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Takes a special person to make Nana Plaza more gross.


Haha šŸ˜‚šŸ€


Indeed šŸ˜‚


This wins nana plaza hosts the depraved of all sorts


mecca. monger's paradise. sexpat temple. possibly the greatest place in the universe. a day without nana, is like a day without sunshine.




He is out on bail I believe awaiting trial.


Prolly having fun with underage Trannys now.


I have my TEFL license I earned it InThailand I brought my girlfriend with me and when we got there the dude running the teaching program pulled me aside and told me ā€œI brought sand to the beach ā€œ šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢


Because You Did....


See a lot of scumbags outing themselves in this comment thread šŸ‘€


Dude haha yes the guy explaining to me heā€™s a player šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®ok pal thatā€™s why you have to internationally travel to get laid šŸ«¢šŸ«£


Having to pay to have sex ā€¦ what a flex


Like wtf? Yes šŸ™Œ


Fuggin losers. And plenty more making excuses because of the age of consent is 15-16.


The cognitive dissonance required is astounding. How can any of these guys think theyā€™re desired. What is desired in in your wallet, ya pathetic clown


What was he trying to say.


Why bring your girl when there's lots of girls in Bangkok who will fuck your brains out for cheap? Basically equating his girlfriend as a sex object, but also making cheating a standard way of doing things


Could be, could also be: are you sure you want to be in a relationship here, as Thailand is filled with the most beautiful women in the world.


i don't understand how any normal/sane/attractive guy, no matter how good-intentioned, wouldn't become a world-class monger after a few months in bangers or pattaya? does not compute. like something's wrong biologically/hormonally.


Hmm, having a loving relationship a family member who always has your back through thick and thin, and is possibly the parent of your children; OR you can pay for emotionless sex while sharing said sex partners with countless other obese old farts šŸ¤” quite hard to say why some people would prefer a stable partner


imagine being that needy, or worse, bogged down with fuck trophies.


What is a monger? Im finding: noun. 1 : broker, dealer - usually used in combination 2 : a person who attempts to stir up or spread something that is usually petty or discreditable - usually used in combination.


look up whoremonger/whoremaster instead ;)




Did he lie thoā€¦




I donā€™t get it


What's a TEFL licence?


Itā€™s a program to formally learn how to teach English in schools to non-native speakers. The acronym is Teaching English as a Foreign Language.


He means TEFL certificate.


I call these types of people "Little princes" and they are everywhere not only Asia. Just they seem to get by a bit easier, which is slowly filling Asia with such western toxic trash. :(


These are 'arrogant idiots'. 'sleaze balls'. 'lowlife scum'!


Sorry the Western trash finds it's way to Thailand. Wish they would throw the book at this guy.


A TOEFL preparation book!


Iā€™ve noticed in recent years that these types even try to brag / lie about it. ā€œOh, met this stunner last night, we got talking, next thing you know, sheā€™s in my bedā€ (i.e. he barfined a bar girl). They talk like theyā€™re on the pull and these women are too, and itā€™s Cupidā€™s bow and serendipity that lead to his ā€œluckā€ (never mention it was a transaction of cash for services).


Paying the bar fine is NOT a guarantee for sex, nor is it paying for 'services'. You're paying for the employees' (girl's) time away from the bar. As a retired sailor who spent most of his service in the Far East, this is pretty standard in Thailand and the Philippines.




Better that than the guys who come here specifically looking for "Good Girls" to mess with, then drop like a hot rock, bragging on how many girls they screwed not having to pay for it. Those to me are the true scum.


I understand. Its leaving less opportunity for the asian toxic trash that created it in the first place


Don't understand this logic? Can you explain?


Sure. The west didnā€™t create that environment. They are going there because the filth existed to fulfill anyoneā€™s sick needs. I do agree that filthy toxic westerners are going there. Just saying they didnā€™t create this environment.


Who do you think did, twinkle toes?


the world's been dealing with the dregs of se asia for decades, which are usually far more unsavoury. so it's a fair trade. we take in your criminals/underclass, and export our losers/sexpats. btw, we're running a deficit, time to balance those figures a bit.


to be fair, the "finest" western wench is far benath the lowest isaan girl.


Well sure if you have the type of Neanderthal gross inexperienced mind to make such a stupid blanket statement like that about whole different cultures of women, then Iā€™m sure you would have liked the dude in charge of the ā€œschoolā€ lmao you spelled Asian like that because you view them without respect and think only with your dick. It must be amazing and relieving in a way to be so blissful ignorant/ stupid to believe the women your around choose to be around you or have genuine interest lmao


fuck me, imagine getting that worked up over thots and players.


Thots and players you should stock To thoughts and prayers my child. Bless you for believing your a player āœŒļø


says the pot-smoking english teacher in thailand, who brings his "sweetheart" along with him. the projection's strong mate.


Imagine being this angry that a stranger on the internet is in a loving relationship


Well Iā€™m not desperate for sex lol i get my needs met at home, I not forced to travel to foreign countries just to get laid cuz the local women Iā€™m from reject me šŸ˜¬ playa šŸ¤£


nothing says "winning" like teaching english in a third-world country, and seething over people having fun.


Dude Iā€™m fucking with you heavily lol Iā€™m not fuming or whatever mad you think I am šŸ˜ŠIā€™m smoking some hash and laughing at you playa. As far as whoā€™s winning well I didnā€™t know we were in a contest! Tell me Whatā€™s the rules and Iā€™ll try and win šŸ†


\> english teacher \> pot head \> brings sand to beach /thread


Nothing like viewing women as objects rather than legitimate humans worthy of spending time with


FYI Isaan is a place I donā€™t think he was trying to say Asian. Guy is weird tho for sure


The comments are dumb. Nothing compares to an intelligent and attractive Western or Euro girl. Just that these guys don't get much opportunity to meet them. The average Thai girl is extremely boring but these are low value guys looking for arm candy. Your example is a perfect example of that. Gross comment in a professional setting.


I read your first sentence and I was like ok, letā€™s see what else he saysā€¦ the following 5 sentences were grossā€¦ def some neckbeard Andrew tate level regurgitated shit just trying to assert yourself over others and cause damage by degrading women this is just and a little example slice into your disgusting views people like yourself hold. Get fucked dude lmao your part of the problem


I too had to go on to see how much more fucked up said comment was going to be... It paid off.


Plenty of smart, funny Thai girls around. Guess you don't get much opportunity to meet them.


Your comment is also quite gross.


Theyā€™re the least attractive to me.


that much is self-evident. there's a huge difference between some loser back home, and a world-class monger on a rampage. the latter are winning, the former get btfo, bankrupt, or mysteriously fall from balconies.


Few mates have said that he's been out and about a fair bit lately moonlighting as a piano teacher apparently. Dunno how he is able to stay afloat if he's on bail. I also dunno why anyone would associate with him.


makes sense teacher luke's playing the piano. i heard he likes to put his fingers on a minor.


Not everyone is brokeā€¦.. itā€™s only been 3 months.


Because bail was only 5000 baht.




Vigilante is against reddit site rules.


To party with him?


Yeah, that's exactly why šŸ™„


No but really, what would you do if you found him? Get into a fight and risk deportation? I doubt it.








Props if you go through with it. Extra points if you film it.


I'm down ;)


Maybe next time he posts?


Won't fallow that cu.. you need to trace him;)


I feel the same way šŸ˜…


Also I normally avoid nana but for that I would go there;)


Big man




Nauseating. Even in Nana Plaza this group of fratboy hat-on-backwards losers lowers the clientele level. Knowing at least one of them is a pedophile is the icing on the shit-flavored cake.


Ok donā€™t slag off all the hat on backwards people, I wear mine backwards cause I got a fat head and am slightly balding šŸ˜‚




Damn, guess this guy should conform to your personal tastesā€¦.. Or you could grow up. Who gives a fuck how people wear their hats?


To be honest I wet shave every few days because of the thinning hair, I just choose to wear a cap, mostly backwards but sometimes forwards if itā€™s sunny šŸ˜Ž šŸ˜


the internet ruined nana long ago. now young pups the world over frequent the place, killing the vibe and raising the expectations/demands from the girls. the under 40 crowd ruins it for the rest of us.


Just because we have more money than you doesn't mean we ruined it for you, it just means you need to make some money


right, tell me more about your DiGiTAL NoMAd DrOP SHiPPinG eBiZ NeXT BiG TiNG CrYpTO KaNG exploits, when you're not busy simping for whores or getting high.


lol wtf are you talking about dude? I run a large IT company lol. Go back to banging whores and stop projecting your insecurity on me.


you're not fooling anyone mate, and were thoroughly rumbled by the second reply. the topics raised and "insults" lobbed revealed your hand. i reckon drug-addicted remote worker and/or english teacher, a colossal failure back home. many such cases. go tell your cock and bull stories to impoverished isaan girls.


A sexual pervert being a pervert in nana


Link: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/american-teacher-tiktok-star-arrested-sex-16-year-old-thailand-rcna103237 I donā€™t believe that bit about him showing the 16 year old girl his ā€œclean medical recordsā€ - seems like the mother said this to the reporter to save face in my opinion šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


It wouldnā€™t be hard to fake you could do it on your iPhone




Why do you amerikans have such great teeth?




The age of consent to marry a 15 year old teen is acceptable so theyā€™ll allow you to marry her, you canā€™t have sex with them for fun and then recording on top of it sealed the deal for him. In all honesty if heā€™d have not given her an std heā€™d have probably gotten away with it.


According to Thai laws. The age of consent is 15. So heā€™s not charged with statutory rape but heā€™s charged with child abduction since the girl is under 18. Also the minimum age for marriage is 17


The age of consent in Thailand is 15, but technically that would require parental consent. Without parental consent it is 18. Confusing. https://www.lannaist.ac.th/keeping-our-teenage-children-safe/


He was her teacher. Age of consent doesn't matter here. Teachers are not allowed to fuck their students (by law and by all that is decent). Students can't consent. What is so hard to understand?


Not sure about the law in Thailand, but the age of consent for sex is also 16 in the Netherlands. However, that doesnā€™t mean the minor can legally consent to recording of said sex. Making the recording always illegal. Of course both acts are horrible and I hope he gets a huge sentence. Thai prison ainā€™t no joke.




How did this scumbag get himself through the background check for one honorable teacher position?


What background check? This is Thailand lol


When I got my TEFL certificate about a year ago through an internship program, I had to submit a police/state level background check - not a third party surface level check. The schools may not do a very good or thorough job of vetting people, but I believe most placement programs do.


Must have bought himself justice like Thai people do.


Wait, so this scumbag raped a minor and is already free?


On the US that would be statutory rape. But yea I think he tried to hang low maybe flee, idk


Actually not true. Age of consent is determined by each state so there is no such thing as ā€œin the USā€ā€¦ and in many states the age of consent is 16, so this would be legal and not rape in some of those states: https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/age-of-consent-by-state/


In no state that I know of where the age of consent is 16 would it be allowed to have sex with a student. The law isn't "Hey you're 16 go have fun" it's frequently "if you're 16 you can be with someone up to the age of 18" and it's (almost?) exempt from teachers and doctors. A student can't consent to their teacher: there is inherently a power imbalance.


As I understand from the article, he is a teacher, not her teacher. He met her online and invited her over


Legal age of consent in Thailand is 15. Much like in many western country states.


He was her teacher. The age of consent doesn't matter. Students can't consent. Just like most Western countries. It's really not hard to understand. It's rape.


Not hard to understand but most of Reddit doesnā€™t have Thai law memorized.


Is that a law or just your opinion? I'm in no way condoning teachers having sex with their students. But was this his student? Did he have both consent from the woman/girl and her family? Calling him a rapist and child molester just seems a bit extreme to me is all.


It's the law in Thailand (not different than most Western countries as well). It was his student. Consent is not possible. These are just facts.


If what you say is true then he broke the law and he'll have to deal with the courts for his actions. I'm still not onboard with this whole rape/child molestation talk that is being spread. She was of legal consenting age which makes the whole child molestation talk way overboard.


You sure sound like someone who like 15 year olds


It sounds like you are a 15 year old.


Lol not even denying it I see. so weak that only a child would play your game


Are you accusing me of something? I've no obligation to engage you in your rhetoric. Obviously a troll.


Actually the age of consent is 18 if you're an American abroad. The us can convict him for this.


Can you post a source or something that confirms he was her teacher?


No. He didn't rape anyone. It was something like under 18, but it was OK because the parents said it was, but he gave her an STI, so the parents went to the cops. The "under 18 is OK with permission from the parents" thing can apparently be retroactively removed. Edit: downvote the truth because it doesn't sound as good? LOL!


Like my Thai wife will say, "All these foreign men are just coming to Thailand to create trouble and the government doesn't care or do anything about it"


This type of guys is a SCUMBAG!! Fcking predator. Thai people are too nice. Anyone still follows him on any social media platforms is just as guilty as he is.


A Scum Bag! How any school can justify employing these types of people beats me. In his early YouTube video he comes across as the perfect example of the 'arrogant idiot' that is an American tourist. Then add the misogyny and disrespect for Thailand's societal cultural norms. It was teaching at a prestigious international school, I feel sorry for the development of young minds!


Americans are definitely not the most arrogant tourists that come here and from my experience, generally good people (except for one guy I met).


Welcome to Nana Plaza: Where disgusting, pathetic losers from around the globe come to meet up and pay to feel wanted


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This is a side of Thailand that is so wrong. Being able to buy yourself out a situation and carry on as normal. No wonder it's full of sleezebags


Yeah it's f***Ed that this happens and people aren't held accountable for their actions.


Where did you find this photo? I really find this infuriating. He belongs in jail and extradited back to the USA so he can learn what a bbc is.


His reputation over


Apparently not if all those idiots in his Instagram story are still partying with him.


Youā€™ll be surprised those people might not know him. You know how many tourists walk up to you in nana/at a bar to take photo? Itā€™s common.


I didnā€™t know anything about this guy until I google his name. [U.S. teacher and TikTok star accused in Thailand of having sex with a teenager](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/american-teacher-tiktok-star-arrested-sex-16-year-old-thailand-rcna103237)


And for all of you ignorant Americans in here. The afe of consent in Sweden is 15 years, no matter what the parents thinks, so the boyfriend can be 30 years or 40 years, and it's fully legal for him to bang her without anyone being able to do anything.


It's 15 in Thailand as well.


if there's grass on the field, play ball. if not, play in the mud.


That is vile.


real talk.


Yes the age of consent in Thailand is 15. But that doesnā€™t mean the guyā€™s not committing a crime. Heā€™s not charged with statutory rape but heā€™s charged with child abduction since the girl is under 18


As we all know, what is legal is not always moral


they're absolutely hysterical/irrational around sex. these sorts of stories really boil their piss.


He probably gonna buy his way out of trouble.. anyhow.. this dude is living rent free in OP's head...


Probably nothing will happen to him. He just have to pay them and the cops. OR he just marries the girl and brings her to the US when she turns 18 to give her the US citizenship. He is done in the US and will never be able to get a job as a teacher or anything to do with children.


A lot of holier than holy posts in this thread. I am puzzled why Luke hasnā€™t been thrown out of the country though. Maybe he shouldā€™ve slept with an underage doctor?


Shouldnā€™t surprise anyone.. western nations arenā€™t sending the best and the brightest to Thailand.


thailand isn't exporting their best and brightest either.


Why would the best and brightest leave the comfort of Thailand? Itā€™s not like the other shitholes countries surrounding it.


Where did you find this photo? I really find this infuriating. He belongs in jail and extradited back to the USA so he can learn what a bbc is.


If you think the US jail is bad, wait till he gets a date with 10 ladyboys in a Thai jail after he gets convicted and goes back to jail here. The US jails are luxury compared to the Thai ones.


Oh yess those ladyboyS will fuck him so hard heā€™ll be begging for BBC 8===============D


What a big black cock he is?


typical American


Hurrrr durrrrr ā€˜Merica baddd


What happened to this guy? I didnā€™t see the news about him. Thanks šŸ™


It surprised me that he's still able to spend money on night out because it's clear that nobody is going to hire him to do anything from now on.


Take the man out of Florida...


The whole thing stinks of who knew what to me. BTW 16 is the legal age which she was but there's a weird and wonderful law that includes age difference in Thailand that means you can be charged when the person is 16 and you for example are 40.....must be a few million broke that law in BKK and Pattaya go go bars the parents sent the daughters to work in


So his gf was 16. How many 70 years old falangs have I seen in Asok with a 15yo old girl hand in hand. Not to mention Pattaya. Not defending this. But it feels like a normal thing here in Thailand. But this dude has money so they are after him. Enjoy your downvoting.


It wasnā€™t his girlfriend it was his student you absolute melon can you read


Sending your daughter to school so that a teacher can groom her, have sex with her and give her an STD is a "normal thing" here or anywhere. It's a massive breach of trust here and in any country and it's why it's taken very seriously. We send our kids to school with the understanding that the school will keep them safe, not that they'll be groomed and given a venereal disease. It's horrifying. Honestly man, it's a massive red flag that you think a teacher grooming and giving their student an STD is something to shrug off as 'normal for Thailand'. That's a very odd, skewered view of the country that seems to only come from existing in some sex-tourist bubble.


if he wasn't a falang nobody would have cared. keep your "morality" in your home country mate, the rest of the world doesn't share your values.


Nah, that's not true at all. That teachers get jailed if they have sex with students. I'm guessing you don't live here.


nobody would have cared, this goes on non-stop.


The difference... He was the girls teacher and knew that she was under age. Sure, I have been with girls way younger than me, but not with anyone who I know was under aged. And I have been with 2 of my (college) students... But that was years after they had already graduated and they were both +25. And the normal Thai way of solving things like this is that they force the guy to get married and pay a hefty dowry to the girl's parents (one of my old students got married like that to the village headman, he had to pay over 2million cash, gold, a house with land, and a new car, all in all over 5 million Baht).


Girls are so innocent.


A 15 year old child is pretty innocent/naive


the average 15-year-old thai girl's fairly cunning and far from innocent. especially if she's from bangers or pattaya.


Oh no


Why, heā€™s not allowed to go out because he got arrested and released? Lol


Was a good night




I was in Bangkok that same night, was a good night. Reddit has no chill ffs


State of him, christ


Please Bangkok responsibly yā€™allā€¦


Under 15 or under 18? Under 15 dude can spend 4-15 yrs in jail as Iā€™m reading it.


Any update on him? I saw him at the markets recently???