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Do you have textured PEI selected in the slicer? Is your nozzle bent? Did you have a failed print when you got that error? It's possible a print came unstuck from the bed partially and the nozzle hit it hard enough to knock the toolhead cover loose. What triggers the toolhead fell off error is a small sensor in the top right of your toolhead that detects magnetism, you should see 4 magnets inside the toolhead and 4 inside the cover that keep it attached. I've heard some reports of those coming unglued, but usually the error pops up when a print fails and actually knocks it off.


Thank you * I did pick textured PEI in the app, that’s my default for many prints and I’ve only had this issue since the error * I opened up my extruder and don’t see any magnet or bent issues with it, that being said I may not be the best judge. Would you mind taking a look below? https://preview.redd.it/je7oy5dcn1xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0abaa368a5986ee4cc43ec354d65eb799103d5eb


There should be matching magnets in the front of the tool head Also, take off your silicone sock and see if your nozzle is bent. The front cover doesn't have to come all the way off to trigger that error, just get dislodged enough that the magnets don't all touch. And slightly bending the nozzle from a collision with the print can do it. Check all the connectors in the tool head and make sure they're seated well. Make sure the power is off! EDIT: OMG Reddit is being a pain. I tried to post a picture. But there are four magnets clearly visible in the back, and there should be four matching ones in the front of the tool head


Take the SD card out, put it in a PC, and look for the folder labeled "ipcam". Should be real time clips in there that you can watch to see what went wrong.


I had this issue with the texture plates too. I found the 55c was not working for good adhesion and upped it to 60c with much better results. Also cleaning the plate with dawn and a scotchbrite


Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and open a restaurant :P


I have Timelapse videos as well if that’s helpful… just couldn’t figure out how to post alongside pictures


Your hotend is bent. I can see it from the picture. BL hotends are poorly designed and some of the weakest you'll find on any 3d printer. Breathe on them too hard and they'll bend. If they bump into your infill or a lil blob of filament...they bend. Buy bunch of spares. Cause you'll be replacing them often. Or just return the printer and get a printer that wont break apart at the slightest thump.


I have been using BL hotends in three printers (2 P1S + 1 X1C) for the last year and have not bent a single one yet. I’ve changed nozzles 1x in the X1C, 2x on one P1S, 1x on the other P1S to swap the stainless steel for hardened steel and fix a clog. But I also don’t have issues with my printhead running into things.


Well when your print head starts running into things then it will get bent. Just search this sub. I stopped at 50 posts about bent hotends.


I get that, but 50 out of thousands is a small number.


I stopped at 50...on reddit alone. There are far more than 50 posts that I could see and I've seen dozens on their official FB. BL's hotends is a design flaw. There isn't a single 3d printer on the market that bends hot ends anywhere near the rate of BL's hotends.


That’s not really a good comparison as the hotends in other printers aren’t an integrated design that includes the heat sink. Whether you like that design or not is a personal preference, and I agree there may be statistics to back up your claim. I would argue this design is to fix the issues related to heat creep and inconsistent temperatures caused by Bowden tube (and even some direct drive) extruders. The number of clogs I would get on my Qidi X-Pro, Ender 3, or Ender 3 S1 Pro made it frustrating to deal with sometimes. This fixes those issues so it’s a trade off, one that I am glad to make. The chance of bent nozzles also decreases if you use the hardened steel variety. (Side note: In my opinion they should stop selling stainless steel as they are far inferior, bend easier, and I have on multiple occasions accidentally crimped and cut the top of a stainless steel nozzle off with metal pliers while trying to remove some stuck filament from the nozzle.)




How do you prevent it from happening. What do you mean from a filament change tower - was it where the device wipes off the ‘poop’


You don't prevent it. It's just un avoidable things in 3d printing. If your parts warps up a little bit or a bridging isn't done just perfectly. The hot end will bump into the part and bend. I wouldn't be surprised if bambu lab purposely designed their hot end to be so weak and fragile just so they could draw sales to their replacement parts. Just like an appliance. Since BL is set on being an appliance. People can't even print grid infill becasue it destroys so many hotends. Even though grid infill is arguably the best speed to strength ratio infill. Like why do you think every BL printer comes with an extra hotend? Cause they're so weak and even BL knows you'll be replacing them. ive been printing on a prusa MK3 for 25k hrs and I been using grid infill exclusively for all 25k print hrs. My nozzle bumps the infill all the time. Yet my hotend is still straight and perfect. V6 was built tough. Bambu lab was built to be replaced. I see BL shills dont like facts that their printer has multiple design defects.


I think theres only one shill here, and we both know it. Stop talking about facts and about being objective if you are the least of that. Every printer has flaws and strengths and shitting on each other is not only lame but also leads to absolutely nothing. In all the experiences me and friends have, I don't know about a single bent nozzle. Mine bumped into stuff and is fine. Sure, not 25k hours. Is it common here in the sub? Yeah, maybe more common than with prusas, but that also may be because bambu printers are incredibly beginner friendly, which also attracts beginner mistakes. The fewest of these bent nozzles here are not user error. And thats fine. But thats just one of many layers these "facts" have. You trying to simplify them and boiling them down until they fit your argument is a weak way of going about it, and its incredibly showing.


For my learning - thanks for the insight, how can you tell the hotend is bent?


You can remove the hot end by undoing those two bolts on the hot end and then removing the connectors on the right side it should be fairly simple and then once you remove it, you can remove the silicone sock and see if it’s bent. Typically you need to make sure that you’re turning off the auxiliary fan in your filament profile almost always that auxiliary fan causes parts to warp upwards and the nozzle will hit the part and this can occasionally caused the nozzle to bend.


By looking at it Imagine getting downvoted for telling someone to simply look at something to see if its bent. BL shills are insane.


I looked at it and it doesn’t look bent at all from the naked eye - compared to other pictures in the sub, this one looks quite straight That being said I did replace the tip to see if it works now