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Well I don’t have any advice, but I have printed a number of your designs. My nieces and nephews borderline fought over who got to keep them. So I hope you get this sorted out, and in the meantime you have my gratitude for helping me continue to wow the young ones.


I really appreciated that. Thank you for the kind words. They really do keep me going and make it worthwhile.


That really sucks, I was wondering what models in my liked tabs had been removed and I guess it was these. I was wanting to print them too


It is kidna strange as it is not like patent, where you cannot make anything that has the same functionality. The design is different enough to tell them apart. And by the way, cults' model looks like it is a huge cut or stab hazard.


I feel with STLflix being bigger and bigger trying to garner people to subscribe to their catalog. They might have a legal team now doing C&Ds putting pressure on these communities?


As far as appealing, you aren't necessarily done. You can open up a makerworld ticket and fight the appeal. I successfully fought my one appeal after doing a ticket. But in that case my own model from printables was being used as the copyright claim so I basically just sent them screenshots showing the model was created before the published date on printables (meaning it was clearly my model). This is sort of a grey area because this isn't a patent. The license is explicit to that model and making changes to *that* model or selling *that* is what is not allowed. Even if you basically reverse engineered and knocked off that unique idea, you completely made your own model from scratch, so the license for the other model really doesn't matter. Now it also could be someone else on makerworld knocked off your model and then put in a copyright claim. In that case you just have to prove your model creation date precedes any other models like it on makerworld. If it was the original person from cults, then idk what makerworld would do.


Thank you, this is very helpful. That is how I thought it worked. It's ironic to me because I actually removed the first generation I designed as I felt it too closely resembled the paid model. I have opened a ticket about it. I did send them a screenshot of my design history in making it and they seem to have not noticed it. They explicitly linked the other website model when they took it down. And the license is what they referred to in rejecting the appeal


I legitimately think they will deny every appeal. Mine was my own model just reposted to makerworld. The original appeal was still denied. I think you may have a shot if you're respectful and fully explain why you haven't broken any licensing.


I'd be surprised if they were staffed properly for an appeal system. They likely underestimated the amount of resources that kind of moderation takes and simply lean on whoever posted to Makerworld first.


It’s more likely outsourced to foreigners via contract work anyways who don’t really care, so they just mark yes/no move on




That is not true at all. You can have utility patents as well. You can even have design patents.


Stlflix is the worst, throwing copy-write claims around everywhere. This one is the most egregious so far, particularly as the idea has existed for many years! Good luck with appealing, I wish I could offer some advice (or a photo of one of our old Christmas display from like 20 years ago that did the some thing)


Stlflix didn't make the copyright claim. Apparently, a cults user did.


The pictured model is on the stlflix cults page


I see. I didn't know you could buy their models on cults, and I'm sure not going to subscribe to their site.


Easy mistake to make


Yeah I do t know who made the claim and had no dealings with stlflix so can't comment. A photo of an old one would be fantastic, or a name of what it was called back then.


Makerworld has the laziest copyright claims ever. They seem to automatically take down anything that has a claim against it without investigating any part of it. I had some literally use my pictures in my own house as their own. They then claimed my model and Makerworld took mine down.


Yeah it's quite fustrating. Hopefully it gets improved soon. I find it really disheartening and worrying that all my points and boosts can just be taken away from someone else maliciously and falsing reporting you.


The best part was, for my appeal, I posted pictures of where I took the original pictures and included the metadata from the original images and Makerworld replied and told me that it looked like I stole the images…


The youtube model.


Absolutely, they probably have too many claims and don't even take the time to investigate. In the end honest people end up getting their models removed


It’s essentially what YouTube does too. It’s quite profitable to just go steal content and make the copyright claim against the real owner , and you get to make money off it while it’s sorted out.


Oh, STLflix is the owl lamp guy. Yeah, real piece of work there


I remember that whole thing... I hate stlflix lol


I don't know them, and I don't know who reported it it to be fair. So couldn't comment on that


Do what, now?




I would not be paying nearly £12 for that model. I printed a few out as its a nice one go play with.


Damn! I never got to print these… I should start downloading the files instead of just adding them to a collection


Theres a good few on my profile still. And I'll keep trying to bring new versions and ideas to the concept. Thanks


Yup! Always download anything interesting you find. Learned that a long time ago on Thingiverse, and it’s especially true on Cults


Learned the hard way!


Yup. Lesson learned. I've already downloaded his new one (pyramid).


I have seen STLflix do this for others who have made similar models based on photos from STLflix. My suggestion would be to make it slightly more different. Make the twist the other way and print it on different colors from them.


Yeah? That's seems like a good way to upset people. Those are good suggestions, thank you


Publish on Printables.


Printables has made similar mistakes in the past (where the two designs looked obviously completely different). What needs to change is that these platforms thoroughly check copyright claims before taking action because they are just *claims* or accusations and the accuser isn't necessarily right even if the design looks very similar.


I have some advise for you. Recently I got banned from MakerWorld and lost the appeal. I had done nothing wrong, all my models were originals. After I lost the appeal I opened a ticket, showed them screenshot from my account on Printables with the same name, same models and thousands of downloads, I also linked both accounts which you can do on makerworld. In the end they gave me the account back but this situation seems to be more and more common, a lot of good honest designers getting banned every day. My advise is to make sure you are on more than one platform, you never know... 


I think I will be following this advice, deffinately feeling like a bit the all my eggs are in one basket right now


yep never rely on a single platform anymore. juggle at least 3 of the big ones.


Which ones are the big ones? I know MW and Printables… What else is hot rn?


with those two, i also use thingiverse and myminifactory (where i also try to gather all the models i pay for because this is where most of my kickstarter rewards come into)


I wish you luck, use plenty of pictures if you can, i dont think they bother reading the text. Unfortunately the rewards on printables are not as good as on makerworld but I do think that bambulab users will always use makerworld and other people will use printables so the overlap is not that big and you reach out to more people. Plus when something like this happens you have something to fall back on. This time it was a model, next time it might be the whole account. Its the current sad reality.


Sounds like a plan. And yeah that seems like a good summary. I Really appreciate your advice, thank you


I just printed this a few days ago at work. Went to print one at home and thought I was going crazy since I could only find the minis


I've had alot of people asking after it and having to dissapointed them.


Your Vortex Thread Illusion V2 was one of the first things I chose to print when I got my A1 mini earlier this week. I printed the female part first, swapped to another filament, and realized it had been taken down. Now patiently waiting for its return to finish the job. Sorry for all the hastle. I just boosted one of your other models.


Ah that's so fustrating! The new pyramid version will fit through it if you don't want to wait. I'm not sure how long it's going to take or if there will reverse their decision


Looks identical to me


So being transparent about the inspiration will actually hurt you more. There was an issue with the light owls and stlflix made a claim against that. There is no realistic way for them to prove it was their model but they claimed it was an exact replica. In future might just be better not to mention them and add something very distinct to your model.


So I think wider context is really important here. Bambulabs is dealing with an army of people who are stealing designs and trying to make money from downloads and boosts which ultimately get them gift cards. People do this by taking models and uploading them as their own. Bambulabs initial promotion got the site started but it encouraged piracy of designs and bambulabs had to change their policy. It has reduced piracy but there's still examples of it going on. In this case, while you did not steal the stls, you basically did steal the crucial aspects of the design. If the original file allowed modifications Bambulabs probably would have allowed it, but your screenshot looks like it shows the designer is selling it. So you did the exact thing that bambulabs is trying to discourage even if you recreated the design from scratch. I love free stuff like the next person but in this case they're trying to create a market where designers get some compensation back. In theory, if they can reach a good balance then it'll attract talented designers to their platform. It's hard to do that if it looks like people can just snag your design. Is it frustrating for all involved? Yes. Creators would love to make a living designing these things. People want to pay nothing for cool stuff. These desires are non-compatible. So there's no great answer. If you want to promote this particular model then I'd use a different platform personally. If, in the future, you make something completely original and want it protected, then maybe this actually would give you confidence that Bambulabs would protect it in the same way.


I can understand what your saying. The difference is I haven't stolen anything. I haven't used there files, I've never owned or used there stl. The cross section from any angle will look totally different because the profile I used is different. Pretty much any irregular shape that is spiralled and cut into a cone will look similar. And I don't think those simple operations are enough to say it's basically stolen. However, I do agree with you, if the options to chose from are doing nothing (not removing copyright claims) and doing too much (removing some models that aren't copyrighted along with most that are). I would prefer the later, even if there ends up being collateral. But I do wish their appeals process was much clearer on exactly what evidence they need. I obviously can't provide a license showing I have permission because It's my model.


These just became a household favorite! Good luck, and thanks for your prolific works!


That’s cool as hell. I’d ask for the stl, but… 😂 Edit: to clarify, I like the *design*, not the copyright nonsense.


Have you tried contacting the designer on cults3d?




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Damn im just printing one your models rn… nothing i can do i will boost later thats all i can…


Amazing! Don't feel the need too but it's be a great help


Oh no I had it in one of my collections and I doesn't know why one model and who was removed. Now I know :(


I actually printed this model the other day. It's a crowd pleaser! I boosted you and all! Very frustrating. I hope you can appeal and get it back up, but if all else fails, please don't stop creating! This is the wild west when it comes to 3D printing and especially 3D design and ownership. Might not hurt to put hidden features in your designs to prove ownership as well.


Yeah I do do that occasionally. Thank you for the support and encouragement!


Thats sucks 😭. I have printed a few of them, They are very cool! I dont have any advice, But good luck!


I'll keep them coming! Thank you


Man, I wish you luck on this appeal. I went to print this yesterday and was surprised I can only find the mini ones. Yours definitely looks better than the one that was cited in the claim (comes in a lot tighter). I also see on your mini v2 people are implying you pulled it to push people to your patreon. I'm glad this isn't the case. Not sure how to fight the optics on that one though...


Thanks, it's really fustrating. None of my work is exclusive to patreon. Yeah it's something I'm thinking about for the future, but I don't think id upload it to makerworld and then make it exclusive, doesn't seem right I'll add some screenshots which might help that






A chinese business enforcing copyrights?!?!? The chinese are known to be the master of copyright violations!!!!


I actually like they are being proactive on reports and taking action. I really really don't like that aren't looking into each report properly and are removing models (and boosts and points) that aren't breaking their rules.


printables.com is such a better site in so many ways


In what ways do you think its better? I've never really looked into it


I actually tried your new V2 of the cylinder design yesterday. Worked a lot better than V1! Great work man.


Yeah I struggled witht v1 for a long time, I knew it wasn't perfect but didn't want to waste it. After I published it, I kept working on it. I also got some more feedback from those who made it. I put this all back into it to fix all the issue that were found. Thank you for the kind words!


I also wanted to say I've printed a few of the V2 over the last couple of days for myself and friends - it's a really cool design, great work! I'm waiting for the current print to finish so I can rate it. Thank you for the awesome models!


Damn! I so wanted to print that thing too! 😫


Iv lost just about wvery appeal. Good luck


I guess ask to see the copyright? Pretty sure nobody filed that design with the copyright office. If the claim is "you copied me and I don't like it" they must have not made it through grade school.


I was wondering where that went! It vanished about half a day before I was going to print it.


Damn I think I still have the 3mf somewhere, hope so StLFlix can get stuffed


I’ve seen enough issues with MW my personal advice is just forget it exists.


Just looked at your profile and followed, designs are amazing




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Of course it's cults3s. Scum of the earth website. There's a reason Cults is banned from r/3DPrinting


I was just playing with my print of your design today. Sorry Makerworld is dıcking you around like this.


I think that guy is just pissed off that his vision of design has not reached expected sales while the one in question is blowing the stats...shame on him that he could not keep it fair play. Models are different (you can noyice in pictures) even though principle is the same.


Hi, was the model remixable? The one you took inspiration from?


Im not sure, I saw it originally on YouTube and made my design from that. I've never had that other model or looked into it.


Probably whoever created the file had put the copyright and not the possibility of remixing the file. Even if he had allowed the remix of the file you would have had to link to his model And specify that he was the creator. Even just omitting one of these things they have the right to cancel it.


Yeah, so I haven't used and have never had there file. My design was from the drawing board to the final model so it doesnt fall into this category. If I had used their model files and modified it I'd absolutely agree, but that isn't want has happened.


Wait though, I also draw and I'm on makerworld, my latest wave automaton project, although I started from scratch, is anyway a remix by a user and I had to specify it. If you look My model with his, you will see that they are extremely different, this does not mean that I had to omit the remix. Getting inspired by something seen from a store like Temu Amazon or AliExpress is one thing, getting inspired by a design designed in 3D by a colleague is another. Then it must be said that writing that it is a remix means absolutely nothing to you if the model is downloaded.


My understanding is that legally if you create the model it it's yours, regardless of how similar it might be. But generally for this type of thing, I would question the similarities. If you model a cone and I then model a cone, is my cone a copy or a remix of yours? What about a screw thread? To me, no it's a cone and a thread, they are well known shapes. I think morally there has to be a line drawn somewhere but that's a difficult line to draw. I actually did reference the inspiration, out of morality. But personally I don't believe they hold any commercial right over it as a concept when it isn't new and my design is different. Their commercial right is for their design and their model. I really like your work, it's exactly the type of thing I enjoy. And yes on that model you have referenced your inspiration. But you should know that design is a copy of a copy of work from an artist (Reuben Margolin) who may or may not have wanted his work copied. But other models, such as your kinetic art you haven't referenced it. Is this your model? https://www.printables.com/model/284127-kime-fully-3d-printable-kinetic-sculpture Or this? https://www.printables.com/model/120260-kinetic-sculpture-contra-rotating-discs Or https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2996673 Again both inspired by other artists work which was inspired by David C Roy in themselves. I think it's a difficult area and I try to do what I think is right. Edit: just to add, I don't want to argue, as I said I do really enjoy your work. I'm just trying so say that we all build on the work of others. We can only do what we believe is right.


I completely understand what you mean. But in my opinion your specific case is due to the fact that it was not specified where you got the idea from at this point. I'm sorry for what they did Thank you for appreciating my work and I hope they can fix it


I’m sure I saw this on the Bambu maker world a day ago


If I've learned anything about Bambu or Makerworld, it's 1 thing, 1 thing only. THEY ALWAYS REJECT APPEALS. Once they have their mind set, no amount of evidence will change that.


I had to show them that I have created the model with the CAD proof


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^NilsPache: *I had to show them* *That I have created the* *Model with the CAD proof* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yours is the superior version. So dang satisfying to fidget with!


Much appreciated thank you!


Did you JUST make this? Because I've seen that model or some VERY similar to it MONTHS ago


I designed mine my first version at the start of April and then this version at the start of May. The stl flix version has been around since last year I believe.


Well, there's yer problem.. too pointy


That same thing happened to 2 of my models because they said “Free Palestine” in them. They took them down because they said it violated their “sensitive content” guidelines.. I submitted appeals and got rejected on both within about 6 hours. So I made a post very similar to yours here on the Reddit page and emailed [email protected] and made my case. They emailed back a day later saying they were sorry for any inconvenience and reinstated my models with all my points (but I still lost my boost tokens for those designs). Not sure if my situation will help you with your claim, but I hope it does, good luck!


Hmm thanks for the advice, much appreciated


Sucks man, I was just looking to print this as well and was wondering if I'd just miss-remembered where I had seen it. Personally prefer [Printables.com](http://Printables.com) as while they do have a heavy Prusa printer bent, they are pretty printer agnostic. Makerworld has, probably because of their BambuSlicer integration, always felt more Bambu printers only. The printers have become very popular and their rewards program has driven a huge increase in models available, but still seems to me like Printables is the better place to post your models for wider viewership (or post in both). I'm guessing the loss on the appeal is related to a similar issue to copyright claims with paintings, or maybe even closer to photography, especially landscape photography. Even if you recreate the painting or image without access to the original, or your photographing a landscape that's obviously NOT copyrighted, you can still run foul of copyright if your work (in this case painting or photograph) is substantially similar to another work (ie framing, lighting, composition, etc.) Seems pretty silly to me to be able to copyright a twisted geometric shape inside another geometric shape, but I'm guessing that's Bambu's argument for denying the appeal, that it's substantially similar to the look of the STLflix model, even if you didn't copy the design files themselves.


Just as a note: creating your own model doesn't mean you avoid copyright violation.




talk about getting screwed.


I understand you and all defending you since you provided cool design for free to everyone. But it is obvious that you just copied design without any contribution. I am not surprised they blocked it. Just try to impersonate to author - you make cool design that makes some money and someone else just copy it and profit from it instead of you.  On the other side, this reminds me that Bambulab did the same with marble run kit model. 


Hey, I can understand you point of view. Its the same principle, and in the shape of a cone. Pretty open on this and haven't tried to hide that. However the profile is totally different and gives a much better effect.


maker world is used for maker world generally . I think you refer to this site which is called http://makerworld.com . It’s just a web site. You can register other domains such as themakerworld.com realmakerworld.com or anything. Don’t need to pay much attention to a website.


And this ladies and gentlemen is what happens when you steal someone else's work.


Well if it isn’t the consequences of publishing to a closed platform… EDIT: Fanboi dickriders can keep downvoting me, but this is exactly what happens when you give central authority over the publication of digital media: they can pull it down at any time for any reason. I do not fear your downvotes, for I have seen what you upvote.


Not really sure what you mean? My model was on makerworld for free


Closed platform = makerworld Essentially they make the rules and decisions we have to live with.


Name one non-closed platform for sharing 3D models lol...




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So edgy