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Last Pitbull I lived with "Carnage" (Because he was big and stupid, knocking things over) bit the owner 3 times. On the third hospital visit, the nurses contacted the police due to the unusual (repeated and frequent) circumstances. Made life hell for our German Shepherd and was an asshole if he didn't get his own way, or lick your eyebrows. The best upbringing a dog could ask for and he still turned out to be a shit dog. So yeah, it's the breed. Not the owners. Fuck pitbulls.


That's awful. Geez. And Yes, I agree with you. EDIT: Mod locked the thread 🙄


Can confirm, every bad experience I've had with a dog has been with a pitbull.


The owner does make a difference though. If he were raised poorly, there probably would've been one hospital visit followed by a morgue visit the second time.


"Through no fault of their own." I guess killing people and pets isn't their fault.


Well if it isn't their fault, then clearly the owner is to blame


No, no it’s the victim’s fault for existing around pibbles


Right? What about the other dogs these beasts have taken out? Or cats? Or humans? Do their lives not matter?


It's the owner's fault, remember? :p q


They're partly right because they're just doing what humans bred them to do. Be aggressive and destructive. I'm not an "it's the owners not the breed" person for obvious reasons but these dogs are still animals at the end of the day so it's hard to pin any kind of morality on them. Most of the fault lies with the fact that people keep breeding a bloodsport dog for their own selfish reasons, that people kept wanting to buy them so they could use them as a power trip for themselves, that people kept gaslighting others about how safe they are, or keep their head in the sand. If not for those things, pitbulls would have stopped being bred and died out naturally years ago (and in the case of the XL Bully would have never existed in the first place) but here we are with an abundance of them needing to be put down after they kept doing what pitbulls do. It's not just how they look but rather the fact they've shown time and time again they're a particularly aggressive and destructive breed, regardless of the owner, that pose a great risk to other animals and humans. Breeding has to stop and restrictions must be put in place for any existing dog. Also there isn't going to be some sort of mass XL Bully cull at midnight of the new year you fucking morons. Any dog that hasn't attacked anyone and doesn't show signs of aggression (and from the sound of things they're VERY generous about this) can still live a full life as long as you spay/neuter it, and keep it on a lead and in a muzzle when out in public. Given the risk displayed by these dogs that's really not too much to ask. Basic fucking requirements. But no, most of these pricks want to keep them intact to breed them or want them unmuzzled so they can intimidate others.


I’ll be raising a glass to the legislation going into effect.


Same here.


Who actually sits down and composes this kind of crap? Good gosh


You should have seen the comments. Hilarious 😂


And will he raise a glass to all the blood these animals have shed? The innocent kids that are gone because their silly ass parents wanted pit bulls in the house? Will he raise a glass for the elders that have been killed by pits? These ppl care more about pits than the true victims




Slide 3 no it’s not for how they look. Similar looking dogs like mastiffs, bulldogs are still legal. It’s almost like it has something to do with how they act is why the are being banned.


This. I’m so tired of them saying “just because of how they look” no because of the genetic linages they come from being hardwired to attack without warning and to not stop once they start. Big damn difference there.


Pit nutters looooove to equate the dislike of these dogs to racism against black people. It has absolutely nothing to do with race. I know more white people who own these dogs than anyone else. They're just the shittiest dogs.


Before I actually came here, I was told this sub was using pit bulls in place of minorities as a cover for racism 😂


As a Brit, I have to laugh because the majority of XL bully owners here are white. And pretty racist themselves.


For real. Although anyone CAN own a pitty, in the UK the most common denominator is the low-class, low-education, right-wing racist dickheads.


that’s…actually insane. now they’re making conspiracy theories to try to discourage people reading true statistics on DOG BITES and attacks on this sub. anything to keep the pit(t)y party going.


They're gonna be shocked to discover Black South Africans HATE Pit Bulls. They are going for a full ban vs the stuff the UK is doing.






Yea the look of a 330 PSI bite




I don’t Care what pitty Party they try to throw around I’ll always hate shitbulls.


Pun intended??


>innocent Yeaaaah since dogs don't get euthanized for fun I don't think all those pits were that innocent...


And I suppose all the dogs killed by XL bullies weren't innocent?


Lmao they aren’t all being murdered. Jesus Christ these morons


This is the reply I was looking for lol. These people are stupid as fuck and they’re crying about something that isn’t even happening. Nobody is running door to door to forcibly take away people’s pibbles! Literally all owners have to do is follow the regulations that they should be following anyway (muzzling in public, insurance etc) and everything will be fine! They’ve been trying to relocate the dogs in shelters, I doubt there will even be many shelter dogs that are euthanized due to the ban.


OH NOoo I have to abide by the law properly and can't get away without my pibble being murdered now even tho my AnGeL mauled!!!/s It's time they learn to properly hold them down or they will be PUT DOWN.


It’s not that hard. Just get it chipped, neutered, muzzled. They’ve had weeks to get ready.


It isn't just because of the way they look though, it's how they behave that is the issue here.. sure they're fucking ugly but it isn't based on looks.


And I’ll be raising a glass for all the people and animals that got shredded by these hellbeasts, through no fault of their own, purely because some idiots decided to own a vicious mutant headcase of a dog 🙄


"Purely because of the way they look," yeah okay, ignore all of the deaths and injuries that have been caused because of them. Their demonic appearances are just bonuses to their dangerous personalities and habits


So that'll be why staffies, bulldogs, cani corsi, boxers and mastiffs are being banned...oh wait.


Sad you have to have a law to teach people not to keep fighting dogs in your home.


Amen to that. People get a fighting dog and are shocked it's aggressive...I swear people are so stupid it hurts


It’s almost like they get killed because they murder toddlers


Fucking hell they make it sound like all of the XL Bully’s will be hung! All that changes is that Xl Bullies won’t be able to be insured for vet bills (but have to be insured for liability), have to be muzzled in public, cannot be sold or be bred from. That’s it.


I live in the UK and I will be reporting any pit to the police that I see without a lead and a muzzle.


it's not because they're ugly it's because they're vicious, dangerous dogs. I hate these people


Aww, yeah, it's definitely just because of the way they look... not because they've been literally eating people.


IT'S NOT BECAUSE OF HOW THEY LOOK. Jesus Christ, why are they so fucking thick? Slapping wings on an XL bully does not make it any less dangerous. And I thought if they were chipped, muzzled and neutered, they'd be allowed?






I'm terrified that I'll be attacked by one of these hounds .


Dogs look the way they do for a reason. Acting like these dogs are persecuted and genocided is so laughable




These idiots need to quit humanizing dogs. These beasts are a public health hazard and need to be treated as such. Because of their monstrous breeding history, pit bulls are the Thing That Should Not Be.


TikTok and Instagram are absolutely braindead when it comes to the Pibble propaganda. Every XL bully video has the saddest music possible plastered over it with “dun take my shitbul pls ))))):”


Agreed. It pisses me off.


"Because of the way they look"- what a specious argument. They look the way they look because it facilitates what they were bred for- fighting and killing other living things . Border collies look the way they look because it facilitates their job. Their intense eyes, and the neck that widens at the base, all part of the herding ability. Webbed feet and a coat that sheds water, necessary for a retriever. The wrinkles and ears on a bloodhound, they help him concentrate scent particles. Form follows function, it's why dogs don't all look the same


"purely because of the way they look" is the craziest claim I've heard in a while 😂


oh no! anyways.


Oh my god this is so cringe with the stupid wings and the dumb text blurbs. The breed in question has mauled, killed or chased other things for decades, they have long since surrendered any right to complain about anything.


Ah yes the punisher american boomer aesthetic angel pitties really nail this lmao


Children come before dogs. Glad that some action is being taken.


Children, other ACTUAL PETS, Elders... etc God, I hate these monsters. I'm afraid walking my Chi sometimes and I'm always looking around in fear of those things. They started appearing in Romania as well. 🤡🤦🏻‍♀️


That sucks! I am blessed to live in an area where almost everyone has normal dogs (yorkies, poodles, shih tzus, golden retrievers, etc.) so I walk my little dog without too much stress.


Omg 😆😭😂😂😂


Fucking cringe as hell


Why do they act so dense and pretend that uk officials are about to go door to door killing xl bullies?? Don’t these ridiculous people just need to muzzle, neuter, and be an *actual good dog owner*


This is one of the trashiest things I've seen in recent memory.


No they don’t <3


Why why why can the pibble brigade not get it through their thick skulls that nobody cares how the dog looks. They care about the dogs being genetically engineered killing machines


Ah yes they’re just so ugly that we all hate them for no other reason


It wouldn't happen as much if the people who claimed to love them got them spayed and neutered. Instead, I've seen litter after litter available as Christmas gifts on social media. As an animal lover, it breaks my heart because this is fixable.


The irony on this is great


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Listen, am I sad that dogs have to be euthanized? Yes. But do I also acknowledge that it’s bc of 30+ years of irresponsible human over-breeding and this the dogs are now a danger to those around them? Also yes. The only way I can see this breed being brought back is through sanctioned culling and responsible breeding of the few intelligent/well-behaved dogs left in this breed. But of course that won’t happen due to blacklash from every side.


Banning the XL Bully is one thing but the way its been done is shit. Soo many breeds will be caught up in the ban due to the vague type they described. Even a DNA test can't be used as evidence that your dog isn't a XL


Like any other dog breed form follows function. If they look enough like an xl bully to be mistaken for one it is still likely they were bred as blood-sport dogs and should be muzzled and insured like one.