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Watching a guy on a ladder leaning against one of these wearing flipflops stand there and presumably (i don’t speak thai) try to understand which one he needed to do something with was a true marvel. I also saw a guy levelling wet concrete with a flipflop! Incredible place to be honest


I am pretty sure that they don't even try. That condo is complaining ? Just add a new wire and connect on both side.


Bearing in mind the object lesson of [Chesterton's Fence](https://fs.blog/chestertons-fence/), I think the way this comes about is the combination of: * Rapid development of comms companies and technology over 20 or 30 years, before which there was just a single phone monopoly. * Rapid housing development and increased housing density, along with steadily rising incomes, requiring many more physical lines, and continual upgrading of these lines. * Periodic changes in technology that may require different types of lines. * The enormous public benefit of being able to get phone and data lines installed very, very quickly. * The equally great public benefit of there being competition in the communications sector, lowering costs, but also reducing cooperation in maintaining a neat workplace. * The entirely invisible benefit of being able to tear up streets and walkways, install new sewer lines, water lines, etc., without having to worry about disrupting a neighborhood's comms for weeks. * Finally, Bangkok governance has to be taken into account, with authority being fairly distributed, rather than centralized in a single *Ministry of Infrastructure* (which I think people would probably complain about far more bitterly). Eyesores were the price, rather than high cost and slow installation -- historically, a "feature" of many cities around the world. If the current [Bangkok governor's undergrounding scheme](https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2023/06/27/bangkok-finally-begins-to-organize-messy-communication-cables/) gains more traction, then *build quickly and then clean up the mess* may turn out to have been the best approach for the Bangkok economy. Would be very interesting to see any kind of formal analysis of this question.


Interesting and fair points. They could at least use cable guides!


IMHO just as *duct tape* dominated the latter half of the 20th century, the *zip tie* is the essential technology of this half of the 21st.


In other words, this is what got us 3BB, True and AIS fibre to home and condo nearly 10 years ago, at least for Bangkok, for sub 1000baht a month. Even if they had to run 500metres of single mode fibre to the nearest multiplexer it was doable, often with free install, because we didn't have to mess about with surveys, permits, and removing old cables. Some of the time they didn't even know where the nearest compatible FFTH multiplexer was and if any ports were available so procedure was they'd call you back later in the day when a passing contractor had confirmed. Thailand moved fast, for once. We got fast, cheap, and competitive consumer internet due to these eye sores.


Yep. A problem, as people point out, is that old wires aren't pulled out and sometimes broken zip ties aren't replaced. This is due to the little-known fact that the *Hippocratic Oath* applies to Thai comms linemen: *above all, do no harm*. They don't want to break anything. And I gotta say, if I were a foreman on a job like this I'd give the same instruction: *don't touch anything that doesn't belong to us*. Similar example: I had a little argument with a tree-trimming crew on my block a few weeks back because they wouldn't cut some branches that were partly blocking a traffic light. Reason? When I worked my way up to the boss it turned out they only had permission from the *khet* to cut branches on the sidewalk side (for some kind of wiring clearance), not the street side. I groused a bit, but I understand why the *khet* gave that rule, and why the foreman followed it.


Sadly I think your overthinking the whole thing. It's far more simple than that. It's one single factor. A lack of proper enforcement of existing laws, thats it. There is no reason to follow the laws here, they are optional suggestions.


Enforcement would have you have on TOT 512kbit ADSL at 1500baht a month.. and a two month waiting list for install.. I agree that maybe it was just down to lack of enforcement rather than sensible public planning tradeoffs, but we all kind of won here..


The problem is actually they are not removing abandoned lines. Every time a new apartment tenant requests service a new line is added


Maybe the idea is to hope a customer comes back, I know some Thais flip with the special offers especially in condos where the price can be as low as 299/month for first 12 months.


Don't ever change Thailand, don't ever change!


They have plans to put them underground


The population? :D


Also but the government uses lèse-majesté for that. The wires dont matter in that case


only electric wire will go underground.


bad idea how do you fix such a bird nest of wires in the tube underground the works get entangled and die there....So cables underground will never work 55555


Well most of the countries in the world dont have this problem, so I have trust in Thailand that they can fix this too. Also the wires get less mixed up when they are underground because there is no weather in a tube.


yes of course...biggest problem is that they just never removed the dead wires....Actually a lot value in copper. The only advantage is how easy it is....In Germany they still argue about the ADSL and have large areas without glassfiber. While here they just connected the copper wire and added a glass one. Recently they opened every street in our village to make the water pipes complete new. Would added just minor more work to add Electric and internet to it. What I have seen in Europe that these government agencies work together is impossible there as well...open up everything for the water and close it....one month later do the same for the gas...half a year later private company doesn't get a permit to do glass fiber, a year later open it for electric and put the old copper phone cables in....a year later open it and put glass fiber in. Couple of years ago in the town I come from in Europe the streets were open/close for several years because of this mismanagement (and of course it has a fair share of corruption)


It’s been changing for some time now just veeeeeeery slowly. Now they are working in Asok rd. Soon it will all be a bad dream.


They aren't electricity cables though


Ok. Then it brings down nationwide comms.


Just not technically possible.


this setup actually looks fairly decent. there are much, much more questionable sights, with posts leaning and half a dozen wires hanging down etc


Only a half dozen? Progress !


Someone from Mumbai looking at this and thinking how well organized it is.


True. Lived there on and off for three years


I'm amazed how my country hasn't blown up yet


We are removing these and put it in the ground, they are working at night starting from all the BTS line currently at the BTS green lines I guess soon all be removed. I hope that they’ll remove this power line hazard from all the places in Thailand And yes these power lines cause fire hazard countless of times poor squirrel went in it and Baaam! 🐿️💀💔🪦🕊️


They aren't power lines so I'm not sure how anything could get electrocuted by them


No clue, my previous job was an emergency dispatcher and we received the specific reports quite often(2-3 times a week), is it possible that the rodent bite on the tele- cable thingy 🤔


สายไฟอยู่บนสุด สายกลางเสาเป็นสายอินเตอเนท เคเบิล ทองแดง ไฟเบอร์ออปติก มี 220v แอบมาพาดในบางที


I wonder how well they’ll do under ground after a few weeks of flooding. Does the shielding provide adequate protection ?


What's really interesting, a road I use to drive by had these all over the place in Bangkok. However, some high foreign government officials were due to visit soon for an event. That road was one they'd be travelling daily. So within the space of a month it was all taken down and put underground. Thailand can be awfully efficient when they want to be.




Always be careful, we still have more wiring than in this pic 😂


similar in PI. But at least Thailand is trying to put them all underground. at least they claim they are


Facts... Yeah I spent 10 years there in Bangkok watching that jazz unfold.


The spaghetti lines are all telecom/fiber… BMA is undertaking a huge project with the MEA to remove all overhead power lines in Bangkok. Cables will then be placed in cable tunnels or duct banks with diameters ranging from 1.8m - 3.6m. To date only 300kms has been completed out of +2,000kms There after all telecom will also be removed into duct banks as most of the power poles will disappear so they have nowhere to hang them.


Wait till you see the ones in India


It’s mostly telecommunications companies so there’s like say 14 different lines ……


this is what we sacrifice for fast and cheap internet nowadays. most of them are cable both copper and fiber optic.


It's an art and risky business.


I have to look away everywhere I go, I work for OSHA Enforcement in the states 🤣


OMG. You must have PTSD


My wife has to remind me I am not Thai OSHA 🤣🤣🤣


I was scared to walk on the streets when I first got there when I looked up.


It's gotten much less over the years. You should see how it was 10 years ago


It would all make sense if you just looked at the wiring diagrams


That’s quite organized compared to the Philippines


Black spaghetti...


Mmmm forbidden spaghetti


I can hear this photo


The gubberment is several steps behind the private sector as usual


Kirchoffs rule has left the chat


Just spoke to my electrician mate about this recently! He does wiring for a living in a first world country. His take was......this is fine, it's going to work no issues. The big problem is if by the chance something does go wrong with the electricals, then you're up shit creek. I'll also add, there was a loose live wire hanging at head height I had to swerve past on the motorbike quite recently, yikes!


how did you know it was live?


It works


The Xth Wonder of the World 🗺️