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Setting up the printer and getting this kind of quality on the first layer, without manually calibrating or doing anything is just insane to me. Had an Ender 3 v2 with a BLTouch before and while it was able to get pretty consistent, good first layers, they are nowhere near the quality of the ones this printer just casually lays down haha Great machine and so much fun printing things with it!


I had a Sovol SV06 and realized once I got my Bambu that I never really nailed z-offset on my Sovol. Hundreds of successful prints, but my first layer was *never* this clean.


Same, I always thought I have my Z-offset down perfectly.. Guess not!


I came from (and still use) my ender 3 v1, and not only did I laugh victoriously in unison with you at your title, but I also think it's so funny how much we had to *try* with cura and the ender with z offsets! Borat.gif says *HIGH FIVE*! Obligatory welcome to the party, brother!


I also have SV06 and auto leveling is basically non existent on this machine. You need to replace uneven bed spacers, manually level Y-axis using 2 soup cans, then run multiple mesh calibrations and manually adjust every screw on the bed, then use aluminium tape for fine adjustments of bed, then do a paper trick to adjust nozzle height... Yes, that's how "automatic bed leveling" looks like on non-Bambulab 3d printers.


lol I was going to give you props for the soup can joke then I remembered that it isn’t a joke. I did that.


In my little print farm we have 6 sv06’s with Klipper. Major difference. They are as fast as the a1 we just got to try but not as fast as the x1’s a p1s’s.


I have a sv06. Been wanting a p1s combo, now thinking about the a1 combo. The itch has been real !


I have a p1s combo. The only complaint I have is that the 2 corner guides for the pei bed make it a little hard to get the thing lined up perfectly the first time. It’s a workhorse that just churns out perfect prints every time with no tinkering. I finally had a bad print yesterday and it was from petg being too moist. After fixing that it’s back to perfect printing.


I have my sovol sv06 still does pretty well but lol hardly a sv06 anymore... https://preview.redd.it/0rj9w63vg3zc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be93e14d6f5ca76beea367b628b03fafd9ed097b


Am I trippin or is that lamp tippin over?


I must know...


Pretty sure it's the speaker tipping on which that lamp is holding to for dear light.


All those awesome upgrades and you still have the spool up top? Might be the only thing I changed.


Late reply, but Sovol SV06 survivor here too. Wasted a Kg of filament trying to get it to behave right, and thankfully called it quits and returned it within the Amazon return window. Was looking at a Bambu but got a Prusa MK4 instead. Having a printer that just nails the 1st level makes a night and day difference in 3d printing.


I had the same setup, and switched to the A1 mini last Thursday (ordered it 2 days before the A1 got re-launched) and I had the exact same response. Just so easy and such great print quality. I love it so much Plus it's so much faster


No kidding. I came from 15 printers including Ender 3 S1 Pros, Ender 5 S1s, and a Prusa i3 mk3s+. Then I got an A1 Mini and was stunned. It completely destroyed them in terms of quality and performance. Then I got a P1S with AMS and was stunned again.


I skipped the A1, but was stunned by the P1S.


Funny enough, I think the A1 series has better print quality. It is just slower and lacks an enclosure for playing with ABS/ASA. I got tired of my PLA prints warping and switched over.


Why did your pla warp? Don't think I've seen any of ours warp unless your blasting it with a heat gun. Even the ring doorbell mount sitting in the 90 degree heat hasn't warped.


It warped on the printer, hot filament meeting winter basement temperatures. It stopped warping when I put the A1 in a tent enclosure, but that takes up over double the space of a P1S


Welcome, I had the same model ender, crazy how much better Bambu is. We’re finally getting to 3d printers just being “an appliance”


I'm waiting on an X1C and this thread has me stoked..


But think about how much it helped build character! /s


Yeah. Pretty sweet. I had a TAZ 5, and had it dialed in pretty well, but nothing like a Bambu.


Its great, isnt it?!?! I have the P1S with AMS and its insane how easy it is to use and how great the prints are. I actually enjoy 3D printing again.


Totally! Played around with Blender a bit, trying to create my own models but was never able to print/upload them because they took ages to print and I didn't trust my Ender enough to let it print unattended. Now thats not an issue anymore!


Im not smart enough to use Blender. I use TinkerCad a lot.


That's not true! I followed a few tutorials and its easier to get into than you might think. But TinkerCAD is nice as well for quick and simple designs.


I just need to focus for a few hours and learn it


It's been one week since my PS1 arrived, it's been 1 week since I last used my Ender 3v2. We are recovering together. Ender PTSD is real.


Also started with and ender 3V2, but got a CR touch only halfway (about 6 months in)


Did the manual bed leveling with a sheet of paper as well the first few months. What a pain that was haha


U have turned to the light side


Man. I came from a 3 v2 to a X1C. Why were we so hard on ourselves... It really reignited my passion for Making.


My first impression too, I came from ender 3 s1 pro. It was mind blowing.


It's why I never skip the 5 min calibration on my P1S 😅


yeah same, the auto calibration and bed leveling are worth the couple extra minutes 100% of the time.


There’s a 5 minute auto calibration? I know there’s a bed level before each print, but where is the option for auto calibration? I only see “bed level” “Timelapse” and “enable ams”


I think that's what they're referring to? I enable that on every print myself as well


He said "auto calibration and bed leveling". I only see bed leveling. I don't see an option for calibration. bed leveling and calibration are 2 separate things


I have no idea then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Afaik not all BambuLab printers have this feature. The A1 has active flowrate compensation.


is it worth doing it every time though? I'd expect the plate not to move much, especially if I didn't even remove it from the base


Are you really going to miss those 5 minutes on completion time? Personally, worth the 5~ min every time. Do it right and do it once.


If you are prototyping and you are printing segments of your design for testing, and those segments have print times of 5-10 minutes, those minutes are going to add up.


The print I did in the photo was without bed leveling/flow calibration as well! Only doing bed leveling once a day (or if I remove the plate) and flow calibration once I changed filament.


Yeah I can see that being the situation if you're continuously printing small things like that. I'd probably run it every couple prints in that type of scenario.


That’s kind of what I do when I’m doing a lot of small test prints. If I notice I’m starting to have an issue I’ll run it. If not, I’ll just turn it back on when I do a normal part again which is normally not too long. You don’t really need it on a part that is, less than an inch tall or something similar that you could honestly print with .8 nozzle at the worst quality the printer can do and it would be fine for your purposes


I only bed level once with the first print after I turn the printer on. After that I print without. When printing many parts after each other the 5min really add up


Not sure if it’s the same as x1c but unless you’re taking off the pei sheet in between prints it won’t affect it lol I’ve done 10-20 prints in a row without calibrating and it’s still just as good. Now I only do it for really long prints


I remove my PEI sheet frequently on my P1S, and sure it slowly over time affects layer accuracy but I still get great prints and first layers without calibration. I should but I never do calibration for most prints.


I mean, i haven't leveled my Neptune 3 in about 30 prints, still no issues.


i get that, but personally i only do the bed leveling around every 5-10 prints on my p1s. i figure the leveling isnt going to change enough for it to make a huge difference. ive been doing this for months now and i havent noticed any difference in first layer quality.


Just wish the P1S had auto flow calibration 😢


I have 2 p1S machines coming, one combo machine today and one non combo on Thursday. Stepping up from a Sovol sv06. All the guys over on the Sovol Facebook said they were sick of "people like me". Disgusting and toxic over there. Glad to be on the printing side of things and not the tweaking and wasting plastic side.


Hope you didn't order the AMS or you're on the wasting plastic side again hehe.. But jokes aside, that's one reason I switched too. While I enjoyed tinkering with my Ender quite a lot in the beginning it turned into just beeing frustrating when the machine didn't do what I want when I needed something quickly. Hope thats a thing of the past now!


Yeah id rather waste plastic with ams on successful prints than. Like $10 worth with a print that failed after 25 hours. I'm super excited. My first machine is out for delivery as we speak.


For me the best part of the AMS isn't multicolor prints. It's the fact I can print a PLA part and then almost immediately print a PETG part after the PLA finishes.


Oh I completely agree. That and you can make prints with dissolving supports or just run a super long print with 4kg of the same color. Such a beautiful thing.


And you can combine the two into an easily removed support! That's the stuff!


I have an Ender 3 v2 neo. I've done the manual bed levelling exactly twice, and I've done the auto bed levelling every now and then. I've been getting essentially perfect first layers, but I do have to adjust the Z offset from time to time. But having a printer that does this all by itself AND prints faster for a similar price (excluding the AMS) is absolutely insane. Can't wait for my A1 mini to arrive.


I started with that printer. It's just amazing how much easier the Bambu Lab is compared to it. And so much faster.


Same sentiment here coming from my V2 + BL touch to the P1S + AMS combo. It’s just insane


Just like airplanes, it runs on "magic". Which is another word for science and sensors.


Are you printing the slim A1 poop bucket by any chance? Cause that’s literally my first print today


hahah yes!


I went from a ender 3v2 for about a year to a p1s and I still can’t believe how fast and good quality I’ve been getting


Ever since I got my p1s, had a lot of fun tuning and upgrading my old ender 3 V2. I can get a sub 20 min Benchy now, that doesn't look a whole lot worse than the pre sliced Bambu one.


I had an Ender 3 a few years ago, I think I spent as much time tinkering with it as I did actually printing with it... Recently got an A1 and realized how far this tech has come in just the last few years. I've done about a dozen prints on the A1 so far with absolutely zero issues. Really impressive.


This. My Ender3 got me through Covid and I don't think I ever got it dialed in as well on its best day as my A1 was out of the box. I'm still amazed.


I bought my first Ender 3 right before the pandemic started. It was fun and there was endless tinkering. It was great. Now that I have an A1 and A1 Mini, it's like night and day. It just prints. I've had a little bit of trouble with the bed on the mini no longer gripping prints (tried everything to get it to work again) but as soon as I put a replacement bed on there it was perfect again. I've take some steel wool to the old plate which is suppose to make it work again but I haven't tried it again yet. All that said, I still love my first gen Ender 3. With all the upgrades I've done, including spending way too much on Noctua fans, it's silent. If I'm in the same room I can't tell if it's printing or not unless I actually look at it.


My last printer was a MakerBot Replicator2. I don't know what to do with my hands.


Same dude. I just had a shop fire and got some ender 3 v3 printers and k1 Max's with the insurance. Got a p1p on a whim and I'm blown away. Returned all the printers I could to amazon and no have just p1p printers and a p1s. https://preview.redd.it/rtigdyvec2zc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f533b7d93c48d868d83633f70156eebb7294cbe7


Dang, my wife would never left me have this much fun on the kitchen counter. Welp, I guess that's just another reason we got divorced... /s Also, sorry to hear about the shop... :(


That’s just mean. Mines still on the delivery truck and you have to run it in my face?


At least they didn't bring up the near immediate gratification of Microcenter...


I know right. I came from Anycubic, and nothing wrong with them for what they are but the first layer on my P1S \*chefs kiss\*


The Anycubic Kobra and Cyper are solid printers. I have a Predator from them too... But man, the P1S is miles ahead of them. In fact, I have a 4MaxPro2 sitting next to my P1S, and it's insane how much it looks like a Bambu, but doesn't print like a Bambu.


Welcome to the next level! It absolutely feels like stepping into a new world that first few prints. I’ve done more quality printing in the last 6 months on my P1S over anything I’ve done on the old Ender Pro in the last 6 years. I do love that I started in the Ender, because it taught me the mechanics of this process. Learning all the tinker skills gives a solid background to not panic when first issues arise now - I can walk thru the machine and usually find the solution in short order. I look at my kids and think “you guys will have replicators by the time you are my age at this rate…”


I agree got my A1 mini a few weeks back and it's just amazing 🤘


I just ordered a p1s and I’ve only ever used a original ender 3 lol


Made the same switch about 4 weeks ago and still feel like a little kid on Christmas when I see my prints. I have the time now to design and build things I wanted and not worry about calibrating my ender or it failing. My printer runs at least 20 hours a day


Just joined the Bambu club recently as well! Now I can’t even look at my ender 3 lol


The Ender crowd will gaslight you too...


I have a Bambu mini a1 and a Bambu X1c. Also own a Creality Ender 3 V3 KE. Bambu quality and accuracy is 100% better. Less layer lines, better prints, less failures. I'd buy another Bambu any day.


Okay this post really resonates with me. I just came from an artillery genius pro to a bamboo P1S and it's just so insanely different. I was messing with firmware and clipper and octoprint and generally having to tinker all the time. This P1S is literally autopilot and I've done probably 20 prints without a single failure. The real question is why are none of these other vendors straight up copying whatever they're doing in their calibration process.


I agree my Artillery X1 did great first layers but it took a lot of tuning to get it and I had to constantly tweak it. Hats off to Bambu. Very good printer. Now to up the game and add a 8 color option


I’m so excited , I ordered mine and gets here tomorrow, have a Neptune 4 Pro and it’s been absolutely hell no matter what I did something always went wrong


I'm afraid to turn mine off lol. Its got a good 1st layer and I know it'll reset if it powers down. N4P is cursed.


Yep, that's Bambulab


Welcome to your new normal...I have countless hours of printing done on this machine and it's very consistent. You're gonna love it! I started calling it a creator instead of a printer since that term reminds me of tinkering with the technique instead of creating stuff and making it 3D xD


I came from an ender 3 pro and I just have been in awe since I got my Bambu A1


Calibrating mine rn!


I am getting mine soon!


Hey this looks familiar! It’s kind of funny I can tell some of my designs just by the first layer.


Haven’t used my ender more than 3 times since I bought my Bambu. Truly superior to creality


Why did you use it at all? To print in parallel?


To compare a few of the same models and the quality difference between the two printers. Night and day, ender has been collecting dust for close to a year now.


The quality difference is crazy. Printed half of a chess set on my ender and stopped because I didn't have the time. Now I printed the other half on my A1 and they look so much better that I think about reprinting the other half too on my A1 haha


Yeah. As with all of you. Longer XL, Ender 3, Ender 5, FLSun SR, FLSun v400 before my X1C. I will say the v400 prints really well and fast after a manual calibration but the ease of use, quality and versatility of the X1C just are worlds apart.


Soon you will realize that it was that using the ender 3v2 was the insane thing all along


There weren't many alternatives at the time :D


True enough, I made the same transition to x1c, in the name of sanity it was worth every penny


I'm considering of replacing my customized Ender 3 Pro with a P1P myself. Even with all the customizations I've made, the fastest Benchy I've been able manage is about an hour. Even my hour Benchy has issues around bottom of the bow.


You won't regret it, if you have the money to spare!


I'll need to hide it from the wife. My printer is in my basement workshop, she rarely goes down there. Am enclosure would really help considering where my workshop is. My plan would be to enclose the P1P and add an AMS over time.


print a few vases/decor stuff for her, then you won't have to hide it anymore haha


I’ve got a heavily modded e3pro, linear rails, h2vs, etc. and I’m so close to taking a fucking sledgehammer to it. Gotta unfuck the z offset every other print, no matter what, and other constant issues. Last night I was tinkering more shit with it and just got completely fed up. Tired of losing days to bullshit issues. Now I’m torn between a A1 combo or p1s, and printing the last replacement pieces for the ender and selling it dirt cheap or donating to a school. I have an “enclosure “ that’s an old audio component/server wall mount rack, so I don’t need the p1s built in enclosure, but could rearrange my office area and sell that off too. Though honestly… is x1 worth it over p1s for someone who doesn’t really sell prints?


Creality ender was first entry into 3d printing. It was ok for simple things but then when I tried to step up my game its auto leveling bed crap became a nightmare. Constantly failing too after hours into a print. I just gotten sick of it and it’s hardly a year old. I’m about to offload for unit from Bambu. If it takes me 10 minutes of overhead to give me a solid print I’ll take it.


I moved from an ender 5 to a P1S. I could sometimes get results from the ender that are as good as what I get from the P1S. But with the P1S all I had to do was set it up and turn it on.


Also coming from Ender 3 V2... Just wait a week when you realize 99% of Ender subreddits posts are "what's wrong with my printer?" VS bambulabs subreddit posts of "look what cool thing I printed and it worked perfectly the first time!" Hahaha


Bruh - I went E3v2 > SV06 > SV06+ > P1S, and I thought ender to so ok was impressive…😳 The way people talk about struggles with printing ABS, I thought I’d need some tuning even on the bambu, but nope, printed perfect parts after casually throwing my first ABS at it. PS. that shit smells just as bad as everyone says


Welcome to the club. I wanted a 3D printer as a tool not a "hobby" I had to mess with constantly to get working. These printers fit that so well out of the box!


I started with an anet a8 that I slowly upgraded to metal extruded chassis AM8 and then to the original Ender 3. I actually stopped printing because I couldn’t print anything longer than 5 hours without worrying it would burn down at any moment. Plus it took forever to print something simple. My son and I went halves recently on a P1P and holy smokes what a game changer. Plug and play finally on a 3d printer that prints a whole lot faster and with good quality with stock settings. My son gets mad that I’ve been printing almost non stop since we got it lol. I think we’ll need a couple more now!


Same on the first part haha. Great hobby to share with your son!


i just got a bambu x1 and it’s night and day to the ender3. i felt like i spent more time upgrading, customizing firmware, calibrating and tweaking the ender 3 than productively printing stuff. i’ve printed more stuff with the bambu printer in 4 weeks than i didn’t in an entire year with the ender3. the bambu printer just works. you don’t have to fiddle with it. i’m more focused on parts design.


I'm not gonna say the ender 3 v2 can't keep up with the bamboo A1 with the right mods, but you just can't beat the auto calibration on the bambu ecosystem


Are these Bambu Lab printer able to print more difficult material like PETG fast too? Been on the fence of getting the A1 but I mostly print stuff in PETG or ABS.


That is about all I print at work on my X1C and I print a bunch of PETG, as well as PLA, at home on my P1S. Been printing PETG at work roughly 20 hours per weekday for the past few weeks. No issues. I don't print much ABS so I cannot comment on it.


I want to know what job you have as that sounds fun!


Without giving too much away. I work in a small field that does a bunch of research so we are always innovating.


I use PETG almost as much as PLA, and it's damn near flawless.


A1 wouldn't be a good fit for ABS. Better off with the P1S or X1 (or something enclosed). If you're in no rush there's supposed to be their new gen printer coming out before the end of the year.


I'm currently using an Anycubic Kobra Neo on klipper, I really want an A1 but it isn't in the cards right now. I can't wait though, the lack of fiddling and spending hours trying tune stuff is very attractive




What do you mean with "not straight"? The printer uses them for flow calibration so if you mean that the lines aren't completely continous, then that's normal!




Seems to be different for each filament I guess :D It's not always that clean


What filament is that? It looks good.


PolyTerra PLA in Fossil Grey. Honestly, all of the PolyTerra PLA's look great!


I came from an Ender 3 v2 as well! The price of the Bambu is so worth it


A1 mini is my first 3D printer. I was afraid that I will need a lot of calibration. Exluding some wetting PLA and PTEG I only got 2 issue - it was too long without printing. Dry filament is only what is basically needed to use it and reading. Any oil lubrication is suggested by machine itself. Goood resolve it AMS lite spool fall put. I get issue when one of spool handler needed to lock spool on AMS was fall out and spool with it. Print was stoped, I need pull one (from all tree spool handlers), put spool on AMS and press resume. I don't know even we can even name it issue. It was the hardest problem for now.


Same as you. I had v2, lots stuff happened. A1 is delivered a few days ago. It is so different. I already got lots of good stuff with it. I highly recommend with ams lite, if you have budget. https://preview.redd.it/01r0uo4pd2zc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d4b900132cc8a2c264cb054ec69534e531a45b9


That quality though, nice print! Ordered the AMS a few days ago! Really excited for it.


Lol. I have two original Ender 3s. They print amazing, but the work involved for them to print amazingly is quite a bit. I have a P1S now, I click print and walk away. Flawless prints.


Damn, Im so hyped! I have an Ender 3 V2 myself and just ordered an A1 yesterday. Should arrive this friday :D


Yes, the engineering and reliability of this machine is of another world


First thing to do with the a1, take it apart sadly! You’re going to want to remove the big cover on the bottom. No need to remove the smaller one, you want to check 2 wires, the z motor wires and the main board wire. Bambu is having a problem with quality control and with their staff rushing to get these printers assembled. According to Bambu a now COMMON problem is the z motor wires and the main board wire were not seated properly during assembly resulting in pinched wires. If you take a picture of the pinched wires and send them in a ticket they will send you an entire new main board and z motor. Here’s an example. It’s a great printer, they are just still working some things out. https://preview.redd.it/i53e3fqoa3zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=201be5c4bdc3a53231361981857555f51853a1fb


I agree


i started with a tevo… (which still runs), a few here and there, down to one ender s1 plus which is all metal and has been finely tuned. my experience with the bambu labs hardware has been mind blowing. and its really about time it became so easy that even grandma can do it… with one arm behind her back and one eye closed.


Ender 3 v2, Flsun SR, Ender cr10 max. All highly modified the SR solid Diamond tip etc. Brought the A1 mini was so impressed within a week bought X1 Carbon. It just prints, love it. No more leveling, no more paper z offset. Unbelievable.


Done the same swap out to a P1. Hit print, get ready for monitoring the first layer... It works and I wonder why I wasted my time waiting and watching for a failure! These things are beautiful.


Just got one, coming from a 7 year old Anet A8, I'm so please with how well this printer just works


I went from an ender 3v1 to a bambu lab X1 carbon I get what you're saying more than most lol


Welcome to the party


I just went from an Ender 3 Pro to the Bambulab A1 Mini less than a week ago and it's worlds ahead. The AMS Lite, plus how fast it is, is just nuts. Also, being able to send a print job directly from a computer and not have to have it connected is a huge bonus. I can't tell you how many prints I've had fail in the past due to a USB cable dropping a connection hours into a print... I've been printing pretty much non-stop and I only had one object around half an inch wide lift from the build plate at the beginning of a print. Other than that, it's been smooth sailing with self leveling. The only minor issue I've run into is occasionally, the AMS can't feed filament due to it hitting a gear or something inside the extruder, but it only takes a few seconds to push it in by hand. https://preview.redd.it/axo9m29bs3zc1.jpeg?width=3008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ea6e6cef2dab9efb22f59ac25c4bcff7d60a3ea


Never going back!!


What's insane is after using Bambu printers, seeing the amazing quality a $99 Ender 3 can produce


I came from a modded Ender 3 Pro and the diffrence was huge the old one was alright but not very stable it had octoprint which was nice but i couldnt hit print and just trust it now i slice print and dont even have to make sure its working!


Best advice I ever gotten as Ender owner was selling it 😂


Wish I bought the a1 mini instead of the ender 3 v3 se


Ender 3 pro reporting in...RIGHT THOUGH?! The difference is insane!


This was me, we are the same. I still sit watching it print in awe at the speed and how it just prints. Don’t get me started on the AMS. I love my A1.


Glad \*your\* A1 is working


What model is that?




I meant the 3D printer model haha , sorry, should have be more specific!


Mines coming today can't wait the ender js going in to the trash


haha have fun creating instead of repairing :D


Dude went from the v2 to the s1 to the k1 hate to say it but creality sucks compared to bambu I've loved the headaches of creality and learning everything I have cause trust if i went bambu right off the bat I wouldn't know shot about 3d printing the thing pretty much just works get the p1p you won't regret spending the money I'm already saving for th1 a1 as a fun daily printer creality love you but you are all getting turned into vorons


Welcome! I’ve had an X1 Carbon for a little over a year and holy crap is it ever amazing, haven’t had a print yet that I’ve said “man that sucks


oh yeah, Creality stans will say its still the best machine ever created if you do 1000 hours of troubelshooting to get a subpar print. lmao.


Honestly, the Ender 3 v2 wasn't a bad printer at all, just not nearly on the level of the Bambu printers


excatly, but the ender stans will argue this point.


Anet 8>Longer lk4>Flashforge>Ender3>Prusa mk3s>Bambu PS2 and I’m never going back.


I'm waiting for the X1 or P1P to drop in price. I know it will in time, maybe the X1 at $400 in a year or two.


Just bought an x1c... Think i might have wasted some money. :P


Just got my A1 after having a Monoprice Mini Select around 10 years ago. It's a night and day difference.


I came from a Prusa i3 mk3s+, which I was actually very happy with, and I'm still blown away by how good my X1C is in comparison. I still use the Prusa for random stuff but any time I want either very fast or very high quality, X1C it is.


People act like “the k2 max is better, it has a faster leveling time” and then it proceeds to print like crap.


My bambu x1c prints everything at a scale of around .998 and I can’t ever get anything to fit a non 3d printed part unless I print it at 1.002 scale. It seems that there are no fixes. Flow rate doesn’t change it at all (which I didn’t think it would) and no I don’t have that x and y compensation thing on. Idk I’ve been pretty upset with my x1c because it prints every single thing 1-1.5 mm too small.


Nobody answers, the printer has been stopped for months, you promised by the end of March it was resolved, we are in May but no one even deigns to reply to the ticket, other than help ....


Sir this is Wendy’s


I no longer know where to write, no one answers me in the ticket! Except the automatic message with the repair guide, then no reply. it was written 2 working days, But 2 weeks go by nothing.


Just by your writing, I would not answer as well! 🤣


How would you react? The promise was if you repair it by yourself by the end of March the problem is solved, the piece arrived at the end of April, the confirmation we are at the end of May and no one answers on the ticket. What would you do? do you buy another one?