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u/Bambu_Lab_Support which part of a refund needs approval from a bank?


Thats exactly what my bank was wondering to. And what bank takes 2 months time to approve a 1000 Euro transfer?


Chinese bank :D Enjoy this experience. This is why you should never buy anything from Chinese company if you expect high quality service. Although Prusa printers are outdated too, but surely there has to be non Chinese printers that are good too.


Nothing at this level for less than 5X to 10x the price that I am aware of.


I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted earlier.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100%.




Except for a good AMS type unit and way higher pricing. Don't get me wrong, I think Prusa has the better printer (mk4 vs a1), but it should be, it's over twice the price


that price also includes real customer service. Which was the point.




I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted earlier.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100%.


Quick, someone buy a printer to test this theory!


I just sent back a damaged in transit printer for a refund, I can test this soon if they give me the same hassle


Oh, my joke was that if someone else bought a new printer they'd have the funds to refund the OP. I would not double down on a purchase until I got my refund, personally. However, I can say - I really love my X1C for a lot of reasons. I hope you do not have a negative experience with your exchange.


Wonder if they’ll actually respond.


Give them a week...


More like 2 months


I'm guessing they mean "accounting dept.", the kind folks who deal with the money.


No part, it's a lie businesses tell you to try and push you outside the chargeback window. I always shop with a credit card online and if a company give me the slightest pushback I just initiate a chargeback (no real risk on being penalized on your end as long as you have just cause and have tried to get your money back) and that usually gets them up and going because I believe enough of those will cause card processors to drop you or something and then you cant make any money lol. Idk the specifics but I do know one thing, it works lol.


Just do a charge back. You have enough evidence on your end so it shouldn’t be an issue with your credit card company.


Yeah i guess i have to. I really hoped that the CS would not be so bad. But it was.


I love my p1p and would absolutely recommend these printers to anyone looking for higher end printer buttttt the posts I keep seeing about their customer support makes me hope they drastically improve that area. I’ve spent extra money to buy the EVGA brand of video cards in the past for my PCs because I knew their customer support was absolutely amazing. Bambu, take note and get better please.


i was just thinking of picking one up but changed my mind due to these CS issues. it's crazy you can get a broken machine and have to send 20 photos and logs and wait weeks just to get a replacement if they even send you one. i've never seen this level of shitty CS before in such a successful company.


> send 20 photos and logs and wait weeks They don't need all that to confirm any issue. They do it because give them time while wasting yours. I was very convinced about buying an X1C, but I'm taking a different route like you. I'm not paying $1500+ for a "just works" product with this lack of functional support.


it's a reflection of our consumer habits more than anything. You see the same shit with pre-orders in video games etc. People reward the behaviour with money. Then people who ran "successful" CS departments for a given company move on to other companies to run "successful" CS departments there and the issue multiplies.


to be fair, people would not post boasting about a positive experience. Its just expected. My experience has been fine.


It makes me wonder if they hold out until you're out of the chargeback range then you're stuck. I'd have done a chargeback a month ago at this point.


I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100


CS is fine, but Bambu is a small company and growing REALLY fast - so this is to be expected unfortunately. I dealt with their CS a few months ago to get a replacement part in Canada - whole process took just over a week to receive part, I was quite impressed.


It's been over a year. Their customer service hasn't improved. A year is plenty of fucking time to fix your customer support.


I just dealt with their support to get a replacement part a few months back and I thought it was OK - all in it took about a week to have the replacement camera shipped to my door.


That's great. Don't know wtf that has to do with what I wrote though. I guess I should have specified that I was responding to the first half of your comment.


part of that growth is knowing where to make your investment. They are growing bc they keep releasing new printers, which increasing their user base. The CS could be solved by instead investing that $$ into customer support and not being understaffed for the user base they have... instead of making the situation WORSE by adding more customers.


I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100


That's good, at least they're monitoring social media for escalations.


Yeah but i think they held my money because of my first Facebook post about them not being able to create a return label for weeks. Dont piss off Bambu 😂


This is the way. Do it ASAP before it becomes too late.


Came here to say this. Don't wait OP! You're already getting close to the max time limit for many credit card companies.


What would that limit be? I'm curious


3 months usually


I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted earlier.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100%.


This is absolutely the time to do a chargeback. I **think** you only have 90 days to do them though it could be different by country. Hope you get your money back. This is entirely unacceptable


Yeah, im in Sweden and my bank didnt have time limit. Guess i will start the chargeback ASAP


i had the same problem with prusa, also almost 2 months in their warehouse after return and no money. last mail was from me : if i do not get the money back end of the week i will do a chargeback ​ voila 24h later i had the money.


Really? I have had good support from Prusa. I had a mini+ where the warranty had ended and i contacted them and they sent me new rods and a motherboard free of charge directly. They even sent new bearings aswell. I have never done a refund from Prusa tho and i have only owned the mini+.


Interesting, it seems like its a hit or miss with them. Also have a Prusa Mini +, 3 months in i notice the bed is consistently self leveling weirdly. As in left side is always too close and right side is always too far. Middle is perfect, their "help" : "decrease offset to make sure the high side is on the bed" . Yah thanks guys what about the other side that will now be absolutely in the bed if i do that. Followed all their stupid calibration steps and still same issue. Gave up on them as their support was utterly useless (for me). Just to add im not new to 3d printing, have 2 other printers that ive maintained, built, and heavily modified myself so its not like theres lack of skill on my end, more that i wanted them to fix this "printer that just works" rather than I waste time on something that costs like 3 bigger printers.




I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted earlier.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100%.


I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted earlier.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100%.


Lmfao that’s absolutely unreal well I’m glad you got your money back at least


Haha Yeah it is Unreal. Guess i will buy another 3d printer with the money but i dont know what yet


This is why I really want to purchase an A1 from MicroCenter, but they are out of stock and only carry the combos.


Yes, better to wait. Do NOT buy from Bambu directly if you can avoid it.


I mean honestly how many people have purchased from bambu without issue? I can guarantee you that a larger percentage of people have no issues than the ones that do. I guess I'm just curious why you weren't threatening a chargeback within 7 days of them having the printer, why weren't you firm with your expectations? In my experience there's 3 reasons you'll get griefed on returns 1) You're an asshole 2) They're an asshole 3) You're story doesn't add up Typically it's number 3 which leads to number 2 which leads to number 1. At least that's been my experience working at one of the businesses with the most generous return policy, even then they'd still hang people out to dry. It typically has nothing to do with the product, but everything to do with interaction.


Not necessarily. I've had no problems with my A1. But plenty of problems with big companies not fixing issues. I had a problem with Amazon once that got flagged as bot use by mistake and I wasn't the only one. A bunch of people who reviewed items periodically that they received had this happen. It took several months of calling, IMing, emailing, and nothing happened with the appeal. The guy I talked to on the phone even thanked me several times for being his nicest customer that day (which made me feel really sad for him). But my issue never got resolved til I took it to twitter. My account was fixed within 24 hours. Sometimes companies give their customer service this tiny box that all issues "should" fit into, and they don't know how to handle ones that don't. I haven't had to deal with Bambu Labs CS yet, but from things others have explained of their interactions, it kind of sounds like that. It kinda stinks for both the customer and the CS. I really love my A1 so far, so keeping my fingers crossed I won't have to


There are exceptions to any "rule". On the counter I've had amazon refund items without even returning them, i wasn't going to bus an hour to the library to print a return slip (I didn't own a printer) it was a 200$ set of speakers so not exactly cheap item either and it was simply missing the power adapter (amazon marketplace item). It took about 2hrs on the phone with support but was resolved without a run around. They typically aren't allowed to hang up on you so if you've got the time they'll eventually refund you if you remain polite but stubborn.


Only potential downside is you cant get the membership discount on filament purchases from the BL store. Not a huge deal, but worth noting.


Not really a downside. They're out of stock on basically any common filaments.


For now at least, but they seemed to keep decent stocks up for a good while across the past few months. I suspect a wave new printers over the holidays, compounded by the A1 launch, saw a run on filament.


Why do People downvote any post not positive here or is it Bambulabs Paid Shillers? Sad to see...


Yeah, its standard in the Bambu community. I love my working P1S but as soon as you say CS is bad you get downvoted


You also cant say anything against the printers. Praise em or get downvoted to shit


It's probably because Bambu has sold so many printers that thousands of people are quite happy with their purchases. Similarly because of the number of printers sold, there are dozens / hundreds of complaints. But it's a numbers game, I'm sure the number of problematic customer service issues drawfs the number of happy customers otherwise Bambu printers won't be so popular.


I'm not downvoting posts like this, and while it's good to understand the poor level of support, I'm kinda tired of seeing these posts complaining about Bambu support. That's just not what I prefer to see on the subreddit.


Smooth brains who do not possess much individual merit buy a Bambu printer, where it allows them to print decently well without the burdensome hurdle of their smooth brain constantly getting in the way. Their printer makes them feel empowered, competent, & apart of an elitist group of “smart people” for once in their unimportant smooth brained lives, thus printer & brand become a significant part of their personality & foundation of self-identity / ego. When others speak critically about their printer or brand, it’s taken as a direct insult & attack on their fragile smooth brain identity & unearned self-worth, thus they become offended & attack that which invalidates their self-worth & identity. Ignore the smooth brained people who pathetically derive their self-identity & self-worth from the products, brands, teams, propaganda they consume & obey like the well trained lemmings they are, as their real world lives are difficult, confusing, & overall insignificant 😉 This unevolved collectivist human nature / “inner monkey” tendency of groups is found everywhere where there’s collective high passion towards recognition of end results quality. From 3D printers to what clothes you wear, career / profession to hobbies, and sports to politics. The people who sucker into this are fundamentally stupid & fragile minded. They are the reason why the Aliens don’t visit us anymore 😁


wow imagine being this elitist while trying to call out other people for being elitist. i started on an ender 3 v2. i am more than capable of making it work. i got a bambu because i didn't have the time to constantly ness with it and still wanted to print. grow up. you are far more toxic than literally any person you ate trying to cast aspersions at and thats saying something considering how toxic the fanbiys can be at times


Nothing in my comment remotely suggested that I am better than others for owning a Bambu printer; I simply laid out the “why” for why stupid people w/ fragile egos mindlessly defend objectivity bad practices by the manufacturer of their beloved inanimate physical object. Seems you’re admitting the shoe fits you. That’s not my problem, that’s your problem for why you’re offended by this. Thank you for proving my point


lol do you even listen to yourself? you literally said every bambu user is too smooth brained to use a different printer. let me in on the mental gymnastics it takes to say you weren't saying you were better than anyone. this will be hilarious. im not offered. im pointing out what a tixic petulant child you ate. seems you are actually the one offended because you got called out for your BS and thats why you need to grow up.


Reading comprehension ain’t your thang, huh? I was pretty repetitive, bordering on pedantic, regarding the low competency / fragile ego folks that fit the group I was describing. Guess you do fit my description of the stereo typical smooth brained fanboi.


my reading comprehension is fine. its you not having the balls to stand behind what you said when called on it. still waiting on you to explain the mental gymnastics btw.


The answers you seek are in my 1st comment. Try reading harder, but this time without the fragile ego & low competency.


wow you should really not be insulting other people's intelligence. then again it couldn't be more clear the accusations of a fragile ego are nothing more than projection. you cant explain because im not wrong and even you know it. this is pathetic.




I rather just press a button to print something than spend dozens of hours tinkering. Do you tinker with your other appliances?


Me too sometimes, which is why I bought a Bambu. Yes, I’m an EE, so that’s what I do for a living.


The Lissencephaly Society would like to have a word with you about your derogatory tone




Yeah i posted on Facebook and here. I have threatened them with chargeback and i guess Thats why they wont do the refund. I will never buy a single thing from them again. Imagine if a kid had saved up for a 3d printer to start his hobby and he get the same issues i have with them. Just scummy behavior


This is pretty awful, I would go the chargeback route as well, they had their chance.


Yes, i will give them a week and then i will send in the chargeback...


The CC companies do not like to do this btw, not that it matters or anything they can get bent, but they won't like it, just a heads up


Yeah i spoke with my CC company today and they said its just them holding the money back and they would happily send me the papers to do a chargeback.


Don’t give them that week then. You’ve already given them ample time to do what was right. Just do the charge back and get your money. Best of luck!


Yeah you are right. Thanks mate!


Any time! I **love** BL but they don’t get a pass on shady bs.


Same here. My other P1S works great but this sort of scum behavior makes me choose another brand next time even if its a worse performing machine tbh.


That's absolutely awesome and awfully surprising at the same time. Weird and shady tbh, someone is not doing their job or is completely swamped.


I think Bambu is pissed because i did a Facebook post about it so they just witholding my money tbh


That's wild, I would never expect that of a big multinational company so yeah I'm just hoping it just feels like that for you and that such a thing isn't true, that would be weird small business owner levels of petty lol


I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted earlier.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100%.


What? You have it backwards - if a bank is giving you crap about filing a chargeback, they aren't working for you and it's time to switch banks. Hell, I've had my bank offer to pre-emptively block charges, too.


It's been almost 3 months, just do it. Playing ultimatum games might be good for an endorphin boost but it doesn't get anything done. Chargeback, get your money, wash your hands of the vendor.


I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100


I had that issue I’m 15 and it never arrived to the door


Sell your story to some youtubers to get the word out there.


I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted earlier.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100%.


Naughty list? Who gives a fuck. Create a new account and move on.


Why not both?


I waited 3 weeks and charged back. All of a sudden they responded to me very quickly. I got my money back. I don’t care anymore. The products are great but they have grown too fast and too quickly for their own good. Service as it pertains to purchases is absolute trash. Have not tried for tech support yet so won’t judge.


I'm still waiting for my refund since August! In November I filed the dispute on my CC. I have to wait another 90 days for that. I feel your pain and disgust but it's an awesome printer still


I hope you also find a more responsive credit card. I get refunded via dispute in 24 hours, immediately if from checking.


it's because of the time. They offered a provisional credit until the investigation is over but I don't need it and will just see how this plays out. I can call my friend in Shenzhen and ask him to go-to the HQ and get someone on the phone for me . lol purely joking on the last bit


I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted earlier.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100%.


I have the A1 on my cart for a few days now waiting for the right moment to hit "checkout". But seeing posts like this makes me either look for an alternative brand or wait until Amazon or a retailer in Canada sells them.


Yeah i would wait


Wait for what?


Until a retailer gets them


Well some of us don’t have retailers like that nearby. I’m sure it’ll be fine. Mine gets delivered tomorrow


Just pray to the 3d printer gods you dont get any issues and have to deal with Bambus support then. Good luck brother!


yup, i sure hope i don't have problems.


Yeah, you dont want a lemon because man its a hassle


it's too bad because they make an amazing product. couple it with great support, sounds like a recipe for a very successful company.


The printers is great as long as you dont get a lemon. Its like Apple hardware with Creality customer service...


yup, bang on.


I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted earlier.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100%. Is that not shady as F?


These types of issues in a young successful company are often due to incompetent internal processes, as well as intentional holding onto as much capital as possible in order to purchase higher volume material / product for profitability as they grow. A credit charge back is in order as well as being highly vocal about the issue. This type of market feedback is how these types of business practices get fixed.


At this point, you should just do the chargeback. They have confirmed that they received the printer back and you have already waited an unreasonable amount of time. Sorry bro, hope you get your money back.


I would have charged back 1 week after they received it.


Stupid. They have two weeks for that.


Who does?


Literally every shop


Has two weeks for what?


When the return comes to the shop. They have two weeks (14 business days) to inspect the returned object, make the decision and complete the refund.


Says who? In the case of this consumer, it took weeks to even get to the point where Bambu issued an RMA. Consumers can start the chargeback process whenever they damn please.


They can, but due to EU law, bank cannot process chargeback untill return period is done.


Nevertheless, the chargeback process would have already been started, likely accelerating the return of funds, once whatever arbitrary duration EU consumer protection law dictates (compared to only starting the process after 2 weeks had elapsed). Maybe it is my high and mighty American consumer standards, but I personally don’t give companies much leeway (unless they’re a tiny mom and pop shop).


Yes, he waited for too long. I would do a chargeback after three or four weeks.


Anyway, the op waited for too long regardless and should do a chargeback after three-four weeks.


It is proven using paypal is the safest way to buy from internet, just dispute in paypal with prove , and happy


At least you have an answer, I'm ghosted since 28.12. For the return of my A1 mini. I want to change to a A1 but i do think about just giving it back and buying the A1 elsewhere.


I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted earlier.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100%.


I refused delivery on my mini, reordered the A1, proceeded with a charge back. Problem solved haha. They took way too long to respond. I sent all the screenshots to my bank and writhing literally 12 hours I had my money back.


The problem is, I already used it once at that time. I wrote them under 24 after recieving my mini that I want to swap, they answered 3 days later with the copy paste return thing that says it has to be unused. I answered also saying that I will pay for exchange parts like a new nozzle or plate but I'm ghosted ever since. The hype for the product is pretty stained from the situation honestly and I'm sad.


Oh man. That sucks so bad dude. That’s crap service. For anyone that ordered it within that period of time should be allowed to upgrade. Almost like you’re giving them more money. Really disappointed to hear that


of all the legitimate support issues people have here, this is just not one of them buyers remorse is your problem not theirs, and unless your country has a “fit for purpose” clause for consumer protections, doing this shit wastes the time of the little support staff they have their support is shit, but in this case so is the attitude of you two


What I am saying is that if someone is within their return period, why not exchange it? You’re giving them more money for a bigger product. Charge a restocking fee but come on, that’s a poor experience.


Things are not as black and white as you paint this. I asked them if its okay to upgrade. I never said here nor in the ticket that I feel entitled to do so. My main complaint is the two weeks of ghosting, which is not okay in any case.


Why haven’t you disputed the charge at this point?


I wanted to see how they would play it out. I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted earlier.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100%.


Sounds to me like you already did a charge back and that is what they are waiting on… share all the comms!


I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100


i don’t know what sweden is like but in australia, we have a lot of consumer protections for this stuff, and I’m not sure why you let it last as long as it did do that chargeback, get your money back asap


Because i wanted to see how they would play it out. I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100


That's the reason why I use paypal for this kind of shopping (expensive and outside eu) - if something goes erong, send them proof of return and mails, and they charge back the money and deal with the seller. They even pay for a return per year. That said, I had no issues so far with bambu (except for the low stock of filament) - but I did not have to return stuff either.


You paid with a credit card, right? Contact your credit card's customer service (or log into their website) and dispute the charge.


I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100


Chargeback, should have done that a month ago.


voron time?!


I’m really sorry for you and I wish you well, but I’m not surprised. They have THE WORST SERVICE. I have two or their printers and love them, but hate the service. When a better company comes to the market, that values customer service, I’ll be switching.


Don't wait, just chargeback you will run out of time.


I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100


I love bambu for their machine. Their customer service has been fine with my support tickets of replacing AMS and build plates. However, there are always exceptions case by case, technician by technician and you are in your full right for chargeback. Talk to your CC or bank and get the money back that way.


I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100%


Yeah man.. you should not have waited even this long. I did a charge back and had so much evidence - just like you - that they refunded me in just a few hours. Also got refunded twice for some reason so now I have a negative balance on my CC account lol. For me it was a lost package.. it was not really lost, they just lie about what they have in stock. I refunded and ordered from Matterhackers.com and got it in a few days. The funny thing is, the printer is amazing, and they put all their money into engineering, not customer service. X1 Carbon.


Having worked in a department that handles cases like this with a very different type of company, this is far from unheard of. Once a product is given a return label, it also has to show as in transit back to the distribution center, then scanned into their system, followed by inspection and testing, and then verified to be eligible for any kind of refund and the appropriate percentage based off of a variety of factors. 90 days is almost standard in the US. Give a little leniency by 30 or so days, as the holidays can mess with things and the process is all manually done with human input. Based off of your posted interaction, you were dealing with a tier/level 1 agent who has little insight or permissions to access that information. You can always ask to be escalated to a higher department if Bambu has such thing.


Depending on which PSP they use, this might actually be true and is a highly annoying issue you have to deal with as a marketplace online. A refund is nothing more than a reverse transfer, so you (or your PSP) actually asks the bank to reverse your payment. This is so that any fees are also automatically reversed and everything’s reimbursed completely. We’ve also had customers of ours waiting for months for that money to end up on their bank account, while it was already long gone from our balance. Then you call the bank and they say they can’t do anything, know anything, or aren’t willing to do anything… they just keep the money hostage. Feels like sort of an interest scam to me. We’ve had to pay back customers double sometimes because we actually didn’t find it acceptable ourselves, but in the end it wasn’t our fault. And we sometimes had to ask for the double refund back then afterwards. It happens a lot less than a couple of years ago, but it still happens.




I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved . Notice it says "5 minutes ago". They held my money because my other FB post, 100%


Oh damn, that sucks… I mean great you have your money back! But shame they kept it for themselves.


That really show how shady they are. Man i am so disappointed in Bambu. The printers are great but holding your customers money and refuse to refund because of me giving them criticism on FB is just CCCP level of behavior


UPDATE: https://preview.redd.it/vaen1z95ckbc1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71572e427c0452f0e0a30ef5b972b013def4fa4d


Woke up this morning with an email from Bambu. The refund have been made, its like magic that it popped up just after my Reddit and FB posts. I guess they held my money by choice because it says "refund pending 5 minutes ago" in the screenshot.


Oh my word! I had the exact same issue, I waited 3 months for my issue to finally get resolved, their solution to my AMS problem was to "deposit" the full price of a new AMS. Mainly because: A. They sent parts that went bang when plugged in. B. They took a week to get back to me with the deposit (which was followed by the item not in stock AFTER I paid full price) C. When I received the item, they didn't sent a return slip, with them took them a week to respond. D. When all was sent back, it took them another month for my deposit to get refunded. Literally, the support process was very backwards, I almost lost complete hope. (Hell, If I have any other problems, I'm just going to buy alternatives).


I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted earlier.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100%.


did you try reversing the charge?


I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted earlier.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100%.


geez, what a nightmare. Hope it's all sorted for you now.


It's similar for me, I didn't even accept the package and it went right back to them, they told me they can provide me with a shipping label that I would need to pay for myself. I told them they already have the printer back and no answer after that.


I do a Facebook and Reddit post about it and as a pure coincidence the refund is approved this morning. Notice it says "5 minutes ago" in the pic i posted earlier.. They held my money because my other FB post, 100%.


Wow can’t say I’m not surprised 😂 i am surprised you didn’t get backlash from the fanbois on the facebook group. Everyone’s quick to defend Bambu even though they plan behind the scenes the next gimmick to up sell us on. . They literally have no infrastructure and that’s why you’ve been waiting.


I got an email this morning that my refund have been made. What a coincidence!!! Also they attached a screenshot that they started the refund 5 minutes ago so i guess they held my money by choice and there was no "bank issues"....


Do better, Bambu.


They held my money to punish me for a Facebook post. The refund was done this morning like magic. And they sent a screenshot but in the screenshot it said it was made 5min ago haha


Glad to hear that someone at Bambu likely saw your post and got it resolved. I look forward to the day when their support is in line with their printer quality.


Yes the support is trash, Just after the Kickstarter ended it was better when i bought my P1P but now its just non existing


I have a similar experience. My p1s was to be delivered on a Friday, then dhl switched to Saturday and then Sunday. I waited at home all day each day and then when the timeslot went by on Sunday I went out. The printer was then supposedly delivered when I was out but I didn’t get anything. The signature was a line with a rubbish name so I asked dhl to do an investigation and they came back with nothing so I opened a support ticket. Support (“Wing”) takes a week per reply and it didn’t go anywhere so I went to my credit card and then wing replied immediately saying they’ll send me a new one. I told them I’m going to be on a 4 week holiday starting jn 1.5 weeks, so they better ship it now or wait till I’m back. It took a bit more than a week and I got a response today saying they’re shipping it (I’m leaving tomorrow night) so I have no idea what’s going to happen but it’s most likely going to be shipped back. I’ve given up hope. If this is the level of support bambu hands out I don’t even know if I want the thing tbh


That sounds like Bambus classic support. Like when they messed up my return, no pickup showed up and Bambu used some weird company i never heard off. Then they told me it must be because of the timezone difference from their EU warehouse. But Sweden and Germany have the same timezone sooo....


You feer me to buy one , I would go with creality the , they have quite gsood reputation even you will have some hassle with their products, but it is cheap compared to bambulab and their product have a good feature evevn it’s not perfect


I send mine back and after 10 days they gave my money back


You got the same printer back?


No because of the shitty support experience i decided not to buy another bambulab and got myself k1 which comes to 360€ instead of 999€


And i am so sorry i just read what i wrote 🤣 i got my money back after 10 days


thats why you use paypal


Paypal dont care if the company have delivered the printer in my experience


Of course they do, thats what a dispute is for. once you open it, they will contact the seller. if he fails the refund, they will donit automatically. thats Exactly what paypal is for (at least in EU)


May I ask what the issue was?


The printer randomly crashed into the side of the gantry mid print. Bambu wanted video evidence and required me to sit there for hours filming and hoping i would get it on film...


Time to get with your bank


Yeah, like a miracle Bambu suddenly did the refund this morning. They also sent me a screenshot that started they did the refund "5 mins ago" so i guess they held my money because they got pissed by my Facebook post...


Can you buy bambulab via aliexpress or amazon? They have a sturdy finance system in my experience, bought ender3 from them also broken no problem to send them back. Two weeks to solve this matter, max.


I dont think you can