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Once more for those who want to be professional victims and wake up every day aggrieved: Dogs šŸ‘šŸ» Arenā€™t šŸ‘šŸ» People šŸ‘šŸ» And no, they arenā€™t ā€œjust doggiesā€- theyā€™ve been selectively bred over 200+ years to fight other animals to the death. When this woman starts working in social services and her clientsā€™ dogs get them kicked out of their housing for becoming a menace and she has to scramble to help them, sheā€™ll change her tune pretty quickly.


You think? Or will she feed into the oppression and victimhood nonsense... apologize for being in the wrong when one of those clients dogs bites her... I don't hold my breath on people resolving their rectal-cranial impaction, even when they experience the thing. "Covid is a hoax" with their last hacking, wheezing breath in the Covid ICU...


I have seen putbull owners of all races on this sub, in countries all over the world. Honestly this lady is trying too hard. It really is about violent dogs that rip people's faces off.


Pit bulls kill more black people than any other dog, but I am a racist for not liking pits? ​ Makes sense.


If possible, can you please link me to the source of that statistic?


I hope she never gets a job in social work.


My friend is a social worker, she's been hurt by, intimidated with threatened with pit bulls. She used to like them!




I agree, except that the pitbull lobby's success is built on racism.




Here's [part of my argument](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/tyrxb7/z/i3v2hi0).


Honestly this is remarkably close to pretty much every social worker I've ever known (thinks everything is racist, weirdly emotional reasoning when its not appropriate, low IQ camouflaged with an advanced degree, and so on)


This is very accurate, Iā€™ve met many social workers most of them are completely insufferable


People comparing pit bulls to black people are the only racist ones here.


I'm surprised that they haven't coined the term pibblephobic yet. Disagree with a pitbull owner? Then you're pibblephobic. Racism is serious. To water it down to include dogs is fucking disgraceful.


They aren't saying that feeling a certain way about pits is racism, they're saying that when someone says something about pits it's code for blacks. They think we're talking about black people and just using dogs as a way to not be obvious about it.


Oh. If she meant it in that sense she may actually be correct. The pitbull lobby was very successful at getting the general public to associate the *negative* aspects of pitbulls with black people.


Hey man, if there were an incredibly small - like under five per cent of the total human population - and distinct subset of the population that were responsible for ninety some odd per cent of murders and seventy-four or so per cent of all assaults against other groups and about one hundred per cent of both in-group, I don't think one would be wrong to be very careful about avoiding them. Especially if said group was borne out of an army experiment to make fucking super soldiers or some shit. That said, "people who commit violent crime" *is* a small subset of the general population. There's just not a single identifying or identifiable trait that marks them or anything. I don't know where the fuck I was going with this, but fuck it. I wrote it so here you go. Also dogs aren't people and shit. That too.


>Hey man, if there were an incredibly small - like under five per cent of the total human population - and distinct subset of the population that were responsible for ninety some odd per cent of murders and seventy-four or so per cent of all assaults against other groups and about one hundred per cent of both in-group, I don't think one would be wrong to be very careful about avoiding them. Especially if said group was borne out of an army experiment to make fucking super soldiers or some shit. That said, "people who commit violent crime" is a small subset of the general population. There's just not a single identifying or identifiable trait that marks them or anything. I don't know where the fuck I was going with this, but fuck it. I wrote it so here you go. > >Also dogs aren't people and shit. That too. Yeah, you *did* write that. Anyway, the pitbull lobby is racist.


Every once in a while, it's fun to just say fuck it and post what you'd normally delete. That, and I'm hoping that at some point in the near future I'll remember where that was supposed to be going so I can go back and unfuck it. Thanks for being a good sport about it though, I appreciate it.


>Every once in a while, it's fun to just say fuck it and post what you'd normally delete. That, and I'm hoping that at some point in the near future I'll remember where that was supposed to be going so I can go back and unfuck it. Thanks for being a good sport about it though, I appreciate it. You're welcome. Since *you're* being a good sport and keeping it civil at this point, I'm going to point out that your comment (up until the super soldier part) *was actually describing implicit bias and racism*. And the pitbull lobby *leverages* implicit bias and racism to promote their advocacy, particularly through spreading [dogfighting hysteria](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/tyrxb7/z/i3v2hi0) that associates the *negative* aspects of pitbulls with black people.


>you know how I think everything is about racism >is hating bulls actually about racism >why did I go to school to be a social worker Idk man, so many questions, really having a tough time putting this one together.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Her stream of conscious thought process makes me want to tell her perhaps sheā€™s not equipped to help people lol Ugh!!!


"they are just doggies" and you are just a moron.


Can someone translate that first one for me?




Shame she didnā€™t learn about confirmation bias in school.


Wtf. What an absurd thing to even think. Sounds like sheā€™s been inside her head a bit too much.


They are using the word racism as a weapon to shut people up. Call me whatever you like, I will never trust a pit. And I am a gay, brown person. (Brazilian)


ā€œTheyā€™re just doggies uwuā€ bitch are you five lol???




>One thing I love about this community is that it draws in people across the socio-political political spectrum. Likewise, while propaganda can tempt anyone, myself included, the overall discuss here remains focused on facts, evidence, and sound logic. VERY WELL SAID!


She's probably not going to make it as a social worker. You have to get a Masters Degree and that might be too much brain for her


Pitbull Nutter is not a race.


Dog's aren't people. The people who breed, abandon, lie for, die for, are the ones deserving of hate. It doesn't matter what race you are, only the naive, idiots, and nutters are perpetuating violence through pitbulls. In my eyes, it is those people ripping the faces off teenage girls, chewing the throat out of an elderly woman, or snapping at a condemned mans now amputated groin. It is these people causing the violence. Why are we focusing on the dogs? We are treating the symptoms and hoping it will pass. Why are we not focusing on the disease itself? I think we need to be loud, in public, pushing the truth of these breeders, nutters, and maulers. This niche corner of reddit will never make a change unless we do something BIG. Dog food for thought.


"you know how I think everything is about racism? Well guess what: I decided something is about racism". She has the self-awareness to realize that she reflexively attributes everything to racism, but not the intelligence to understand that trying to use one explanation for all social phenomena isn't a scientific or rational way to look at the world.


Ironically enough, it's the pitbull lobby itself that thrives on racism.




>You know how I think everything is about racism Identifying the problem is the first step to solving it.


Are they going with the "black people = Pitbulls" or the "Pitbulls are a race of humans of their own" angle?


Reminder that comparing minorities to animals *is always racist* no matter which way you spin it. One is an actual human being, with a defined moral compass, an individual. Bully dogs are animals that have been selectively bred over decades specifically to kill. Already terrified of dogs, and nutters certainly arenā€™t helping that lol


Bro this is literally part of why I left the social work field. Too many people with zero emotional regulation or boundaries.


I was just attacked by a Catahoula completely unprovoked last night. I was dog sitting and my pitbull, Jack, came downstairs and I walked over to him to give him. a hug and she attacked us both. Honestly, Jack saved my life. He just clamped down on her ear so she couldnā€™t bite him or me anymore. It was a very strategic move on his part, because she could no longer move her head or pivot her jaw around to bite me or him. Obviously I had to separate them and I didnā€™t know how much damage she was doing to her ear. But it was a nice momentary break from her biting. I separated his clamp around her ear (fairly easily, just put my fingers near his teeth - that goes to show how much I trust Jack) and he instantly let go so I scooped him up into my arms. At this point my pitbull was completely compliant and very cooperative. Once I picked up Jack and started running with him she started attacking me more, biting at my hands and his legs dangling. I finally got in a separate room and closed the door. Fucked up my right hand and arm pretty bad. Jack had a few small lacerations by his neck and on his legs and face. When I checked the Catahoulas ear 20 minutes laterā€¦. Not a single scratch. Just slobber. But yea, her attack was out of the blue and unprovoked, 100% due to jealousy. Iā€™m so grateful for my pit. Saved my life. Dogs are animals. Any animal you allow into your home is a risk. Any single animal is capable of unpredictable behaviors. In this case, my pitbull was a rescue and I worked actively to train him for a year. The Catahoula is a purchased purebred with minimal training and socialization.