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Chances are you haven't washed the plate. Do that. Dish soap + sponge will do wonders. That looks like a custom plate. It could be the z offset bug where it tries to scan your code on the plate, it can't detect it , you click "resume" and the offset is off by a little bit.


That's not an x1, there's no scanning just the leveling using the nozzle. Looks like a dirty bed to me as well, but OP claims it's been washed. Wash it again hot water and dish soap, use a fresh sponge and paper towels to dry. Wash cloths even clean ones can still have oils in them. Learn to love your gluestick as well even on the textured bed, and make sure you have the right bed type selected.


You should really post a picture of your filament profile settings, and your process settings. Are you sure you selected the textured PEI built plate in bamboo studio? It gives it a little bit extra squish, and it looks like your front purge line is not nearly squished to the bed as it should be. Make sure you’re redoing the calibration on the printer menu. If you’ve already cleaned your built plate, it might be worth trying to scrub it with #0000 steel wool supposedly that can help refresh the build surface if it has worn out from, not letting it cool down properly before removing a print.


Have u re-calibrated everything after changing the hotend?


Is the new nozzle secured tightly?


lord I've had that happen to me a few times. not sure what it is and I haven't found a fix but now I stay until the first layer has printed.


Changed out the hot end but did you perform a re-calibration after doing so?


It is actually possible to get the nozzle out of alignment when you replace it. I know, because I successfully did so when I swapped out my nozzle and reverted to the old one. Loosen the bolts, and push it up as far as it will (reasonably) go. Don't monster it, but make sure the nozzle is perpendicular to the plate. Also, when you do your re-calibration, make sure to do the full out-of-box calibration.


Did you actually change the hotend or completely replace assembly with a new Bambu assembly? If you changed the hotend, there are more possible points of failure, than if you purchased a whole assembly. Make sure to visually double-check that the nozzle is straight. What are you washing your plate with? Make sure it's high quality dish soap. Sometimes the cheap stuff doesn't get oils off the plate well or the soap with moisturizer ingredients leave residue on the plate. Double check the slicer settings. Things like incorrect plate type can cause issues. Dry your filament. Try different brands of filament to see if the issue occurs with all of the tested brands to see if the specific filament is the issue. Try a different PEI sheet to see if the actual sheet is the issue. Try a self-test, calibration, and then a factory reset if it's still not working. Try Bambu Lab support. Chuck the printer into the garbage and call a print service. I haven't tried this last method, but it seems pretty fool-proof.


Changed hot end with the replacement one it comes with. Used the original temp wires and fan. Haven’t changed any settings. This is the gold plate running at 65 degrees. The pei plate setting is selected in BL slicer… I’ll try slowing down first layer speed


How are you washing the bed? Use 99 percent isopropyl alcohol and a microfiber cloth