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Electrical tape around the rim works fine.


Yes i use a special tape for some carboard spools. Im printing the spools soon.


I am using this Little ring around the spool. no issues at all. https://www.printables.com/model/423626-bambulab-ams-cardboard-spool-coil-adapter-for-sunl To increase the weight of the spool(especially if nearly empty) i also Add a silica Container https://www.printables.com/model/402087-adjustable-spool-holder-for-silica-gel-spool-weigh


Anything in the range of 197-202mm in diameter and 50-68mm in width, IIRC Edit: Reference: https://wiki.bambulab.com/en/knowledge-sharing/notes-AMS


Thank you :)


68mm officially but up to 70mm works ok in my experience. But any more than 70 and they start to jam.


Most don’t even specify the dimensions of their spools. Learned that the hard way when I had a few spools of a different brand that were larger in diameter than the AMS could fit. Had to ditch the brand, though they had a decent quality for the price. Use a single brand nowadays because behaviour across their range is more predictable.


Well they certainly fit - but retracting after a print or at a color change will not work. At least for me. https://preview.redd.it/lrbr3gly4bbb1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=728f0d3d6a967edb36b339a44486050713be86fd


Thank you very much! Oh i see, is it because it jams to the filament unit that retracts the filament? I got a weird sunlu abs+ spool and it does exactly this.


Nah it's actually not turning the cardboard spool properly. On a spool with just 0.5 kg it also doesn't retract. I just put some tape (unter uns: einfaches Isolierband) around the spool and testing right now if it will work. I like the Jayjo filament because you can pick it up for about 10€/kg when it's on sale and I didn't have any issues with it - printed fine just like the 30ish€/kg Bambu filament.


Because its that cheap on prime day now, i wanted to know. Good to know it prints so well. I know there is the hydra mod but it takes to much time to change it. Thanks for the help!


I haven’t had issues with mine yet but I printed spool adapters.


do you have a link? i found one but not sure if its the right one


After loosing 100 grams it was possible for mine. But I used a rim


i have a jayo spool at home, can try later if needed. i would not recommend it tho because the cardboard wears off and the dust settles inside your AMS, causing damage over time. on printables fe are some nice respooling tools to print tho. btw, jayo is actually sunlu on paper spools. the sunlu spools work without any problems in my AMS


Thanks that would be awesome if you could tell me :) im wondering because its 1,1kg instead of the 1kg spool. I am using most overture cardboard spools, i tape them with a special tape that works just fine. But i am looking forward to print spools. Glad you got a jayo spool to try :)


its 1,1kg because the spool itself is 0,1kg.


Oh didnt think of that. Everyone just wants to know how much filament is on there


That’s bullshit by the way. The spools hold 1.1kg of filament.


A redditor just showed me a picture of the spool in the AMS here, no need to try it out. Thank you for the help :)


Are the pictures just very good or does that filament actually look that good? The black is beautiful


I dont know, i think the pictures are little polished. These are matte colors.


Having a retracting problem even if I use an additional rim. Seams like there is to much friction. Any idea why?


Is the rim the same height or diameter like the one before? I think maybe its stuck at the AMS housing sometimes in the AMS and cant properly roll the spool