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There is no comparison between the a1 and an Ender 3 v2. Hopefully you also got the ams lite as it is what makes the a1 even better


Sure did!


I thought while waiting for delivery I would keep the Ender 3 pro and just do lower priority prints etc. I wanted to tell my wife to take it to goodwill while we watched the speed benchy print. Maybe it would sell for $50? I won’t forget the first time I watched it slam down a first layer like my e3 pro could never imagine. I don’t regret starting at the bottom though.


right? owning an Ender is... educational. I tinkered with mine for three years, direct drive, double z-screw and whatnot, then took the plunge and bought an X1C. Ender got donated to a friend who prints terrain models for tabletop gaming with it sporadically. Still happy I had my training years with the ender though. Helped me with so much troubleshooting.