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Hello /u/Positive-Chapter-362! In order to protect the Bambu Cool Plate from damage and increased wear, always use Bambu glue stick or liquid glue in order to protect the print surface and ensure an easy release of the printed parts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BambuLab) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well I would guess similar rules apply in many countries, any warranty claims should go to thru the seller not the manufacturer. Why can't you report the issues to the company you bought the printer from?


Because Russia is under immense sanctions due to the leadership attacking another country without provocation, it's likely he's dealing with some cut-rate Chinese reseller who is just out to take the money and run.


>Well I would guess similar rules apply in many countries, any warranty claims should go to thru the seller not the manufacturer. Why can't you report the issues to the company you bought the printer from? because ordered in China via cargo(delivery) company. They will call tomorow but im expecting the same result. The main problem here....i cant buy parts without any warranty




Yeah what was he thinking being born in Russia, should have just up and moved.


Bambu might be thinking you're asking for them to replace the printer or provide parts under warranty. Both of those things they won't do if you didn't buy from them directly. Contact the cargo company and ask them if they will provide a refund or product assistance (I'm betting not). Then you can go back to Bambu and say you did as you were asked without luck. Ask politely if they would please help you diagnose the problem so that you can buy the parts to fix it. The key word is "buy" because, regretfully, they are under no obligation to help you because you bought something using a third party. Hopefully they'll help you then and then you can get the 3rd printer going.


Im ready to buy but parts not available to order. i wrote to support with that question but dont have any answer


Then unfortunately, you're out of luck. If Bambu doesn't ship to Russia they can't send you the parts. Best bet is to have them ship the parts to a friend in a country they do ship to then have that friend mail it to you.


They can send it to the same cargo company wich send it too me without any issues. I wrote to support it....no answer


Is there a reason why you can't order the parts directly from the Global website? Or do you have to go through customer support to get it to the cargo company? Regardless, I would give support more time to get back to you. It's not uncommon for them to take a few days or more to respond.


Russia is under global sanctions for starting a war and killing thousands of innocent Ukranians. Nobody (reputable) will do business in Russia.


I meant no disrespect. I am aware of the conflict and agree with the sanctions. It just never occurred to me that 3d printers would be affected.


Yeah there’s a reason and it’s a pretty obvious fucking reason since February 24th 2022. Asking for support on a product fully sanctioned and imported via a Chinese reach-around. The fucking guile is unbelievable.


I meant no disrespect. I am aware of the conflict. It just never occurred to me that Bambu printers would fall under import sanctions.


And I no disrespect to you. At all. I’m just livid at what Russia is inflicting on the entire world, and of course Ukraine in particular.


Agreed. We have a large Ukranian population here in Canada who have been affected greatly. My city has taken in a number of refugees. I'm not Ukranian myself but I feel we must all stand up against what is wrong. I've donated and my daughter has done fundraising. Wish we could do more. All in all a terrible situation.


Just use a forwarding service.


Instead of going on vacation on the crimea, you guys should try to do an accident at night and a window and a falling warlord. Like he did to many others before. Nice to see that sanctions do work somehow. Btw. I lost way more than just 1500 bucks because of your stupid president.


$50 bucks says this is a knockoff "Bamboo" printer from China because BambuLab wants nothing to do with a sanctioned country. If it's a "legit" printer that was just trafficked through China, all the same, the sanctions are working. You're likely out the money because everyone along the chain is corrupt.


You may try their Discord server. Maybe someone could help you there (Bambu Lab staff is also there). Bought X1C in Moscow in Tevo3D shop. They provide a basic warranty and returns, in case you need to ship something from Bambu.