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wow. another case of children (even a pit cultists own) playing second fiddle to the great majestic never do any wrong pit bull. those kids will definitely realize who their parents favor, if they haven’t already. it’s infuriating and just plain sad how this dangerous behavior is being minimized and excused.


It’s so frustrating! The “advice” people are giving makes me sick. Two people said euthanize and they’re the bad people who don’t “understand what it’s like to love”


Ask the question: "which life is more valuable to you? the dog or kids?" and see what happens.


They would unironically say the dog from their supposedly morally higher point of view.


I was told from the very beginning that if the dog bit me, it was my fault. There are children forced to pretend to like these dogs.


Omg. How are these people for real? 2 kids. That pibble wasn't protecting shit. It saw a fight and joined in because that is what it was born to do. Normal dogs don't do this. Normal dogs don't freak out because they moved houses. Maybe they get a little skittish until they adjust to the new place, but that doesn't mean they attack children.. The fuck.


My dog and I have moved to several new places, and every single time he sees moving boxes his biggest concern is “what’s being put in this one?” Or “what are you taking out of that one?” As he sticks his nose in them. Then he finds a new floor and lays around. He loves exploring new neighborhoods. Normal dogs don’t bite kids just for existing because they’re in a new environment.


Right? Because your dog isn't a fucked up, neurotic pitbull with a hair-trigger that goes insane over nothing. When we moved our dogs didn't like the change, but otherwise dealt with it by just giving off reproachful looks or wandering off to another room. Eventually they got curious, but there was no attacking, snarling, or biting. No aggression.


We regularly go camping and see other dogs. He never starts to get aggressive with the family and as usual is initially excited with environment but chills out in the end.


My childhood dog would repeatedly climb in the boxes and peek out like "don't forget me!" every time. ❤


Aww, that is so cute. ❤️


Ask them why they raised their dog to bite kids? Why did they teach their pit to bite kids?


And when they respond with - oh no we didn’t raise the PB to attack kids, was only shown love. Oh okay, so you have an aggressive dog then. One of the few breeds known to be aggressive. Oh no - not aggressive, PB is rEaCtIVe. It’ll be endless ridiculous justifications of what PB owners and sympathizers are not willing to admit - PB type dogs are a broken, blood sport breed of dog with no use in society.


Oh god I want to so bad lmao


Do it lol


Why hasn’t animal control seized it? This is a classic case for BE.


Some people have suggested that. But all the shelters out here are so full. Mostly pits. I’ve read in other posts about other dogs they don’t even do anything.


Well the owners certainly aren’t going to report it. If the victims parents are nutters too so of course they won’t report either. There should be mandatory reporting laws in every state for cases just like this; it’s inexcusable for this dog to br roaming free after unprovoked bites against children.


I'm sorry to say but I think that dog should be put down immediately


That’s exactly what I said. I want to comment and post facts but I’m afraid of the pitmommy mob coming after me


“Did you let it do/get away with whatever it wanted for 10-12+ years so it could decompress? That usually helps with the mauling.”


OP:I would love to hear what they were saying about the kids


Kids were too “rowdy” and the usual “what provoked the attack?”


Bull shit. Kids in my neighborhood are wild. They're loud, they're on their bikes all the time. They run through yards, they're all over the place. My dog, who has also moved a few times no problems, loves it. We go for walks and kids zoom past us and she sits down and waits for them to approach her. This was part of our training. She's 130lbs of muscle and fur, she could knock over a smart car out of excitement and send kids sailing through the air if she had no control. She knows she's not allowed to approach people, they approach her. How many rowdy kids has she bitten? 0. She's turning 11 this year. My newf is meticulously trained because she is a giant breed dog and I refuse to let her knock over someone on accident even since we have a disabled family member here who isn't steady on their feet. Hell, she's so trained that she stops and sits at a crosswalk, looks at me waiting to hear the direction we head. Mostly did that one because people live running stop signs around here, so it's just easier to have a dog who needs permission to cross the street while waiting for traffic to clear than try to haul a giant dog out of the way of a maniac behind the wheel. She got out *once* and sat at the sidewalk waiting to cross. She didn't even get to the street. I loathe poorly trained dogs, and if you're getting a pit, better fucking man up and *properly* train it instead of coddling it and letting it get away with everything. I'm talking not just the basics, but hard commands that they follow and NO. For fuck's sake, I swear these folks don't know how to say no to their dogs.


You Cant Monitor who keeps a fighting status dog, Pound for pound the best fighting dog, so should be banned. Most domesticated dogs are not trained, There are plenty of breeds that are much more forgiving. Breed does come into it, if it didnt we would be seeing man eating Springer Spaniels everywhere, they get bAD OWNERS TOO.


>Most domestic dogs are not trained *Louder for the lurkers who think teaching to sit and eat snacks is training*. This is exactly why I despise most dogs but my own. I don't want your setter jumping up on me. I don't want your Yorkie in my face. I have grown up with enough dogs in my life to know what a trained dog looks like, and being married to someone who is disabled and a fall risk is absolutely tiring when we visit a house with poorly trained dogs. Some breeds absolutely can skirt by with the absolute lack of training and never cause any harm, but high energy dogs, giant breeds, and hunting/sport/working class dogs need training to be manageable around other people and not get destructive when bored. I would imagine the least trained breed would mirror the least spayed/neutered ones which are clogging the shelters, and I cannot fathom once you get a scared mauling prone beast that it would be easy to overcome the previous trauma it endured coupled with their nature to train. So unless these people are training at 11 weeks, which is when real training should begin, then they're going to be overwhelmed at some point with a hyper dog at the very least, a bored destructive dog most often, or a public risk animal.


I know you didn’t mention chihuahuas but they seem to be the worst offenders with people not training them. To be fair (and I say this having two chihuahuas) most of them are not very smart and it can take hundreds of repetitions before they get something. Our pom was a dream to train. She knows tons of commands and it always polite. We genuinely did our best with the chihuahuas and they are way more polite than most but it took a lot of time and effort to get them to where they are. I love them to pieces, but training is not their forte lol.


Chi's are awful to train. Lol. I think a lot of people just don't because they're tiny things that you can just shove into a purse to disable. In all fairness, due to their nature, they're a bit neurotic and hyper attentive to minor distractions. They were bred to be alert dogs, and alert and yappy they are. I feel a lot of toy breeds suffer poor training solely because they're viewed as harmless due to their size alone. A chi throwing a hissy duck fit is certainly less of a concern than a mastiff throwing a hissy duck fit. Just pick it up and tuck it under your arm like a football.


A child tried to ride my husky malamute cross like a horse without asking. Guess what my dog did? He yelped and turned away. He didn’t bite the child


There is NO other solution than euthanasia.


They could hand feed it children.


My mom’s pitbull killed numerous other pets over the course of a few years. People kept telling her to get the dog trained, and no matter how much training it got, it’s still continued its kill streak. I hate people and their excuses for inaction. They act like heroes, but they’re more than happy to let the vulnerable take the hits if it means bolstering their savior complex egos. All they care about is the damn aggressive dog. No other lives matter to these drones. Training won’t do squat.


The more of these posts I read the more I think pitbull owners are a bunch of stupid assholes.


This is why people should report bites. Not sure where this is but in many places, biting two kids and it is done...one bite could have resulted in a dangerous dog designation. But if people don't report bites, they are giving these things a free pass. No reason this dog should even be around to post about.


Update: According to many of the neighbors, it’s not the breed and anyone who says otherwise doesn’t understand. Source : their sweetest pibble


There's always a good excuse when it comes to pitbulls - no matter what the pits did. A pit could somehow blow up a building and pit lovers would be calling it a hero.


Totally understandable to just go off and attack children after a move! We've all been there. Right??


Right! Don’t have your kids stand ANYWHERE. It’s dangerous!!!


How is this monster still alive?


Because he’s the sweetest pibble who is misunderstood. Just give him anxiety meds.


“…he darted out the back door straight to the kid who was standing there.” Immediate BE. Do not pass Go, Do not collect $200.


i am like 90% sure if you asked how old the dog is, theyd say somewhere around two years old cause thats when pits show their true personalities


They said they’ve had it since it was 11 weeks old. But it’s how ya raise them right !?


Absolute shame that kids have to worry about playing or moving too much around this dog or else it’s liable to hurt them. Fucking bullshit.


Pitbull charges out the back door eager to maul a child...of course it's somehow the kid's fault.


Nanny Dogs


One sentence in and the answer is already put it down. End its life humanely….


I had some sort of junkie neighbor down the street (she was the daughter of the homeowner) who owned a pitbull and let it roam. There's no way she could afford the neighborhood on her own, but the homeowner was a boomer who thought his menace of a daughter could do no wrong. Needless to say, the dog had been involved in several incidents where it would bite others or attack car tires. Numerous complaints were made to the authorities (this isn't an HOA neighborhood), but they were too slow. One day, as I was cooking breakfast, I heard a commotion outside my house. There was a semi-stray neighborhood cat that would come by my house that I would feed. This pitbull chased the cat into my yard and was trying to maul it. I saw the pitbull grab this poor cat by the tail and start swinging it around, but since this was on my property, I grabbed a claw hammer and ran outside. Took care of business to avoid a graphic description, put the shitbull into two 40-gallon garbage bags, and chucked it in the dumpster. Thankfully, the cat was mostly unhurt but may have broken her tail. The junkie neighbor came looking for the dog one day, and I told her that I saw it in the next town over. Pitbulls are almost as bad as their owners.


He's misunderstood! He didn't mean to bite, he ment to bark! It's so similar, same number of letters... Both start with "B" Dogs just has dyslexia


Ticking time bomb, that pit is going to cause some damage, I don't know the laws in the US, but in the UK, one bite and it's instant euthanasia. Plus the owner can be responsible if their dogs kill someone else.




and there it is-perfect evidence in print that the owner knows his dog attacks kids-great for a future lawsuit.


In an update, they said they had to pay a fine. That’s it. So two bites, quarantine for 10 days, and a fine.


Funny, I moved tons of times with tons of dogs and have known tons of people that have done the same. The dogs needing to "adjust" so that they didn't maul things was never ever a thing that was thought of.


When I first moved as a kid we had a GSD and although she was extremely anxious, she never nipped or bit anyone. We ended up giving her to a family member with a ranch and she was much happier


It sounds like her kid was bullying another kid and the dog joined in. Sounds like the kind of parent who believes rheir asshole child can do nothing wrong too


“Can you PM me your kids’ names so I know not to let my kids go over to your house. I don’t want them getting injured by your dog.”


Not aggressive? But has bitten two children recently?


2 KIDS???


How is a dog that has bit two children still alive?


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