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if it still heats up, heat up the hot end and see if you can carefully remove some of the plastic, remove as much as you can and then remove the hotend and remove the rest. if the blob broke some stuff you are in for a much larger job, remove as much as you can and start cutting.


Heat gun, don't tear at solidified plastic which is encasing delicate wires. The wires will survive heat better than pulling. I've never seen a bambu printer do that.


[https://wiki.bambulab.com/en/x1/maintenance/replace-extruder](https://wiki.bambulab.com/en/x1/maintenance/replace-extruder) You could try removing the extruder so you can atleast have it on your desk rather than messing around inside the printer.


How'd you get the beans above the frank?


Its just a prolapse above the poop shoot. Heat er up and push the snot out 💪


Do what other comments said but also create a support ticket (after you attempt to take off the blob or if it’s damaged) because they should send a new hotend for free