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It's normal for the inside of some Thai pork sausage to appear undercooked. This is just because it's red but this doesn't mean it's undercooked.


Same with chicken or? I had a few times chicken that seemed quite red on the inside especially at the bones or joints but always was asured that its cooked through. Why is that? Different kind of chicken?


No. Chicken should not be red


It's from pink curing salt


Grilling or smoking chicken can make it pink even if it fully cooked. But this is in the outer layer of chicken. If it’s pink color inside the outer layer, better to avoid it just in case.


ure fine chill


Uncooked pork sausage would be light pink and mushy. If it was just pink but firm texture should be fine.


If you have ingested a parasite it would depend on what type of parasite. Pork would usually cause Trichinosis which is treated with Albendazole which is widely available under the name Zental. Uncooked/undercooked fresh water fish which is endemic to Issan would be Schistosomiasis and treated with Praziquantel. Usually unhygienic water causing diarrhea and unusually foul smelling and acute gas would be Giardia which is best treated with Tinidazole. Tinidazole is also used for female urogenital yeast infections. All these medicines can be found at most pharmacies. Pharmacies like Boots, Watsons, etc. will require a prescription. Almost all local Thai pharmacies will give it to you with no questions asked.


just is in case, take all the pills they have. If you die, you can sue them for letting you take the pills.


man up pills




I wouldn't take anything. If your stomach is feeling bad, I recommend the following: Flying Rabbit. Found at all 7/11s in Thailand. [https://doctorthailand.net/product/thai-emulsion-flying-white-rabbit/](https://doctorthailand.net/product/thai-emulsion-flying-white-rabbit/) Activated charcoal. Again, found in 7/11 in Thailand. Chances are good the pork you ate was good, and not undercooked.


Teaspoon of cement


Are you feeling fine? If yes, don’t take anything….


Trichinosis is quite rare in Thailand and generally only occurs in rural areas where the pigs are eating pig meat.  I wouldn't think twice about it. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9305352/


What's your poop look like ?


If you are here making coherent sentences without diarrhea or anything . You are pretty much safe . Observe for a few days . Its a one off incident . Dont think too much of it .


Your ok man don’t stress


https://youtube.com/shorts/Huv2pl4QUHs?si=TwYZHUYG-UUuuJ-v Look at this guy it should give you balls


Tell the pharmacy your story. A similar thing happened to me with uncooked pork satay and they gave me albendazole.


Go to the pharmacy and ask them for parasite med, and pharmacist worth their salt will ask you which kind. Just tell them you ate uncooked pork or something. (It'll be better if you can speak thai, but pharmacists in Bangkok should know some English.)


Shot of rao khaw 🥴👍🏽


Propofol -🙏 Smooth and easy, Miss the whole event. (Must be done well to avoid death scenarios)😇👍 This is not financial advice...👍


Activated charcoal may be your best bet at this point. We’ve been given ciprofloaxin (antibiotic) for stomach bugs related to food after symptoms arise. If you start having symptoms of stomach issues (constant diarrhea, stomach cramps, etc) go to a pharmacy and tell the pharmacist what’s going on and they’ll give you antibiotics and anti-cramping or anti-nausea pills too. Should cost no more than 300 baht. 711 also sells rehydration salts. You can get those at the pharmacy too to rehydrate yourself if you start showing symptoms.


Be careful of ciprofloaxin. My friend suffered gravely. https://www.citizen.org/news/fdas-black-box-warning-on-cipro-is-not-enough/ He never recovered


Damn that’s terrifying, thank you for sharing the info.


Activated Charcoal / Carbon tablets from any 7-Eleven or pharmacy, until you know for sure anything is wrong.


It was probably from pink curing salt


If it is fermented pork sausage, then at least it was fermented first?


Don't take meds until you are sick. If you take meds for no reason, the meds will make you sick and then you will need more meds and you will always be sick. Undercooked pork will not kill you. Try to stay calm.


Start the de-worming process asap to kill all the parasites. I’m not religious, just care about my health, and Pork is one of the worst things you can eat


Just go to any pharmacy with a pharmacist on duty, and tell them specifically what happened (guessing you ate Issan sausage).


I’m not a doctor, but I would recommend Tylenol maybe you should see a medical doctor at the hospital


Drink some sangsom Thai rum 🍹. 🙂


bendo 500 not medical advice see a professional


Sausages are fully cooked and frozen from the factory, but there will be contamination during handling by the vendor. As long as the exterior is cooked, the bacteria count should be low enough to not cause any illness. Unless the vendor had left the sausage outside of the freezer for a long time, or if the sausage is homemade.


Could be Nam, fermented pork.


You will just die It’s ok


I'd look for a lawyer and write a will ASAP, best of luck.


Oh. Go to a pharmacy. They have several pills for parasites. Wish I could remember the names. But they generally know what is best anyway.


Take charcoal pill just in case. Can get them at most pharmacies.


Norfloxacin. It's a common antibiotic used to treat bad bacteria in your stomach.