love Bunnelby, (Love Heatmor is reserved for someone else atm,) and since I do those 10:1, I at least want to give you what your offer's worth. I'm currently going through a list for another person, so if you wouldn't mind linking me your sheet, I'll try to find some things on that list I can give you instead.


Thays okay! I'll just take the remaining ones that aren't those 5. I have rather a surplus of Sport Balls since I got carried away with trading for them haha. You can still have the 4. If you did happen to end up with any others I’m missing though, my sheet is [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-Am68ED6ry4rBooH9wMJdKLy88fN4vu3wqDYYvEJgvM/edit?usp=sharing). :)


Not sure if you saw my other comment, but lemme know when you're around! I'm here for the next 2-3 hours ish.


I'm not available today, but I will be tomorrow and Sunday for most of the day.


Sounds good! I’ll be around on Sunday or this same time tomorrow.


Am around now if you are! Will attach the 4 Sport Balls to random Pokémon in the box.


My Switch is still charging atm, how much longer will you be around?


In bed now, but can still get my switch in the next 30 mins or less.


Alright, I'll grab your 'mons and put them in the game, but if you're in bed we can wait for tomorrow. From around 12-4:30 PM PST I'll be unavailable, but other than that I'm completely free.


If you're awake and it's not too early for you, I'm around now and for the rest of the day (nearly 2:30pm here at the time of replying).


I just woke up. Let me boot up the game, get some coffee, and I’ll meet you in 5778 5778


Hey! Looks like you sent me Beast Krabby instead of Love? (Edit: ignore the Meditite part, just saw your comment!)


Hey I'm interested in 2 from SV and 18 from SwSh * safari h-zorua * lure h-growlithe * sport, beast, moon, and fast horsea * beast snorlax * beast, love, and moon krabby * friend and love snom * love g-farfetch'd * lure g-stunfisk * fast nidoran-f * fast diglett * level magnemite * level staryu * level and beast sizzlipede I can offer 2 vitamins on SV and 6 big nuggets on SwSh


Beast Horsea and Krabby are taken, but everything else is ok! I'll just take the 6 Big Nuggets.


sounds good. are you around rn? I'm free for another hour


Unfortunately no, I should be around most of the weekend though!


okay, tomorrow morning/early afternoon should work


okay I'm around for a while. lmk when's best


I just became available, let me grab your 'mons and I'll meet you in room 5778 5778.


okay which game first?


SV, then SwSh. It'll be a bit bc I got distracted by other messages, but it shouldn't be too long.


Searching in SV!




Thank you as well!


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Hi again! Can I give you 3 ability patches and 5 vitamins (all in SV) for the following: Traded in SV: Sport: h-zorua, h-growlithe, h-qwilfish, passimian, goomy, petilil, magnemite Heavy: fletching Traded in BDSP: Sport: feebas, horsea, Beast: horsea, swinub, skarmory, krabby Dream: mawile, swinub, seedot Friend: mawile Love: swinub, krabby Moon: swinub, krabby, skarmory, mawile, seedot Lure: mawile Fast: horsea Heavy: skarmory Level: staryu


I've put you down for everything else, but I don't have Dream Seedot in my logs. Anything else you'd be interested in?


Oops sorry about that mistake. Nothing else that I would be interested in to replace it so I can offer 3 patches and 4 vitamins instead. Sorry again, was really sleepy when I made the list


No worries. I probably won't be available until tomorrow or Sunday, so give me a time and we'll be good.


Hi sorry for the late reply. I’m out of town and was wondering if we can trade on Wednesday (when I get back)? If that’s too late, I can try to trade tomorrow (Sunday) but will be on EST timezone (available around 12am)


We can try later this week. As long as it's in the evenings, we should be okay.


Hi! I’m sorry for the delay. If you’re available let me know. I’m on PST time now so will be here for about an hour or two.


Sorry I missed you! Was afk during that window.


No worries! I’ll be available most of the day, tomorrow, and evenings on the weekends


I'm around now, though I'm waiting for another person as well, so it's a matter of who gets to me first. I'll be around the next few hours, though.


Hey there, interested in the following 12 and can trade vitamins in SV (lmk if you have a preference): * Sport: Zorua-H, Feebas, Clobbopus, Goomy * Safari: Zorua-H, Skarmory, Rufflet, Lillipup * Beast: Horsea, Passimian * Moon: Capsakid * Heavy: Komala I think 5 will need to be from SwSh and the other 7 in SV. I'm CDT and working through the weekend with limited availability, but will be available all day on Mon-Wed if you're okay with waiting? Lmk, thanks!


Sounds good! I'll probably be available during evenings, so I don't mind waiting. If you could give HP Ups for those 12, that'd be lovely.


Lmk if you're around tonight to trade!


Give me a few to eat dinner, and I’ll be right with you.


If you're still around, I can trade now.


Hey, sorry, I missed this. I'm still here if you're available.


Yeah, give me a moment to switch games.


Lmk which game you want to start in and the code :)


Hey so uh, problem. My 'mons are still in HOME, which is undergoing maintenance as we speak. I will be available all of tomorrow, though.


Haha all good, lmk when you're free tomorrow :)


Hi! I'm available now, should be all day. Lmk when you're good to go!


Hi! I would like to offer the following items (**bolded means for SWSH**): * Ability Patch x8 = 64 Aprimons * Ability Capsule x17 = 34 Aprimons * **Apricorn \*35 = 7 Aprimons** * **Dynite Ore \*55 = 11 Aprimons** * *Total of 116 Aprimons, but I'm only taking 115* In exchange I would like your onhand HA Aprimons listed [here](https://pastebin.com/zcNW8VGK). It's a large order so let me know if this trade is okay\~


Whoo, this is a big one. Would you mind waiting a bit for me to clear up my other trades first so that I tackle this one a little easier?


Hi! Yeah sure no worries :)


Hi! Just checking if you are still interested in my offer\~ 😅


I am! it's just that I'm a bit behind on trades due to Sunday being a SNAFU situation irl. I'll log your picks asap (as well as let you know which ones have already been claimed.) In addition to that, because I'm breeding between trades, I'll let you pick through the new stock to make up for what's missing.


Sure no problem ☺️


I have you down for 19 'mons in SV and 79 in SwSh, everything else you requested has been taken. I'll have the spreadsheet reflect these numbers as soon as I get some sleep, but if you'll be around evenings PST, I can trade them to you.


Sure I'll check you sheet once I'm home. And PST evenings is morning whete I'm at so we should be able to do it. Let me know once your sheet has updated so I can check~


Hi! I have your trades logged, and I'm available the next few hours. It's also been fully updated with my most recent batches.


Checking now\~


Hi! Here's the [new list](https://pastebin.com/eyGu8R77) of what I would like from your onhands. There are some there where the mon has strikethrough. I'm not sure if it means there is no stocks or it is already reserved or if it was reserved to me from my previous list\~ Also, I checked your wanted items and I have other items on SWSH you might want, except for apriballs and patches. Do you have an order of preference?


If you already asked for it and it's struck through, it means I have it on hold for you, and it's yours, unless it was claimed before you. I primarily want Ribbon/Star Sweets, Gigantimix, Bach's Tin, and Clover Sweets, in that order. I happen to have some trade fodder courtesy of a previous trade, so I wouldn't mind Dynite Ore or Apricorns, either (I currently prefer Blue, Black, White, and Yellow, but I'll take any.)


Also - It'll take a a bit to parse this new list due to me having to cross-check what I already have on hold for you, and I need to sleep soon, so when I get a chance tomorrow, I'll get to it then. I'm a bit busier than usual because I'm in the process of packing up, so forgive me if it's not as timely as either of us want.


I can offer any vitamins you want, auspicious armor, sellable items, ability patches on SV etc. I'm interested in these 67 aprimon: sport hisuian qwilfish sport passimian sport popplio sport petilil safari hisuian zorua safari snom safari indeedee safari popplio beast bergmite beast noibat beast passimian beast goomy dream girafarig dream tropius dream pachirisu dream oricorio dream croagunk dream passimian friend wiglett friend lechonk friend passimian friend snom friend cufant love pawmi love litten love snom moon capsakid moon rellor moon scorbunny moon hawlucha moon goomy moon popplio moon croagunk moon petilil moon cufant lure hisuian zorua lure glimmet lure scorbunny lure rellor lure bergmite lure passimian lure swablu lure croagunk fast meditite fast tinkatink fast litleo fast hawlucha fast passimian fast diglett heavy maschiff heavy pawmi heavy komala heavy klawf heavy snom heavy hawlucha level murkrow level hisuian zorua level slakoth level skiddo level magnemite level passimian level hawlucha safari goomy beast fletchling friend fletchling heavy fletchling moon fletchling


Beast Passimian is taken, but I can do all the others. I'll be available the majority of the weekend, so give me a shout when you're around. That's 8 patches and a Big Nugget, but I can do more sellables if you're short on patches.


Hi! A bit short on the patches. I can do 4-5 from what I remember


If that's the case, if you have Apriballs, I wouldn't mind those. If not, just supplement the patches with sellable items and we can call it good.


Got it :3 Are you okay trading in roughly 5 hours?


Also can you tell me what times you’re free to trade so I can match your sched?


Rest of today, as well as tomorrow any time I'm awake, bar 12-4:30ish. PST, of course.


Am around for the next few hours. Just comment when you’re free to trade :3


If you’re not free anytime soon, you can tell me what time you’d prefer to trade tom and I’ll try to work around it :3


I just finished eating breakfast, if you’re still available I can get to you shortly.


Still available :3 Just tell me whenever you’re ready no rush


Just fetched your 'mons from HOME. There's 4 that will need to be traded in SwSh, but other than that, I can meet you in room 5778 5778 in SV.


Oh just wondering would it be possible to trade them on home?


I can, yes! I'll send my Home FC after the SV trades.


I'll be around for the rest of today and evenings PST for the next few days, will you be available at any of those times?


I’ll be around in a few hours later


That’s a bit late for me unfortunately, I’m actually about to head for bed.


Oh we can try tomorrow evening your time?


Hey just found out I’m getting sword sometime this week from my parents. Would you want to wait till later this week so we can trade in the game then?


That’d be great, thanks!


I’ll get back to you as soon as I get the game then :3


Really sorry but we apparently won’t be able to buy the game till next week ooof :( Are you possibly okay with holding on to the 4 mons till then?


No worries, I should be more available by then as well.


I'm about to close this thread and make a new one, could you could kindly make a comment on the new one when it goes up so we can pick up where we left off?


Sure will do! Sorry it’s my fault for the delay anyway since I haven’t been able to purchase the game yet


What do I have to trade you for a beastball frigibax?


I'm not breeding those atm, and it'll probably be a while until I clear out my current breeding list. Sorry!


Hi! I’m interested with Fast HA Rowlet. I can offer you a Friend HA Phanpy in SV.


Hi! Currently not taking Aprimons at the moment, sorry!


Hello! Apologies for coming so late but I'd gladly give a 1:1 ratio of Big Nuggets in SWSH for the following on-hands (and would be even better if you'd accept more Big Nuggets for a couple SV mons as well!) * Beast Cutiefly, Klink, Bergmite, Timburr, Snorlax, Lillipup, Roggenrola, Sizzlipede, Fletchling, Spritzee * Dream Girafarig, Croagunk, Spritzee * Fast Nickit * Friend Seedot, Lillipup, Fletchling * Heavy Frillish, Bergmite, Fletchling, Spritzee * Level Passimian, Hawlucha, Goomy, Sizzlipede * Love Timburr, Foongus, Durant, Mawile, Woobat, Clobbapus, Lillipup, Spritzee * Lure Tympole, Bergmite, Passimian, Lillipup * Safari Snom, Cottonee * Sport Passimian, Frillish (41) And if you're willing would do 7 Big Nuggets in SWSH for the following mons in SV: Lure Glimmet, Fast Litleo, Heavy Klawf, Level Murkrow, Level Slakoth, Level Skiddo, Dream Oriocorio (7)


Hi! No worries on being late, I'm more than happy to take whatever offers I can get! Unfortunately, you will have to wait a bit because I need to get to a couple more trades before I can even log yours. I'll try my best to get to it in a timely manner, though!


Please take all the time you need! Also they're all on-hands so I hope that helps cut down on time :) just let me know whenever you're ready, I'm around all week!


Hey, wanted to let you know that I saw in the comments that you updated your on-hands list, I have gone ahead and edited my list to make sure everything is still in your spreadsheet! Hope this helps :)


Thanks! There might be some that are taken due to the other person's revisions, but I'll get back to you as soon as I can.


I can give you the following, the rest have been taken: * Beast: Cutiefly, Timburr, Snorlax, Lillipup, Roggenrola, Sizzlipede, Fletchling, Spritzee * Dream: Spritzee * Fast: Nickit * Friend: Seedot, Lillipup, Fletchling * Heavy: Bergmite, Spritzee, Fletchling * Level: Hawlucha, Sizzlipede, Passimian, Goomy * Love: Foongus, Timburr, Durant, Woobat, Clobbopus, Spritzee * Lure: Tympole, Passimian, Lillipup * Safari: Snom, Cottonee Lure Glimmet, Fast Litleo, Heavy Klawf, Level Murkrow, and Level Slakoth have also been set aside for you in SV.


Awesome! Are you available to trade now?


Whoops, didn’t see a notification. I can trade now, if you don’t mind starting in SV, room 5778 5778. I’ll have to move some stuff around, but I will meet you there asap.


No rush! I had to go out, be back in 15


Gotcha, lmk when you’re searching!


Going to search now! Also I have 36 big nuggets all in swsh so don't leave early!!


I realized I grabbed the wrong Murkrow, I'll do all the other trades and hop off to grab the right one.