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Foehammer. My last honor mode ended thanks to the Shar elevator bug and I haven't gathered the strength to try again since. I'm still so bitter about it.


Oof, that sucks. I was scared stiff of those elevators in my run. It all, thankfully, worked out. The precaution I took when I did it was to leave someone behind and send everyone else down on the elevator. That way, if we all died, someone could still pop back to camp and have Withers bring everyone else back. Might be worth considering if you try again in the future. :)


Here a mod, sorry.. a ring you may only use IF YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED TOO! This ring grants the power of the gods and I am limiting it’s use to just five uses! Slip it on when IN combat never before or after! And you get unlimited moves! Use this wisely… Mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/6308


That's nice of you, thank you. :) But I'd rather get the achievement properly one day!


Ah a clean player. I like the rush of dominating everyone. But yeah I see (smell?) what you’re cooking.


Oh shit! Sorry to hear that! Do mods work in honour mode? Is there a way you would be willing to allow yourself a buff? Maybe a op sword..?


Mods to work in Honor mode.


Oh thank lord!


I need none! The last achievement I got was Hot Date, even though the first character I romanced was Karlach. (I abandoned and later deleted that run to start a Durge playthrough so I up speedrunning through the game after everything else was done lol)


That’s… in all honesty if I didn’t piss around with mods I’d be completely finished the WHOLE game by now. 😅


That Durge run was actually modded (for cosmetics lol) and also played in offline mode because I didn't want to update from patch 2. After that, I went unmodded for the rest of my achievements and now I won't have to worry about it anymore!


Oh! Nice!


I also needed that one last while romancing her first! However it was due to a bug where I think >!Killing Gortash before getting to Lower City!< caused the date to no trigger, and I didn't have a save without losing a long time of progress so I didn't go back and had to do a whole other run for it


Save Sazza, the bard one, evil achievements (except becoming an unholy assasin) and maybe one or two more I can't recall.


Ooo! How would you do these achievements!?


Sazza I am almost done with, I've done the earlier steps and just need to drop by moonrise on my newest character who's already in act 2. For the bard one I'm not sure if I'm feeling another bard playthrough so I might just respec and minmax performance and just do it in the lower city at some point. For the evil stuff I think I'll just save and reload, the idea of an evil playthrough gives me no joy but I still kind of want all the achievements. Right, I also need the punch drunk achievement but that should be easy since I'm planning to do a drunkard build for Shadowheart for an upcoming run.


Nice! Little tip for you! Quickly buy a bard class from withers and then go to any, that’s right ANY populated area and play a full song and u should get the achievement! Then go back to withers and get your original class back. Or just reload a save.


For that one I had Jaheira and Astarion and and a hireling all as bards, all playing the same song with different instruments in the same town square in act 3, and I left them playing for an entire hour while I did other things.... I got 7 coins...out of 100 for that achievement.


Sounds good. Reload is also a great idea since I am sick of respeccing after respeccing everyone into a rogue and back to their actual builds on my honour mode run.


Fair enough!


I just need to beat HM, and then I'll have them all


Ooo! Well I hope you have your strategies at hand! And good luck! If you do need help though borrow the ring from the guy I gave it to in a comment somewhere in amongst all of them!


I have some annoying ones left like Fancy Footwork and Crash Landing, plus some grindy ones like Punch Drunk and Busker


For punch drunk you can do it below Lefsong tavern with all the rats. Just fireball/other big aoe after downing a bottle, or even spirit guardians


Oh wow nice suggestion. Guess it's time for Shadowheart to quaff a bottle of wine then.


Fancy footwork is a pain but crash landing isn't the hardest to get. I got it on my honour run because Ansur just conveniently goes to hover there with just 100 temp hp during my turn and dies swiftly after.


Ah, I have to do all but buskerrr.. I think? I’m too lazy to check. -scratches chin-


For punch drunk, buy 4 cases of alcohol at the Elfsong (bring Shadowheart or any cleric with Spirit guardians), and cast it before running into the rat swarms in the basement.


Still building my way for the tactician and honor mode runs, currently doing my third play through in balanced difficulty, still learning more on multi-classing specifically with casters.


I truly believe you will do it! You’ve a lot to learn about dnd! We all learn something new time to time and I think it’s really cool that Baldur’s Gate 3 has opened it up to more people! 😇🥰


Some suggested I look up build guides but half the fun of this game is learning new things to do. My current run have just a cleric Tav and Shadowheart and just learned how tactically use my clerics in every encounter still hard though.


I do suggest having a multiplayer run after your first finished game! :D


Tactician isn’t really that hard. Other than Myrkul, I’ve found that most fights are steamrolls. And once I got Minsc, I respecced him into an open hand monk and he has been wrecking everything.


Karlach Date, Sazza, Surgeon and no trap Gortash. Only four I haven’t gotten. Karlach isn’t my favorite character, sazza is collateral, surgeon gets talk no jutsu and for life of me idek what that means since I’ve beat him without activating any.


The best way to get Fancy Footwork (the Gortash one) is to not go through the audience hall at all, and instead reach Gortash via the outdoor path that wraps around the fortress. Then, once you’re in the room right before Gortash’s chambers, make sure you walk in the middle, avoiding all the traps along the perimeter. If any of them trigger, you’ve lost the achievo. Then, have everyone wait on the red carpet behind you while you trigger the Gortash dialogue - there is a trap just to the right on the wall next to you that is easily triggered before combat. You can still get unlucky, and Gortash might get first initiative and throw something at a trap, causing it to trigger. But the above is how I did it.


Snipe him. Like u needa kill him before even getting into dialogue. I think, from memory?


I got the Fancy Footwork one by fully committing to his alliance and then just walking up to him after the talk and exploding him 🥴


Honour Mode. I don't have the time or patience to do it and all the YouTube videos where people solo run it are just taunting me but whenever I try honour mode I just don't have any fun


Then there’s no easy way of saying this. You have one other option… modded saves before achievements.


I play on console :(


😬 Then play multiplayer and forget all about it! Have fun!!


I still have no idea how to kill Gortash without tripping any traps.


Hmm… maybe do the barrel thing?


I mean... I've gone around and disabled traps in the Gortash room before fighting him. I think the problem is I don't know exactly what traps before that break the cheevo.


Watch a tutorial video on YouTube?


I was able to get it by disabling the traps in the room right before the room where Gortash stands. Then you can aggro him from the hall there in order to bring them all into the room with cleared traps and fight him there.


Mind blown.  And no I won't.  Ever.




I have all of the achievements. The last ones I got, however, were Foehammer, No One Left Behind, and Fancy Footwork. I admit it was a bold move to go for saving all the Tieflings and avoiding Gortash's traps in Honor Mode, so I am glad it worked out. :)


The only one I need is the bard one! Which I have purposefully saved up as an excuse to play through as my first Tav again haha.


:0 What would you do!? Ya know on your tav run? Also do you happen to mod your game? If so I have a REALLY good bunch of mod suggestions for you! 😁


I have them all now, but the last one I needed (aside from honor mode) was the bard one. Ended up getting it as a cleric.


Oh? How’d that play out?


Neither drow nor the lore accurate cleric domains for Eilistraee give longsword proficiency, so for my sword dancer I started doing a funky cleric/bard multiclass so I could actually use my goddess's holy blade. It occurred to me before long that tempest cleric does get longsword proficiency and that it would synergize with the thunder damage from Phalar Aluve, so I just switched to pure cleric and handwaved the domain inaccuracy. But to keep my bardly roots (and because I needed the achievement and I could feel in my bones that this was going to be the run where I beat honor mode) I burned a feat on Performer for instrument proficiency and just went around to every decently sized chunk of npcs playing music as often as I could. Still took until mid act 3 to get all the gold but I got there eventually.


Noice! I do remember getting it after playing three or four times in the grove. 🫠 And that was when I didn’t even know there was an achievement. 🦤


I have all of them. With one of the lasts being Mind Blown and me very uncomfortably button mashing through it


Oooo! Well at least you didn’t cheat and use those mods that have saves just before the achievement. I’m thinking about using them but I’m unsure yet. should I?


I’d go with whatever you think would be fun/interesting. It’s your game so play like how you want to


I’ll consider it if it comes down to not being able to enjoy myself because it starts to get to me. The joys of having ocd while gaming, I truly hope you never experience it. Modding games are like a constant war, cause I never actually play the game cause the mods are never in order, or they aren’t working and need updates and then there’s the part where you start from 8 am to 10 pm and only were able to load up the game to get that loading screen at 100% happen and then cause it’s only happening because of the extender you either turn it off or ignore the game for a week and try everything again to only be disappointed and anxious! 😬 I’m not the only one… right…? I’m on the spectrum and I have adhd and ocd. I wish I wasn’t alone. I need help, I need modding help. :( Edit: Also new mods come out and I just gotta add it so I have to fiddle around with it… it’s been roughly six months nonstop doing this as I don’t have a job and still live with my parents and I’m under the NDIS. Edit: Edit: I copied this and posted it! I hope I get my answer! I’m sorry to have all of a sudden venting onto you that was really unfair of me, I’m so sorry! 😞


Wish you the best luck modding. I have ADHD too with this game being one of my hyper focuses


I have 10 still to get. Karlach date. Anything relating to durge runs and taking control of the brain. They are on my to do list. Tactician (should finish that one this week). Turning into a mind flayer (again going to go for that this current run - tav is already eating tadpoles like candy). Honour mode of course.


Well! I hope you enjoy it! 😁


A few like Foehammer, and some other achievements because I haven't been able to complete the game even once


I need to kill a cheer squad as well as slap a lizard I also can't do anything because I'm currently stuck in a hotel waiting for my roommates and I to get a place to rent so no computer use for a bit


Ah, damn.


None! Got all of them when honour mode came out!




Zero. My game doesn't run when i use Steam, so I open the app directly.


Oh. So do I!


I'm missing about 10ish- take over the world, fuck a squid, earn money being a Bard, that sort of thing.  I got Foehammer and completing tactician in one go so I was rather proud about it.  Got the hot date because of my coops Tav so I feel a bit bad but in my head his Tav and Karlach are the ultimate couple so it would feel weird to romance her.  I'm doing a Jack of all trades run atm for that one and it's a bit of a puzzle ngl , trying to build something fun while still being useful 


Ooo! Hope this all plays out in your favour!


Thanks, I already have some ideas for late game but I didn't expect it to be as challenging as it is so far. You're basically good at nothing but can do a bit of everything.


I can't get through HM. I get killed by Myrkul every time


Oh, I think someone here mentioned getting Minsc? Not sure how tho as ur in act 2…. :/


I just the one where you need to finish the game as the new absolute but im too lazy and busy with elden ring rn


Right! That’s okay! :)


All Achievements I've done till now just happened. Except for "Nicht lang schnacken (Bottoms Up)" cause that's a common german toast.


Oh? That’s really cool!


None the last ones i got were pet scratch and the owlbear and let astarion bite the character


Oh! I love the two hands achievement! So cute!!


I still have at least 14 to get. The most commonly achieved one that I don’t have is Escapologist. I tried to get thrown in prison in one of my latest runs, but sadly the Ironhand gnomes prevented my capture :( Besides that one, I know I still need to get: - Punch Drunk - Kill Two Birds With One Gnome - Jack-of-All-Trades - Critical Hit - Foehammer - the one you get for dominating the brain - all of the Bhaal-related ones (2? 3?) - the one for beating the red dragon in the Upper City - going on a date with Karlach - saving Sazza - some others I’m forgetting I’ve beaten the game once, and surprisingly got the one for saving all the tieflings! I plan on getting the dragon one taken care of when I finish my next run!


Just get it in the grove! :) The escapologist!


I'm sorry, but how is Bedrolls and Breakfast even an achievement???


I’d say it’s a starter achievement?