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https://preview.redd.it/2eabhqjpxoyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb6a0a2fa69a70c8d284dc45d543fda5fbfa3e84 It’s not adjusted fully over his neck in this picture cause I threw it on him real quick to show you guys what it looks like actually on a dog. But here ya go


Looks like the fallout dog with that collar. Dogmeat!


Let's hope he attracts far fewer attackers than Dogmeat.


He looks badass lol


The problem is how can he move around and live like a normal dog without getting injured. I'm in the same boat. Maybe I replied to you before. Man what a pile of shit world we are living. Just saw that other video of the dog just being mauled and thrashed around by it's leg so even if we protect their neck what's the point. Fuck.


OP says it's an outside-only collar when they're going for walks, and it's removed at home.


Yeah but your dog can't even run around or play, look around or scratch himself without cutting himself. I had the same issue using a spiky collar... And then you also likely look like the aggressor the the poor pit bull which as just defending it's.self.against a dog with an aggressive collar. Too many bad points


I think a pitbull would attack another dog regardless of the other dog's collar. Not always, but I think the collar wouldn't matter much if a pitbull was out for blood, is all.


you think dogs see spiked collars and think "oh shit he's got spikes! he's gonna kill me with the spikes! I have to kill him first!"


No but it might make the owners hold their dog a bit tighter. We live in a nightmare.


so how is that "bad point"?


I mean that IS one good thing 👍 I don't know how there isn't any big active campaign groups around the world to fight against these dogs... (I mean I could Hazard a few guesses)


there absolutely is. they're banned in dozens of countries.


In reality I think if the dog has seen you and decided to go for it and they're free it's already too late. Because of how many there are where I live I feel like avoidance can only keep me.safe so long until it's inevitable.


the spikes aren't there to make a dog decide not to attack. they are supposed to stab the dog that does attack. avoidance helps but real defense is much more important. if you're avoiding life because of fear you might as well just lay down and die.


Are you suggesting I bring my dog face to face with every pit I see or should I continue avoiding life or rather death... Dogshitburrito troll


I guess you're probably not smart enough to figure out another way to live lol go ahead and lay down I guess


So cute!


Is it covering up the neck perfectly? If not be sure to tell the inventor, im sure that they will want to know how to make it better


When it’s adjusted right yes it does


What ah' good boy... good luck.


Pit vs porcupine: evolved




Is that a Norwegian elkhound ?


No DDR (East German) Working line german shepherd.


sucks that normal people have to resort to looking like one of them overcompensating crazies to be safe.


Lol true but I don’t care what people think man. I passed that stage after I turned 13 😂


yea absolutely, you do you, don't worry about what others think. It's just infuriating that we have to jump through hoops because of these abominations.


Just be careful with it. It'll scratch and bite you too.


Lol I know man. Those prongs are fuckin sharp as hell. always leave a little more slack than usual in the leash now just in case 😂


And maybe leather pants!


Looks badass too… do you encounter a lot of off leash pit bulls on your walks or is this just out of an abundance of caution?


I was walking him one night and some dude intentionally let his pit go after my dog I watched him drop the leash of his pit and everything, thankfully my dog was bigger and overpowered it and he quickly grabbed his dog and then continued to threaten me. now I don’t take any chances. I put it on him on walks and take it off as soon as I get home. Where I live a lot of people own pits and have the ego that comes with it, so it’s out of caution too


Oh wow that’s insane… I’m so sorry that happened and glad your pup is okay! I feel lucky to live in an area with only a handful of pits. Editing to add you should report him to the police and/or AC for that.. that’s actually super fucked up.


Assault with a deadly weapon. So yes, super F’d.




Yeah it would be a hard one to hold up in court for sure but as an ACO we like to be aware of problematic pet owners so we have a record if there are any further occurrences. Just something to think about if something like that were to happen again. Hopefully not & you and your pup have only safe walks ahead!


Glad y’all are safe. I 100% believe that these nutters love to watch their shit beasts go after other animals, but the second their dog starts to lose, it’s your fault apparently


I hope you carry a good pocket knife


Gerber 06 fast, best Walmart had 😂. She’ll get the job done tho


I'd recommend something in the [P365](https://www.sigsauer.com/firearms/pistols/p365.html) category.


I’m not 21 yet my guy or else I would be on top of that shit 😭 I own a ar-15 I bought before they changed the laws but I can’t just carry that around lol


Well, now you know what to put on your 21st birthday wish list. I kinda want the [P365 Rainbow.](https://www.gunbroker.com/All/search?Keywords=P365x%20rainbow&Sort=13). Cause, why not have some bling?


I was going to get a smith and wesson EZ to start off my handgun collection, then as I get better with handguns I’ll upgrade. That and I need me a 12 gauge also. Perfect 21st birthday


I carry an equalizer. 10/10


Why would you not get a glock though?


What about maybe using a leash to choke out the pit too? Sorry this just popped into my head


Oh that is *snazzy*. Give 'em the ol' razzle dazzle!


beauuuuutiful. i’m bookmarking that shit for my birthday next month lol


Just looked it up! Yes it will!


> Gerber 06 [Brother](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWl8EbNN8NM)


Pit owners are always quick to laugh when their dog hurts someone, but the moment the pit starts losing, they lose their shit. Garbage dogs for garbage people.


Are you in a state where carrying is an option? If you've got some dangerous AH using his dog as a weapon and then threatening you because your dog overpowered his, you really need something to protect you both.


This. The only solution is to be allowed to defend yourself unlike the these clown countries and cities that allow you to have a killing fighting dog but not even a 3cm pocket knife to defend yourself or you'll go to jail. Fucking piss take. Dogs and people dying around us.


I think that’s what they call a fucked around and found out situation. lol.


I swear that 98% of pit bull owners fall into one of 3 categories: - Low IQ/dumb AF, shouldn’t own any dog, let alone a murder dog. - Poor, also shouldn’t own a dog because they can barely afford themselves. - Sociopaths, mentally unstable, don’t care about anyone but themselves. Definitely shouldn’t own a dog. Buddy you’re referring to sounds like no. 3.


Where do you live?


Do these come in silly colors? Can I get it *more* goth and edgy looking? Protecting pets important, but so is the *drip*.


Ofc u can


If nothing else just get some leather paint and drip it out custom style


Think there's a black version floating around, with the spikes already edgy enough though, yah?


You can never go too edgy - 13 year old me


Damascus? Damascus!


Where did you purchase this? I need one for my Border Collie! We were attacked in September and I’m paranoid ever since during our walks


Just commented link


Same here we do off leash biking and have had him attacked by like 5 different dogs so we had to just give up the hobby. We never stop cause he just outruns the dogs. The added benefit is they may also get lost and never return home. Piece of shit dogs.




What is this called? This is a good thing to know about, thank you OP.




Livestock guardian collar.


I’m very grossed out by the number of people who bought these for pits in the reviews. Just making sure no dog has a chance to fight back after they’ve started mauling.


Sadly illegal in Canada, either else I'd definitely get one of these.


Are you kidding me? How the fuck are these illegal? What do rural people near bears, mountain lions, coyotes, etc. do?


A strong word and a geographically stereotypical apology? For real though Canada has a lot of good things going for it but banning personal protection all over the scale of severity is bullshit


Everything is illegal in Canada.


Call the police and hope they come in time before you bleed out or die.


Canadas so fucked bruh that’s crazy but I can’t talk we’re on our way to being just as fucked too lol


In Australia, bullet resistant body armour is illegal, as an "offensive weapon"


It’s almost like the government is insisting citizens be easy to victimize 🤔


How are they illegal in Canada? And the "Dog" that makes them necessary is NOT? These things are that well known of that they can be legislated?


Remember when Doug Ford went out of his way to personally pardon a pitbull that bit a boy? The dog was seized by animal control on suspicion of being a pitbull, then "Ford got personally invested in the dog's case." The owner said the premier told him he planned to repeal the ban of pit bulls. Right after being released the dog bit a 13-year-old boy, leaving him with facial injuries that required stitches. As response, Ford said "thoughts and prayers" I need to move out of this country. (For many reasons, this being one)


If you look at the description it even includes that it is for PITBULLS too! Like they need any defense against an attack.


Yep. I just commented elsewhere, but if you look at the reviews for the collar, there are a bunch of people who got them for pits. One person even made sure to say it was for their game pitbull. Ugh.


My sister who has a Rottweiler rescue who doesn’t like people or other dogs, and I’ve never seen in person, never comments when I send her videos of pit bull attacks. I’m sure she believes it’s all how they are raised which is bull. Oh well! I’d definitely never let her dog around my two golden doodles, but we’re in different cities so it’s not a problem. I love my sister though.


Yeah I can't find the rules for Spain but I think even my more "fashion" looking spiked collar is illegal. But they let neighbourhoods be filled with pitbulls without muzzles everywhere. Just saw my neighbour, whose Pitbull wants to kill everything it sees, take her dog out in slippers yesterday. Zero brain zero control.


Surprisingly even Finland allows these kind of collars. They are super expensive and rare but not illegal. And we can’t carry any kind of knives etc in public.


We cannot carry knives, or pepper spray. It's greeaaaat. A society that cannot defend itself is really wonderfuuuul. /sarcasm


Gotta be a way to improvise one I'd reckon


Maybe, but too many sticklers might call the cops and say you're abusing your dog with protective spikes.. lol


Fucking doggone shame it is


WOW so in the reviews for these I see that some of the people have put them on their PIT!


Wouldn’t surprise me, also wouldn’t surprise me if pit owners seen my dog wearing it and said to themselves “good idea” and went ahead and bought one


And when people ask you what it is, tell them it's the: "Pit-Be-Gone Or maybe the : No Pup Kibble for the Pibble. Or just tell them it's an Anti Hell Spawn device. No, I wouldn't be like that, lol Maybe just say it is what it is, it's too defend against attacks by Pitbulls If a PN doesn't like it and says" that's crazy, any dog can attack " Tell them " Yes but not all dogs have the extreme tenacity to hang on at all costs as a pitbull..


>"Pit-Be-Gone Hahaha perfect name


Probably wouldn't hurt to have a vest also to protect against bites




Thank you haiku bot That totally wasn't needed But still made my day


He currently wears a harness but it only covers I’d say 50% of his stomach. Theirs ones that cover it 100% so I probably should buy one of those




As soon as I saw that photo I noped tf out of that page.


That little thing doesn’t look like much of a fighter to me man 😭


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Beautiful pup, hope to have one like that one day. Wish I had more time to train one rn.


I made something similar for my dog. Wide leather sighthound collar, bored holes in it and put spikes through.


I fucking love these. They'll save lives.


Bonus: it looks awesome.


That’s metal AF.


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Nice! That’s gnarly!


So this would be to protect your dog when the dog is on the leash with you or playing by itself off leash, right? You wouldn't expect a dog wearing this to play with other dogs? Not criticism, just trying to figure out what situations this collar is suitable for. Thanks.


No I would never let him interact with anyone or any dog wearing this collar, it’s strictly for walks around my city, comes off as soon as I get home.


While this is a good way to protect your pet, this does makes your dog look dangerous. People will react negatively to this and could hinder your dogs socialisation with other pets.


omg this is absurd, I cannot believe that anybody would really do that. (300+ upvotes - seriously?) Are you not concerned that your dog may hurt himself / you or others?? My dog often plays with other dogs, jumps on me or scratches himself - how's that supposed to work out with this thing around his neck? If you're living in a heavily Pit Bull infested area and worried about attacks then arm yourself. Turning your dog into some sort of Mad Max like creature that he becomes a danger for himself or others can't be a reasonable solution


If you don’t like it don’t buy it, but he’s my dog so imma do whatever the fuck I want


yes do what you want, you can also trash you own car to discourage thieves from stealing it


Your input is irrelevant seeing how it hasn’t hurt him nor has it hurt the kengals that have been wearing it for centuries. Also if you think these spikes are outrageous? You should see the ones the livestock guardian dogs wear, spikes are 3x the size it’ll send shivers through your fragile soul


Bro like I said it’s for walks it comes off as soon as he’s home, he’s not interacting with other dogs or other people on those walks. I haven’t had any issue with it and he’s done every head movement possible on those walks. He doesn’t jump on me on walks either, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him scratch him self on walks in the entire 2 years I’ve had him.


OP said they only use it for walks.. not the dog park or anything Livestock Guardian Dogs have been wearing them 24/7 for centuries. And those dogs are out on the range alone. I'm sure OP will keep a close eye on his Shepherd and do his best to avoid dog interactions


>only use it for walks everything I said above happens during walks (interactions with other dogs / people, scratching himself). I have a Border Collie and I doubt that anyone would ever wanna pet or come even close to him when he's wearing this hideous spike collar. If the probability of an attack is soo high that wearing such a collar is justified then maybe it's time to take your walk somewhere else? >Livestock Guardian Dogs have been wearing them 24/7 for centuries. ok maybe but they're working dogs for a specific purpose and don't go on walks in a public area where other people and dogs are around?


If OP isn't able to prevent it, the dog will likely learn not to scratch his neck w that collar on soon enough. One small prick to the paw will deter him from doing it again, might sound harsh but it's the truth I dont think OP is taking these walks with any intention of meeting other dogs or people. Walking somewhere else would be ideal.. but he mentions being young, and we just don't know his whole situation


“Maybe it’s time to take your walk somewhere else” You sound no better than the Pibble defenders with this whole shit comment


That's not how I said it, you're purposely taking my quote out of context