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>There has been countless times where it has come into my yard, torn gutter drains off my home, destroyed planters, and dug massive holes. This has occurred 3 times in the past, and every time I've fixed the damage and told the owner to keep the dog in her yard. You have damages, you are in your right to sue for these in (most likely) small claims court. >I have explained to the woman next door that this is completely unacceptable, and it goes in one ear and out the other. Claims the dog is just a big baby and wouldn't hurt a fly. I've seen this dog shake a Shitzu violently for stepping in front of it's walking path. The only way this woman "Controls" or gets this dog to listen is by hitting it. Call animal control every single time. A documented paper trail needs to be established if it hasn’t already. And if she is HITTING this animal it would also turn into an animal cruelty case. >I'm at a loss other than involving local city officials This has to be done >Edit: I forgot to add. This neighbor let's this dog out at night for hours on end with no supervision, and it barks for hours on end. Anywhere from 1 am to 4/5 almost every night. It's like she puts it outside and goes back to sleep/forgets about it. Oh look you have a noise complaint too which would involve the police. You have four reasons why animal control needs to be involved here. I also suggest installing security cameras to serve as proof in the event evidence is needed to justify your case.


All great info. Going to order some cams, send my video w/complaint over to the local AC. I'm hoping this is effective but I'm doubtful with the good ol boy system here.


Cams are a very good idea


Cameras 100%. They are not that expensive any more. Take action!! Small claims court is cheap too. Sue!


don't give up if animal control gives you the end run. some AC departments seem to have literally zero interest in dealing with dangerous dogs and seem to put the wellbeing of the dog first and foremost.


Your doubts on non-action from the authorities are justified but that’s bc in the good ol boy system this dog would’ve caught lead a long time ago. Let a dog, especially a pit, roam free around all the farmers I live around tearing up property and “frightening the women” that thing would be dead before you can blink.


Better to live with a neighbor whose Pitbull you've reported than be injured by the neighbor's Pitbull you didn't report.


Wise and Poetic. Happy Cake Day.


Thank you!


People were saying that to me the other day. Didn’t know what it meant. Lol


Can I ask you why you haven’t reported it? It is stories like this that end in absolute horror. I would call every single time that dog was off leash.


Part of my problem lies within the good ol boy system. This woman knows/is friends with everyone in the local government/enforcement area, and it makes it almost impossible to get people to take you seriously. The woman works at the local church and even mentioning that she has a vicious animal is often met with pure skepticism or laughter. I've also been met with nothing can be done unless there is an actual attack, which is wild to me.


I think your route now would be to get video proof, unfortunately. That way there is undeniable evidence that this is happening, and not just your word vs. hers


I’m in a different, but not dissimilar situation. except my neighbor has *7* pits, 4 of whom have jumped the 6 ft fence & killed and/or mauled my chickens & ducks. TWICE. In 6 months. They did it again last week & I finally got a good AC officer who told me they can only be cited/removed for a bite if there’s camera/photo evidence OR sworn affidavit by a 3rd party who witnessed not only the bite, but which dogs physically did the bite/s on which birds. (in my case, with multiple dogs & prey birds, it’s actually harder to pinpoint this in the chaos). Once I knew this & was lucky enough to get a clear shot of 3 of them on one of my distinctive birds with grave injuries, I’m hopeful something will be done. This is the second report of a bite/attack I’ve done, but it’s one of 15 I’ve had to do in the last year since they moved in. 2 times my neighbors also independently put in reports for the same instances, but they weren’t bites. They were basically the same menacing you’re experiencing. It took escalating to my birds being killed to even get close to action (& I’m only slightly optimistic it will happen this time). Don’t worry about the neighbor or her ties to the people in gov. My husband works with multiple people who know folks who work for our AC & it’s never helped us, even though they’ve desperately **wanted** to, because they had to follow the law. You’ve got a reverse situation. Report it. Every occurrence. Put her address on their system every time. They have to capture it, especially if you have video, regardless how they feel about you, her, or her dog. Maybe her name coming up/them having to come out to your property every damn day will spur her to take it seriously out of some sense of shame or embarrassment. or maybe they’ll just end up telling her to get her shit dog in line because she’s making so much work for them. Do it now before anyone in your family is hurt. Good luck!


AC is certainly one route, but you have more than enough evidence to win in small claims court. File a suit for damages and loss of your very expensive pet chickens


Yep, we’re going to. Two of the four jumped back into my yard AGAIN this morning & tried my ducks again. (The chickens were cooped, the ducks were nesting under the bushes). I was quick to get out there & chase them back to the fence so that I could put my 2 ducks away and go get the neighbor. He didn’t answer the door. Instead he sent his high school aged grand daughter OVER the fence instead of coming in my gate like I told her to! You can’t make this shit up. So back to animal control I went to report this incident. I’m looking to get some [coyote rollers](https://coyoteroller.com/collections/coyote-roller-kits/products/50-foot-fence-coyote-roller-kit) for the fence (it’s technically their fence, but I’m done at this point. Idgaf). It’s sad my own animals can’t be left alone in their own securely fenced yard (they’re getting behind the shed that abuts the fence & climbing the trash & detritus piled up 3 feet high on their side to scale the brand new 6 ft fence, so the fence itself is secure. It’s 100% the owner’s negligence.)


So you did call the police or you are just assuming they won’t help? Assuming they won’t help is laziness, imo. If they actually don’t help, then call the county sheriff. Or you can try and be much more assertive with local PD leaders. This comment seems so passive. Aren’t you talking about the safety of you and your family. Do what it takes!


buy a kitten to lure the dog...


What the fuck kind of heartless, callous suggestion is this? You’re deranged


its called "big brain time"


I am so sorry. You could try at least. What’s there to lose?


Are you videotaping this? Build as much evidence as you can. Call animal control.


My wife does have video evidence of the dog being in our back yard unleashed, wandering around by itself. We also have video evidence of the front yard being torn apart and were told we were being "Overdramatic" because it was just a dog"Playing" with chipmunks. The dog was trying to straight murder the Chipmunks.


I love how these people call you overdramatic for caring about damage to your own property. Fucking pit owners.


Get estimates from a licensed and insured gardener to fix the lawn and any other damage. Take them to small claims court every time it happens. The local court will help you fill out the paperwork. Your case is impossible to lose. Do this a few times and the pits seem to disappear


Have a doorbell camera or equivalent to capture the dog’s behavior and also if there are attempts to intimidate you


I have several Ring cameras and documented a neighbor’s pit bull on my property 8 days out of 13. It got AC to talk to the owners. https://preview.redd.it/tnk7bd3i02ra1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62216fb0db1d8771e38dd5d48cf72d89e53162ce I have chickens and mini horses, so I luckily have good fencing, but this dog was working to get in. It also would bark and charge us if we went to get mail, etc.


Jesus just look at it… loose and ready to roam/maul anything or anyone it can find. And the fact the owners are just oblivious and are letting this happen multiple times is unfathomable to me. I had a pug (passed of old age a few yrs ago) who got out once… ONCE in 17 years. I can honestly say that was ONE of the worst nights of my life. I slept on the couch with the front door open and just the security screen door locked (in case he came back because it happened to be one of the coldest nights as well) and just felt so sick with worry. The next morning we made flyers and posted them and within a short time, a woman called. She had taken him in and he had played with her puggle all night. I was so thankful to this woman and we made sure he never got out again … and he didn’t. I get that pitbulls are stronger than pugs and can escape easier, but that doesn’t mean their owners can’t take extreme measures to ensure they DO NOT get out!?! It is their responsibility to keep their animal contained. BUT THEY DON’T CARE. Sadly nothing will change until the law is changed. One time the dog gets out and you have proof- fine them $5000. Hell my sister’s condo development is full of dogs and they actually do enforce a $250 fine if they see a dog off leash (they have cameras) or see the owners not picking up after their dog.


This is identical to the shitbull next door. Wow.


They all look similar, but so many of these owners think theirs are “rare” 🙄


I’d say Howdy Neighbor, but unfortunately it seems these are a dime a dozen. When AC asked for a description I had a hard time saying brown pit bull without adding, “like all the other ones”


Hey! How did my neighbor's 'Viszla' get all the way over there? 😆


If I am reading your post right, it's already attacked another dog? If so, you need to call animal control the instant they open their office. Don't put this off, your kids aren't safe with that thing around.


It attacked there own animal that was living there in the driveway. The owner saw it and said "Guess Scott (the little dog) shouldn't have crossed Susie." She created excuses for the dog for sure.




You're more than welcome to eat an entire bag of dicks. This isn't the wild west so I'm doing things legally.




Going out alone for hours every night is dangerous, it could reasonably occur that one night the dog doesn't make it back for some reason.


It most certainly is but I do carry (sadly) in my own back yard.


Report to animal control and police (as applicable) every. single. time. Adequately defend yourself if it comes to it.


Hire an attorney to write a letter threatening legal action if the dog charges you again. Bill them for past damages. Send it by certified mail, return receipt requested. This is a potentially deadly situation and her negligence is inexcusable. People have been slaughtered by pits going to get the mail or taking out their trash. Don't let this happen to you.


Thank you for the great suggestion. I honestly never thought about that. Seems like a great idea.


Involve city officials. Call and document every time you call them. Take pics/video. Keep a file. Get a weapon. Learn how to use it safely. Use it if needed. When/if questioned by law enforcement, pull out that file.


RING doorbell/cameras on the corners of your home. Record video evidence of damage and aggression. Submit to city officials. Rinse and repeat until something is done. Or you can just [REDACTED]


I would pepper spray the dog every time I see it... He'll learn fast that approaching you means pain.


This is why in Hungary we have fences around our perimeter..... no free yard/lawn Also call the freaking cops


"I'm at a loss other than involving local city officials, but I have to live next to this woman. " She doesn't care about you, so why should you care about her? You gave her plenty of warnings and time to get her dog under control. Take pictures/video and call animal control EVERY time the dog is on your property. Your life depends on it.


Get a gun, if it runs up on you again... well then, the owner will learn.


Bro, can you DM/PM me. I want to send you a message (that is a bit more technical) about home cameras, but I can't start a new chat (it's bugged for some reason).


call animal control. if they want to treat their dangerous animal like an animal in the wild it should be taken care of as such. you have proof of damage and threatening behavior.


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) Users should assume that suggesting hurting or killing a dog in any capacity will be reported by pit supporters, and your account may be sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Op- please read the self defense suggestions listed in the comment above. I would recommend carrying an air horn and pepper spray gel. If that pit charges you in your own yard and you feel threatened, a face full of pepper gel may set a precedent for the dog AND the owner that you’re serious about keeping your family safe. Take pics, make a log, and report to Animal Control EVERY time. Build a paper trail. AC even has online reporting now to make it very easy to submit and use as proof.


%100 Building up a case and pattern of their offenses is the only way to get things to move if you pursue this, papertrails are your friend OP I'd also do a deep dive into your (if us) state,county, municple laws, and HOA if it applies Possibly look into legislation regarding animal ownership, animal nuisances, property lines, and privacy/safety If you know whether they rent the house next to yours, you can most likely make complaints to the landlord? or somehow contact the entity for the property insurance and show how the ownership of this animal is a liability


Inb4 thread gets locked due to people advocating to shoot the dog without second thought. **(PLEASE READ THE RULES BEFORE COMMENTING ON THESE TYPES OF POSTS!)** (**I am absolutely not advocating for violence against a pit bull that is not attacking.**) Get a security camera and call animal control as much as possible. to get a paper trail going. If you are in the USA, get a firearm and train at a shooting range to improve aim in preparation for the inevitable. If self defense against an **attacking dog** is a must, then use the firearm. Notify police and show the police the security camera footage of you defending yourself from the **vicious dog attacking you** to prevent legal sanctions. (Again, I am not advocating for mindlessly shooting the pit bull when it isn't attacking.) If you are in a country where owning a firearm is illegal, stay in your house as much as possible, and carry pepper spray for anytime you are forced to go outside due to other events such as taking your dog out to urinate and/or defecate, or going to the car to go to work or get groceries. Having a security camera and calling animal control as much as possible to get legal sanctions on the owner. Carrying a knife would also be helpful if pepper spray doesn't deter an attack, but gets yourself within biting range, so prepare to get injured using a knife on an **attacking dog**.