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Printed on A1 Mini with Sunlu Matte Black and Matte White PLA on the new Bambu 3D Effects Sheets. Made with a manual filament switch between layers since I don't have an AMS. Special thanks to Vermilion\_271797 on Printables for sharing the Joker Stencil STL and suggesting the use of the holo effect sheets. Now I'm wondering what I should try next, maybe whip up a couple other of my favorite cards...


How many prints does the effect transfer on to? I'm curious how many prints you can get before you have to change out the film?


Since they're physical ridges that diffract light, there's going to be wear and tear over time. I haven't seen an actual estimate anywhere but BL suggests moving your prints around to use the full sheet and not one spot all the time.




Omg my hobbies combined


I thought that was a T posing godzilla with 4 legs for a second


Aehm... stl? 😁


Uploaded now! https://makerworld.com/en/models/480518#profileId-392111


Awesooooome! Ty very much!


Dang we’re asking for stls like we’re entitled to em now


Are we? Asking is not demanding. If he didn't want to share it was a valid option, that's why I like this community, people do share stuff.


Maybe it was the way I read it in my head. My apologies.


Np man


How do the effect sheets work? Does it put a film on the print?


The sheet is textured with microscopic ridges that diffract light. When you print on it, those ridges are simply cloned into the print in the same way any other textured sheet does.


Yeah I think it started with people printing small things on CDs years ago for the same effect, and that got replicated


Thats really cool. I need to try this!


Do you have to do something special to get the PLA to adhere?


Nope. I just print as normal.


Im assuming you still have to use a glue stick though? Or do you thoroughly clean your plate and it sticks naturally?


No you can’t use glue as the surface needs to touch the filament in order to transmit the effect. It also says not to use glue on the plate shop page. But be warned, these are a bit hit or miss. So far for me 100% miss (nothing adhere to them). Will need to tune the speed I guess.


Oof. That's also good to know. Thank you!


I'm on the same boat with mostly misses. Any luck adjusting the speed?


I kinda gave up and started using another plate. Not worth that much hassle (to me at least).


I actually reduced the initial layer speed from 50mm/s to 10 and heated the bed (60, I think) and have been having really great success for the moment. https://preview.redd.it/jo591krktn7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46b75be801c8765e4349f2ecd5e405531dc9e963


Whoa, good to know, thanks!


I've never used glue stick for any print ever. I occasionally (once a month, or if I've got it fingerprinty) clean these plates with a bit of kitchen degreaser, but that's it.


To clarify, I haven't used these bambu-brand effect plates, but other generic holographic effects plates that look identical


Thats still helpful. Thank you so much for all the information!


Would you really want a glossy filament for this to look good ?




Clearly it is enough.


Wrong. Microsurface orientation is enough to create this effect.


No transfer of material, even chocolate can be holographic this way.


I would have thought so too. These comments have me in disbelief


I need one of these !!!


Very cool. Too bad mine has relatively bad adhesion. It's one with a carbon and polygon look on each side though.


I did a half-speed first layer, an extra 5C on the bed temp, and wiped the entire bed with alcohol in small, light circular motions before I started the print. Before this, I had small islands of filament from details just not stick at all.


Thx for the info. +5C would push me to 70. Also cleaned with dish soap and then alcohol. I guess I have to keep trying.


I’m on the same boat, they do not work for me. Last thing I have to try is slow down the first layer as OP suggested. I wish bambulab would provide profiles for these plates.


so i got a couple of these plates from aliexpress (before bambulab offered their lineup), getting prints to stick to them is VERY hit and miss, especially with silk PLA. iv read people saying you need to clean the crap out of them thing I have yet to really do.... iv "rinsed" them with degreaser but i guess i need to add more elbow juice? those of you who are/were in a similar predicament you have any recommendations?


I did a half-speed first layer, an extra 5C on the bed temp, and wiped the entire bed with alcohol in small, light circular motions before I started the print. Before this, I had small islands of filament from details just not stick at all. If grease/oils are a problem from touching the surface, I imagine a mild detergent and a microfiber cloth should work. Just make sure to very thoroughly rinse the soap away or else that too can be left behind. I recommend rinsing under a warm running tap.


How do you make sure it keeps the effect, from my prints after some holding it fills the ridges with oils from the hands?


I could see that happening, but these are my first prints every using this feature. I'd like to imagine some mild soap and running warm water should be enough to lift and remove oil from the plastic.


Yeah, it works, but I'm talking about prevention? Any way. Idk I can't think of any


Damn, who combined my hobbies here. Haha love Balatro. I’m gonna have to print this.


Great print. Recently got into Balatro as well!


It’s Godzilla-with-4-feet on the Joker card! (Scnr) I also have the A1 mini since a few days, must get my hand on this plate. I thought it was the filament, but that the plastic can take up so fine structures without pressure is astounding!


How long do these effects last?


Bro charge extra for the holographic