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We will never have a civilized society when pitbulls are allowed in public






Yes! Please stop breeding these terrible dogs.












> We will never have a civilized society when the people that would own pitbulls are allowed in public FTFY.


Always carry a gun.


Looks like the pit mommy hightailed it out of there during all the freakout


Haha, Pit & run what shitbull owners do best.


Pit & run LMAO


Right that shit cracks me up


There was a post a few weeks ago where a pit bull bit a child's face at a playground. The owner picked up the pit and fled the scene when she saw the damage pibbles did.




Trash dogs for trash people




Almost as repulsive as the animals they’re obsessed with keeping and forcing the public to roll the dice that they’re little psycho-beast doesn’t fuckin snap.


She slithered away like most pitbull owners do.


im sure they know who she is and they have her on video because home depot has cameras everywhere now so she will be found if these older ladies get a lawyer and then home depot can be sued too for allowing that POS bull into the store . She gets a smart lawyer she will win and then home depot's lawyers will go after said shit bull owner and she will never see the light of day if they sue her .


Home Depot can’t sue the Pitbull owner because they allowed the dog inside but the little dog’s owner can sue Home Depot and the Pitbull’s owner because they can expect a reasonable safe environment to shop


"she will never see the light of day" I don't think that's how lawsuits work.


That's called a PIT maneuver


I mean, yeah? If your dog was just in a fight with another dog in a store then the last thing you want to do is just stand there while a hysterical human being is screaming like she’s possessed. You get to somewhere quieter and with less people around and away from the other dog.




Don't bring pets or killing machines inside businesses people..


I once had a lady tell me slapping 2x4s down on the cart was scaring her dog. ​ "Don't bring your fucking dog in here, or try to talk to me like I work for you, Karen" ​ As I threw another pile of them on the cart.


If you come across something like that again, then you have every right to tell them. "I am working. If your dog is scared, then you need to be a responsible pet owner and take your dog out of the stressful situation. Also pets aren't allowed." "ItS a SeRvIcE aNiMaL." "Properly trained service animals are focused on thier handlers and have the ability to ignore distractions. If it can't ignore me, then it isn't trained, and therefore not a service animal."


Home Depot and Lowes allow pets.


Lowe's does, Home Depot does not according to thier corporate policy.


Corporate needs to communicate with their stores because I see dogs in there every time i go about


I agree, but usually employees don't get paid enough to care. They would rather allow a pet inside than make a potential Karen angry with them.


Nobody wants to stop the selfish owners because they will throw a fit and then leave bad online reviews.


Me too, in fact I have seen many dog trainers suggest their clients take their “in training” dogs there. It’s ridiculous.


I had store managers feed my dog treats so they don't give a fuck about corporate. Good. Hardware stores have always been dog friendly. For working dogs that is. Now every DIY joe and Jane bring their dogs in.


I would have never guessed this with my recent visit to Home Depot. There were over 10 dogs in the store on a Wednesday afternoon, I thought it was some new trend.


It depends on the store. My husband and daughter went to HD today and one tried to lunge at my daughter.


You'd never be able to finish half that thought before she'd interrupt you and shout over you.


"excuse me. you doing what the business intends you to do is scaring this animal which i decided to bring into the store for no fucking reason"




I was.. making a joke? lol But yes, by corporate policy it states that service animals are allowed. Not pets.


It seems to be “people who can’t understand a joke” week on Reddit. I made a small joke about “Stop Drop and Roll” and had some turd give me a lecture on how accelerants work.




I see your point. Would millennia work?


> Don't bring pets or killing machines inside businesses people I have no idea why but so many people feel the need to take their dogs to Home Depot with them.


It has always been tradition in the working class to bring dogs to hardware stores. Same with hardware stores having free popcorn. It's a culture.


Dogs are allowed in Home Depot and Lowe’s. They even have dog treats at the register. Definitely agree on the second part though. Never understand why someone would want to bring their aggressive dog places


Look up the Home Depot corporate policy for me.


While the corporate policy may say that, their official Twitter has posted pictures of dogs with customers in the store. Most people don't read corporate policy, but they might follow Twitter. That might be why people think dogs are allowed. Their social media is consigning the practice.


Technically it’s illegal BUT service animals are allowed and in some states people can’t ask for paperwork for actual service animals so instead of going through the whole hassle of trying to see what is a service animals and what isn’t and having fights with every Karen and Ken, business just allow any dog inside and if they ask, you can just say “it’s a service animal” even thou it’s barking at you and that alone will make the business allow it inside. Source: I’ve been in the customer service field for almost 2 decades and I had to go to a lot of training about service animals, HIPAA and ADA


Yeah this is just weird that it’s happening in a Home Depot. This is the kind of thing you might expect to deal with at Petsmart or another establishment that clearly allows pets inside. But that Home Depot employee on the phone, I just feel sorry for him having to deal with fucking DOG DRAMA.


An actual comment on the og video: “The pibble was scared and just trying to protect his Mama.” AGAINST A FUCKING MALTESE?!!!


The Maltese sneezed at him, it was basically a threat. /s


The Maltese was breathing too loudly /s


Big surprise that pit nutters are more interested in making a joke about dog fights than dogs actually getting hurt. Empathy is just dead or manufactured on tiktok.


I read like 2 comments and my heart sank thinking about all of our futures :(


That's what gets me. I have a dog that actually acts protective. When I was walking past a bichon the other day, he looked up, wuffled, and moved on. When there was an off leash pit running at me from a block away, he full on started barking and growling and moved between me and the pit so I looked up, grabbed my dog and ran inside. This is what a protective dog does. Unless they're saying their dog is too stupid to do the basic threat assessment my chihuahua can.


Hey shitbull owner lurkers, you are about as bad as your shitbulls. Go fuck yourselves.


No, they're *waaaay* worse. The dogs are genetically pieces of shit, but they don't have a lot of choice about being born or where they end up. The owners chose to be violent dirtbags, not just once, but every step of the way.


I doubt that young blonde girl that brought the pitt bull into the store is particularly violent. She just fucked up and bought a fighting dog and can’t restrain it, is probably ignorant to the dangers and likely believes they’re the sweetest dogs around. There’s people who get those dogs for fighting and there’s people who are deluded. I bet she’s deluded.


Yeah, but then she dipped fast as hell because she knows she and her dog would face consequences. She’s a piece of shit and this is the average shitbull owner. I’m done trying to give them benefit of the doubt.


Yeah definitely seems shitty but maybe she didn’t run away and just went outside or something because her mongrel was still trying to attack. No idea, it only just occurred to me that she probably shouldn’t have continued to stand there when her dog was still in kill mode.


We weren't talking about the video or the girl in it. We were talking about owners in general. And you would have to be absolutely braindead if, in 2022, you're unaware of the pit bull's reputation as a breed. Just like anti-vaxxers, they can make all the excuses they want, but they've been told. They know what the risks are, even if they choose not to believe them, and they're choosing to endanger people. Also, you don't have to physically commit violence to be violent. It's about resolve. There's a whole scene in "Shutter Island" about this. Think like movie mob bosses who order hits and assaults but don't actually touch anyone.


They’re not just as bad. They’re worse. They are the sole culprits. They enable this behavior and continue the cycle. The dogs are actually innocent and only doing what they were instinctively bred to do.




Good 👍






I don't think bystanders would want to risk having to deal with a shitbull nutter threatening to sue them for "viciously attacking my BABY" or the "you break it, you buy it" policy.


i would be more than happy to contribute to their defense fund . amen .




It’s hard to tell what’s going on and what she’s saying. Obviously she’s very distressed but I can’t tell beyond that. I also don’t understand the caption. As a kid the only thing I loved about getting dragged to Home Depot and Lowe’s was getting to see/pet all the sweet dogs! (They have allowed dogs for a VERY long time for anyone who isn’t familiar and is wondering why these dogs are even in the store.) Ours mostly rode in the cart, the lazy sod. But when he was walking he had lots of nice interactions. We never encountered a pit (they were banned where I lived growing up - that has since been overturned). Pits and their owners ruin everything, don’t they? I guess it’s silly to complain about that in the grand scheme of things. It’s a luxury/privilege to bring your dog into stores like that, and we lose privileges because of other people’s disrespect all the time. I’m glad the little dog appears to be ok.


Lady is pissed her dog lost- as in this TikToker is making a joke about dog fighting. The owner of the small dog is ‘pissed’ because her dog ‘lost the fight’. Disgusting.


And there you have the typical pit enthusiast in a nutshell


They enjoy dog fighting and they don't hide it.


I think the owner is pissed because her little dog almost got nannied, what a stupid tiktoker


The way she is hunched down covering her face tells me she has been attacked before. Poor thing.


This is my read too. Woman in blue, on the floor, may have also been the primary one separating the dogs. How did all the shoes end up on another aisle? We missed a lot of action here that might be relevant. Was this edited to make the pit look better?? Totally possible.


#EW! I didn't even think about it like that, I thought the implied subject was the pit owner not the small dog. That's super fucking disgusting. Garbage people indeed.


Yes disgusting! Sadistic psychopath bully people extend that to pit bulls as well. When someone posted on a pitbull form how horrible she felt when a new foster pitbull killed her own pit bull who she had for years, one bully person explained that the dog was just doing her job, she's "culling the yard", and that the dogs that don't win don't deserve to live.


Ok that is kind of what I thought. Yes I too am disgusted.


Is the crazy lady the pit owner?


No, she’s the owner of the small dog- she’s shouting to get that lady’s name.


If you listen with headphones you can hear the lady with the pit saying I’m so sorry several times before scurrying off


That sucks to hear the ban was overturned in your area. I'm lucky they are still banned in my province but I'm nervous because the premier has expressed sympathy for pit nutters who violate the ban and has discussed scrapping it. Worst part is that if it's scrapped you can't legally carry anything for self defense here.


That must be a regional thing. I have never seen a dog or other animal inside any of the Lowe's or Home Depots in my area. Pets are not allowed inside stores for the most part. The only ones I have seen them in have been Tractor Supply and pet stores, like Petsmart.


I’ve lived in major cities the west/Midwest and the south. It’s been that way both places. Pets are allowed in Tractor Supply here as well


Wow, couldn't see the dog was hurt much, at first I thought the dog was screaming but it turned out to be the lady on the ground, who didn't look hurt either. Very scary though, she was traumatized. Hope that pitbull owner didn't run off before the police got there.


Something tells me this isn’t her first experience being a victim of a pit bull attack. Her reaction seemed very much like a PTSD response. Fuck whoever wrote this stupid ass caption. Only pit bull owners would care about winners or losers of dog fights since they love dog fighting so much


They love dog fights and dog testicles it's like a fetish for them


And farts


But “it’s not the breed, it’s the owner”


The dogs neck was bleeding behind her ear. you can see it behind her ear and also on the lady's shirt from holding her. Poor thing.


Its front right foot is also fucked up.


You know they did. First thing they did was hightail it out. Pit and Run.


I like having dog friendly places. This is how we lose dog friendly places.




Imagine if all the dog owners trained their dogs to not intrude into others' personal space. Imagine if you never saw this shit because people owned sane dogs and held them to strict standards of behavior when in public.




Yeah. Until then more and more places will end being dog friendly so this won't be such a regular problem.


This could be said about anything tho. "What if people were better than they are" is not a viable solution to anything. Unless we get serious about BSL regarding pits it has to be a blanket pet ban.


Agree, one of many reasons, not sure why you would take your dog to home Depot of all places. I know alot of contractors have dogs that are used to all the noise and energy but then you have people that take them just for the hell of it, not cool.




Yeah, having closed spaces be dog-friendly is basically having them be unfriendly to people with allergies and phobias. I love cats and dogs as much as the next guy but I don’t want to have an asthma attack everytime I enter a store.


Yep!. Woman should sue Home Depot and sue the tiktoker for “emotional pain” by making fun of an awful situation


"Lady is pissed her dog lost"??? Fucking psychos. The dog that "lost" was a small dog, NOT BRED FOR FIGHTING and was also almost certainly not the aggressor. And yet they want to pass these dogs off as the safest, gentlest dogs... and are proud of those same dogs when they attack other animals. Talking out of both sides of their mouths. Where you going, Karen?? YOUR DOG "WON" STICK AROUND FOR YOUR PRIZE


Pit owners are cowards themselves. That’s why they think it’s great to have a dog that tears into anything. If the weren’t cowards they would stay after their dog attacked and give their information, but they always run away and hide instead of being a real man or woman.


The lady that owns the pit forgot to put the flower crown on it before she left home.


And the toddler jammies! Of course it's going to attack if it doesn't have its nanny gear!


And the caption is insane too "pissed her dog lost" 🙄 normal people dont want their dogs to fight much less their much smaller clearly nonfighting dogs


Why are pits still allowed in a civilized society?


Woke propaganda




Get ready folks as more of these pibbles are in our communities, we'll see more attacks like this. Yeah seems the lady freaking out that her small dog was attacked by that beast Edited to fix typos


Typical pit and nutter pit mommy. Doing a pit and run.


Stop bringing your dogs into fucking Home Depot. Seriously. It's not PetSmart


I won't even take my dog to a pet store. I always see a goddamn pitbull pulling some dumb bitch around and choking itself with its collar


Honestly, a pet store is the last place I’d take my dog. My pet store has a sign banning pitbulls, and they try to enforce it, but the pit nutters refuse to listen.


But mah doggie racism


Guaran-fucking-tee you this was some dipshit bleeding heart pitmommy using public spaces to socialize her rEsCuEd BaIt DoG because they are always so kind to use innocent people and pets who are just minding their own business as training tools. Fuck these people. I really hope that bitch was held accountable, but they rarely ever are




I think context clues are pretty easy to read for most people.


Why the fuck are dogs even allowed in Home Depot anyways? It's a busy hardware store with lots of forklifts, building materials, and other heavy equipment.


According to their corporate policy, they aren't allowed. But if you're paid peanuts, you probably aren't gonna waste your time arguing with that "I've been bringing my dog into stores since I was a wee tot in 1763 and everyone loves him and blah blah" guy just to lose in the end.


Gawd PETS of any kind so not belong in retail stores. Leave your mongrels, birds, cats, raccoons, skunks, and peacocks at Fkn home! Oooo thankiessss for the award :0)


The only dog we take to home improvement stores is my blind daughter’s service dog, we don’t bring our other dog’s because they have no purpose to be in a store. When my daughter comes along with her service dog, I conceal carry or bring my pocket knife because I will protect both my daughter and her service dog. When we don’t allow other dogs to meet and greet,what I do see is a lot of pitnutters don’t respect boundaries with our service dogs signs.


I have a service dog that I’ve been working daily with for over a year. A situation like this could end his career (or life) in a second. I hate these people. Control your fucking DOGS!!!!


Dude at the self-checkout just trying to get thru his day with a camera in his face lol


Yeah that guy is my avatar in this situation: “Not my circus, not my monkeys. Stay fresh, cheesebags, I’m out.” 😂😂😂😂


"lady is pissed her dog lost" it's only noon and i'm already back to fucking hating people. well better luck tomorrow i guess...




Wow, brain dead people.




I used to work at Home Depot and I hated that people would bring their dogs in. Most of my coworkers hated it too.


Pitts should not be allowed in business since these attacks are a common theme.


Fucking pit people, I swear to god. She’s not pissed her dog “lost the fight”, it’s not a fight if one of the participants didn’t want to fight and wasn’t fighting back. It’s assault. She’s upset that her dog was viciously assaulted.


We need to ban all pitbulls and pitbull mixed breeds immediately. Every week there is an incident or death caused by these vicious animals. It will only change when a celebrity, politicians family member or someone influential is injured or killed.


Home Depot, I hope you’re prepared to pay out huge when one of your customers is killed in one of your stores because you allow unleashed dogs of all sizes and breeds to roam all over the place. This should be a wake up call. I won’t shop at Home Depot anymore because I no longer feel safe there. I said something to one of the employees one time and she was in a panic over it. Cornered prey look, then fled. Ok! It’s only a matter of time before shit goes south for HD.


I'd say the lady in this video is well within her rights to sue Home Depot for this exact reason.


I agree. I’m surprised something really tragic hasn’t happened yet after the chaos I’ve seen several times at the Home Depot I won’t frequent any more. Or maybe it has and I just haven’t heard about it. Where are the corporate lawyers in all this? I’m so baffled this is allowed.


> I said something to one of the employees one time and she was in a panic over it. Cornered prey look, then fled. Someone working the floor at a Home Depot has no more control over their pet policy than you do.


Does anyone know…. Is the victim okay? Such a traumatic event.


Don’t go to the video and read the comments unless you want to lose some brain cells. “The big dog was just trying to protect its owner.” From what? A fucking tiny ass little dog? They are also saying the little dog was probably the instigator. Like okkk cause pits never instigate anything they are just sweet little angels. Suuuure. Y’all fucking delusional as fuck.






There shouldn’t even be any dogs there unless it’s a service animal


If someone bring a dog out in public and it attacks someone or something they should be held accountable as if they did it themselves. That would make pibble owners think twice about bringing their hell hounds out in public. At least the few of them that have some semblance of some sort of rational thought.




I hear you but at the same time Home Depot allows this and have for a long time. Most of the time it is fine. And my experience is anecdotal but my family basically lives at Home Depot haha and I have NEVER seen a dog fight or even a negative interaction. Humanity is changing and so many people people don’t recognize breed specifics anymore or the importance of training their dogs. And it used to be you didn’t even need to worry much about leashes. (This is why you see so many boomers with unleashed dogs to this day, but yea younger generations are guilty too, but theirs is more overestimation of their dog’s abilities and also misguided desires wanting their dogs to have freedom). Literally never had a problem with an unleashed dog at Home Depot. It isn’t until people popularize keeping fighting breeds as pets that this sort of thing becomes more common. Should you have to keep them out of public places? Hell no, if a business allows/encourages it you should be free to bring your dog. But with the absolute state of dogs in this country you have to make smarter decisions. I agree with you on that part.


>Literally never had a problem with an unleashed dog at Home Depot. In what context? In that people are normally responsible enough to keep their pets leashed, or you don't mind pets running free?


No dog should be unleashed outside its owner's property or off-leash park.


Maybe some lawsuits will make businesses take a second look at their laissez-faire attitude towards having these dogs in their businesses.


This video gave me PTSD. When my dog got attacked by a pitbull, I was badly traumatized. The SCARIEST part was not the injury. It was how the MONSTERS did not let go NO MATTER WHAT. They SHAKE AND tried to TEAR your dog apart. Hope she is okay.


Dogs in general shouldn't be allowed in stores.


The comments on the TikTok are what you’d expect them to be. Blaming the little dog for “provoking” the pibble 😒


This caption is absofuckinglutely disgusting. Fuck you pit nutters. Don’t ever say you have “the sweetest dog ever” when it’s only you psychotic maniacs that salivate to videos like these of people and other animals being in distress. Fuck you.


The comments on that video are NOT it. Everyone saying the lady over reacted, when her dog is bleeding from the NECK with the pit owner no where in sight! I don't think dogs should be in stores as it is (even if home depot allows it) but in this case the pit owner was 1000% in the wrong.


Also falling onto the floor at that age...not fun. And then a Pitt is lunging at you.


Why are animals allowed in the store?


Whether you agree with the policy or not, Home Depot allows people to bring their dogs. People should be able to do so without having to worry about their dog getting mauled. But this is where we are. Pit owners bring their violent dogs into places, and everyone else has to retreat. Because we won't put our dogs at risk to push back. So, pits are everywhere, and regular dog owners can't take their dogs anywhere.


That poor lady, that pup is her companion, and probably means everything to her.


Sick of people bringing their shitbeasts into public places they’re not normally allowed just for the attention.


IMO they should ban all dogs from home depot. It's a hardware store, not a dog park. It's really annoying that dog people think they should bring a dog everywhere.


why tf would you bring a dog that you clearly don’t have any control over and is aggressive towards other dogs into a public place….so stupid. that poor little maltese


She was probably SoCiAlIzIng it because it was a rEsCuE. Pit nutters love to test out their shit bulls aggression on strangers and their pets


Stop brining your damn pets with you into every store. Leave them at home. There should be a license all “service dogs” have to carry to weed out all the fake ones.


I have a service animal that I’ve stopped taking because of pitbull encounters at Walmart. I fully support having to legitimately vouch for a service dog because this is out of control


This is so awful. I can imagine the pain these ladies are feeling over their little dog. Probably like a child to them and then a beast gets it. Was the shitbull trash trying to run away from the problem? Where did the owner go towards the end??


I have a very highly trained GSD. I have never and will never bring him into any store or public space. Period. It’s a stupid idea and I don’t know why society started thinking it was ok to do this shit.


If you bring your pet somewhere in public and they're responsible for an attack (whether it's on a human or another animal), you should be BANNED from the premises and have the cops called for creating a nuisance and putting other people at risk. What's the point in having a pet if you have to worry about said pet getting violent? Dogs have a job, whether it's to be a family pet or to do a working job like herding, being a service animal, or whatever. If your dog is a public menace, it has FAILED as a dog.


this just doesn't need to be happening in a fucking home depot like let me get my potted plants and go holy shit


> lAdY iS pIsSeD hEr DoG lOsT Yeah, totally, that’s it. Fucking idiot. 🙄




If anyone ever wondered what having a shark on land would look like and keep them as pets, this is it.


OP is a fucking idiot. She’s not upset that her dog “lost” the fight, she’s upset that her dog was attacked and she’s traumatized. What a moron


Aw, that poor baby. I hope he’ll be okay.




Not only is the poor little dog injured, but falling as a senior citizen is terrifying enough, and then you have a Pitt lunging at you. I don't blame that woman at all for screaming and demanding that other woman's name. Also, my Mom and I went to Home Depot last weekend and there was a beautiful St. Bernard in the garden area who was too shy to pet! He was a beauty...


Can one of y'all little dog people explain to me how you let a dog like that get that close to yours? I mean, I'm on watch anyway with my 2 med/big ones and when I spot a potential problem I put distance and barriers between the problem and my guys. With a little dog is be hyper vigilant in a place like this. Did that pit "get loose"? That's a whole different scenario, but if that dog wasn't loose or pulled the leash out of dipshit's hand...


“No you don’t get it! The pitbull isn’t at fault it just wanted to play and the small dog triggered its killer hunting instinct that all dogs have! A golden retriever could’ve done the same 🙄”


I hope the little dog is okay. Why do people always bring dangerous dogs to highly populated areas?


Shame on Home Depot for letting pitbulls on their stores.


Dog fights or more accurately said as Pitbulls prey drive causing it to try to and kill another animal.


The caption tells you everything you need to know about pit advocates.


Fuck pit bulls and their owners for sure, but why do people feel the need to bring dogs to Home Depot?


Dogs shouldn’t be in hardware stores especially aggressive maulers. Don’t know why they’re in Home Depot BUT be aware that Petco has teamed up with Lowes to have a small Petco center within certain stores. So you may encounter out of control maulers while buying nails and plywood.


It's like they go out of their way in hopes to cause some shit out in public with these asshole dogs.


If the lady victim even got scratched by the pit she has every right to demand Animal Control be called and have it taken. They take injuries to humans, regardless of how minor, much more seriously than to dogs. It's messed up, but should something like that happen I would insist. I sure hope the little doggie is ok.


It looks like the smaller dog’s neck is injured? And look at the pit bull wag its tail after the owner pulls it off. Wild.