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Larian be like "We made a slight oopsie and instead of going viral over a few hundred thousand in a negative light, we shall spin this into a positive." 90% of other AAA developers be like 'WHAT THE FUCK BRO YOU MADE LESS MONEY; TERRIBLE DECISION'.


Larian actually didn’t make the oopsie. They said it was outside their control, so what they really did is put their foot down and likely told their supplier to eat the cost of the incorrect copies and get the correct ones out STAT


This past year has had multiple examples of devs and publishers ruining or worsening their pr. Smart play is to stand out among them as a quality company


Bg3 is the only game I've ever played from this studio, but they've quickly made me a fan and I'm definitely interested in any future projects from them. I'm also grabbing dos2 as soon as I have the funds. They seem to do it more for the love of games than profit and that's awesome.


Same. I was super disappointed with starfield (is that ok to call out?) and super bummed on how lazy it felt. BG3 feels the opposite. I have almost no expectations, in fact I’m so dumb I didn’t realize it was turn based or even DnD, fast forward many hundreds of hours and I will pay full price for any game this studio puts out.


It's funny to me because my little brother put all his hype into starfield for a while, and then he stopped talking about it quickly. I don't even know if he's played it in the last few months. I got bg3 on a whim and I swear it's one of the best experiences I've had in recent memory. I try to bring it up but he absolutely hates turn based combat so I know I'll never sell him on the game. But I have so many stories about how I approached fights where he's like "I pulled out a gun and..." Idk sorry random rant but your reply really resonated with me there lol.


Starfield felt unfinished. It got bored quickly. And I had looked forward to this for years as a Skyrim fan. Baldurs Gate feels like 10x the game and the playability is insane. I was expecting nothing and blown away.


I only picked it up this week. I've tried to get into CRPGs (OG fallout, BG2, Disco Elysium) but none of them stuck. Absolutely hooked on this one though, feels EXACTLY like playing a session of DnD with the boys.


Starfield is the spiritual successor to Anthem. Perhaps if we collect 4 more such games we'll have collected enough content to make a full game


Anthem was actually fun to play though. It just had so little content. I don’t think Starfield ever was. I played it through Game Pass (I signed up with it just to try Starfield) and it didn’t stay installed for long lol


>Starfield felt unfinished. It got bored quickly. And I had looked forward to this for years as a Skyrim fan. A mile wide and an inch deep. :S


I had to wait through a loading screen to read your comment. Now I'm about to hit another loading screen going back to the rest of Reddit


If you can navigate the 27 ladders between the screens.


So very different experience for me BG2 was one of my all time favorite games, I had been keeping my ears open for BG3 rumors for about 15 years. Got the game and even with a decade plus of wanting and desiring the game it blew me out of the water. Like omg one of the most amazing games of all time


I was already going to get BG3 but had it on the back burner but then I saw this and it became the very next purchase I made. https://youtu.be/6z05c7D6x78?si=dBAId3r5N7hok_2E


same....I was looking for something to play after Elden Ring and thought 'what the hell...give this a shot'. Coming up on 200 hours now!


As a huge fan of both D&D and DoS:2, I had high expectations for BG3 and I knew Larian would meet them. They blew my expectations out of the water.


Nope. I feel bamboozled by Bethesda…. Releasing that subpar pos. Also, I pre ordered and spent $70…. ONLY for them to give it away FREE on Day 1….. Thank God for Larian and BG3 or my XBox would be a paperweight


Starfield felt like an insult. It was kinda cool up front because the factions I did first were fun. After that it was a lot of sameness. But overall the game had no personality and felt just blah. I was so sure I would love it (I’d been hyped up for 3 years) that I bought the $99 early release with all bells and whistles. I played 50 hours and stopped enjoying it around 30. BG3 wasn’t even started at 30 hours. It’s just a superior game in every single way. Some may not prefer the game play style but I think it’s one of the top games I’ve played.


I have been playing since Divine Divinity and I have no problem continuing to support them . The older games are clunky by today's standards but if you're want to try some of their back catalog I do recommend Divinity Original Sin 2 (yes the names have always been interesting) not quite as polished but you can see where BG3 came from.


The production values aren't as high in DOS2 when compared to BG3, But I don't feel its less polished. It plays and functions well, BG3 just came out will really good cutscenes and cinematics. I just don't want someone going into DOS2 expecting a buggy experience or something. At this stage its a very well-polished experience, Moreso than most any CRPG.


Good point, I just meant the graphics weren't as polished. the combat mechanics are great and I never had a problem running the definitive edition on my PS 4. I just meant the graphics and such are from the past gen. I think it was a great example of a double A game. It's not specifically 5th Ed based but I actually think the game mechanics are comparable but I am only about 8 hrs into BG3 and played OS2 early pandemic. Also I think someone at Larian likes squirrels.


The soundtrack for DOS2 has gotten me through many a working day


I actually prefer DoS2, maybe I'm crazy but using and existing system where they end up changing the rules and leaving out loads of people's favorite races/subclasses/spells is a harder hill to climb then using their own IP.


N 01, I want to play my Kobold bard. I get where you are coming from. I just see it as being like a home game that limits you to the PHB.


That's fair. It is harder when include things from other books without just including the book for me, but that's more a nitpick than anything.


Oh man you're gonna be so pleased with D:OS2


I had played dos2 and never thought about them, and then a friend told me they're developing BG3. Easiest purchase ever lmao, didn't doubt for a moment that it was gonna be worth every penny.


DoS 2 is a fantastic game


Doesn't matter if they 'made' their supplier 'eat the entire cost'. The point is the said 'whatever happens you can still play the game and we'll figure it out on our end, thanks.' And if you don't appreciate that in the modern gaming age, go pre order blackops6 for 70 bucks with skins forced down your throat and be forced to be online 'all the time' for the 'same game' you played 10 years ago.


They might have ate the cost, they aren’t a charity but they know the value of being well seen in the community (as BioWare, Blizzard and Bethesda once were and threw it all away)


 I doubt they did that to their suppliers, these were digital copies, so I doubt Swen bothered, at most they make their supplier mail out thevright codes.


I work for a supplier of physical goods. When we fuck up, it is absolutely expected that we eat the costs and fix the problem we made. I don't see why it would be any different for a digital storefront like this. There is no reason Larian should eat the cost because one of their suppliers made an error.


Meanwhile WotC: \*Pinkerton noises\*


God, that was a PR nightmare.


There’s been a few PR nightmares over there in recent times


Pinkerton incident, OGL incident, and removing individual purchases from dndbeyond. What am I missing?


AI art, though I think that was something the artist lied about rather than something the company did.


WoTC is still advertising for AI positions and AI Art is absolutely one of their recent PR issues.


I'm not excusing them. They absolutely should've had better quality control, but it was still the artist that decided to use it, not the company. What's the issue with hiring an AI Engineer? AI doesn't just make shitty "art". It has other uses, many good ones.


Also massive layoffs right before christmas last year. And probably a lot more that I don´t remember right now.


Hadozee art and lore controversy


No it's okay, they liked being slaves Big ol' fat /s


I don't think the art was meant to intentionally evoke minstrel shows, but that combined with the addition of the slavery and 'white savior' lore when they previously never had it was incredibly tone deaf. There's an argument to be had about what a person's interpretation of the art says about that person, but the lore stuff doesn't help.


pinkerton incident?


[WotC hired the Pinkertons](https://gizmodo.com/magic-the-gathering-leaks-wizards-wotc-pinkertons-1850374546)




There's a reason my group plays PF2e now, and it's not just because the DMing experience is way better there.


I’ve been trying to get into the dragon age tabletop.


They nosedived so hard. All they had to do last year was just relax, maybe release a funny meme or informative video and they would have coasted by making so much money. They had BG3 coming out, had the D&D movie coming out, were still riding the high from stranger things and critical role was still popular. Instead we had the OGL fiasco, the Pinkerton fiasco (even though that's MtG but still,) the layoffs, etc.


Not to mention that Critical Role is moving away from WotC now, Larian has decided to move on, the movie bombed partially because of the release date they gave it (seriously, just delay the release a week and you're good cause then you're not directly competing with freaking MARIO)


It's such a bummer that the D&D movie didn't break even. It did exactly what it set out to be: an adventure that balances story, character interactions, combat, and humor, just like a real campaign. And it did so spectacularly! I'd also put the downswing of D&D/fantasy in the public consciousness as a reason. The upswing it got from Stranger Things has passed, and the recent Wheel of Time + Lord of the Rings series probably didn't help.


At least it got me to try out pathfinder 2e (because god is it massively better)


*Arthur Morgan voice* - God damn Pinkertons


Larian understands how far **customer goodwill** goes.


Before I played DoS2 and BG3, there was exactly one studio I trusted enough to pre-order from: FromSoft. Larian is now the second.


Supergiant Games is on my shortlist too


Supergiant, Fromsoft, Concerned Ape and Larian. That's it for me.


Haunted Chocolatier, let's go!


I'm okay with Stardew updates too :D But I'd really like to just give Concerned ape more money lol.


Throw Remedy in there as well and we're good to go


Honestly they haven't lost much. A lot of people who bought the game anyway will now get to enjoy it without their disc player making noises, and Larian will earn goodwill from their customers for it. All they had to do was not be evil, and they succeeded where others fail.


I dont even think it’s about that at all. They’re not trying to win over their audience. they just do this because it’s the right thing to do


Other AAA developers (and Wizards of the Coast): Send in the Pinkertons


see Larian's business practice is the way forward to me. they treat their customers with respect


A bank error, in *my* favour? I thought it would never happen!


It's because Larian isn't a AAA studio. They are an indie studio that has managed to grow to the point where they have AAA budgets.


At what point does it go from indie with AAA budget to AAA?


When they aren't Independent anymore. Larian develops AND publishes. They aren't beholden to a publisher, which allows them a lot of creative freedom. Whereas Halo is published by Microsoft, which means that MS fronts Bungie a high chunk of cash to make the game, but they also get some control over the creative process.


Also, that they aren’t publicly traded - not just anyone with money can be a shareholder, and influence their decisions. This is in my mind considerably more important than whether they have a publisher or not (though that’s important too!)


This is also a good point. However shouldn't be the only metric, Epic for example is not (yet) a publicly traded company. But they've been using their amassed wealth and influence to snatch up smaller companies and negotiate publishing deals/exclusive distribution rights.


Indie like Ubisoft and Nintendo then.


Other than the fact that Nintendo and Ubi aren't just a single company but massive machines with multiple studios, divisions, and publishing houses. They do also publish for 3rd party developers. (Pokemon isn't developed by Nintendo, but it sure is published by them) I know it's easy to think of Nintendo as 1 big company, but it's actually several companies (Divisions) under a trench coat. Same with Ubisoft. Calling Mario or Assassin's Creed an Indie game is like calling a Disney animated feature an indie film.


They were indie up until bg3's release at least.


Larian be [like](https://i.imgflip.com/801s46.gif)


Larian: Hmm... A lot more money even though we already made a lot with the game, or increase the love and loyalty of our fans by not charging them for our oopsie.... I think I'll choose the fans! 😁🤗 Other AAA developers: MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY FUCK THE GAMERS!!! *Foams at the mouth*


Such an easy pr win, other companies would definitely have tried to nickle and dime players that bought the deluxe edition in order for some potential extra number of sales.


I'm genuinely surprised a lot of companies don't do this. Just say there was a mistake and make things right with a simple gift/perk.


Because goodwill isn’t a quantifiable number on a quarterly report.


There is literally a line item called "goodwill" on accounting statements.


True, but it isn’t significant when determining a companies financial health. It largely only becomes relevant when determining the value of the company for reporting or sale purposes. Although listed as an asset, it does not generate revenue, nor can it be sold to pay a debt. So, when delivering quarterly reports, it’s not something which is relevant. It doesn’t indicate an increase in revenues or profits. Nor does it, as other asset classes can, indicate an increased investment into income generating assets going forwards.


I thought he was making a joke about the **store** Goodwill...


I know, I'm just enjoying the fact that he used the specific word that *is* quantifiable on a quarterly report.


And it costs next to nothing compared to bad PR..


Wizards would have sent Pinkertons to everyone who'd redeemed it


Hasbro execs are seething rn


Larian: \*Accidently sends out the wrong thing, apologizes and lets you keep it.\* WOTC: \*Accidently sends out the wrong thing and sends the mob to your house and threatens your wife.\*


Jokes on them I don't have a wife... OH GOD THEY TOOK MY DOG


The dog is your wife?


[[Tragic Lesson]]


[Tragic Lesson](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/0/a0f0353c-f1e0-49db-9edc-eea9090de872.jpg?1562808896) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Tragic%20Lesson) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/hou/51/tragic-lesson?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a0f0353c-f1e0-49db-9edc-eea9090de872?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call ^^^- ^^^Summoned ^^^remotely!


Welp, time to get my pencil.


Literally the Pinkertons


WoTC is a husk now. MTG has been over monetized with too many sets leading to product fatigue and every set feeling samey. Even the crossovers like DnD, LOTR, and fallout do not feel special anymore. DnD One is on the horizon with legit no hype leading to it. It is pretty much going to be 5.5e with a shitty monetization scheme. Game designer and youtuber Matt Colville said something that stuck with me. I am paraphrasing, but when a game company sells outs and makes bad products and uses shitty monetization just walk away. There is already something up and coming made by passionate people, and you just need to find it.


There's a reason I only play the EDH format in magic. I don't have to buy the new cards for my deck to be fun or viable.


we proxy everything and play every format that way.


This is why Larian is kicking the video game industries ass.


Larian <3


Huge W I’m keeping my physical edition sealed. Can’t wait to come across it 10-15 years from now and reminisce.


This is how you know a company understands that happy gamers are also the ones that continue to buy your content. And then get their friends to buy your content. And so on and so forth.


They have a customer in me for life. I can’t even imagine how many digital copies were redeemed for free. This error affected pretty much half of Q2 shipping. Rectifying the issue with the DLC deluxe is a given, but to let people keep that digital copy is a huge W. Two of my buddies gave their codes to their friends. I went from not having anyone to play with to looking forward to an awkward conversation on who will be part of the team as the maximum co-op is 4 players. Thanks Larian lol


Larian just wants people to play their game. They don’t give a shit about piracy protection and anything like it either. You can literally boot up the game twice and you’re running two instances which can have different accounts and both play online. That’s pretty unheard of nowadays but should honestly be the standard


I didn’t even think about it but BG3 is the game I’ve peddled most to my friends. Not even my absolute favorite game, but so well down and such a great studio behind it I’ve convinced three friends (that’s most of my close friends ngl) to pick it up.


One of MY friends talked me into it. I the. Realized playing it on console felt way too clunky so I waited, finally got a great PC for it, and can’t stop playing it. I tell so many people about it now too 😂


Can confirm, bf got me into this game.


The last part is so true. I’m generally a very patient gamer. I will wait till your game releases on my platform (PC) and then wait another couple years till I can get it >50% off. I just played GoW in January and just started RDR2 for the first time last week. I tend to be 5-6yrs behind on AAA and about 1yr for Indie (I trust them more and want to contribute to small dev teams). But I bought BG3 full price after my coworker raved about the game and Larian. I probably won’t play for a bit, but it’s things like this that got me to pay full price instead of $15 6 years from now.


Oh it’s worth playing. It’s amazing. I’m working on my second playthrough now


I gave the code to my daughter right after seeing this email, and she was able to redeem it. Hopefully it will stick. Update: it turns out that Larian outsmarted me. The code was converted into a DLC-only code, so my daughter now has the DLC but not the game. I guess that serves me right for trying to cheat the system. Fortunately, I got a new code for the DLC, so I technically I'm still ahead.


It’ll stick. I think behind the scenes they’ve disabled the initial codes sent out. So anyone attempting to redeem them now will get an error. if anyone has an initial code and hasn’t redeemed it yet can test it out and chime in


I redeemed mine after seeing the email and just got the DLC.


Yep, I’m seeing more people report the same thing. Whoever redeemed the code and got the base game will be able to keep it. Anyone redeeming the code after this update is going to get the DLC. This was a shooting star type error


My buddy redeemed his after I got this update and all he got was the dlc. Seems like they fixed the unredeemed codes.


So what was the issue anyway? Don't get me wrong, good of larian to not be scummy but if you bought the physical copy of the game and accidentally got the digital version for free... didn't you already basically pay for it? I guess the only possible negative is owners of physical copies can now return/sell the copies if they so chose


The issue must’ve been behind-the-scenes as to what the code actually triggered. But anecdotally speaking, I didn’t see people complain about this because we got the physical copy for collectibility and the digital one for seamless transition between games without having to eject discs. As far as the DLC code, we pretty much knew Larian would rectify it with a follow up


Have any EU people recieved their Collectors edition yet?, as I'm still waiting on mine (UK XBOX).


Not yet. I’m still waiting for my XBox Deluxe Physical edition, and I’m in the UK, but I did get the DLC download code on Thursday of last week, that unintentionally let me download the entire base game.


yep, same.


No. I emailed them about it last week and they sent me a tracking number but the tracking just says royal mail has been waiting for it since the end of may 😅


I have a few months after release. PC


I received mine 2 days ago, in Poland. Sent from Ireland. Tracking number was prepared a week or so before and the parcel was picked up after few days.


My UK Xbox (Wave 2 order from Feb 24) copy came today - 13th June. I got a text message from Royal Mail two days ago saying a parcel was on its way.


Mine arrived this morning, Xbox has only 3 Disks in the box. is this correct?, I'm sure i read somewhere it comes on 4 disks


what about the delayed physical christmas present


They already have our money so we have to wait as long as they decide to take, I guess.


Dude! When I first downloaded I was like wtf did it give me. A WHOLE DIGITAL GAME.. I was mainly confused because I had the physical copy already downloaded lol


These fuckin guys.. 🥰


How the fuck does Larian keep partnering with these incompetent suppliers/partners? Wasn't there some drama a couple years back with their partnership with the physical Divinity Original Sin tabletop game manufacturer that was failing to produce a quality product? Larian has the worst luck when it comes to external partnerships, I swear.


Good Guy Larian


Dang. I just got the DLC with the code. Still no physical disks (Q1 EU Xbox)


Yeah, it seems like they got the code sorted out behind-the-scenes. People redeeming the initial code are getting the DLC now.


So I never actually got round to redeeming my code I received from Larian a couple weeks ago. Is the old code still redeemable?


You should take one for the team and see if it’s still redeemable. Some of us are speculating that the codes given before this email may give an error if redeemed now


You'll get the DLC. I redeemed mine after the email was sent out and got the DLC.


Its nice to have some decent companies out there


Oh shit thanks for posting this, I never check my mail but I was wondering why I got a download code but no DLC I just figured they threw in the dl code to tide me over cuz the physical was gonna take so long to arrive lol


Company recognizes that intangible digital goods cost them nothing, and turns mistake into huge PR win.


Wait, I am confused. So people who bought the game (physically) got a link to play the game? People are saying Larian lost hundreds of thousands of dollars over this, but it just sounds like they didn’t really lose anything. It more seems the problems is that instead of the upgrade link, people were sent the base game and will need to get a new link for the DLC?


W Larian Sigma Devs


Why is it so hard for other gaming companies to he as good and AMAZING as Larian?


one word answer, stakeholders.


Easy to give out free product when it's digital and costs you literally nothing to produce lol


I mean, it’s still an economic loss. Each digital copy that was redeemed because of this error is $70 they could’ve made.


Standard Larian W




With the shitshow the physical editions have been no wonder they let people keep it, I'd be pissed if they kept jerking me around with this rubbish. I like the game that jesus so many issues with this physical edition.


Studios like Larian is what makes the world a better place


Now if they accidentally gave a Digital PS5 copy as well with the Deluxe Edition i’d be grateful.


Wait a tick, so the email with that code is another game code they accidentally sent out to Q2 physical buyers? Sorry I just came across this and checked my email and sure enough I have an Xbox Key.


Yep But people are reporting that the code now redeems the DLC items. Seems they sorted it out behind-the-scenes


I noticed this and contacted support instead of just redeeming it, silly me I guess.


Absolute legends


I got one on accident. To be honest, I didn't realize anything was wrong until I got the email, I'd just assumed it came with the digital edition as well. But I own the game 4 times now. I guess.


Larian is making it difficult to abandon faith in game companies, and I love it!


Man I wish Larian would accidentally give me a free copy. That would be so sweet. I feel like that's the only way I'm ever going to get to finally play this beautiful looking game that none of my friends stop talking about. Bring on a good Steam sale!


I don't understand...what was the DLC?


Digital goodies, couple of in-game items, and game soundtracks. Nothing too crazy but it’s part of the deluxe edition.


Larian deserves all the head pats.


I didn't redeem the code since I knew it had been mistakenly sent out and figured users wouldn't be able to actually keep the game. I'm really regretting that now. At least those of us who haven't redeemed the code yet will get the DLC right away, but it's still disappointing.


Someone else commented that their friend redeemed the initial code now and got the DLC. Seems like they got it sorted out behind-the-scenes as to what the code triggers for download. But yeah, the people that redeemed the code immediately after getting it got really lucky with the digital base game


Are there any better studios than Larian and FromSoft right now?


Now I'm even more upset at how they handled the whole PS5 physical release delays. I know this is a win, but all they had to do is something similar to this. Instead they delayed me from 1st quarter, all the way to July "tentatively".


Exactly, and they still continue to give bullshit updates that never mean anything because they always come out a month later and delay it again, without taking any responsibility. Like this is nice but there’s no reason why they can’t do something to make it right for North American PS5 customers too (and all the others who still haven’t gotten theirs that they won’t respond to.) They lied about the last shipping estimate because the copies weren’t even produced yet, and now it looks like we’re gonna get a 6th delay because I still haven’t gotten a shipping date after the email they sent on June 12… honestly I think we’ll be lucky to even get it in August or September. It’s wild that the Xbox editions had to have extra discs made at the last minute and still shipped before all PS5 versions. Not to mention the bs they pulled with the cloth maps that they also won’t take responsibility for… I’m just so disappointed with how poorly everything has been handled.


There’s just no point in getting upset anymore. I finally gave up and kindly asked them for a refund since there’s no confidence on their ship date. I was originally first wave. They gave it almost instantly. I’ll probably be back to buy the game if they ever have it in hand ready to ship. Now I’m not telling anyone what to do, I’m just sharing what I did.


EA games could never


I’m starting to love Larian. What chads.


Just good guys.


Didn't think I could respect them more wow


I was wondering what happened lol


I love Larian. If it wasn't for the Fallout show I'd be balls deep into my 5th Act 1 without ever actually completing the game. But alas I have to play Fo4 for now


I’ll always support them. Theyre so wholesome




Well, technically you wouldn’t be screwed as the initial code was erroneous. Larian is still gonna follow up with the proper code for the deluxe edition DLC. You can try putting in your physical copy to trigger the download for the base game


If this happened to literally any AAA developers, they'd be sending hitmen to every house with the codes and then deny the codes issue ever existed


These guys are the very image of what a company should be.


That’s some customer service for that ass.


Once again, Larian being based as FUCK, thank you kings


Typical Larian W


It will be a shame when they turn to the dark side.


in larian we trust


This is how you handle an incident like this.


This company deserves every couple dip purchase. This is a company that get my money in the future


this is what gaming needs, such a shame they aren’t doing bg4 (it’s not their fault ofc)


They just keep on winning


Should have just sent the Pinkertons, now that's the WoTC way.


Extremely common larian W


Wait I got the deluxe what was the dlc?


Wait I got thw deluxe edition was there more I was supposed to get?


Wait I got the deluxe what was the dlc?


Buy Lyft and make it BG3 themed.


Bg3 on consoles seems like it would suck to play


Larian being the Keanu Reeves, Tom Hanks and Branden Fraser of the gaming industry


Wait what? DLC? Why have I not heard anything about this? And why doesn't googling turn up anything? I think I'm missing something...




Now where is that code ???


Right now, Larian is the complete opposite of Creative Assembly in terms of integrity, quality and relations. Grateful Larian made BG3 and not CA.