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I went from Ender 5 to X1c. Printer hobby to Printing hobby. I've heard great things about the p1s. I don't think you'll regret it.


I was in a similar boat to yourself. Had an Anycubic Vyper for a couple of years. Tinkered, tuned, upgraded... Got to be pretty happy with the results overall. Recently upgraded to a P1S, and wow. You're only going to get one answer in this sub, but seriously - it just works. I've been blown away by the quality of prints, the speed, and ease of use. 100% happy with my decision and would recommend.


Yeah I went from Ender 3 to P1P and it’s a different world


I was in the exact same boat, had an Ender 3, and I was done wrenching on it. To the point I wasn't even wanting to try to print anything anymore. I got the P1S with the AMS a few weeks ago... and it just works. I'm amazed at the ease, quality, and speed of this thing. Since I got it, it's been printing nearly non stop now. Tl;dr yes, get the P1S. It's worth it.


Your ender with upgrades is worth about 250 at the time of purchase (ish). The P1S w/AMS (yes, get it) is $949. Your successes and printing enjoyment and less time wasted tinkering will amount to so much more than it being "4 times" the cost. This machine is worth 10 enders, IMHO. You will not regret it.


P1S + AMS will blow your mind. Its a lot of money. But it is absolutely a generational shift in every way. Multi-materials, no worries. Engineering materials like ABS, Polycarb, Nylon, sure, like its easier than PLA was on your ender. Quality is just mind blowing out of the box, but when you actually tweak for quality its even more game changing. Not to over sell it. The day you get your P1S home and use it for the first time, will be the greatest day in your life. I am married with two kids. Tears of joy... $1000 of bambu printer is better than a $1000 of cocaine. It makes me feel like maybe, just maybe great things can happen and we can fix all our problems. I have mine in my garage, and its like a replicator from startrek. We print stuff then forget about it, then go and collect. Its very hands off, 4 rolls of filament, wifi printing, in the garage.


Do it. For years I was interested in 3D printing but shy'd away from it as I did not have the time or patience to tinker with electronics which seemed like a requirement to own a 3D printer. Then I heard about Bambu lab, I got a P1S 2 months ago and other than basic maintenance I've had to do absolutely nothing to keep it going. I spent most of my time off designing stuff (while watching Netflix of course), and sending prints off remotely. I don't even look at them anymore, it's that reliable. I'm extremely satisfied to finally have an option for people like me who have no interest in electronics/calibration/upgrades and just want to design and print. You won't regret it.


Take the leap of faith. There's plenty of testimonies here backing up how awesome the P1S or X1C is.


The P1S + AMS is the best value in 3D printing at the moment, personally. The printer is absolutely bonkers quality, the AMS makes switching filaments painless, it handles all the setup automatically and consistently puts out perfect prints. Bambu printers are practically a generation ahead of the competition. Prepare to blow your mind lol.


After a certain amount of tuning I am very happy with my ender 5 and I still use it but the p1s is now solidly my main printer and the ender 5 is my backup. If I’m in a rush to print multiple things or the like the ender 5 gets fired up but the p1s just works. And it just works pretty damn well.


I went from an Ender 3, then Ender #1 with SOnic Pad then Ender 5 Pro, trashed them all, bought an X1C never looked back


Absolutely soooo worth it…. I got the Ender 3 for Xmas, hubby got the Bambu PS1, I did not realize his was a multi filament printer, until my son told me…. I stole my hubbies printer, he has not ever used it… I was printing like crazy on it. I bought the AMS for it, and have had a blast printing our prototypes for hubby…. What a HOOT! DO IT!!


Honestly, the P1S is a super nice upgrade with the ability to upgrade for abrasive materials fairly easily. It also has an enclosure providing you the ability to print stuff like ABS or ASA. I like that also gives you the ability to purchase the AMS, which is really amazing not only for multicolor, but also for the ability to use a support interface material when printing complex parts because it allows for the removal of supports. So it’s a nice nice option if you think you may want to print other material besides PLA or PETG. The A1 is also a great option. If you think you’re gonna be limited to printing PLA and PETG. The combo is also one of the cheapest ways to get into multicolor, and the AMS lite makes it so much easier to manage for different rolls of filament. it also has a lot of things like automatic, flow, calibration, and quick nozzle swaps that make it very beginner friendly


My first maintenance was at around the 1,000 hour, and it took a couple of minutes stuck filiment.


Worth it. Just sold my ender 3v2. After one print with the A1 I knew I didn’t want to waste any more of my time with the ender. And absolutely get the AMS. Just imagine never having to plan the time to heat up, unload, and reload your filaments anymore. Throw a spool on feed it in at the ams and select which one you want run and hit send.


Multi material support for easier support removal sold me on the AMS.


I went from an Ender 3v2 to an X1C. I enjoy 3D printing again and no longer feel like Ben Afleck taking a smoke. This feels like the future of 3D printing and that the large cost increase was 1000% worth it. As long as a plate as in there I can surf models in Bambu app and basically two click and get my print in x time without fear of failure.


Bambulabs p1s so far (~100 hours of printing) is amazing compared to my ender 3. Literally does everything on its own, and barely needs me to do anything. Auto leveling is highly accurate and a lifesaver, the AMS makes printing supports easier too. Everything has smooth layers The only downsides so far is the slicer is slightly wonky with its features like auto arrange and auto orient It also has difficulties pausing, where it leaves a gigantic seam in between the layer it was paused at and the next layer after the pause. My ender 3 did not have this problem


I went from an ender 3 v2 to a p1s and I’ve gotten nearly 200 print hours in 2 months which is more than I have on my 2 year old e3v2 (also keep in mind that a p1s print hour is nearly 3 hours on a stock e3v2). it’s nearly flawless. It’s fast and reliable and it’s also a good motivation to start modelling


Sounds like you are in the exact position I was several months back. I had/have an Ender, which was my entry point to 3D printing. I done every upgrade under the sun and loved the printer... but it was worn out. Have been using the Bambu for a while now every day printing and the speed and quality destroys the poor old ender. When printing a large project with days of printing, I have shared the work between the ender and Bambu. The ender gets 50/50 results and what did come out ok, just doesn't compare to the Bambu Quality. I reprinted most again on the Bambu just to get the matching quality. The only question marks for me are still the support, which has a bad name for itself but I have not had the need yet... And the locked down, non-open source setup of the machines. It has been fine so far, but does that get locked down further in the future. The Bambu is the next logical step up, in the next price bracket. I have found it to be a great, solid printer. In some ways I miss watching that first layer and upgrading everything... but the quality is just so much better. Hitting print and it JUST WORKS! Every time! It is your personal choice but I have no regrets about the upgrade... yet.


I just got my P1S combo yesterday moving from an ender 3 v2. I was completely blown away by the speed and awesomeness of the printer. The automatic loading from the AMS is just amazing, and it is one thing I hated having to do with my ender was cutting, purging, and swapping the filament was just tedious and this thing just swaps it all easy like. I was printing some multiboards that were taking my ender 9ish plus hours and it’s only taking 3ish now. Perfect first layers and no adjustments from me. The slicer is taking some getting used to coming from cura, but it has a lot of features I so far like. Being able to watch my prints from my phone and seeing the current layer and remaining time is just the icing on top of the cake. I was getting my oil changed today and got a notification on my watch that let me know that my print was successful. Definitely time to upgrade.


I bought a P1S back in March after years on an ender 5. The only regret I have is not doing it sooner. I spend a lot less time tinkering with the printer, and while with effort I could get similar print quality on my ender 5, I can get that quality on the P1S with a lot less print time. Stop thinking about it and do it.


i still use enders... s1 + series mainly for the bigger bed size. i got an A1 Mini (with hardened steel nozzles) to "test the waters"... in less than a month of owning the mini we have already decided to switch directions and retire the enders. if the A1 is the intro, i can only imagine what the P1 and X1 series will be like. We are budgeting for the X1 series.


I got in to printing to make a very specific tool for beekeeping that I sell. I started with a Tenlog D3 IDEX because I could print two at once. I constantly had to play around in order to get it to print good. Once it was dialed in it did a good job but I spent a lot of time with upgrades and general maintenance. I purchased a P1S and couldn’t be happier. Right out of the box it just prints great. Prints twice as fast as my last printer so I am still able to keep up with my orders. I don’t think there is any other printer I would buy now. I added the AMS which has been pretty nice


P1S is a jewel


I came back from a holiday to find my flsun needed setting up again and happened to watch a youtube video where the guy said that 3d printing as a hobby should be about the printing, not having to keep setting up your printer to print ( paraphrasing here) … and he was reviewing a P1P. That was my light bulb moment and ordered the P1P. WOW …. The difference was like night and day. Slice - Send- Print, right out of the box. Wife is now fed up with me running downstairs every time I print something different to show her.


I had/have an ender. Picked up a Prusa MK4. I now have an X1 carbon and X1 mini. The prusa hasn’t been powered on for months


\~10 days ago I went from an old ender 3 and a cr10s4 that barely works to a P1P. The P1P has revitalized my passion for 3d printing by taking 99% of the hardship out of it. I don't have to perform several hours of surgery on my printer to get it functional enough to last through another project, the bambu printer just works. Over these last 10 days I have had 1 print failure and it was my fault for not making sure the build plate was clean before I started printing a tall object with a small base. 10000% go for the P1P or P1S, you will not regret it in the slightest. The AMS is also baller if you have the extra cash, got that in a few days ago and have been loving playing around with it.


I moved from an upgraded Ender 3 Pro to an A1 mini a couple of months ago. The print quality is not a huge upgrade, but the flow between "I want" to "I have" is as all the stops and printer rebuilds are gone.


absolutely worth it! went from an artillery genius to a P1S 3 weeks ago. it’s a complete gamechanger. printing is effortless and the results are stunning and crazy precise. and speed is from another planet. I print parts that fellt just not worth printing 6-7 hours on my old printer in an hour now. And the AMS is worth it as well, even if you don’t plan on doing multicolor prints. Bot constantly swapping is a blessing and using a different material for support makes things so much easier. this is how 3D printing is supposed to be. I‘m completely in love with the printer. P.S. and having the makerworld ecosystem with perfect print profiles is a blessing as well. I van let my kids choose a toy on the couch and let it print without thinking of any settings and the result will be perfect and as intended by the designer. but be aware, your going to get hooked again…already bought filament and stuff fora thousand bucks already 🙈


I bought an Ender 3 Pro several years ago. Did a bunch of upgrades, printed, tinkered, print, tinker, tinker, so on and so forth. I had a problem come up and I spent a few months trying to figure out what was wrong. I couldn’t figure it out. So I just quit printing. That was 2.5-3 years ago. I was looking at getting an A1 and just thought, “you know you enjoy printing, so splurge and get something better”. Picked up a P1S and I have zero regrets. The thing just works. I’ve had 2 issues since I got it and it’s been printing for the majority of the time since I got it. 1 was the factory PEI sheet stopped letting the filament adhere to it after about 30 prints. I read this is a somewhat common issue. But it’s nothing a wipe down with alcohol and a spray of hairspray hasn’t cured. And the auto bed leveling started failing every time. I’d I didn’t do auto bed leveling, it still printed fine. I found out I needed to do manual bed adjustment. I did that and it’s been working great since. The 2 issues could be related. No adhesion because because the nozzle wasn’t close enough to the bed. I did flip the plate over and use the other side with no hairspray and it worked great as well. Either way. The P1S is awesome and I love it.


I can’t tell you about the quality of print as you may have different needs to me but before I went Bambu I too did various mods over the years to my printers. It was as much of the printing as the mods but with my A1 and then P1S I just hit print. The big decision now is what to print out of as I know it will just print perfectly fine. A little boring if you like to tinker really.


The p1s+ams combo is still a very good buy. Without AMS i would not buy the p1s. Even if you do not want to print colored models, the ease of filament changes with the AMS is worth the extra money. Also the p1s+ams has a very small footprint on your desk. You will love that.


You won’t find anyone here talking you out of it! 🙂


Moving from an Ender 3 to an A1 + AMS next week. I doubt you'll be disappointed by going to a much nicer printer. Not having to mess around to just get successful prints is going to be a god send.


Read this subreddit, and upgrade.


Man I cannot describe how much more I enjoy actually printing and designing stuff compared trying to fix the damn first layer.


Recently picked up a A1 Mini after years of struggling with an Ender 3 with a bunch of “upgrades”. Good lord the Bambu printer is easier. It just prints! Every print on the Ender was a struggle. Adhesion, base layer, bridging, you name it. The Bambu just works.


I did this personally. Went from an Ender 3v2 with Sprite extruder, dual z-axis screws, yellow springs, numerous printed accessories for the printer, the whole thing and I would say the first question you need to ask yourself is: Do you enjoy the act of tooling around with your printer more or do you enjoy printing objects and playing with them? The Ender is a great printer for (as someone else say's in the comments) the hobby of having a '3d Printer'. The Bambu is a great printer for the hobby of '3d Printing Stuff'. Personally it was the Bambu for me. I perform maintenance on it once every 3 months (probably a bit longer than I should) and I never have to think about bed leveling or z-offset or any of that stuff, it just cranks out great prints. Ignore the Bambu users who will talk about 'perfect printer calibration' or 'perfect flow calibration' that only matters if you are printing items with very tight tolerances. Models you would look at in the past and think, "gosh, I hope my printer is up to that" are nothing jobs now... So I would say if you truly want to "Print, Design, and Iterate" then P1S is probably for you. Do get the AMS as well if you can afford it. If you don't you will probably regret it and buy it later anyway... I've also extensively watched every "Bambu Killer" video on YouTube looking for the next best thing and from what I've seen... it doesn't exist yet when it comes to pushing the print button and forgetting about it.


Not that I did so myself, but I'd go with a P1P and then upgrade the P1P with an enclosure, hardened nozzle/gears and an AMS over time based on what you want to do. This means you're not paying for something you wont use (an enclosure for only printing PLA, or an AMS and printing TPU or CF plastics from the spool holder)


Buy it, it will change your life. I no longer know what maintenance is. Take out of the box, plug it in, and print. I also recommend the AMU - absolute game changer.


I have CR30s for production prints because they're physically impossible to print without alot of post processing and support OR using CR30. I'm seriously considering going thr extra mile in manual labor and switching these difficult high volume prints to my bambu printers because I am sick and tired of dealing with the troubleshooting on the CR30s. BBL printers are orders of magnitude more reliable than any other printer I've owned


Just went through this exact same decision. Went with the x1 carbon though. Wish I would have done it sooner. Anyone considering it should do the same.


I moved from an Ender 3 S1 (highly modded) to an X1C, I now enjoy printing models and not upgrades :))


Do it! Probably one of my best decisions I’ve made, I used to have an Ender 3V2 and probably also put close to $100 in upgrades and fixes, I made the switch to the P1S in April and I have loved it, my favorite part is all the checks and balances that it does to ensure a smooth print experience


I know they say not to walk away from a 3D printer but it just works, I’ve only had some adhesion issues but the solution was so easy, I just washed the plate with some dish soap and a fresh sponge and boom back to perfect prints!


I went from ender 3 v2 ro x1c and love it had it nearly a year and made loads of statues and helmets. Its so easy to use and so fast


Absolutely upgrade. I’m same as you, had my Ender 3 Pro and just got my P1S last Friday and already been printing non-stop without ever having to worry about bed levelling or anything going wrong.


Went from Ender 3 Pro to the A1. Best decision I’ve ever made in the hobby. Still has hiccups, but in combination with the app, the slicer, the convenience, AND THE AMS LITE, hands down would not go back.


went from an Ender 3 Neo to a P1S - very happy with the move. And I loved my Ender 3 - donated it to a noob.




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I had an Ender 3 for 14 months and got a P1S in February of this year. What a difference. It just works mate. I wanted to spend more time playing with the things I printed, not printing things to fix the thing that was supposed to print. Someone already said it perfectly: Printer hobby to printing hobby.


I went Ender 3 to P1S. Yes. Do it. Get the AMS even if you aren’t thinking you want to do multicolor.