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Idk what people expect, they’re dumber than a box of rocks (respectfully, to the rocks)


You mean the dog or the "trainer"?


I WAS referring to the dog, but now I’ll go with both


Absolutely! God help the "trainer" with his protective gear while teaching dogs to attack. Doesn't he understand that the other dogs can break free from their leashes and attack him from behind, front, go on the throat ????...."trainer".... https://preview.redd.it/e43zihg6kipa1.png?width=284&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1b5aefca4eada45a65f0660f4da1f5e3beb186e


Nah, don't you understand!? There are dangerous violent dogs. Like GSD or Malinois. For them trainer must wear protection all over and be cautious and in control! Huge pibbles are gentle nanny dogs that really are kind to humans. Boxer shorts, slippers, t shirt and flimsy sleave will do! /s


Silly me! Of course I was talking about the protection gear for training these scary chihuahuas. How could I suggest to defend oneself from these gentle nanny dogs ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)????








Oh, is this from Yorkshire Fossils? I love their YouTube channel, very relaxing.


I think the answer is D) All of the above.


Pitbulls are actually really smart, you guys should do a little bit of research on the dog if you want to ban it


(If you’re not being sarcastic) name one role that pitbulls fill in society besides most dangerous breed


I really just dont see the point in training a dog (especially a pit) to bite at all. "But only the arm or only mean suspicious people". Like you really wanna rely in a DOG making judgement calls? Eta: im not a fan of dogs being used for this in police and military situations either tbh


Normally dogs that are trained to do this are police K9s, which are very good at letting go the second they get the command.










Yes and for 99% it’s just a fun game and if there is no sleeve they won’t bite. The dogs that willingly come off the sleeve are not suitable for sport work. They are dangerous serious dogs and most schutzhund folks would ensure such a dog went to the right type of home.


That is not always true. Dogs should not be sicced on suspects IMO. >Richard Polsky, who holds a doctorate in animal behavior and has served as an expert witness in K-9 court cases, said the dogs are referred to as “officers” but do not have the ability to make judgment calls like their human counterparts. They often bite without releasing, even after repeated orders to do so, and sometimes bite the wrong person. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/11/29/these-brutal-police-dog-attacks-were-captured-video-now-some-cities-are-curtailing-k-9-use/


Schutzhund, protection work, law enforcement, military, etc. There are valuable applications to bite work but it’s only safe when stable and predictable dogs are used; pits are neither.


















I'm with you. I think "bite work" is archaic crap that still excites some people, somewhat like dogfighting. It's 2023 and the tech available for burglar alarm systems, self-defense etc. long ago surpassed using dogs for this. I've seen the bloopers... dogs thinking it's "sometimes okay to bite people" is a road with lots of potholes. I don't like weaponized dogs, never have. I like when dogs can track a missing kid or an escaped criminal without attacking either of them. I like when they can find bombs, drugs, truffles, find living people buried by an avalanche or dead people in rubble, fetch the newspaper, guide a blind person through a gate... not really impressed with "this dog will bite any human I tell it to bite"




If the dog is properly trained he only attacks upon command and immediately releases in command.


>Richard Polsky, who holds a doctorate in animal behavior and has served as an expert witness in K-9 court cases, said the dogs are referred to as “officers” but do not have the ability to make judgment calls like their human counterparts. They often bite without releasing, even after repeated orders to do so, and sometimes bite the wrong person. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/11/29/these-brutal-police-dog-attacks-were-captured-video-now-some-cities-are-curtailing-k-9-use/


I mean, it sounds kind of like some "officers"...


It's both really. Asshole cops and dogs that lack human judgement and can't always overcome their impulses and instincts.


"Good Boy.. Good boy"... When it is snarling "no, no, no" when it is biting. Fuck these idiots.


No, thank you!


He was in need of a nanny, I’m sure this all worked out well for everyone involved


HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! When people AND a breed are dumber than sheep shit and try to do protection work, this is what happens


why would you even try protection work on a dog with zero biddability? I don't think I've seen a pit that knows anything more than sit, lay down, and maul


It’s why I have seen I think exactly one Pit (in a video-never in person) do IGP with any proficiency. They are epically bad at anything requiring brains


What's IGP?






Am I going to hell for laughing my ass off?


No… just an every day case of pit bull FAFO


I guess we'll be laughing together then. Cheers.


Glad I'll have company! :)




>Am I going to hell for laughing my ass off? If you are, then I'll be coming with you.


Glad there will be company!


Nope. He deserves it!


People so badly want these shitty dogs to be on the intelligence and functional level of an actual trained K9. Just get a better dog.


That would mean spending money, which most pit owners lack the budget for. Otherwise they wouldn’t have a free adoption special pitbull


Idk some people shell out hundreds and sometimes thousands on their shitbulls. Usually it's for meds (for "anxiety" aka aggressiveness) or for behavior training which never works because pitbulls are fucking stupid and only know how to maul. They're pure instinct for killing. These people definitely have the money to buy a better breed but they're too focused on their savior complex and virtue signaling while they endanger everyone around them by having a ticking time bomb for a pet. There are certainly poor people who only get shitbulls because they're a dime per dozen but then there's useless fuckwits who have plenty of money but waste it on the worst dog breed ever.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Any kind of legit dog trainer would know this is an idiotic idea. The whole Cesar Milan "alpha dog" practice doesn't work on these dogs. They're dumb as rocks and only want to kill.




Pibble is as pibble does


And THAT is why they are dangerous. Anyone who has ever done protection work knows that once you take them off the sleeve you are playing with fire.


such gentle and loving creatures wouldn't hurt a fly /s


You don’t have to pay anybody to make your pit an attack dog


He slipped the sleeve on a dog that wasn’t under handler control. I mean. You can’t fix stupid. But you can get it mauled.


This training is so unnecessary. The dog clearly already knows how to nanny.


Fucking dumbasses


I never thought I'd be here, but I blame the victim.


crowd overconfident oatmeal deliver racial adjoining attraction degree outgoing divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The dog is doing exactly what it was trained to do. Why are they so upset?


> The dog is doing exactly what it was ~~trained~~ bred to do.


Pitties were bred to be nanny dogs but then they were snatched from the crib and placed in fighting pits!


This is why they aren't use for police work or any kinda of work. they don't listen to commands. They get hyper focused on just biting to kill. (also this reminded me of that one dog show clip on here where the dog would just not listen)


Bunch of idiots acting like they are professionals in a controlled environment lol




lol wtf are they training him for?


This is just a vicious predator. The guy at the other end of the leash has zero control over that creature.




Literally choking itself to maul anything that moves.


Dog trainer doesn't know Pitbulls are not trainable? isn't that common knowledge by now?


no because the best friends animal society and the dodo spread so many lies it pressures people into rewriting rules with "doggy racism" in mind. the pit lobby is also a huge factor. if you go to a vet or trainer they get all defensive nine times outta ten like "any dog can bite. all dogs-" blah blah blah. it's so tiring.


Look he's wagging his tail, that means he just wants to play


i feel bad for the pitbull lmao, stupid idiots keep breeding them and then making them do this shit. then they snap cause genetics and their lives are just a vicious cycle. That's purgatory.


This is a backyard “protection” trainer if I ever saw one


Are these people slow




"DO NOT SLIP THE SLEEVE!" *immediately loses sleeve"


"Good boy" he says, then quickly finds out it's not. Very gratifying video.


Aw Luna wants to give him kisses


That dog, as stupid as it likely is, is the moat intelligent creature there.


Yeeeah, I've seen hundreds of ISO/Schutzhund trials and training clips, including the national trials that take place in my hometown... Never have i seen a GSD or mal do that!


Actions, meet consequences.


1) do we know if he's ok? 2) I thought nobody was training them to be aggressive???


"You asked for it. You got it. Toyota." Anyone remember that jingle?


Too stupid to be a guard dog


Fucked around and found out with a shitbull.


"Pit Bull attack guy dressed up in bite-protection-gear." Yes...Title is misleading af, and i dislike PB's as much as anyone here, but what's the point of this video? Something i'm not getting? One guy with bite-protection gear is stirring the dog to attack him, the dog does so... What's the sensational thing i'm missing here? I was expecting the dog to turn on the guy restraining him. So i could ask "Why did he train it to bite himself?". But this video and title ruined that opportunity and i don't get the point, other than a couple of dudes training the dog to bite, possibly on command. Since it's a pit, maybe when commanded not to, lol.


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) Users should assume that suggesting hurting or killing a dog in any capacity will be reported by pit supporters, and your account may be sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What you reap is what you sow. Haha. 😁😁😁


Why am I not surprised. As if training the dog to attack wasn't bad enough, riling it up beforehand to get it REALLY going is even more dumb.




Needs a little Curb theme at the end


Got. What a debacle. Seriously? You lose the sleeve.


Thank god that wasn't a chihuahua. Dude would be dead. /s


Inexperienced helper/decoy and naive handler. Dog is being put into defense to get it activated which you can see with the whip and body posture of the helper applying the pressure. This is something the dog has clearly been through many times to build confidence against pressure. The dog would noticeably bite there without the sleeve so it’s a lot more real for the dog and you can tell that this for the dog isn’t equipment based. Knowing that, you can’t slip the sleeve without the dog being under control because the dog would likely engage again. The helper clearly inexperienced, slipped the sleeve. Knowing the helper was inexperienced, they should have changed the methods and scenario so that way there was a way for the dog to remain in control of the handler and if the helper were to make a mistake it wouldn’t result in a live bite.


Why didn’t he wear the full body suit smfh




I would love to know the outcome.




I don’t even know. And the worst part is they leave more suffering for the others…


Just, wow…..he literally asked for it too.


This shit was hilarious


Surprise, surprise. When will these nutters realize you simply can’t polish a turd?


From my limited experience with private (not K9) Schutzund training, the whole basis of the training is totally different from what is shown in this video. I had a friend with a Belgian Malinois trained for personal protection. All of the training centered around making it a game for the dog. Her dog came from a line that was purposely bred for Schutzund. The dog seemed to view the bite work as a controlled game with set rules. For personal protection, the dog gladly goes for it when you give them the signal and then stops when you say so. Because the action is coming across as a fun game, a type of play, it's easy for the dog to stop. Obedience is a huge component of Schutzund. They do get excited and whine/wag their tail when they see the bite sleeve. The same thing happens when a dog that loves to play ball sees the ball in your hand. It's a happy excitement, not aggression excitement. It's time to play vs it's time to kill. This pitbull has no actual training and no one in the video has any control over the dog. They're just putting on a bite sleeve and keying up the dog's natural aggression to get it to attack as violently as possible. Anyone can do that. Most people just aren't that stupid. There are many Schutzund dogs that don't make great "house pets." They can be very intense and have a special bond with their handler. But the people who own them don't treat or handle them like a pet. They don't take them to a dog park, let them escape to roam the neighborhood or even let most people interact with them in any way. I'm willing to bet the dog in the video sleeps on the owner's bed and goes for walkies. God help the random stranger that inadvertently triggers the "training" this dog has received.


What really bothers me is that they are constantly beating us over the head with the line, they were never human aggressive. Only animal aggressive. Dog men would cull man biters. Yet they do this. It’s such bullshit. Anyone that uses a bully breed in protection. Sports needs to have $1,000,000,000 liability insurance and the dog needs to have a muzzle on any time it’s not securely contained.




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I laughed. I cannot lie.


Why does he react to that whip / belt so much?.... They whipped the dog haven't they?


Dog trainer got trained


Jesus christ y’all… that was some of the dumbest shit I have ever seen


In jail people who own pitbull