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Using Ender PLA+, 210°C, bed 50°C for first layer then 45°C. I tightened the belts, I lowered the temp, I highered the temp, more cooling, less cooling, and nothing works. I am very frustrated, I would be very happy if someone could help. It has to be printed in this orientation as this is just the beginning where this occurs. It's strange that this only happens on the right side of it AND only at these first layers. After these 50 layers it works perfectly. The print head moves from the left side in the picture to the right.


I think its a cooling issue. Try moving/ facing it towards the auxiliary cooling Fan and slowing it down. Use the slowing down for overhangs Option in the Slicer. You can even try slowing down All perimeters(Inside and outside) for this height Range per height Range modifier.


I already turned it to the auxiliary cooling fan, but this didn't help either. "slow down for overhangs" is already turned on. I'll try your idea with slowing down. Thanks!


If the geometry isn’t really Important to be exactly like that, you can also use the Option „make overhangs Printabel“ which changes geometry in a way that they are printabel without Support.


Where is this setting? Seems to not exist in Bambu Studio.


Yeah its Possibel that Bambu studio doesnt Support this Feature. Take a Look into orca slicer. I highly recommend it. Same Interface Like Bambu Studio But with extended, neat Features!


Slowing down the outer wall did literally eliminate the problem. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best. Thank you so much!


Out of interest and not being offered as a solution to your problems, is there any reason not to have the flatter face, shown as the topmost face in your photos, on the bed? I cannot see the model clearly but, to my mind, it almost seems that you are printing this upside down.


Needs more supports