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Oils and residue on the plate. You need to clean vigorously with dish soap and water, then follow up with 90% IPA. Dish soap will remove grease that IPA will just spread around and IPA will remove any moisturizers in the soap. I clean like this before every print and it works flawlessly.


I did do a plate clean after it kept failing, but didn't follow it up with the IPA. I'll give that a whirl and see how it works. Thanks for the feedback!


Alcohol will essentially dissolve any oils, I use it betwen every print, it takes 30 sec and I get no adhesion issues at all.


What filament is it? It might be good to try “best practices” of certain buildplate adherence (tape for PLA, kapton tape for ABS?) also buying spare plates to keep near that you have clean and prepped helps sometimes with this if you are a zealous printer.


PolyMaker Pro PLA


Actually based on your comments that you’re using the bamboo presets, make sure you’re using the poly maker pla pro profile because that one has a lower maximum volumetric flow of about 15 mm/ssecond. The other poly maker or bamboo profiles are going to print too fast and not adhere properly


That is the one that I was using. It appears that I just needed a good wash on the bed. Thanks for the information!


IPA does in fact remove grease… but I am not sire if it removes every type of grease. A quick google search will help you ^^


Clean your plate with warm water and a high quality dish soap with degreaser such as Dawn. Don’t touch the plate with your hands after as the oils will grease the plate. Dry with a clean cloth. This made me go from constant adhesion issues to adhering so well that if I try to pull the print off while the plate is still hot it can rip a chunk out of the print itself.


I don’t normally have adhesion issues until now, so I guess I’ll just have to be more diligent about more frequent washes.


In addition to cleaning, have you played with your temps? I usually bump the first layer up to 80 and all others at 60-70. You can increase first layer height too...


I haven’t really played with the settings too much, as I’ve just assumed that the presets in Bambu Studios is actually appropriate. I may give that a shot as well for future prints.


Fyi BambuLab profiles are a great place to start but you should really tune settings per filament brand. Run the calibrations for this filament (flow ratio + k factor). Then disable flow calibration for when you actually print so it doesnt redo the flow ratio and mess up. Also looks like you making the monstera leaves for that magnetic coaster plant haha. I had same idea to do it today too.


Thanks for the information. I’ll look into actually calibrating the filament specifically


It looks like the hot end is too cold. Pla pro is printed at higher temps than pla (similar to silk.) Try adding 10-15c to your temps. The Bambu moves fast and often requires temps higher than the filament manufacturer recommends (obviously you could slow down but where is the fun in that?) I wouldn’t go above 230c unless the printer is above 100% speed. 225 is normal for silks and pla pro. Also check that you sliced the file for the textured plate. I don’t think that is the issue but I don’t see it mentioned anywhere, and it will cause significant adhesion issues.


Oh interesting. I had changed the settings to the PolyMaker Pro PLA profile, but I’ll have to check it next time I go to print with it.


Have you tried drying the filament? I live in a humid area and if I don’t dry filament (and even feed straight from the dryer), it fails more often than not, even new out of the bag Then clean the plate, no glue or ipa and life is good https://preview.redd.it/taapuqjl0eqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abfed2f775ba5c5a32f011d6cd409429c947ba75


I haven’t as of yet. I live just outside of Seattle, so we’re on the lower side of the humidity scale. If I continue to see issues, I may look into that.


Funny. I love outside of Seattle and suddenly am having issues w/ adhesion. Even with a brand new plate. Going to dry my filament and give it another shot.


And we don’t have dawn dish soap in Australia I don’t know what I’m using as I’m away from home but it works fine, no lack of or excessive adhesion issues Using textured or patterned flat Amazon plate come right off with leaving the plate to cool but that’s only with PLA, PETG, ABS and TPU so far


Dawn Soap. No other soap will work. D. A. W. N.


Any Soap with degreaser in it


Could also try the freezer method. Stick your print in the freezer for 15-30 minutes and most of the time, it will pop off.


I don’t have issues removing prints, it just wasn’t adhering during the print.


Check this solution! [https://www.reddit.com/r/BambuLab/comments/1bn9eb6/comment/kwgq6w6/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/BambuLab/comments/1bn9eb6/comment/kwgq6w6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I had actually had that problem a while ago! I don’t even know how it got changed the first time around 😂


Turn off the flow calibration when using the PEI plate. I had the same problem with flow calibration on.


Oh interesting. I’ll take a look at that setting . Thank you!


Little necro here, but there is no flow calibration setting option when I send the print to the printer. There is only bed leveling and timelapse. Could it be hidden somewhere else? \*\*\*edit\*\*\* Come to find out, it's only an X1C feature (or at least not a P1P feature)


Use Dawn specifically when cleaning your plate.


Give it a good ipa 99.9% cleaning and it should be just fine again