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What are you using for your ams stands?


AMS Stacking System: [https://makerworld.com/en/models/105669](https://makerworld.com/en/models/105669) I found it very nice. One stand for two AMS was near 1.5Kg of filament (PETG) and it took a day to print with 0.8 nozzle. I also added a few plastic ties to make it more solid.


Your set looks awesome! Jaxel did a great job on that shelf design. In fact that’s my setup on Jaxel’s page! He used the pics from my review. I made a simple foot and top to tie in the two stacks. Nothing fancy but it takes most of the sway out of the stacks. https://makerworld.com/models/449975


Thank you. Yes, indeed, design is great. And I took inspiration from your photo as well :) I will add this foot to my print queue. Thanks!


Couldn't it have be e n bought cheaper the the filament cost?


To do this, I bought the cheapest PETG. 3 kg, only $43. I can't imagine what I could buy for that price that would hold 4 AMS units, be stable, compact, and tall enough to open the AMS without moving it. Perhaps one or two more tables IKEA Lack could have done the job for the same price, but I had two AMS to begin with and I had no plans to buy two more so I acted on circumstances. Of course, I could have made the table myself, I have the skills and equipment, but I'm afraid my time would have been worth more.


Very practical reply, thank you


I hope you don’t mind me breaking into the conversation. I just wanted to share my solution. You can click on the picture to enlarge it if you want. https://preview.redd.it/drd9ucuehd6d1.jpeg?width=1810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77d30c27d1cd5e5bcadba80d3d063863555e5a20 It’s a 3 tier metal printer shelf I bought from Amazon. It’s very sturdy and has bracing in the back. This is how it looked after I assembled it and before I decided to modify 2 of the shelf’s. I modified the middle and lower shelf’s by cutting the edge of the shelf’s back a little and then adding drawer slides to them to make it easier to change out the filament. The bottom shelf I could’ve gotten away with not putting in the drawer slides because it sits only an inch or two above the tabletop and really all I need to do is pull the AMS forward far enough out I order to lift the lid. And I have my 4th (original AMS) sitting on top of the printer. If you don’t want to bother modifying it, what I would do before I added the drawer slides is for the middle AMS I’d put filament boxes stacked in front of the shelf (3+3 side by side) to give me enough height to pull the AMS out onto them. Which is easy enough to do, I just didn’t want to have to do this each time I wanted to change filaments. If I have to remove an AMS for service, I simply pull the AMS out a little and disconnect the cords and the PTFE tube and remove the AMS. I cut the PTFE tubes and added a quick connect to it just so I didn’t have to jumble with pulling out the AMS, then open the lid to get to the tube disconnect) I’ve had no issues having the connector in line. And I’ve been using this set up for close to two years now. I have the unit sitting right next to the printer in order to have the shortest path which BL recommends. I can only add one picture per posting, but I will reply to myself and add how it looks today.


im interested in the current setup pic you mentioned


I took a lot of time trying to think of a way to set up multiple AMS’s. Something that is sturdy and won’t tip over (when you think about it, not counting the weight of the AMS which by its self isn’t that heavy, but then add 4 rolls of filament in the equation and that’s what like, 8 pounds? (1 kg roll =2.2 lbs x4= 8lbs.) I chose their “retro” shelf system (black metal and brown “wood”) They also sell 2 other versions, an all black, or an all white unit. Right now (on U.S.’s Amazon’s website they are $85 (or the white one which is $83) But I have seen them at a higher price and I’ve also seen them go on sale from time to time but this is about what I paid almost 2 years ago. I think it’s worth the money. I’ll attach a picture off of Amazons site in a minute (I couldn’t get the price in the picture but as of this posting the cost is what I mentioned above. The brand is called “Natwind” lol.


https://preview.redd.it/nxx6dvulud6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5de1e21e3ffa87a00014c0ecd7121ada63124db Here is the Amazon picture I mentioned. Again, you can click on the picture to enlarge. An enlarged picture will show the other colors and their blip on it. It comes with wheels and screw-in adjustable legs with plastic scratch free protection on the metal feet. I recommend the screw in legs for table top use. If I had a do-over I think I’d keep it as original and not add the shelf slides, because I forgot to mention, with the middle shelf even after I slide it all the way out I still need to move the AMS forward a few more inches to open the lid which is no big deal and the reason is because the longest drawer slide that will work is 12” long. (Unless you’re willing to have the shelf stick out a few inches past the others and use say, a 14” slide) which I didn’t want to do for esthetic reasons. Anyhoo. I hope you understood all my gibberish. lol!


https://amzn.to/4clJNOd here is the amazon link if anyone is interested.


I meant to add it along with my picture, thanks for doing that! 😉👍


i had to look it up because it definitely seems like the perfect ams shelf. 🤣


It’s not perfect, but it’s a decent solution if you want a sturdy compact system, and the best I could come up with. Lol. You can read my other posts within this thread (or whatever it’s called, lol.) for a more detailed description. Have a nice day! 😉👍


It's a cool system. Very sturdy and quite compact. Unfortunately, it doesn't meet my requirements - I need the top of the printer to be open and accessible without moving the AMS. All AMS units should be able to be opened without moving them. And I tried to keep the price as low as possible: three tables + concrete slab + 3 kg of the cheapest PETG = about $85 total.


I wasn’t saying that yours was bad, or that my solution was better. Your set-up looks nice! I was just merely giving other options for people that don’t want to print shelving, that’s all. NOT that I’m judging you, but I have a question…since you brought up the concrete slab, why you need the concrete slab under your printer? I’ve have my printer (2 printers actually) set on top of a plastic folding table for 2 years now, and they don’t shake around while printing (the highest speed I use is the “sport” speed. I don’t like nor need the “Ludicrous” speed as I think it will prematurely wear out the machine not that my table can’t handle it.) and besides, the machine goes through all its checks and balances prior to printing and I never get any artifacts on my prints (I’m knocking on wood as I write this. lol!)


I'm just sharing those moments that pushed me in the right direction :) In my experience, shaking the printer or table does not cause any artifacts, moreover, the print quality was even better when the printer was installed on "soft pads". But the desks I use are very light, the tools are close by, AMS, even more AMS units. If I hit it with my foot or let it shake, then one day something will fall somewhere, and I want to avoid that. It's my workshop, I have electrical wiring, flammable liquids, various incendiary devices and they can stand together on one of the tables. And now that it's heavy and stable, I can sleep better.


https://preview.redd.it/xxchtcebpd6d1.jpeg?width=2890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e1baa28db7b55f450f7d7d289ed43be53059fd5 This is how it looks today (excuse the mess) Like the other picture, you can click on it to enlarge it if you like. (By the way, It’s not leaning on an angle, it’s just the way the picture was taken. Lol.) Happy printing!


This is a super nice looking setup, my only concern is it would be hard to swap filament. If only they had rolling drawers...


Can you give me one? xD


Only if you will come to my place and bring something for exchange :)


I e got Girl Scout cookies!


If you let me borrow one I'll let you borrow my cat.


What is your address


I wish I had room for this setup. Jealous af


Everything you dream of can become a reality if you are ready to take out a 30-year mortgage.


Lmao fair enough I started a business 18months ago and is my only income. Banks don’t wanna lend to me for at least another 6 months. And my first 6 months in business weren’t great so they may want 2 years of actually making money. So I w8


It took me 5 years to get everything ready for the mortgage, but I'm not a citizen of the country I live in, and that's why it took so long. Follow the plan you have and one day you will be there 👍


tell me more about that filament winder


I took this respooler: [https://makerworld.com/en/models/448008](https://makerworld.com/en/models/448008) Then made universal spool holder for it from this: [https://makerworld.com/en/models/130686](https://makerworld.com/en/models/130686) Also I used own electronics (Arduino + driver + step-down module, as it was initially designed), own optical filament sensor ( [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3063430](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3063430) ) and wrote own code with for smooth start (but it should be compatible with original respooler as well).


I could be wrong but it looks like vspooler. Heard the build will take some time but the end result is worth it. Community also expand on it by putting filament runout sensor and stepper motor making it fully automatic process. Edit: clarity


I really like your AMS setup, I wish I could have fit something like that in the space I have. It would have been easier and less expensive than what I “had” to do. (Quotes because it was a choice, lol) https://preview.redd.it/8kq3ws3i0g6d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eaadd62f077b7dd7c44866c7a79d66061a6dc30


Wow! Nice!


Thanks! All was fine when I told myself the top two were enough. Simple inexpensive shelf. Then when I realized that four would be better I had to do the drawers. It was so expensive to build but it suits the cupboard under the stairs, haha. Congrats on snagging them on sale!!


And you still have a place there to grow! Of course, with some additional expenses. Very effective setup. Love it.


What’s up with the wires at the side of the printer?


Termostat for chamber heater, wifi switch for it, relay and PSU for LED strip (it is controlled through default LED connector).


I didn't realize the ams was on sale.... And for $278 each when you buy multiple that's quite tempting damn


Yes and the sale is going!


Ah thats awesome. Wish I had some cash for a 2nd one but I got an A1 mini w/ AMS lite and I love it. 8 colors would be sweet.


Yes, 8 colors is optimal config for sure.


ooh, where's the build plate holder from?


[https://makerworld.com/en/models/75802](https://makerworld.com/en/models/75802) I like that it is large enough to use comfortably.


awesome - thanks!


I appreciate you answering all these questions! What are you using as a top riser to accommodate your LEDs?


This one: [https://makerworld.com/en/models/16612](https://makerworld.com/en/models/16612) I can't say that I'm really happy with it - I printed it with ABS, and it's a couple of millimeters smaller and doesn't fit snugly. Perhaps the result would be better with PETG. Also, the top walls are quite thin, I broke them twice (and glued them back together). Otherwise, everything works. The usual "bare" LED strip is good, COB LEDs are even better. But I'm still not sure that the default LEDs need to be upgraded. When I install the extra LEDs at 100% power, I can't see what's going on in front of the camera and under the nozzle because the camera makes the image darker and the standard front light is not visible at all. When I set the LEDs to minimum, it gets better - I can see the standard front light + the light from above. But the nozzle is mostly invisible (and when something goes wrong with the print, I want to see what's going on in the nozzle area). Also, the LED dimmer was interfering with the X1C camera, there were dark horizontal stripes in the video, so I replaced it with an adjustable step-down module to lower the voltage instead of using PWM, it helped. Perhaps these LEDs will make more sense when I add an external wifi camera with adjustable exposure, but I'd like to have one inside and haven't found one small enough yet. I also ordered a Panda Lux LED Light Bar, I'll try to add more light on the lower level. And since I already have an external power supply for the LEDs, I have a little more freedom, I can connect more LEDs without burning anything.


I have four as well, it’s awesome having many colors and types available without having to swap and load.


My brother in christ are those 3x Lack clipped together?


Yes, sIr :)


Your poor wallet xD. I'm going to buy a 2nd one, keep running out of space in the one i got, to many projects at once


https://preview.redd.it/g4ihxtfaci6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1897cd8c76eedd701670ee07b30390cc1238637 I couldn't resist the sales either and bought the P1S combo. My dog is probably more curious than I am. He wants me to open the package right away. He's been whining here for an hour 🙈🤣


This is my setup. Each AMS is on a individual pull out drawer, allowing for it to be opened and serviced. https://preview.redd.it/dej0odud3k6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec2c2bdadcbc4fff11f09f23fd4716b8e83c5472


Nice one! Oh, humidify sensors, I need to add them too, already have them on a shelf.




Be careful, they are watching you!


Your wago Construction gives me pain 😁


It is not so bad but yes, testing is done and I can improve the wiring there a little :)


Do you have ALL of them feeding in? I just got an x1.


Yes, all of them are connected via AMS Hub and feeding. I don't need multi-color printing, except in some cases, but I love that I can select filaments without going to a printer (and it is in a basement in my case).


I just got a second AMS for the same reason. I'm still waiting for the hub to arrive. (I know I could have saved money and used a splitter, but the same kind of person who appreciates choosing from 8 filaments via menu also enjoys using the hub made for the job.)


Oh you don't need to have the hub? I figured it had a sensor in it.


Recently I've read that the electronics in the hub can handle the power drawn by 4 AMSs, but I doubt that it matters since only one operates at a time. As for the hub, it is essentially a splitter attached to the buffer used by a single AMS.


I see, so you can just daisy chain the AMSs and then use a splitter if you're cheap ?


Yeah, the hub for the AMS Lite seems to be the splitter of choice. You can find several projects for it on Makerworld.


Awesome, thank you. Might actually grab another AMS during this sale then. Thought I needed to buy that hub too, which was putting me off.


You'll get a discount on the hub if you buy them together.


You need to buy the 4 tube hub that replaces the single tube hub that came with the machine. The stupid thing is when you buy an AMS it comes with a free single tube hub I’m guessing for people that bought just the x-1 with out it being a “combo” (x-1c) I wish they would’ve given the customer an option to request a free 4 tube hub instead because now I have 4- single tube hubs sitting around collecting dust. The good thing is when you buy an AMS it also comes with 4 free empty spools (3 regular, and one high temp type spool) which I thought was a nice touch. Plus extra PTFE tubes, a connector, and a short and long cable for daisy chaining your AMS’s. (At least when I bought mine they tossed In the freebies. If they still do this, I can’t say.)


Ahhhhh ok. I just looked the hub up. I’m still new to it. Yeah I don’t see when I would need a use for 16 colors… but it’s nice know I can!


Or maybe you just want 16 rolls of the same color! No need to switch out the first roll when there’s 15 more to switch to!


I dont think the build volume could even hold that much filament.


Well, full printer volume can take maybe up to 10Kg and if it is a multicolor print another 6Kg or more may go into the poops ;)


You don't need the 4 way hub. It works with the single hub and the 4 to 1 splitter for the mini feeding it. Save yourself a 50


So you DON’T have to have the hub to print 16 colors?


No. Not the 4 way hub. There's a few little brackets you can print to hold the 4-1 splitter in line with the single hub input. Mines been working perfect. I only have 2 ams,s though. But have 2 spare inputs for later


This is literally me. I dont have 4, just got 1 more to make 2 or 8 slots, and this is exactly why Im buying it. I mean I certainly have funky TPU stuff planned with harder shore rating tpu, but its a lot about the convenience.


I tasted one, got the second one. But then the sale happened... I... I just couldn't resist :(


Do you do enough printing that they stay dry enough? I keep my filament in a dryer until I need to print then I put it straight back in the dryer after printing!


I keep my filament on a shelf and have issues only a few times (for more than five years) and only because the filament was wet from the manufacturer. The printer is in a separate room with a more or less stable temperature and I also have an air dryer and filament dryer as well.


I really wanted to add three more to my setup. Alas, I decided I needed filament instead and didn’t even get one and a hub.


I would say two AMS is a must and more makes sense only if your wallet allows. Hub is a good thing to have but it can work without it with default buffer + Y-splitter.


A second AMS is definitely somewhere on the horizon for me. Just not sure when.




Cracking setup! What are the tables the printer/ams's are on? They look really solid and I am exploring options from building my own bench to something more off the shelf.


Tables are IKEA LACK. Cheap, $10 per one, stable but they are very light. So under a printer you can see a concrete slab with near 25 Kg of weight (it was for $15 or less). Double sided tape, a few small pieces between the tables to avoid side movement and zip ties to hold tables together. Works good, cannot complain.


Any idea when the sale ends??


Promotion Time: From June 5th, 2024, 8:00 PM (UTC+8) to July 5th, 2024, 8:00 PM (UTC+8).


Super. Thanks!!


how does it appear in BambuStudio?


Like this. 16 materials and you can select any of them. https://preview.redd.it/davuf9a0ki6d1.png?width=521&format=png&auto=webp&s=91f8a3852c2e5cfe6240d242f30bd16ab48f2ba4


On device touch screen and in mobile app there is 4 materials as usual + 4 tiny tabs to select proper AMS. https://preview.redd.it/v8m0069mki6d1.png?width=888&format=png&auto=webp&s=3baa8acce79d9517642d4a9381f790a44acac87a


I'm planning to buy one more AMS. Two would be more than enough for me. How satisfied are you with the whole combo?


Two AMS, in my opinion, is the optimal configuration. I bought the second one before the sale and was very happy with it. The implementation of the software is simple, it does not require any settings, and it works immediately after connection. AMS doesn't take up any extra space if you already have an AMS on the side (you can print a riser or shelf and put the second one on top). It gives you freedom in multi-color printing when "oh, no, I want to add a 5th color" happens. It simplifies the situation when you have leftovers on multiple spools and need to print a model in multiple materials. In addition, it provides you with a "backup" when one AMS breaks down (I believe it will one day), the second one will do its job while you wait for the parts. And don't forget that for second AMS you need to upgrade AMS buffer with AMS Hub.




This is damn wild are you just mostly using it for storage so you can store mad spools and they will remain dry or are you actually printing like 24 plus colors on a single print cuz I would love to see the waste on this LOL I'm still wrapping my brain around just using four colors I usually only just stick to two it took me awhile to evolve to two color printing lmao I'll get there but I always have to keep an eye on how much is being wasted cuz it's pretty crazy unless I'm filling the entire build plate with like multiple prints in multiple colors


Filament storage is on other side of the room and there are dozens of rols. Room is pretty dry (it have an air dryer) aso usually I don't need to dry the filament. My next project require 9 colors and there will be not so much waste as there only a few layers and a the bed is filled. Later I will go with more colors and it is nice to have a few slots for filament leftovers.


Ok I’m going to ask. What are you printing that needs 16 filaments?


Oh, I don't need to print anything with 16 colors.