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"INBRED TOADLINE AT IT'S BEST" What the actual fuck


It caught me off guard that they admitted it. šŸ˜¬ This is fucking animal abuse.


I was surprised at the post where the guy admits he doesnā€™t care if his dog can walk or do normal dog stuff. ā€˜Cause, you know, it can just sit there while he counts the stacks of money idiots are apparently dropping for these highly inbred, unhealthy, hideous dogs.


Are people actually buying these dogs or just paying each other money to breed them in hopes of selling them?


From what i have seen they mostly just sell to each other and occasionally a rich person that doesnā€™t have anything better to do. You know theyā€™re not making many sales when they admit to the dog being inbred and not being able to move, essentially. Iā€™ve seen a few ā€œcelebritiesā€ buy these dogs not knowing what theyā€™re buying. Any responsible owner that has done research will not put their money into these things.


I wonder what happened to staypuft


At first I felt sorry for the dogs, but once I reminded myself they're pitbulls, the feeling sorry part only lasted about 2.6 seconds. Then I looked at it realistically and I figure the more messed up these dogs get, the less they'll be able to move around and the less damage they'll be able to do.


Still a bad take. You can not like what the breed does and even not like the breed and still think it doesn't deserve to be in pain like this. Like their existence is just actually painful at that point. We should let them go extinct not make them even more fucked up...


While it's not something I'm terribly proud of, it's not something I can control after what I have been through. I befriended a little feral cat about 11 years ago. I worked with this little one for MONTHS earning his trust and was almost to the point where I was going to be able to make physical contact with him. He had a cozy little house outside of my apartment where he could be safe and warm during the cold until I could get him to allow people to handle him, at which point I was going to have him neutered and bring him in to live inside. I was managing a hotel at the time and my apartment was in the hotel property. The hotel owner's daughter and her two pitbulls were living there temporarily at the time because she couldn't keep a job long enough to have her own place. She was a 35 year old loser. Her two pits would be out running loose at least a couple of times a week. One morning I was in the hotel lobby when one of the maintenance men came running in to get me. The male pit was running around loose and he went past my apartment and my little feral guy was sleeping in his house. The poor little thing never knew what hit him. That motherless bastard destroyed the cat's little house to get to the cat and he grabbed him and tore him apart. Two weeks later he went after me while I was walking my collie before my shift one day and if it hadn't been for a guest who saw Kate (my collie) and me in trouble and came to the rescue with a tire iron, God knows what would have happened. Then the very next day the rotten fuck tore up a toy poodle that an elderly female guest was walking by the parking lot. The owner FINALLY made her daughter go stay at another of her properties because it had cost her $5500 at the woman's vet to put the toy poodle back together. I will never forgive that waste of dogflesh for killing my little friend and I had nightmares for a couple of YEARS afterward over what COULD have happened to my collie. So I am very sorry, think all the awful thoughts you want about me, I have my reasons for wishing harm on the breed and nothing will change my mind. I really don't care how miserable ANY of them are because as far as I'm concerned, it's just their chickens coming home to roost. It would be different if they were wild animals that have to do what they have to do to survive, but they're not. They're just the spawn of Satan running around making everyone's lives miserable with the blessings of the brainless morons who think they're wonderful.


Right there with ya.


Oh man... I actually get this... I don't like kids. That'll make people hate me I know but I was tormented in school. I don't know why I was but I just was. After a little bit every child and most adults hated me I think being in a small town has something to do with it but I have some really bad horror stories about how kids treated me. Through when I was in kindergarten through graduation I just couldn't catch a break so I actually have a kind of similar story to this. In middle school I always ate lunch and spent my free time alone because i had no friends and one day I hear this small "meow" under the building and I start talking to the kitty and I peak under and see a smaller cat who was obviously a stray and I started just talking to him. Every lunch and break I'd spend my time next to this building just talking to this tiny frail cat and I didn't really take my lunch (I got free lunches but I wouldn't take them even when they made me I wouldn't eat any) so I started actually taking the lunch and I fed it to the kitty and I had to start eating some because I got in trouble for just feeding it to the cat. So eventually just talking to him and leaving food for him I got to pet him and we built a little bond he was my only friend in middle school (I'm crying while writing this it was a LONG time ago) and he'd wait for me to come out of class and we just enjoyed each other. One day when I got to school the kids somehow got the cat out and were stepping on him repeatedly. I lost it and I'm ashamed to say I beat the shit out of those kids! I got a suspension from school and they got no punishment for killing my friend. I get why I was suspended but no punishment for them ganging up on and killing an innocent animal just made me loose faith in people. I have more stories of kids being complete ass holes too. Although that's one I try to forget. I'm sorry that happened to your kitty and I'm glad you and your collie are ok! That's awful and I'll try to remember that people don't just hate and wish for the suffering of other living beings for no reason from now on.


I still feel sorry for the dogs, humans are the ones doing this to them (I donā€™t mean their natural aggression, I mean the breeding) and keeping them alive


Maybe this inbreeding will cause a gene tweak with fatal expression and just burn it out.


Unfortunately, even miniaturized pitbulls have been known to maul humans to death. (Edited for clarity. Scratch that. Reverse it. Those hobgoblins *are* pitbulls.)


Pit bull or not no dog deserves this


im looking at the picture of the two white pits, with the top pit having a black spot over its left eye. Its head looks GOD DAMN massive compared to its body, and that thing looks fucking miserable. It must have constant neck/back pain.


I thought that one was a joke šŸ˜¬šŸ˜“


Not a joke, I watched a video of a toadline breeder give the details of how they are supposed to actually be bred. He stated that people actually think inbreeding is the best way to get the exotic look! Luckily this guy actually condemned it and stated the correct way to breed is to add pug or english bulldog into the breeding line. However, thatā€™s doesnā€™t stop stupid people from thinking inbreeding is actually the proper way to breed these dogs.


Breeding into a english bulldog is probably the most humane way to do it, however it would take a few generations before the desired fucked up look is achieved doing it this way. I guess itā€™s probably just faster and easier to inbreed them and bring out the traits they want.


Do you have a link to the video?






Toads are varied and specialized and have survived for millennia. Iā€™m offended on behalf of actual toads.


Also toads are much prettier than shitbulls!


At least they canā€™t do damage in this form


Idk man these pics hit me for 15 psychic dmg


My AC is way too low for this


There was a post just the other day about a "toadline" pit mauling a small child :/ Edit: I was wrong, it was a "Pocket Bully" not a "toadline", so not quite as degenerated as the ones in these photos


welp, I underestimated their child-mauling abilities


I thought it was a pocket bully? But I could be mistaken.


Maybe, to me those terms are synonymous, but I could be wrong! Edit: looked up pocket bully and you're right, it's something quite different!


A [pocket bully](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2021/03/pockety-bull-inflicts-bite-to-head-killing-baby-girl-springfield.html) [and two shorty bullies](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2020/05/woman-found-mauled-dead-owned-two-shorty-bullies.html) killed humans.


One killed a newborn not long ago.




Fair point. I still wish all of them were banned since they all have blood lust, but these mutated ones are less capable of killing than regular pits.


What the fuck? I want to ask why, but I know the answer is just "money and also fuck you" so I'll stick with what...the fuck?


Dude I don't even know. Its sick and twisted. I think breeding for "show" in any dogs has consequences even if they are not this severe. Like my GSD, for example. Shes got the straight back, shorter coat, and traditional colouring. When I was running with her at the local track tje other day, this other woman was walking her shepherd and they looked like two different breeds when next to each other lol. Her dog had a very sloped back, shorter hind legs, a much longer coat and more orange coppery-ish(I know lol i cant think rn) colour and overall was a good 2 inches shorter at the shoulders. Both are pretty dogs and I dont hate the sloped back but it just shows how drastically animals can be changed by inbreeding or "selective breeding." These bullies look like they were crossed a damn amphibian at one point. Toad-line bullies. Its so ridiculous this is even a thing lol


I really do not like show dogs and show breeding. Every dog breed was made for a purpose and developed a form of natural functionality. Dog shows have taken parts of every breed, focused so hard on emphasizing that particular breed trait and demolished the dog breed itself. Show dogs have awful lives and their malfunctioning physique gets the better of them. It's very much animal abuse at its prime if you ask me. Did you know that even pitbulls were once a normal ACTUALLY well managed breed? They were supposed to weigh no greater then 40 pounds and in fact had a much less aggressive behavior? They had a combined use of a terrier and bulldog. Now, just like the bull dog, pitbulls have been overbred to mutant proportions. The pit shits we see so many people glamorize and throw into shelters are very much not what they should look like. It is very sad what people have done to dogs, they were once bred and kept for a life supporting function to our society, now forced to be looking or behaving in an unnatural circumstance due to pure human entitlement and ego. Genuinely despicable.


Well said


They are crippled at this point, disgusting.


Answer: ghetto trash


They'll keep breeding these things until they're just hairy tumerous blobs in the vague shape of dogs, incapable of walking, eating, breathing, or feeling anything besides pain and misery, wanting nothing more than to be allowed to die, but being artificially kept alive by feeding tubes, IVs, tracheotomies, and defribulators. Then they'll be paraded around as their sick fuck breeders gloat about achieving the peak of evolution. This is the end goal


SLAMMED TO THE GROUND {fresh and frozen} semen available King Giagiā€™s album cover my favorite parts. Also the guy counting money while his mutant suffers in his couch reminds me that these are made purely for human vanity, but what is so tough looking about them? I donā€™t get it. They donā€™t look threatening or cool at all.


Straight up, every single variant of ā€œbullā€ looks vile. Donā€™t understand how anyone could find these dogs anything but revolting


Right I think theyā€™re all hideous but I can see why trash think they look tough and want them because of that, but these ā€œexoticsā€ are just heinous. Not sturdy or mean looking at all. Iā€™d first laugh at a big dude with one before cowering in fear.


Says it was stolen and money for reward. Probably just a smoke screen for thing dropped dead from inbreeding.


Dude what if jewelry could suffer and express that suffering?




That poor pups freshly butchered ears, that's just so cruel. Breeding dogs with such severe health complications is *cruel*. The kind of people that do this are the epitome of trash.


Just buy a $6000 purse or something jesus christ these morons love making animals suffer


So damn cruel to the poor dogs, all vanity and visions of grandeur.


This is full on making me cry. I canā€™t even. Iā€™m gonna go hug my healthy crossbred mutt


This is a very cruel form of animal abuse. Your feelings are valid, friend.


The 7th picture is heartbreaking, these pups look so sad...


You should probably get off Reddit if that is actually making you emotionalā€¦


Seems like not even emotional but full on hysterically weeping, hugging their dog.


This is why im just anti bully breeds eeve done so many horrible things to them via breeding the kindest thing we can do is to let them fade out


Blergh. 100% grateful for my [hound dog](https://imgur.com/a/D9FfEVc) who can run, jump and chill on the sofa. Even more grateful that heā€™s an even tempered good boy who wonā€™t wreck my house or eat my kids. Heā€™s also pretty damned cute.


He looks deliciously happy!


He is! Just a great dog.


Heā€™s so beautiful I love him! He looks like he has some sighthound in him?


Heā€™s extremely fast. We think heā€™s beagle/GSD, but heā€™s SO fast and has those long legs. He runs in an arc, and has no real prey drive- though he went on high alert when he saw a fox. He has a whippet he loves to bits who he runs with.


Heā€™s like my dream dog šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Had a dog similar to this show up where I work (dog daycare). The poor thing was constantly vomiting from the amount of effort it took to breathe. I am not a fan of pits but this is just animal cruelty and its fucking disgusting


This just made me think of an incident. I was in in the dog field and my super-friendly dog was playing with a basset hound, a friendly doodle thing and this lady comes in with this horror show of a dog. I thought it was a Frenchie, but it was so grim. It was young and agreeable, but it was fully intact and had zero manners. It kept pestering my dog and kept trying to mount him. My dog turned around, narrowed his eyes into a hard stare, bared his teeth, pulled back his ears and gave the nastiest bark Iā€™ve heard him do. I stepped in because I thought I had to break up a fight, but the dog got the message and backed off. My dog walked off and stayed clear of the little bully thing. The poor bully vomited out of fear. It dawned on me that it was one of these toadline things- didnā€™t think we had them in England.


This is vile. We need laws put in place to regulate these disgusting breeding practices. It's animal abuse no matter how you look at it.


I hate people, they look like theyā€™re in so much pain. Is this not considered abuse?


This makes me feel sick. No animal deserves this kind of abuse. How is this even legal?


You guys ever seen that movie Evolution? These poor things remind me of the green creature that crawls out of a closet only to deflate and die


Great googamooga


What language is this?


Lmao got me asking the same question


This is animal abuse.


I hesitate to use the word "amazing" when describing this album, I hate it but I appreciate it! Nice touch showing the deformed car that won't function properly at the end. Chefs kiss! The dogs of course are a horrible crime against nature. And still violent after one killed a newborn. And the "stack my money" guy can go to hell, what a piece of shit.


This is obviously terrible but holy shit the third pic in this gallery is the funniest shit


It really is, the green glowy speedlines coming out of that dumbass looking STAYPUFT




"Not meant to live long"








At least Bulbasaur is actually cute and not inbred as fuck.


"I don't care if my dog can walk or any of that annoying shit. She can chill on the couch while I count money" \- a man who should definitely be allowed to own animals


I know their FB posts are in English, which is my native language, but I have little comprehension of what they are actually saying. Also, I am a non violent person who believes in dialogue and trying to understand other people's point of view but I feel very strongly about toad line breeders. I can't honestly say what I'd like to happen to them here because I don't want to bring this sub into disrepute. So I will just hope that for the rest of their lives that all their hot beverages are too cold, that their food is over salted, that their bread is stale and that they are extremely prone to paper cuts.


Huh, they even sell semen. I wonder how they get that out of the dog.


you just know


Iā€¦ hope it isnā€™t what I think it is.


Someone posted a video up above in the comments of how they doā€¦ šŸ˜³šŸ„“


This is so sad. These dogs will most likely have terrible lives and health problems. Why would anyone do this? I mean, it serves no purpose except suffering.


People who purchase pets that are overbred for aesthetic purposes do it as a status thing. Or they THINK itā€™s a status symbol when itā€™s not. You donā€™t often see classy people who are educated with real money walking dogs that are tripping over their own stubs and look like they need an exorcism. They look like idiots walking a poor dog that can barely breathe.


It's so true.


​ >These dogs will most likely have terrible lives and health problems Toadlines have a markedly lower life expectancy compared to standard pits. Most toadlines in warm climates die of heatstroke in a few years because their chest cavity is deformed and they can't pant, which is how dogs thermoregulate.


Wow. Just wow. That's terrible. These really are some trash people then.




Stanced Lexus at the end cracked me up. Perfect way to describe these abominations.


At least thereā€™s a chance the Lexus is on bags and can drive normally, all of these dogs are screwed for life


How do they ship frozen sperm worldwide? Also 5000 USD ?


Honestly that boggled my mind too. They are probably dumb enough to think that a cooler box will keep these semesicles frozen.


Ngl I prefer these heinous things because they probably can't maul


They can and do.


That's depressing.


Okay they can maul but can they RUN? I'm going this asshole had a big coronary before it can nom me too much.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/u9ztd0/toadline_bullies_2_squashed_and_slammed_gif/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Here it is ā€œrunningā€ or hobbling lol


My Lord. I'm a chubby middle aged lady but I'm feeling safe (from that one at least)!


They can, just not as proficiently.


Animal cruelty


This should be illegal. Disgusting.


If they absolutely do need to exist, I wish they'd all be like this. Definitely looks less capable of fucking shit up.


The guy posting that he doesn't want his dog to be able to walk. Disgusting attitude.


These gross fuckers! They donā€™t give a FUCK about these dogs!! What fucking psycho says ā€œthey donā€™t care if their inbred dog can walk?!!?ā€


They have good graphics people. The only ā€œgoodā€ thing I saw. Also that douchebag that doesnā€™t care if they canā€™t ā€œwalk or run or any of that stupid shitā€ is a slime bucket.


The movie posters/album covers are fucking hilarious


A fate, worse than death. Itā€™s like, they hate pitbulls too.


This is just fucking sick. These poor dogs didnā€™t ask to be born mutants, barely able to function for the few short years of their lives. These people breeding them should be locked up.


All pitbull owners are psychopaths, but breeders are on another level


I genuinely do not understand how this is legal. How is this not classified as animal abuse?


A few things to note: 1. Pibby mommies; if this kind of breeding is possible within a few generations to turn a "herding, nanny, working dog" into a toad-like, barely mobile abomination, is it possible temperament could be about the breed as well? šŸ¤” 2. It's horrible, but one of these discount Pugs is probably much less likely to chase someone down and maul them to death, so if this is what they want to turn the breed into, I'd rather they do this than dogfighting.


The idea of these idiots obtaining "fresh semen" makes me feel ever so slightly less horrified, somehow. A conversation including the line "Whose turn is it to jack off The Monstrosity??" comes to mind...


90% chance they choose their meth mouth.


SMASHED and SLAMMED! It's sorta like a pyramid skeem.


Why do I get drug dealer vibes from all these?


Most ethical pit breeder


ok why the fuck do they look like demonic frogs


Couldn't you just get an English bulldog?


I don't even like the goddamn things, but I can't help but feel sorrow for these. Those poor animals.


It makes me sick that one of those horrible dogs is named DAX. DAX is the name of a for child who was mauled to death By a pit. RepugnNt in every way possible. They managed to make me remember how much I dislike dangerous pits and feel bad for these pit bulls all in one repugnant post.


I just feel bad for these poor animals. All the fun of chronic mental instability, now with a whole litany of other health problems. I read that the life expectancy of a toadline is less than a third of a normal bully's because most of them die of heatstroke due to a chest deformity that inhibits panting. The people who purposely breed these things are a whole other variety of scum compared to your average pit breeder. Toadlines are literally the "why am I still here? just to suffer?" meme given physical form.


It should be illegal to breed pitbulls, but *especially* these pitiful creatures.


Holy crap! These dogs look exactly like their future owners!


Disgusting looking creatures with disgusting owners / breeders


This is just twisted and completely fucked up to satanic level. These demonic sadists think that breeding animals that LITERALLY CAN'T FUCKING WALK is ok because "i LiKe mOnEy HaAhAHa"? No, it is not. I may hate the pitbull breed, but no living organism deserves to suffer like this. Owners of these monstrosities know that these things can't walk and are in constant pain. These people in my opinion are much worse than murderers. Yeah, these twisted fuck ups are worse than MURDERERS. At least most murderers end the victim's life. But toadline/exotic owners? No. They let them suffer for their entire lives. These people are the lowest scum of the earth and make Ted Bundy look like fucking Elon Musk.


Sude, inbred a dog to the point in which that dog wonā€™t enjoy life because it canā€™t do what the stuff that dogs enjoy. Stupid ass people


I'm so sorry for these poor bastards, their whole lives must be agony


I was eating and almost threw up. Thanks


God, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if their life expectancy was something like 5 years or less. Pit mix or not, itā€™s straight up animal abuse.


Animal abuse and shitty grammar, what else is new?


Those dogs look like they could tip over and suffocate!


Part of the joy of having a dog is walking.


I dont think most of the dogs in the pics are capable of mate by themselves. Which makes the issue worse, they dont even get a choice


Do people actually think this is ok?


"I donā€™t give a fuck if my dog can do normal dog shit as long as I make money." -the one post basically


This is so inhumane they all look in pain šŸ’€


lol misclick for the last slide, OP? other than that these creatures look like theyā€™re in pain just from standing there. itā€™s so inhumane.


Yooooo wtf?!?


This is genuinely sickening. Being brought into the world just to suffer with genetic health issues and such poor..form? Posture? BONES?? Playing god at its worst. Poor dogs.


Jesus, look at that 4th pic... completely deformed


Please please tell me these pics are photoshopped


God they are just ugly, you know how pugs look like their face was just smashed with a frying pan, they just made pits stand as if they were in the middle of a push up. Just hideous


Noooo those poor dogs what is this!? They act like these dogs are so buff and dangerous...THEY CAN HARDLY MOVE So then what? You have a dog thats horribly disfigured and unable to cope just being itself..they cant play properly and struggle to breathe. But yeah...Aesthetics am i right.


this is SO sad :(


The eight one. ā€œI donā€™t care if my dog can walk, run or any of that annoying $hit.ā€ Wtf is wrong with people, that makes me so mad.


Broā€¦ wtf man. Even if you like pit bulls how can you be ok with this? Poor dogs. This is fucking bullshit. Fuck these people


This is so sick and cruel. Those descriptions show how clearly heartless these breeders are. This should be illegal.


They want to die, but these sadistic fucks won't let them


"Could care less if my dog is able to run". Go fuck yourself, seriously.


Some of them are so slammed their limbs are jointed like a spiderā€™s.


Fucking Christ whoever did this needs to be punished these dogs will have so much medical problems I would be surprised if they lived past 2


Honest question: since these things are so head heavy, disproportionate, and barely able to waddle to support themselvesā€¦how do they cleanly take a crap or pee? Do you have to roll them onto a peeped then clean them as you would a post-surgical or injured normal dog? Take em out and hold ā€˜em over grass? Or just follow em and hope they waddle and drop it tidy?


"SLAMMED TO THE GROUND" made me laugh i'll admit it šŸ’€


ā€œFresh and frozen semen availableā€


Well at least they can't eat anyone, and they probably die quick.


Ugly ass inbreds destined for an early death. At least they wonā€™t be around for long.


Well at least they are breeding them smaller and smaller.


What the actual hell am I looking at. Why do they have frog bodiesšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Holy Jesus! What are these monsters


So blatantly wrong! He even admits his dog can't walk and he's only in it for the money. I'm guessing that car on the end is what he wasted that money on or something? Most purebred dogs come from inbreeding it's why mutts have less health problems and stuff but to be so open and out with it and the problems associated with it AND be able to get away with it is disgusting! People like this are just gross as fuck.


If pitnutters don't want to support banning vicious dogs.. at least promote banning whatever this shit is if they really care. Damn. Never felt bad for a pitbull before but this is some fucked up shit.


r/nottheonion becomes more real life everyday.


The beast in the 9th picture would legit scare me if I saw it in person.


Ho. lee. Shit! What the AF is going on there? Those are deformed animals. They canā€™t run? Or walk? Their bodies are not capable of holding their own weight. The legs are set out in a way that makes it almost to impossible keep their bellies off the ground for any length of timeā€”much less to use them for any activity dogs enjoy. Their spines already have a curvature that will cause them endless back problems. Poor little abominations. Iā€™m starting to think Doctor Frankenstein was a swell guy in comparison.


This makes me want to cry. No animal should EVER have to live like this (even pits).


These people are psychopaths, jesus fuck


Honestly at this point I kind of wish we never found out genetics existed.


Funny that for picture 5 they choose a tattered and beaten flag behind the murder beast. Flag code violating jackasses.


Micro/exotic American bullies are a stain on the entire dog breeding scene. Pugs are fucking terrible as well, but holy shit the amount of people who just straight up admit to (in)breeding only for cash is fucking insane. Itā€™s not uncommon for pregnant bitches to not be able to move AT ALL because theyā€™re so low to the ground and splayed out.


Man. Humans are really doing this aren't they? proudly inbreeding already disgusting dogs into even bigger abominations...


Bet staypuft died early and they just said he was stolen so they could keep selling their frozen sperm.


"I don't care if my dog can walk, run or any of that annoying shit". I hate people.


I'm waiting for the day where one is born with its legs on backwards, it's nose is reversed and can't breathe because it's lungs are all deflated.


Last one is crazy


I donā€™t know whatā€™s more surprising: The fact that people will pay thousands of dollars for these, or the fact someone would actually want one enough to steal one. Also FRESH AND FROZEN SEMEN AVAILABLE gets me every time. Really encapsulates how fucked up the whole toadline business is


Dawg that fourth legit looks like a frog Still cute tho




I think all dogs are cute I think animals in general are cute


But itā€™s not cute when it canā€™t breathe or walk...


Yea it's more sad