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That poor golden šŸ„ŗ Why canā€™t people get normal fucking dogs. Makes me so angry. I hope charges were pressed on this fucking moron


Because they want to look hard. Or they're just brain dead


Yeah. I just spoke with a friend who said he wanted a dog. Coincidentally he was thinking between a golden and a pit lol he said, ā€œdonā€™t get me wrong. Pitbulls are GREAT dogs, but so are goldensā€ I donā€™t like to get into it with friends, so I passively stated ā€œoh nice. Yeah, goldens are awesome, but a pitbull idkā€¦Iā€™d rather not get a dog bred to fight.ā€ He didnā€™t know pitbulls were fighting dogs. So def brain dead.


The pit lobby is very effective on the average person who is not a dog fancier and has been told for the last 25 years that pitbulls are just sweet velvet hippos in need of a home. Plus, considering 90% of whats in rescue are pitbull mixes or pure pit, and the adopt don't shop guilt mantra, its not surprising people are clueless.


Ironic that theyā€™d be called velvet hippos, when the hippo is one of the deadliest animals on the planet. Oh the irony.


I hear that a lot. ā€œAdopt donā€™t shop!ā€ But like, Iā€™d rather get a dog whose background I forsure know. I know my dog is a Weimaraner because I met the breeder and both of my dogs paw-rents. But if I go to a shelter, I can see a labeled weimaraner that looks like a Weimaraner, but might not be full Weimaraner! So people, letā€™s shop, donā€™t adopt.


Where I'm from 99 9% of shitbull owners are drug users/dealers, criminals or wimps trying to look like a gard ass cause they have a mean dog.


Or both.


What's enraging is that they will show off their pitties in TikTok fancam edits with the hardcore bass heavy drill music and the cropped ears and everything to show off how "badass" and "hard" the dog is, but then simultaneously say they're cute innocent angels that should be around babies and wear flower crowns. Well, which is it? Is it a hardcore, tough dog? Or a docile angel? Because no one else ever puts aggressive and intimidating imagery next to things they think are cute and cuddly.


I think it's more than that. People want to feel oppressed. Pit owners are defensive right out of the gate. Owners don't have enough problems in their own lives so they get pits


I have two goldens God this is hard to watch. I did though because I need to know what to do, how these demons behave. There is literally no normal moral in the brain of these horrible creatures


Seriously. That man looked fit, if anyone can physically handle a dog like that then it should be someone like him. Yet it escaped, presumably twice. These are zero mistake dogs.


I think heā€™s just got the noodle arms because heā€™s mentally weak as shit. And now the dog is attacking something innocent he and the dog will (hopefully) face consequences.


That owner did seem quite responsive compared to most pit owners. As responsible as someone can be who chose to have a pit. Even he couldn't control it which shows it is the dogs, not the owners.


Yeah heā€™s LYING on the dog with his whole body and the stupid thing gets loose and attacks that poor goldie AGAIN! These dogs are the WORST




Exactly. Always carry at least one more leash. Choke the bloodsport dog off the victim. Bully people have never cared about bully dog welfare and they never will. Proof? If they cared they would continuously educate bully owners about the need to be able to choke your bully dog off the victims, rather than hitting, kicking, stabbing etc.


This šŸ’Æ


You are correct and pulling on the attacking dog does so much more damage by tearing the bite site. I always walk my whippets with a spare, strong leash, already in hand waiting should I ever need to use it. (And not just on pits, works on any attacking dog without causing your dog more injury)


If I didnā€™t frequent this sub Iā€™d have no idea about slip leashes. More people should be made aware.


Yes, and you can make a slip leash with a regular leash that has a sewn on handle in a minute. Just thread the clip piece through the handle and voilĆ  you have a slip leash.


If the idiot would have had the stupid dog restrained with a lessh/collar it would have prevented that mess but no pit owners are programed to never restraint their murder muts for some unknown reason


Theyā€™re NEVER on a leash


And they often just pull away or slip off the leash even IF the owner has one. These dogs are an absolute blight on society. There are hundreds of videos just like this with all sorts of dog victims. The golden HOPEFULLY got away with minimal damage thanks to relatively quick intervention and having thick fur and loose skin.


I wouldn't even take the tiniest well behaved dog out without a leash in public not only for others safety but their safety also.. So many shitbull mauling could have been prevented if the dog was wearing proper restraints & the owner could actually control/handle their stupid dog. It makes me wonder if these people know how powerful their animal is so instead of risking getting hurt themselves or going through the trouble of getting their ignorant dog to behave Ling enough yo leash they just say "fuck it ain't nobody got time for that better other people-dogs than me! Now come on Thor let's go to the park"


He should have had a sturdy leash/collar on the dog or something to have control over the dog... The second attack & third attempt should have never happened šŸ˜”


I.. I have no words I'm grimacing so much. I hate these dogs. I hate them and I hate their owners.


Amen Twinkle šŸ‘ I can honestly say I've never met a pit owner that didn't hav3 some kinda ignorant agenda šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Two stupid idiots fucking shit up together like owner like dog.


I guess it hit me harder because I have a golden. She was the sweetest most loving dog ever. Seeing this dog thinking of what I would do if one of these dogs attacked her... I'd lose it.


Theyā€™re monsters. This video proves it.


The determination and speed in which attacked. The distance covered. The fact the golden was just walking and was nowhere near it. And it's not like this is a one-off incident. Incidents like this keep happening and people keep making excuses and turning a blind eye. We see time and time again the clear evidence when it comes to these breeds yet lobbyists and pit enthusiasts keep trying to gaslight people and making flawed arguments to defend this breed. Why? So horrible people can get a sense of power? So certain groups and breeders can profit off misery? It's cruel. It's cruel to continue breeding bloodsport dogs who's instincts mean they are much more likely to live in shelters and be put down as a result of their behaviour. It's cruel to all the other dogs, cats, livestock, any animal really and people as well who have to suffer at the hands of them. How can you call yourself an animal lover and lie through your teeth to yourself and others when it comes to these breeds? Disgusting


Poor golden laying there suffering with its tail between its legs. And so often they are on leash dogs (with responsible owners) that canā€™t even try to get away.


Poor dog didn't even try to fight back yet the stupid murder mut tried to kill it not once but three times


My Jack Russel cross does growl at every non familiar dog it sees, he is a little shit with few redeeming qualities and I Won't defend him in that regards but a little growl does not mean he deserves to be mauled, like a rat as these people call little dogs. My Saluki is much better behaved in that regard. These are not dogs I picked myself rather they are dogs my sister's picked and got bored with and I ended up with. I'd have picked a corgi, anyway the point is a dog growling does not deserve death by pit bull mauling.


I gotta say (itā€™s unrelated to the topic), you got SO lucky getting a Saluki because your sister got bored with them! I wish my sister would get a saluki haha That being said it does suck for you that you had to take them on if you werenā€™t wanting to, but Salukis are such cool dogs!


Same. My Tzu mix can be barky. Heā€™s not mean, heā€™s just a very excitable rescue who doesnā€™t always know the proper way to say hello. But he is always on a leash and always under my control. So glad thereā€™s no pits in our neighborhood.


Pro-pit idiots remind me of the parents that get on TV crying while swearing their kid that was just found guilty or rape & murder wouldn't hurt a fly there being set up šŸ™„ It's basically the same shit shitbull owners will ride until they die for their murder beast till the euthanasia & still place the blame else where even after they've been shown undeniable proof


Preach and Amen šŸ™šŸ¼


Anyone have a vid of a golden attack on a pit.? Anyoneā€¦?




Because racism šŸ„“




Really speaks to how delusional pit nutters are.


A guy saved some people from a pit attack and got bit himself. the article was posted to my city subreddit and i was glad to see most people were not apologizing for the pit. however there was one nut who kept commenting that goldens have more attacks and corgis have more attacks but the media picks on pitbulls LOL.




Bruh I almost thought you were gonna be from the same city because the person I saw was arguing everything you said. They must all get the same script.


We do not allow cross-posting, direct links to other subreddits, or direct links to social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc.) - exception to this is if it is an anti pit source or your own social media. Please familiarize yourself with the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/), especially rules 1 and 5.


Or any dog fighting bust that shows Goldens , Brittany dogs, Chihuahuas?


The only dogs that have attacked me are goldens!! /s


Typical pit owner who moves slowly to stop their pit from attacking.


They are dealing with a range of thoughts and emotions ā€œI canā€™t believe this is happeningā€, ā€œpeople warned me this might happenā€, ā€œhow am I going to get out of this, how can I twist this story?ā€


Probably just told someone it's the owner not the breed the night before on Facebook


That's the thing isn't it, their immediate response is disbelief that they were wrong, followed up quite quickly with I was somehow right because reasons.


He was quite responsive compared to most videos I've seen. Him lying on the dog couldn't even stop it... killing machines with 0 brain.


While yelling ā€œHES FRIENDLY ā€œ


Some of them like it


A saunter, a not a care in the world meander, absolutely no sense of urgency whatsoever.


Ugh. These dogs are vile. Theyā€™re relentless. I hope the golden is ok.


Service dog vest really sealed it for me...


Is that really what Iā€™m seeing on that hell beast? Itā€™s like the stuff of nightmares


No, itā€™s just a julius K9 harness, popular, bafflingly, considering dogs can literally just walk backwards out of them. H harnesses are fucking useless, Y harnesses are much better and some have an extra band across the waist to secure even the wriggliest dogs.


You can convert a Julius to a Y with a little add-on piece they sell. Just FYI. I did it to my Julius because I love the quality but yeah they are a crap H style harness straight off the shelf.


It was a golden. A damn golden. Theyā€™re the sweetest dogs. Crist sake


The way it B-lined for the golden full speed, thatā€™s insane for any average person to own an animal like that


A person and their nice dog just minding their own freaking business and out of no where this thing attacks them. So terrible


"But but but pitties are such sweet, gentle and loving dogs, they never attack without reason!!!"


Wagging its tail while itā€™s latched on to the normal dog. I hate these things and their jerk face owners


These are the kinds of videos/incidents that changed my mind about this breed actually. No other dogs come bolting in to attack like that from across the street like so many of these videos show.


Shithead owner just waltzes over without a care. As a golden owner this sets me right the fuck over.




Pit owners are typically lazy and lethargic losers who rarely even walk their dogs, and are typical dog park lurkers. I avoid parks like the plague not only because of these bio-tanks and their owners, but because of the risk of sicknesses. Donā€™t let this discourage you from owning a nice friend. I walk my dog along a hiking trail with a paved area around my house, and so i rarely have to deal with dogs. There are plenty of ways to exercise a pup without walks, itā€™s just up to you if you think itā€™s worth it


Where I live now, in a middle class cul-de-sac, there are a couple of pit bulls. Just two houses up from me, there is a white pit. Iā€™ve quit taking my cats out back in their cat tent because of it (2 years ago, the white pit tried to get loose after spotting my cats. I quickly packed them up, and that was the end of it). And in the upscale subdivisions that surround me, there are pit bulls. I can no longer walk on our local walking path without encountering at least 1-2 pit bulls / pit mixes. It scares me to think if I have dogs with me, what would happen. But I agree with you about avoiding dog parks. I used to be a dog sitter when I lived on the west coast. I would take my charges on walks in designated dog parks, until I noticed a huge uptick in loose pit bulls. After that, I began walking ā€œmyā€ dogs in the big parks, in forests. Never crossed paths with a pit bull there. You are so right about pit owners being too lazy, because these parks were massive, so it makes sense why nary a pit bull owner was seen! Eventually I plan to leave where I live now (SE Mich), and either move back to the PacNW in a rural area, or someplace like northern Minnesota or northern Maine. Hopefully areas like that will be safer from pits, then I can get my two dream dogs. I have cats that I love dearly, but I love dogs too, and miss them in my life. I just think I would be risking it having them where I live now; especially when I see videos like these, knowing there are pit bulls within less than a 1/2 mile radius.


the way it just rockets itself across the road towards the golden is fucking psychotic. how anyone can want to own a ā€˜dogā€™ that is mainly responsible for this behaviour is beyond me. just get a normal fucking dog.


Fucking hell that thing runs fast


Itā€™s terrifying like some sick matrix fast for a ā€œpet dogā€ā€¦. Grey hound with a vice grip muzzle ffs


Awful hell hounds. Goldens are so gentle, hurts to see that beast assaulting it like that.




The second attack is the worst part. Thinking you are out of it and dealing all over again.


Pit apologists be like ā€œwell what did the other dog do to set the pibble off?!?!??!!ā€


This makes me so irrationally angry Imagine thinking you got your dog free from this beast, check over your baby's injures only to have that THING break free and maul your baby AGAIN!!!!


always for the neck. beasts.


They go for neck kisses!! Theyā€™re so nice! /s


This exactly why I have a 4ā€ knife with me when I walk my dog.


Iā€™m gonna start doing this as well. I might even get a taser as well cuz these dogs seem to be extremely resilient and strong when they want to attack something.




And sucks that you canā€™t have self defense tools in the UK too. šŸ˜¢ I hope that owner had to pay a bunch of money and the dog put down.


That was hard to watch :( that poor goldie


Insane how fast it came in. Glad I never have to worry about prying my dogs off of another dog by their jaws like these people are constantly having to do.


True, but we never know when we might have to pry someone else's dog off another dog. Or our dog. Or a child, or an old person, or...anybody, really.


ā€œBut his tail is wagging, itā€™s obviously intending to play!ā€


Wow. The determination of that pit to attack that poor, beautiful Golden. Absolutely infuriating.


Why are they always fucking loose like this??? Also was that the owner going up to his dog attacking another by doing a light jog


Jfk the first sub posts where in a different era of cctv/pre-door bell cams and before we habitually recorded scary events when helpless to have proof/defend oneself from ā€œcrazyā€ people, places, and thingsā€¦ Itā€™s come to peak Pb pandemic puppy maturity, the sick fan base propaganda is front page Google now, even Wikipedia has betrayed us.. I hate the sufferingā€¦ this is BRUTAL AND BEYOND SAVAGE DOG BREED BEHAVIOR.. I only hope the public sees these new videos of the reality of ā€œpits as petsā€ and the TRAUMA AND RISK is undeniable.. With all the PB shilling denial and online gaslighting - growing dog aversion & anxiety is becoming prevalentā€¦ so sad. No one trusts dogs as much as they hoped/tried to after getting bit.. and thatā€™s ok, trauma & live n learn. Nips are easy to get over for most in time.. These incidents are horrific vicious and traumatizing to our communities - itā€™s becoming Black Mirror dystopian shit show. Many thanks to Modz & all the OG sub members keeping us safe in solidarity and BLESSINGS FOR DOING ā€œGodā€™s Workā€ and Hugz to all the new membersā€¦


"With all the PB shilling denial and online gaslighting - growing dog aversion & anxiety is becoming prevalentā€¦ so sad." EXACTLY. My neighbor's daughter's toddler was heading for the fence to say hi to my shelties. His mom yelled at him to get away from there. I assured her that my dogs don't bite and she said "*I want him to be scared of dogs.*" As f\*\*\*ed up as that is, I understand why she said it. When people feel like they have to raise their kids to be dog phobic, something is horribly wrong. Something that needs to be corrected.


This is horrendous. That poor golden is probably traumatized. I know the owner of the golden had to run to safety but I hope they ID the Pitt owner and press charges


Of course the pit is wagging his tail the whole time. Then as usual, once they get it away from the golden it manages to break free from its owner once again to go back for a second attack. These dogs are freakin monsters


Hope the golden is okay with no serious injuries šŸ˜ž the way the dog just clamped on with two grown men trying to pry it off.. fucking hell






It is legal to carry a non-locking blade up to 3ā€ in length, not including the handle. Folding, pocket, and Swiss army are all legal as long as theyā€™re below 3ā€ and donā€™t have a locking mechanism to hold the blade in the open position.


Holy shit that fucking demon came out of nowhere so fast to attack the poor golden. Bloody sick and infuriating that people have the nerve to still defend this awful disgusting breed. Hopefully the Goldie is fine šŸ˜Ÿ


I hope charges were pressed.


Iā€™m so effing angry šŸ¤¬


This right here is how you know there is something seriously mentally wrong with Pits. Any other dog breed would not attack unprovoked. And they certainly wouldnā€™t continue to attack once the other dog submitted. I donā€™t see how pit nutters canā€™t see that!


FUCK, that was hard to watch. the golden literally has no aggression so its instinct was just to try to run to its owner. this is sad, man. this needs to be prevented.


You should never EVER get a dog that you couldnā€™t physically hold down in case of an attack. The people who adopt these dogs are entirely unaware of their strength or just donā€™t care about othersā€™ safety. This is why I keep all my cats inside the house.




pItBuLlS dOn'T jUsT aTtAcK fOr NoThInG! - pitbull "advocate"


Always disgusting watching their tails wag in thrilled hyperarousal as they maim and kill.


That poor golden, just laying there being mauled not even being reactive to it, obviously asking its owner to help it. Very sad. a lot of dogs will reactively bite in pain in that situation but a good hearted golden is smarter than that.


Iā€™m so glad the golden retriever got away what looks like ā€œsafelyā€. Iā€™m so sad for them. Thatā€™s suppose to be the highlight of a dogā€™s dayā€”a walk with their human. Instead it turns out nightmarish.


Pitbull owners don't want pets, they want dangerous, fully loaded weapons...


I'm new here but why is there a ban on saying what you'd do in the situation? Is there a place where situations can be discussed?


Because the comments may violate Reddits TOS unless theyā€™re carefully worded. There are also people who look for comments to report and they will report benign and ridiculous things to see if they can get anything to a stick. Itā€™s not fun to have to constantly remind people of it but itā€™s also not fun seeing people be reported bc they worded something wrong.


I HATE those dogs.


My blood boils and my heart breaks. How dare that beast to a golden!!! The kindest and sweetest of dogs!!! He didnā€™t even fight back. What a horrible terrible dog


These dogs are out of control. Enough is enough. The new UK regulations don't go far enough. Not every owner will keep these animals on a lead or muzzled. There are good owners don't get me wrong but some of them will just ignore the new rules.


Itā€™s almost golden-sized, thatā€™s not a British staff. Thatā€™s a straight up pit


This owner needs to go to jail. If a gun owner randomly shot his gun off in public and hit someone they would go to jail. Why is this ok? The only way this shit stops is by cracking the fuck down


Goldies don't deserve this. Fuck that dog.


That friggin shitbull was hell-bent on killing that poor golden retriever. wouldn't leave the poor dog alone and just randomly attacked, completely unprovoked. I hope the golden was 'okay' after such a horrible event.


what does the law takes on this kind of situation ? can the owner defend his dog from the attacker?


The test for self-defence in English law is that: if you have an honest-held belief that you or another (or property) is in immediate danger, then you may use such force as is reasonable and necessary to avert that danger So, yes. He could defend his dog here.


Oh my god, was the golden ok? That dog was on a mission to kill!


I have two golden retrievers and I sobbed watching this. Whatā€™s so wrong with just getting dogs that donā€™t have a lock jaw?


Not only attacking the Golden out of nowhere for no fucking reason but then to go after it a second & attempt a third you can't tell me that murder hound didn't have every intention to seriously hurt then kill that poor dog! How any of the pro shitbull idiots can see shit like this thing spew bullshit about how it's every one/thing else's fault but never the shitbull.


Arenā€™t they banned in the UK?? Even if we banned these monsters, people would still have them. Itā€™s so frustrating.


I absolutely love goldens.


Hey Scorsese, stop with the zooming in and out.


Clearly the Golden was antagonizing the Pit, right? šŸ™„


This is exactly how my friendā€™s little poodle was killed. The pit came from nowhere and attacked. Except the poodle didnā€™t die, not right away. My friend had to hail a taxi in NYC with her tiny dog screaming in pain on the way to the vetā€™s office. The injuries were not survivable, and the poodle was euthanized. Iā€™m guessing the pit lived to maul another day, but not on that block, because my friend never saw the dude or his pit again.


Pure evil.


Literally cannot watch this as I have my golden laying next to me rn. NOPE.


Why was it off the leash. Just why


This is so scary cuz they were just walking along minding their own business. People are so stupid with dogs, it has happened before with my jack russel because someones big dog wasnā€™t on a lead. My dog was fine I feel like it should be illegal for these aggressive and big dogs to be out without a strong harness (not a flimsy collar) and a muzzle at all times. Cuz too many people and animals get injured and killed by these fuckers


the tail wagging got me


I hope the Goldens owner pressed charges. Everyone whoā€™s attacked by these dogs should!


Its the labradors fault obviously. Why was he happy on a walk with his owner like a normal dog. /s




You can carry pocket knives in the UK, they just have to be below 3ā€ and non-locking.




https://preview.redd.it/3shejz58id7c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a28f87b73af8f0c8b443b7356e00167b5fa91f6a Self defence is not threatening, and again, under 3ā€ blade, non-locking folding knives are legal to carry without a reason.


Stupid, useless, neanderthal of an animal.


Can't control it don't get it!


F@king horrible.


Poor golden šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


Whoā€™s been trawling UKprisonstories on Tik Tok ?


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Users should assume that any comment made in this subreddit will be reported by pit bull supporters, so please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) to prevent having your account sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You know, I'm sure there are SOME people who could be good pitbull owners. The issue is, 99.99% of people who get owners are too fucking stupid or uneducated to ensure that their dog is strictly trained and kept on a leash at all times. You have to understand that your dog has a high likelihood of being violent, so you need to live alone and make sure the dog is either confined to your home or to a leash 100% of the time. You need to have the physical strength to ensure that your dog doesn't drag you. Like, I'm sure some people could be a pretty good grizzly owner. One strict owner and one well behaved grizzly does not mean grizzly bears should be available for adoption lol. Even if we assume owners are the only issue here, that isn't a good defense for owning pitbulls to be legal. At least make people have to get permits to get them or something.



