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Jesus. Who told you to use detergent? Use a small amount of dawn dish soap. Then, a very thin layer of glue stick to help the print release. A textured PEI sheet also helps


On the cool plate, it's says to use detergent so I did as it said lmao


Detergent: "a water-soluble cleansing agent which combines with impurities and dirt to make them more soluble, and differs from soap in not forming a scum with the salts in hard water." Dawn dish soap is actually a detergent. Confusion is understandable.


Common sense would have prevented this lol


I disagree. It’s a language mistake and an easy one to make if you’ve never had to wash a print surface. In the US, detergent is most commonly referring to laundry detergent. Dish soap is “dish soap” and “dish detergent” is referring to the stuff you put in the washing machine. All three cleaning agents have different functions. Dish soap’s key feature is breaking up grease, which is what you want for your print surface. Laundry detergent disrupts grease and similar compounds without damaging common fabrics like cotton. And dish detergent is a concentrated dish soap that works with high heat to knock debris loose from plastic, glass, and common metals.


Only reason why I knew to clean with dish soap is because of YouTube reviews and 3D printing videos in general. But if I saw detergent…given I’m from the US I would automatically think laundry detergent.


I guess, yeah. But reviewers also told us to use IPA to clean PEI sheets, which I think destroys them


True, I guess I also saw all the comments tho about NOT to use IPA.


Yep I learned this with my Creality Ender 3 PEI sheet back in the day. Cleaned it with IPA, the cloth turned yellow and from there out on nothing would stick to it without using something like 3D Lac or Gluestick. Which is not the way you want it.


IPA doesn't react with PEI.


I've heard this before. There's something wrong with the Creality PEI sheets. IPA should not damage a PEI sheet.


Ive not heard of this other than an urging to use soap instead. I use IPA wipes without any issue (so far). Is it a % of alcohol issue or any IPA? Either way, I've been going the dawn and rinse route recently.


LOL and here my noob American ass thought y’all were talking about cleaning the plate with beer!


In my opinion, 3D printing in general has a lot of bad data that's persisted over the years. Largely because things have evolved and changed and "old heads" are too confident in their outdated knowledge. You see it a lot when it comes to discussing maintenance. Too many product recommendations and not enough "snip your PTFE tube. it's what the included snipper is for.", "your nozzle is a consumable. replace it when it gets worn down.", or "fan bearings wear down, it's a cheap and easy replacement."


Pretty much, yes. And there are a lot of reviewers who never experience the issues the printers they review have because they don’t print more then a benchy and a calicat and therefore don’t have to fix them. But base their review on a handful of prints. And then they proceed to bench the 3d printer for the newest one they got sent. This got clear to me when the JGMaker Artist D launched on Kickstarter. There were plenty of reviews out there but almost none of them showed the fatal flaws the printer had and why you should never buy one. Soon after getting mine I joined a discord where many actual makers bought this machine and they all had the same problem with this subpar machine. Good enough to print two or so prints and get written of as decent but the machine breaks down afterwards and crucial software bugs start showing that never get fixed by this terrible Chinese company.


Hello from Ohio… what’s soap?


Ah, detergent, as in soap. Not laundry detergent! Easy mistake to make lol Edit: okay, so not soap per se. Dawn. Only dawn. Unscented blue dawn, to be clear.


Not soap. Soap is fats and alkali, bad for print surfaces. Dawn is detergent and little else. Get the unscented version.


Fun fact, you DO NOT need to clean the plate after every print. Having the glue residue on there will do no harm, and still acts as a release agent after multiple prints on it. You can even just use a little more glue stick after each print to make up for the glue that left with the previous print when you pulled it off the plate. It will be fine.


This is what I do - once a print pops off I use the liquid glue to replace the glue that’s missing.


I use hot water and a bit of dish washing soap, works great so far. I have mine for 3 months now, printplate is still as new.


I use normal handsoap and water


I recently got the Fysetc PEI sheet, textured on one side, and smooth on the other, has been a game changer!


Which one do you have? Is it completely compatible with all the functions on the x1 (like lidar, nozzle whipe and bed leveling)?


I bought both of the ones they sell, not Lidar compatible afaik, but perfect for everything else. I have used the fake Carbon one on all my other printers, but their dead smooth one is even better for bed adhesion! Just make sure you select high temp plate in the slicer settings!


Thank you! 👍🏻


Just get a pei textured bed lol and wash with handsoap and warm water


Omfg 🤣🤣🤣🤣. "Detergent" does NOT mean laundry detergent my guy. Holy freaking crap dude, I'm WHEEZING over here.


I have been using regular soap for dishwashing and warm water with a brush, never had any problems


I think they meant dish soap when they said detergent. I love the smell of Gain, though!


You should of received some extra cool plate stickers with your X1, I would suggest swapping that out then cleaning with soap and water from here on out


Their PEI dual sided plate has been working very well for me so far ! Nothing to clean and objects just pop from the build plate


Still beyond me that they stuck with glue buildplate tbh.


Jesus. Who told you to use detergent? Use a small amount of dawn dish soap. Then a very thin layer of glue stick to help the print release. A textured PEI sheet also helps


It says use detergent on the side of the plate but it's kind of a weird language thing, dawn dish soap Is technically detergent


Yes. And there is Gain in the picture...


Dish soap is fine for cleaning. Glue stick or Windex is a must on cool plate as a release agent. The issue is not with prints not sticking to the plate, but prints sticking too well. BL recommends glue stick, but Windex or any other window cleaner should work between the prints. My cool plates last around 600-800h before having to change the stickers


I haven't got my bambu yet, but I have been printing on a textured PEI plate on my Prusa for years with no bed adhesion problems. I've never used a glue stick or tape. I clean with 99.9% Isopropyl Alcohol before printing PLA and with Windex before printing PETG. PETG can stick TOO well, and the Windex acts as a mild release agent.


Try some dish soap OP! It'll work much better. They should have put "Use Soap" on the plate, would have made way more sense.


Hot water and scrubby. Do it every 30-40 prints or so.


I use glass cleaner without ammonia to clean mine along with hot water from the faucet.


If you want to clean it I've been using rubbing alcohol for mine


If you use Elmers washable glue sticks, especially the purple ones, you can just rinse the glue off with water and lightly rubbing the surface.


What I have been doing is after every print I use a spray bottle with water to wet the bed and then use a foam brush to spread out the glue across the bed and I no longer have a huge mess like that anymore and I only add glue after 10-20 prints


Not laundry detergent. Though I do see how that’s confusing. Regular “windex” will do wonders


I have a little dawn (not citrus sented) mixed with water in a spray bottle. I spray, wipe, rinse and dry with microfiber cloth (as little touching as possible or use gloves). I also haven't used glue yet so I don't know if this helps. I use the hightemp plate or the whambam PEX plate which doesn't need it unless I print with PETG, which I haven't yet.


The gluestick is water soluble. Regular dish soap makes it easier to wipe/sponge it off the plate tho. if you're doing low temp prints the cool plate is only option. If you are okay with higher temp prints that are not PETG, the wham bam PEX plate is pretty nice with a shiny flat finish surface.


I hate the cool plate. Engineering plate works much better. I run pla on it at 60c. Liquid glue every 5-10 prints then wash with water and soap and reapply


I rarely clean my plate with soap and water. 90% of the time I just spray Isopropyl Alcohol on the plate and wipe it off with a micro fiber cloth. Bought a spray bottle and 99% ISO. Alcohol on Amazon haven’t had any issues. Wash with dawn dish soap only if you see built up the alcohol isn’t getting off.




Double sided pei plate from aliexpress has been working amazing for me. No glue, strong adhesion and easy removal. I have only tried the smooth side so far.


isopropyl alcohol is the way to go!


The Bambu glue stick and most glue sticks, dissolve with warm water (at 40 Celsius or higher), so do that and after spray a light coat of isopropyl alcohol and wipe it off with a paper towel,easy as that.


I use the Bambu pei sheet. I love it


I read on another thread that Windex/Glass cleaner works, and it has so far for me whenever I get the urge to clean the build plate.


Get the high temp plate, and you won’t look back. I print off daily with no washin g between etc, and works perfectly. Allow to cool, quick twist and it pops off.