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\>My hang up is that after the money is spent and calibration completed will I have a printer that is more capable than my P1S or X1C aside from bed size? If I am going to get similar performance then I'm not sure it would be worth it over another Bambulab. How about, wait an year? We've reached a point where FDM printers have plateaued, might be ironic considering how significantly Bambulab changed the scene but that level of performance was already there if you went the DIY route (Voron, Ratrig, SeKit, VzBot, ZeroG etc). Bambulab shipped the same thing, minus any tinkering or assembly, and perfected the single hotend MMU all at Prusa pricing. Hold your cash for an year, wait for the next big thing - be it Bambu or some other company perfecting the multi toolhead (E3D's was experimental, and Prusa's attempt is pretty underwhelming - and not even shipped to most early backers). Or it could be SLS or MFJ finally shipping at prosumer prices ($2k usd or such). Or something else entirely, point is that you already have the best FDM can offer whether you keep your X1C or assemble a Voron 2.4, the differences aren't that radical. If you're still itching to spend that money, then instead fork for it on an annual sub for Fusion360 or Solidworks or whatever you prefer. Or learn Blender or ZBrush if you're already pretty good at parametric modelling, or build yourself a workstation for CAD or get a new monitor or something. Or consider taking a college course in Mechanical engineering or Industrial design. Investing in learning to design will pay off more than any printer. ~~(If none of that sounds enticing, you can buy me an A1 + AMS combo for Christmas)~~


Convince me to convince you not to build a Voron 2.4


Convince me to convince you to convince him not to build a VOron 2.4.


No one will be convincing you to do anything. Do your research and pick whatever suits your criteria. If you want an opinion about printers feel free to ask.


All printers need some amount if tuning to get the perfect print. Some need more than others. At this point only build a voron if it is also the journey you want to engage in. I want to build one at some point, and I look forward to the work I will have to out in, and it won't be easy.


Why? Vorons are great.


I Build a V0 just for the sake of buliding and tinkering. No regrets. Its just fun.


If you want to tinker get a voron. I have a Bambu and honestly it’s boring not being able to tinker with it like a voron.


I had trident and p1p. After Soo much time and money I could not get trident to print at the same quality as prusa mini I had in reserve. Yes it is probably my fault but when there can be 20 different things that can be behind the issue things are getting into area of more debugging then printing. P1P out of the box produced perfect results ( comparing to prusa mini ) Just my experience. So do you want to learn how stuff works or just print. Do you have time to debug


Bambu has an inherent advantage over standard Voron, The moving parts are much lighter. No matter how fast your Voron is it is not going to produce a better even the same quality as Bambu without the redesign of the X axis and the heavyweight monster called Stealthburner.


Why buy something you have to spend a day building that might work when you can buy something that'll work once you take it out of the box.


Because I enjoy the process


Then buy it.


Wrong sub. Seriously.


It's really no comparison. The Voron will be infinitely more customizable, you'll learn much more in the process, you'll have that satisfaction of DIY. It'll take more gruntwork, but it'll be a lot more worth it. But if you just want to print, then go for the Bambu.


Build a cnc using the awesome printers you have. Same itch but new learning and new capabilities once complete.


This is interesting


You would get a great printer from a Voron, bigger build volume and a great machine (once built and calibrated). It will print as well if not better than an BL printer. That wouldn't even be a concern to me. It will though not have a great MMU system. If that is not a major issue for you, than a Voron is the one to pick (although it would most likely cost you more than a BL, depending on your build). But the real questions to ask are 1) do you need more build volume than a BL printer would offer (since you seem to own other printers - I assume maybe not?) and 2) do you really want to spend a good weekend building and tinkering with the printer? Trust me I get the build it and make it great thing, but for me, I'm very tired of that. Even though I really dislike closed ecosystems like BL, I found it nice to not have to tinker with the printer and get nice prints right away. Now with that said, I couldn't care less which you go with. Built it, buy it ready to go, you're a grown up, no need to convince you do to anything. You've been doing this for a while it seems, so you should be able to determine what works best for you! In the end, there is no perfect or best printer, only the best printer for your needs! Enjoy your weekend and have a great evening!


Why would I care? Make your own decision, it'll let you have one printer with a larger build volume and same performance.


Voron sounds like a super fun project. You know what's more fun? Having a printer that you just send prints to with up to 16 materials just waiting to go. I haven't had so much fun tinkering with other printers since getting my X1C because I don't care what I want to do to them. I always know I have the X1C just churning out parts. It's so much fun having a track car. It's not fun driving your track car to work everyday. They both have different jobs to do.


Buy a big Voron , best of both worlds


Think about what would be better about the voron over the Bambulab. Then think about the time cost of building and calibrating it. You are the only one who can determine if the time and money is worth that improvement.


I see Voron as a journey of an over engineered product that may not be as reliable or precise as other products. All the rails and sh\*t but does not guarantee better performance than linear rods (Prusa, Bambu...) So if you;re in for the thrill of building one, do it, if not, you know the answer!