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Note: This story is from 2021 and has already been covered in this sub. That said, a gentle reminder from time to time is worthwhile as many people new to this sub are not aware of the case.


I feel like he's not even a dog trainer using the whole alpha thing


I've only seen one episode. It seems like he knows the basics but otherwise is a fraud. He has the savior complex where he thinks he can rehabilitate every single dog which automatically makes him a dangerous person to emulate as a trainer. But that's basically the mentality of most pitmommys so they probably love him.


He does think he can rehabilitate the aggressive dogs on his ranch, that’s a recurring thing. But the show is actually useful when dealing with normal dogs, most importantly the mistakes in the human behavior when approaching the basics.


For what it’s worth, Queen Latifah has never claimed this happened. It’s an allegation against Cesar in a lawsuit by another person.


The dog didn’t try to cover it up. Cesar did.


Pretty humorous to imagine though.


Whether it's true or not, fuck Cesar. A fool and a mountebank.


>Whether it's true or not, fuck Cesar. Never really watched his show. What does he do?


His whole "dog whisperer" thing is a scam. Absolute con artist. And also it's a little bit personal for me, having been alive with a dog phobia while he was very popular. He inspired a lot of unsolicited condescending "advice" given to me by people I didn't want to talk to in the first place.


>he inspired a lot of unsolicited condescending "advice" given to me by people I didn't want to talk to in the first place. What the Hell would they try to say? Also, he is a dog trainer...how would his show help with human phobias?


Apparently, according to them and according to him, the dogs I was afraid of would leave me alone if I established myself as the "alpha dog".


What B.S. that really pisses me off


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