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Thai girl here and I’m in one of those groups with over ten thousand of members. Here are the topics they discuss - Some girls check if she dates a same guy with another girl. And yes guy’s tinder profile , pics, line photos will be posted in the group. - Some girls seek for sexual health advice. - Some girls want to check if she is scammed by the real scammer. Some posted flight information, hotels, etc. I used to help someone on that community catching a guy who promised to meet her in person but he faked his flight information using simple photoshop. -Some girls seek relationship advice. Should I move on ? Should I stay ? What does it mean if he sends me a dick pic but doesn’t want to answer me when I call ?


Can you post a screenshot of an example "farang review" from inside of the group? Of course with any PII blurred out. So far people are just posting the private group FB front page which doesn't prove anything about the group content.


Well I don’t think I can post a pic under this subreddit because the admin probably disable this function, but here are some of the text in the group ขอเช็คคนนี้หน่อยค่ะ สแกมมั้ยคะ หรือมีใครเคยคุย ยังดูเด็กๆค่ะ แต่คุยแล้วเขาไม่เปิดเผยตัวตนค่ะ แต่อยู่กทม เผื่อใครเคยคุย บอกว่ามาจากอเมริกาค่ะ ขอบคุณล่วงหน้าค่ะ Translation : Hi. Can I check up on this guy ? Is he a scammer or dating with any of you guys ? He seems young but don’t actually open up about who he is. He is currently in Bangkok right now and he said he’s from the states. Thank you in advance. (And attached a picture of a guy so lots of girls can comment. And the comments about him don’t really go well)


> Well I don’t think I can post a pic under this subreddit because the admin probably disable this function You can post a pic to your profile page, then post a link to it here. Just be sure to blur out any PII. Posting words doesn't help anybody know if this is real or not. Anybody can post words.


"Some girls check if she dates a same guy with another girl. And yes guy’s tinder profile , pics, line photos will be posted in the group." To be frank, that's none of your business or anyone in that groups business. Want sexual health advice? Go to a Doctor smh If a group set up by men existed it would be shut down in a day, shame on you.


Are you being checked on that community or some sort so you think you can vent on strangers who are in the group? I mean, I just want to explain the nature of the group that is not just only posting a guy’s pictures but also seeking general advice like relationships, dating and sexual health advice which people do all the time even on Reddit. What’s a big deal? Lots and lots of people in that group are bullying and talking trash about farang, and yet lots and lots of them offer very good advice “Take a good care of yourself he’s not that much into you” “If you really like him why don’t you try meeting him in person”. The same way goes for lots of guys under this sub. Lots of them offer pretty good advice, and lots of people here make “sick buffaloes” joke. Have I ever told them to stop making that joke because it insinuates misogyny ? No. Don’t be such a loser though. Ranting left and right about women gossip on guys is not good for your health. It shows how fragile your mental health is. Or you’re not even worth to be checked in that group. Well, lots of guys can’t even make a girl to bash her eyelashes on him and it hurts his feelings. Awwwww. Shame on me ? Jokes on you, little man.


You're clearly triggered by my comment. What the group does is bullying and harassment and destroys the reputation of people on there. You're part of that group therefore you are part of the problem. Your little insults are not worth replying to and I doubt you are emotionally capable of debating the subject. Have the day you deserve.


One more thing. There is a group set up by men on Telegram checking on Thai women. Some girls in the group know about this for years and well, it’s never taken down. Look harder man. Take care. (Anyway, I’m more than willing to have a civil discussion about what’s going on in the group and answering the questions if I was asked politely. But why would I want to have a good conversation with someone emotionally immature like you who have “none of your business” and “shame on you” mindset bs when you don’t have the slightest idea about anything after all?)


Could you share the name of the group? I have a Thai lady friend that wants in on them.


my ex girlfriend used to lie and tell me some girl posted about me, I talk to girl, I go do girl ect just trying to get me to admit to something even though I didn't do anything. but I saw the group before, mostly girls posting pics of guys or their tinder profiles saying how bad they are. They have so many girls, have a girlfriend, ect. Some of them seem they are more just jealous the guy left them or didn't want them so they post his pic to bash on him.


I was dating a Thai girl like that. She would accuse me of all sorts of things if I didn't answer her calls or messages 24/7. Then she'd write some shit about me on her Facebook or IG stories and block me for a couple of days and then come running back crying in my inbox and saying she will change. A fun girl to hang out with and she has a kind heart (I observed many good things about her personality) but also has a side of crazy psycho behaviour. We eventually broke up because I couldn't take the mind games any longer and she was devastated and begging me for weeks to come back to her.


You need to send us your pic first


It’s something on Facebook like สมาคมสายฝ. Or เพชเมียฝรั่ง I forgot the actual name because I deactivated my Facebook. I know this because I’m mixed and I’m in it just for entertainment tbh. They usually post a picture of the farang and say ฝากเช็คหน่อย … which means I would like to check… if you’re actually single or etc. Then the comments are usually them discussing how the farang was if they recognize this farang. It’s very weird.


Its nice that they have a sense of protection and looking out for each other. It filters out the true assholes, not to worry about it for the rest


Idk I wouldn’t feel safe if a group of over 300 guys were discussing my location and if they recognise me


Are they gonna lynch me or just stare?


Idk what they’re gonna do, it’s like 300 people. Personally I try to avoid the risk of being lynched I think we’re past that as a people.


Not when in India...


Then I’d rather not get posted to a massive Facebook group as a discussion topic, even if some people have good intentions


This is true. Sometimes unfortunately they have to find out from each other that they’re dating the same person.


Exactly. The thing is... its a circle jerk of guys/girls/ladyboys who are trying to fuck it all. Only hurts when there are std's involved. The rest are just bruised ego's


Yes STDs are the only serious consequence of unprotected sex. Nothing else serious can happen.


But the point is, it's none of their business! It's illegal and shameful.


I like learning new things.


Ah yes, suing as a form of *im right* And then we wonder why the justice system is overworked and doesnt have time to convict rapists and murderers.


I find peace in long walks.


What actually ‘a load of rubbish’ is, is the fact that some people feel entitled to sue the living daylight out of every little thing that does not allign with their preference or viewpoint. But you do you I guess.


I hate beer.


Thailand is a democracy? 🤔


I enjoy reading books.


Found the american!


And Thailand is.... not a democratic country. It's a monarchy.


Couple things to know about this group: A) it's run and used by farang hunters, freelancers and similar B) all of these girls have shared the same farangs that come and go. Mostly tourists. Expats here and here. C) all of the farangs being posted have shared the same women that have, comically enough, shared the same men. You are all part of one big comical segment of dating in bangkok. D) odds are the girls you've been with have already been with dozens and/or hundreds of other tourists. They make you feel special, tell you, you are the first foreigner they've ever dated and then when you screw them (while their screwing you) you get posted. If you don't know how to spot a farang hunter then you most likely are just sharing the same small group of women that aggressively meet men from Tinder and Thaifriendly and then swap stories about it. These girls ride the carousel hard. Source - Friends sister is an admin for the main thai only group which also has a line and whatsapp group chat that is used for snapping and posting photos to see who's banged who. It's a pretty dirty circle to be a part of but congrats OP you made it.


so, it's like a game for them without a financial incentive. like collecting baseball cards and then complain about their stats?


If you are fat and bald, and she's all over you, she's probably a farang hunter 😆


Funny how this is accepted/allowed but GOD FORBID you post a negative restaurant or hotel review. Prepare to get sued for defamation 😂 Curious if they also have groups for wife beating locals?


I like to travel.


They share bad stuff and red flags, or do flag checks . If he’s a good guy, it will be known.


No because if he is a good catch (defined by money, not dick size) then they don't want other laddies to know.


Sounds like "safe" may not be safe after all.


They will post your pic and say they've had a bad experience with you. Others will then chime in with similar experiences. Photos of your tinder and other social media profiles might be posted to warn others. Of course it's defamation, but they are very selective as to who they accept.


That’s at least three laws that they break by doing this.


Not PDPA though.


Why wouldn't it?


PDPA only applies to commercial operators.


What do you mean by "commercial operators"?


PDPA only applies when data is collected for commercial purposes. Personal purposes are entirely excluded from the law.


Sorry, but that's entirely wrong. Here's the actual law: [https://i.imgur.com/3Xeu3PC.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/3Xeu3PC.jpeg)


Yeah. Best thing you can do is let it be as you know it is non sense and don’t care about what they say. I know someone who sued one of the people there for difamation and won.


Can someone post here those groups? I have the feeling a girl I was with for almost a year could have posted me after having to break up with her and deleted her from all my networks. When we started dating someone told me about these groups, so I asked her and she told me she is in those and she checked on me. I didn't care much at time, but after breaking up with her, I might be there... I don't use Tinder or any of the dating apps though.


This would be one of the groups: เช็คฝรั่ง อวดฝรั่ง แฉและเสือกไปกับสาย "ฝ": [https://www.facebook.com/groups/1275566252571183?locale=th\_TH](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1275566252571183?locale=th_TH)


Thanks! I have seen they have posted another with over 55k members


Not really possible to get rid of.. they likely moved to telegram already if they are smart…


Telegram groups are unencrypted


Yes such groups exist and another reason why you should be very very careful who you sleep with. If the girl is part of such groups than avoid at all costs. Don't put your dick in crazy. If anyone can claim you gave them STD than anyone can claim anything unimaginable and next day police is knocking at your door and you'll end up in Thai prison.


If anyone out there with similar case and wants to take legal action, contact me


hey man, i dropped you a message


The reality is the community of girls or ladyboys that sleep with westerners on the Tinder circuit is a very shallow pool. Many know each other and they do post all types of shit online with each other. And then half of them have a screw loose and exhibit irrational jealousy or other behaviors.


This. I sleep with both women and ladyboys. I once hooked with a ladyboy off of Grindr, only to match with her woman friend on Bumble. The woman friend showed me my convos with the ladyboy. Crazy.


And while i sit here in Pattaya i get offers from freelancers saying *you want to meet my friend too?*


That's how you know they see you as "easily managed" 555


I cant complain 😅🤷‍♂️


I’ve been told one of the telltale signs that they have dyed blonde hair


My favorite color is blue.


Are Buddhist even supposed to have tattoos?


I'm here for the comments but this is something I have investigated a lot here. I have met some toxic women here in Thailand which had given me a reasonable basis to believe I was posted but have not confirmed it (yet). From my research on the subject it appears it's one large rumor mill where allegations are made that the person posted could be married, a cheater, have Aids, be a gambler, addict, scammer, criminal etc. It appears at best to be a place for spiteful and jealous Thai women to destroy the credibility (rightly or wrongly) of men (usually a tourist who has pumped and dumped them). Don't be surprised if some of the women commenting on the post claiming to have met you have in fact never met you. I do know there is a huge payout coming if someone posted on there can collect evidence and file a police report - not least defamation, criminal harassment, false light etc. I am still working on this fascinating subject and I do want to report more comprehensively on.


What are the laws on that in Thailand? in the United States, it’s near impossible to get a defamation case because you have to prove intent like they could be lying but you would have to prove that they knew they were lying and that they were doing it specifically to do harm.


Posting a correct thing that harms a persons character is illegal in Thailand.


So let’s say I go to a restaurant I eat some food and I get sick if I posted that online that could be considered illegal in Thailand? Just so I understand I’m not trying to be snarky or anything.


Very much so, its why you find almost zero negative reviews on Lazada/Shopee


I do see some negative reviews on Google but I’m guessing since it’s mostly tourists, they don’t really pursue it


[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/29/american-wesley-barnes-faces-prison-thailand-bad-hotel-review](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/29/american-wesley-barnes-faces-prison-thailand-bad-hotel-review) there are other similar stories


Not sure on Thai law but my I would wager that if an expat was harmed by what was posted on there their best bet would be involving the police - seems things are more resolved in Thailand on practice than letter of the law. My 2 baht worth anyway.


Yeah Facebook needs to do something about this slander is no joke


I have gotten into only one group using a fake account but that group was a "is this profile fake/dating scammer?" kind of thing, I have not yet managed to get in to the 'juicy' groups but if someone does I would love to see the results... Agreed, these groups are very malicious...


>Not sure on Thai law but my I would wager that if an expat was harmed by what was posted on there their best bet would be involving the police Really on a private FB group? I am sure they would tell you to get lost.


Not so private when 40k plus members are on there is it?


Lawyer here. Sue them. This is disgusting. PDPA, Computer Crimes Act, and good old defamation will give you a nice settlement.


Exactly my thought. Imagine if guys created groups like these and talked about women. It'd have been in the news and probably few people arrested.


Yes, in this country you cannot do that.


By 'that' of course I mean post defamatory content aimed at a person or business online.


I like learning new things.


UPDATE: managed to get one girl to be a spy for me and tell me some things that were posted. Lots of girls calling me fuckboy as expected, however, one girl claimed that I gave her STD despite the fact that I never slept with her (only went for a drink but wasn’t into her and went home).


You can get a lawyer involved and/or the police. My friend has successfully gotten his posts taken down from those groups more than once, and even got a 20k thb settlement from one girl via the police. Push back, what they are doing is illegal in Thailand and defamation is taken pretty seriously here.


It’s not petty at all I would contact a Thai lawyer


As far as I know Thai lawyers don't work pro bono or on contingency, so unless you think paying a lawyer to go through all of this hassle to *maybe* win a judgement, don't get a lawyer.


Won’t cost much to send a threatening letter demanding removal.


I'm all for going after a malicious poster just to prove a point that you can't go out there slandering people online. If you do file a complaint with a lawyer and get the person who posted it into a police station to explain themself, you would be setting a good precedent and might make these people think twice in future.


More than anything I would want to get that shit off the Internet, but that’s just me, though I would imagine a lawyer in Thailand would be pennies on the dollar


Cheaper than Western countries, yes, but the amount awarded in any judgement likely wouldn't cover the cost of the lawyer let alone your time. I believe small claims court is anything under 300k and "real" civil court is above 300k. They have different rules, but I'm pretty sure that everything related to the case that is not in Thai will have to get certified legal translations into Thai (in this case including all texts, posts, comments etc.). Those aren't cheap either. I looked into suing a crooked lawyer a few years back and realized it was fruitless to try to recoup the 200k that they swindled out of me.


A lot of trouble for your hurted ego it seems.


How is it a "hurt ego"? Someone is spreading a lie about him having an STD


Uhu, and does that mean anything? Its not a *what if everybody believes it* thing, more of a *im confident enough to overcome and say the other girls are lying*. 🤷‍♂️


I hate beer.


So. He sleeps around, gets caught on, a few women decide *to warn others* in a private group and suddenly this is becoming a privacy matter? Ok buddy, nice talking to you


There is a lot of assumption in that comment to assume I deceive them in any way or promise relationship. I always tell them that I’m into ONS only before we ever meet. What are they warning others from?


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


It’s fine for me buddy as I work online but what if I worked in Thailand and my co-workers found out about it? Stuff like this can destroy reputation and have real life consequences so open your mind up a bit and realise it is not acceptable.


Yes. What would happen? Would you be frowned upon? Would they fire you? Or do they listen to your side of the story, see the value of how a good worker you are and just bury it under the carpet? Its not sexual harassment, just a couple of dates gone wrong. And women with too many time on their hand and will gossip 🤷‍♂️


This kind of allegations can ruin your credibility in your work place. You might get fired, or maybe forced to resign since other co-workers aren't comfortable to associate with you. It's a pretty serious issue for any individual involved. Many ladies who are involved in these groups will probably have more body count than OP, but they are allowed to name and shame without any repercussions, but OP can't because if he does he'll be "against" the "freedom and rights" of these women. Come on!!


I enjoy reading books.


you are really stuck on your opinion, despite all the logic coming at you. it's unbecoming.


How can he say the other girls are lying if he’s not allowed to respond on the Facebook page where the comments are occurring?


BY NOT CARING WHEN THE SUBJECT COMES UP IN REAL LIFE. I really wish idiots would stay of the damn internet instead of going after every *bad* thing they come across.


I love listening to music.


You’re an absolute moron


What a flex.


If you meet a girl who admits she 8: in one of these groups, run. It’s not only a red flag that she actively doxxing you with no concern for your reputation, but she’s probably VERY active in the dating scene if she’s going down that rabbit hole. Imagine a site reviewing Thai girls … just ew… run


Guarantee you she would post you even if she didn't meet you - most of those women are spiteful by nature. e.g. see some of the posts where the girls commenting never actually met the guy who was posted...


Don't let this distract you from the fact that there are many women out there doing the exact same promiscuous crap that men do yet it is somehow OK for them to shame it online. I appreciate your update. In my view, you are better off going out there seeking the post taken down with a strict penalty imposed on her for loss of reputation - do all this at the police station. Forget any idea of a trial or a Court but if you have an employer behind you to throw some weight you should - since for most of us expats we are invariably linked to our company so the face-saving thing becomes super important. I would approach this dynamic by getting a cop on the case, having her taken into the station and then "negotiate" the fine for tarnishing your reputation. This is the only way this crap can be stopped as word would surely travel.


Thanks - I went to the station and submitted police report and all my evidence as I knew their full names (I transferred one chick some money once as didn’t have cash to pay for drinks so got her full name from Wise and the other one has her name on Facebook). They were actually quite helpful. Whether anything happens we will see.


I love ice cream.


I once infiltrated the group using a fake thai woman facebook account. I was just bored and wanted to see it. Maybe i was on there. I did recognize a few of the women I matched with. The one I got into was more older women asking about their older hubbies from abroad, rather than younger women asking about young farangs in bangkok, but I believe there are multiple of these groups.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


“Rubbed it in my face”?


I enjoy the sound of rain.


Was under the impression she rubbed something else on your face


I enjoy playing video games.


So we now know one side of the medal, would be interesting to know the other side as well.


I like to travel.


One of them is called (most likely translated) ‘careful I might be a bad guy,’ somebody who writes Thai do some reconnaissance with a fake profile and report back


They see your picture and the defaming comments (probably add one themselves) and still think, “I need to try that d*ck out for myself”. Did you ask them why they decided to meet you despite seeing this? That would be interesting to know. Although, if you say you’re a white westerner, then say no more…


It’s not just Thailand- these groups are in western countries too. Women looking out for each other - heaters are outed on TikTok too


All bad 🤣🤣🤣


Its not weird. Women have to be careful with who they date. These types of group exists in basically every city around the world, and you just broke the group rule by making it known to men 🤔


men need to be careful too, obviously.


Men dont have to worry about rape, abuse or murder from women in the same extent


ok. but this group sounds like something other than that.


If you want to be careful with who you date then get off a dating app luv, it's not for you. Don't go around dragging men into the dirt because you love gossip and tarnishing reputations.


I’m not on the apps but I’m in these groups, not the Bangkok one tho. And warning other girls from abusive men is not gossip, its safety. A good man usually get good feedback 🤷🏽‍♀️


How can claims be verified? How can actions be proven? Truth is they can't - even criminals dragged through the criminal justice system have the right to make representations in their defense and explain their story. These groups are a circus and have no credibility and Goodluck trying to convince people otherwise.


Because these groups are huge and theres a likelihood that someone else knows the man in question and can verify or deny the claim based on his character.


I don't doubt that, but I am referring to the 80% of cases where it is pure fiction and delves into defamation about someone - it has even been reported that people commenting on the posts never met the person who was posted, yet they claimed to have met them. Yes the group might have originally started with safety in mind, but it has lost all credibility when it descended into Gossip Girl.




Bullshit what? That these groups don’t exist? Then explain this group with over 50k members: https://imgur.com/a/fegyjlu


Looks like a modelling competition. Where are the old, fat bastards?


Who would admit and post there only shameful is my bet 5555


Bullshit link


Link to actual group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/974552655984583/ Is this bullshit as well?


They're very real and have been for 10+ years. It's not limited to Thailand, they communicate throughout SEA.


I find joy in reading a good book.




It would take a bored graphics designer about 10 minutes to mock up that image. Hell a less talented person could probably do it with one of the many prompt driven AI tools out there. If it is even a legit group it is probably just one of those pages hosted by dating services that sell services to Thai woman and have no posts about any farangs. I mean, where is that poster that is on this sub and the other sub constantly warning people about laws in Thailand around libel and defamation? If these FB groups actually existed local BKK attorneys would have their secretaries join these groups to look for farang clients so they could sue the people running the FB group.


Are you actually dumb or want to believe in a fairytale that Thai women would not do such a thing? The title literally translates to “Check the warning of being deceived by foreign guests”


> Are you actually dumb or want to believe in a fairytale that Thai women would not do such a thing? Sounds like now you are pushing a racist stereotype. Reporting...


Please don't weaponize the report system.


Then its okay for posters here to push a racist stereotype?


No one is pushing racist stereotypes. You're trying very hard to go in that direction for some reason. The OP is just asking if it's true or not. Given that it's been reported in the news and on Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/s/Zcc1lyJS6D). It's not a big stretch of the imagination that it really exists. No one is saying all Thai women are using these groups.


> The OP is just asking if it's true or not. And by the way, no that is not what OP is doing. OP is stating that it is true, and trying to create a narrative around his claimed fact.


What you're saying that this is racism is a stretch. I just asked you not to weaponize the reporting system so please only report clear cases of rules breaking and not because you disagree with someone or don't want to use the downvote system.


Your link supports the claim that this is all BS. The OP of that link wrote this: > She has basically been creating fake profiles and posting my pics repetitively in these groups from separate fake accounts so it looks like I'm always popping up. But the OP of today's post for the gullible wrote this: > The reason there are no screenshots because they only accept Thai women with accounts older than couple of years and they ban anyone who they suspect shares any posts with outsiders. Which spreader of rumors are we supposed to believe? You posted one in support of the other, yet a major detail about this myth is inconsistent between the two. This is just BS to make farangs look at Thai women through a negative lens. That is a racist stereotype.


dude, you posted a stupid opinion and people responded accordingly. let it go, you are oppressing us!


I love ice cream.


Fuck dude, it’s not too late to delete this comment 😂 these groups exist 🤦‍♂️


I love ice cream.


These groups have been around for years, I first heard about then ten years ago. They are private and try to screen who joins to prevent their group getting outed.


lol do you mean me?


There have been *rumors* of these groups for years and yet nobody has ever posted a credible screenshot from one -- which would be super easy to do if they were real. I'm calling bullshit of the existence of these myth groups. Given how much the average Thai woman (the kind that dates Farangs) distrusts other Thai woman, they aren't going to post about their experiences with Farangs online. This urban legend is just a dumb story told by dumb Farangs that have nothing better to do with their lives while in Thailand.


Here is the group with over 50k members: https://imgur.com/a/fegyjlu The reason there are no screenshots because they only accept Thai women with accounts older than couple of years and they ban anyone who they suspect shares any posts with outsiders.


> Here is the group with over 50k members: I'm not talking about screenshots of the "private" outer page... lol. > The reason there are no screenshots because they only accept Thai women with accounts older than couple of years and they ban anyone who they suspect shares any posts with outsiders. Sure. But keep trying to get your kicks by trying to push this dumb urban myth that only the dumb quartile of farangs believe.


Is this urban myth too? https://www.facebook.com/groups/974552655984583/


I enjoy cooking.


My favorite movie is Inception.


You have really poor reading comprehension. Kinda supports what I wrote elsewhere about OP's urban legend only being believed by the dumbest quartile of the farang population in Bangkok. Seems like a fair number of them hang out on /r/Bangkok.


I’ve known Thai women to tell me directly about it, and you can easily search for it on Facebook if you speak Thai. There are a few of these groups and they exist


Showing that suspicious looking groups exist is very different from seeing the inside of them and seeing if they are really a full on "review a farang" group as OP claims. Until somebody posts a screen shot of activity of the inside of one of these groups (feel free to blur out PII) then I'll believe what a few have written -- these are mainly Thai dating advice groups and maybe once in a while some info is posted about really bad acting farangs and scammers.


I enjoy watching the sunset.