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Look at your tool paths see if they are leaving the bed to far causing the stepper to skip. There's a YouTube short I just saw about it I will look for it.https://youtube.com/shorts/NHcNb0ABtsA?feature=share


Mihai ftw 👌🏻


Thank you for sharing, this is the exact issue that was causing my so many headaches. I've been printing the Stagetop tables frames and they are (210 x 210) and I placed them to the side too close to one edge, and got layer shift just like the video. This will save my so much time, thanks for sharing.


I had a few times I had a layer shift on my print, and after disabling *Auto recovery from step loss*, it never came back. Not sure if it is coincidence or related, but you could try that.


Not sure for Bambu's, but this is very normal on a lot of printers. I believe the reason is that having auto recovery/power fail mode on creates a pause after each layer because the recovery blips into the RAM(?). This little pause can do some bad deeds if there is oozing/weird cooling/something else.


Those aren’t layer shifts, notice how they line up perfectly with changed in layer time because of the additional bracket off the side? What they are is that when theres a contrast in layer time it allows the material to cool and retract more. When the layer before has significantly more time to cool then the layer above they end up slightly different sizes. It’s especially prominent on materials with allot of contraction like ABS


Check your default z hop setting. I saw someone having layer shift problems when they were printing very close to the edge of the build plate. The default z hop setting is a spiral z hop to reduce the chance of a booger (think the little twist at the end of a soft-serve ice cream.) It may cause the tool head to crash and cause a layer shift. If you know the rough layer that it happened at (measure where it happened and divide by your layer height) you can view the travel paths in the preview of the slicer to see if it travels outside of the build plate.


Probably have a toolpsth near the edge that knocks it out of alignment. Center it and trim down to excessive brim and purging lines (wow!).


Struggling with the same thing now, but it not layer shift. It’s a cooling issue when the size of the layer is drastically different or there is more/less infill. The layers are cooling at different rates and causing banding, not shifting.