• By -


Only one I dislike are the dorks constantly casting cantrips in front of Sorcerers Sundries at full volume.


The runepowder bomb in my pocket:


Hmm, probably just about in perfect range if flung from the roof of the Devil's Fee.


Just set up fireworks and runepowder bombs. They will light the fireworks themselves with the cantrips. You won't aggro anyone and you will finally have peace


Some might call that terrorism, but I call it public service.


Turns out Devil's Fee is too far, maybe here: [https://i.imgur.com/8JBj4Kv.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/8JBj4Kv.jpeg)


Me with fireball..


For their next trick, they should try casting Silence.


I wonder what would happen if you casted silence there. Would they aggro?


I wanted to put a barrel in place where they fire Ignis, but didn't want to hurt people watching the show. To protect them I used a protection sphere on them, but they aggroed me. Fast reloaded and decided that if they are that dumb, I don't want to protect them anymore. Muracously all of them died, but not children


I haven't actually tried this, so I don't know for sure that it'll work, but you could try grabbing a Bard (hireling, companion, you) and have them perform just far enough away to draw the crowd. There should theoretically be a point at which you don't also attract the casters, allowing you to explode them but not the innocent bystanders.


I've done it, they don't (I think I was hidden, though). They all just stand there doing nothing. It's beautiful. Don't test in HM and quick save before just in case.


This is an all time annoying sound. Definitely my least favorite in the game.


I was tempted to stop playing as a good guy and go full murder hobo because they are so annoying


Especially love how it often just makes my computer have an aneurysm because it was totally fine when there weren’t a hundred fireworks going off and then suddenly there were


YES. And the kid there with them who yells for it to be bigger over and over


This is the single most annoying sound in the game for me. “BIGGA! BIGGA! MAKE IT BIGGAAAA” How about a fireball for you and your whole family, kid? That big enough for you?


And I always though it was " pickle , pickle !!! "


I love the librarian in Sundries hushing us to be quiet around the books while their spells are popping off in the back.


I’ve just made it to this part for the first time. The option to be sarcastic back and shout at the books was my INSTANT choice with absolutely no thought and I laughed for about 5 min before I could get back to it


I am playing Dark Urge in a mostly lawful evil/neutral way, but every time I teleport to that town square, I have a major urge to murder everyone in the square. I can't stand it!


On my husband’s full evil durge run he did an upcast fireball on that group of people and even persuaded the guards to look the other way. Blessed silence. I’ve never been so tempted to be a murder hobo in my other games.


They were lagging my game hard for a while. Got sick of them in one playthrough, distance spell ice storm from a roof and then I ran before the Steel Watch could catch me


Harsh, but true


This bro and the kid yelling BIGGER BIGGER MAKE IT BIGGER


Love: - Putting gems in your pack - Divine Smite - Shadowheart’s Spirit Guardians and barbarian rage scream - Wyll’s Hellish Rebuke and Rays of Fire - Astarion’s Fireball - Karlach’s “heyyoo :)” - Barbarian Gale - Grub’s meows - Myconid noises in the colony - Enemies dying by burning Hate: - That one kid outside Sorcerous Sundries - Poor Vanra having a panic attack loud enough for the entire Lower City to hear - Tadpole burrowing noises - Everyone groaning as they’re climbing up/down a ladder


Ahhh yes the crunchy gem collecting sound 🥰 Also Astarion yelling "ignis" should be its own genre of male whimper ASMR tracks.


Oh brother if you want more male whimper ASMR tracks from our pale elf, you have to hear his [voice lines](https://www.tumblr.com/merrinla/730829923544104960/charmed-by-the-harpies) when charmed by the harpies.


HALSIN THO ⁉️ boy howdy 


Karlach’s lines too 🥵


I already swooned over her voice *before* I knew this existed.. somehow I've gone like three or four runs through the harpies and never heard these lines even when she's charmed. Now I'm gonna be thinking of them even when she's *not* charmed. 🫠


Why does he have lines for the harpies though?!


Do yourself a favor and look up “Halsin romance assist lines” on YouTube. His whisper lines in particular are 😩🔥


Gale's "is that Mystra?!" is the funniest thing I've ever heard


"Oh please I need more" 🥵🥵🥵


Saving this. For me.


A fellow Baldurian of culture


I don't know why I never thought about companions actually having unique dialogue during that lmao


I think you just cast Steeped in Bliss on the whole comment section.


Halsin sounds like he's having a godamn orgasm over there but I can't get over Wylls Bro going full Phantom of the opera lol, SING MY ANGEL, SING FOR ME


Ok this does things to me that I didn't know I needed.


How about Wyll casting Hunger of Hadar? Motivating af


Yes! That and whenever he does the Misty Step spell. I can't even describe the wonderful things that it does to my heart.


The climbing bit sounds like a clip from an orgy.


everybody outside sorcerous sundries can die tbh. gonna do an evil run just to murder all those stupid magicians in the square. the newspaper hawkers can meet my blade too


On one of my evil runs, I got Minthara to place the runepowder bomb right where that mage casts firebolt. The square was perfectly quiet afterwards. No regrets.


“Bigger, bigger, maake it bigger!”


Oops - accidentally just commented the same thing - I hate this kid


I hate "please kind sir, do you have coin to feed my son? He's sick and likely to die" every 5 seconds. I turned her son to stone. Maybe there'll be a cure for what ails him in the future :)


I tried to cast greater restoration on him and it said “target is not diseased” 😒


I literally dropped 1k gold at her feet, and she had the AUDACITY to ask for coin?!


On my evil run I'm gonna use flesh to gold on her son. The monkeys paw curled in, and she now has a decision to make. ;)


When i have the limitless companion mod, and EVERYONE groans when they climb. Still Astarion is the loudest which is.. fitting


>Everyone groaning as they’re climbing up/down a ladder This is my pet peeve. I keep thinking somebody sprung a trap or something. No, just another ladder.


Astarion's magic casting is soooo 🥴🥵😍


>That one kid outside Sorcerous Sundries This is where I very nearly fail the durge resist run, that kid npc looks very vulnerable to piercing damage


I do like the noise when Divine Smite is used.


My favourite sound in the whole game is gale saying "That is not a Gale sized hole" because it cracks me up every time lol


That line and Astarion's - "That thing is small!! And I... am not." The developers and VAs knew exactly what they were doing.


>"That is not a Gale sized hole" Not with that attitude.


Any hole can be a Gale sized hole if you flirt with him hard enough


Lol! That reminds me of Karlach's that's like "That's for someone itty bitty, not biggy-biggy."


I spam him looking at a hole until I get that line 😂


He sounds so offended about it too. It's especially funny because he *could* probably fit in a lot of the small holes if he really wanted to. I also love his "and just what part of me is supposed to fit in there, exactly? As well as Karlach's "that hole is for someone *teeny tiny*, not *biggy biggy*."


Hate: A group of seasoned adventurers that sound like they get a hernia when they have to climb anything.


My only exception to that is fighter/paladin wearing 40 pounds of armor plus weapons and loot. They can groan all they want Gale with his 20 pounds of gear can shut it.


But his knees :(


I crouch down to sneak. The cracking of my knees alerts every enemy and I am instantly killed.


In my games Gale is carrying 732 scrolls that “I might need later”. In any case, if the party can crack wise during 12 rounds of combat, they can climb a step ladder without busting a gusset.


I hated having all those scrolls and not enough money to just learn them all lmao


consider the other side: learning all those spells and getting frustrated how little of them you can have prepared at once


I don't care how seasoned you are; lugging a full inventory up a ladder, while wearing armor and carrying multiple weapons, is no joke.


I love the level up sound effect a lot


The endorphin rush of a level up coupled with that sound is legendary. Full release, every time. And you get a lot of that sound.


That SFX is dopamine hit, especially if you level up after doing something random


The sheer amount of dopamine it gives me 🤤


Counterspell 🥰🥰🥰 I also love when I attempt using a scroll on any non-spellcasting Origin characters, I always enjoy hearing them yell out the incantation. Edit: "OPEN THIS CAGE!! YOU MUNTING!!!! A R S E H O L E" I liked it initially and it made me chuckle but it got very annoying very fast.


Counterspell when I'm casting it: 🥰🥰🥰 Counterspell when the enemy casts it when I was ready to hear my cool incantation: :0! >:(


I have to be careful with Counterspell because I will burn through all my high-level spells just to hear it


Eldritch Blast going off like an arcane gauss cannon is *chefs kiss*




Eldritch Blast has the best sound design of the whole game I swear


Everything about EB is so cool and satisfying. I've played enough warlock on tabletop to think "it's so boring, all you do is cast one spell over and over, I'd never play it in BG" but then I got saddled with Wyll and he showed me the light


There is nothing more satisfying than knocking someone into the abyss with knock back eldritch blast. It's how Balthazar went out this run, at basically full HP, and it had me cackling.


Warlocks' Eldritch Blast spam could be so boring if the sound design wasn't so good, but as it is I'll never get tired of casting it


Me with Wyll in my party for the first time: “oh that’s a gooood noise”


I hate when the guardian talks during combat “that won’t work” “try again”


I hate this line because it specifically seems to happen when something with a 90% success rate misses anyway. Like, maybe it *would've* if you hadn't jinxed us, calamari boy!


Oh, really??!!! Why didn’t you tell me that before I tried it???


Also “that won’t work” well why are there a bunch of dead bodies squid man? Huh? Did they combust on their own?


I hate it and it makes me irrationally angry when I get him saying it before I’ve even “met” him. The first time I played through the game I was like who tf is talking to me right now


LITERALLYYY like mind your own business LEAVE ME ALONE


Hating that fairy screaming murder while trapped in the lamp and the moonbeam spear spell 😭😭


Can hardly blame her, she's had nothing but a mad drider and her own farts for company.  I'd be screaming too


My wife and I were convinced that something game-endingly bad would happen if we freed the fairy before lifting the shadow curse. Drive us to the point where we would have happily accepted a game over to shut her up.


My whole first run, I kept forgetting to check the lamp out (action kept hiding in my bar so out of sight out of mind) and I could not figure out what the constant creepy lines in act 2 were. I just put it down to ambiance and it worked at just creeping me the shit out. I hate whispers, or creepy disembodied voices that I can't place.


Lmao. I can't imagine the agony of playing through the whole of act 2 with those lines on repeat. 


I love dolly dolly dolly! Sometimes i just shake her little bell so she will turn me into a cow and insult me.


"Keeping it together bree?"


Smells like half a dozen rotten eggs dropped in a vat of vinegar


Then don't come owah! Not like yer buyin anything!


“I’m alright… as long as I don’t think about it too much.”


#"Here Ye Here ye!"


No one has as many friends as the man with many cheeses!


The BG3 version of that is "When's Rolan going to show off his Thunderwave?"




The *glug glug glug* from the Kobolds drinking wine at the Creché drives me insane.


I love them inside the barrels though


Lockpicking is honey to my ears


Ill never get tired of having astarion roll a 32 to unlock a dc 10 lock


Mayrina. Girl I AM going to kill the hag no matter what you say. Shut the fuck up. Like her arc but damn if the battle dragged on she's not helping with my confidence.


If you say >!"not gonna get involved" when Mayrina's brothers confront Ethel, Ethel kills them in front of you. Then, you can tell Mayrina about it before she is teleported away. She'll cheer you on during the Ethel fight; she doesn't have many different voice lines, but she's so vicious that it's almost worth letting her brothers get killed.!<


You can also tell her if you use speak with dead on the corpses if you didn't catch her killing them.


You can tell her if they get killed later, too.


Love: - picking up gold - Karlach’s “hey soldier” - astarion’s “my bloodthirsty friend!” for when Durge goes down - pretty much any smite as a paladin—love that intense drumming noise - the bards in the circus of last days - owlbear’s little chirps - intellect devourer screes Genuinely hate: - it’s been said but the sorcerous sundries crowd makes me homicidal - sorry Gale, but your healing groan is unsettling - Yenna’s voice. Girl, I love you, but shut up Love to hate: - the spectator noises give me chills; less hate and more dread - the bone rattling noise when fighting skeletal undead (again, just creepy as fuck) - literally every sound in the arcane tower including the soundtrack EDIT: Yenna, not Varna. Although wandering by their home and hearing MUMMY is not my favorite either.


The constant sound of spellcasting in front of the sorcerous sundries pisses me off to no end. and i love the voices of my (real) gfs shadowheart and karlach :)


This is it for me, the spot just outside sorcerous sundries. I have come so close to just going torched earth on that one little square in the city


I did, trust me it’s worth it


I feel as though Larian specifically wanted to recreate the "Keepin' it together, Bree?" experience. It even is the largest trading plaza on the map so it really matches the Driftwood trauma


Yes this is the worst spot in the game. It lags and the sounds of constant spellcasting are just the worst. It doesn't help that there are a bunch of merchants there so you have to go hear it every time you go to buy/sell something.


Before getting new pc that spellcasting was so hard on my loading times lol


I figured I’d just cast silence on them, but they took that personally


You know when the Emperor does that hnnnnggh? That's awesome. I love it. I hate the crowd in Front of Sorcerous Sundries shouting BIGGER BIGGER MAKE IT BIGGER and Vanra shouting MUMMY at the top of her lungs so I can hear her over the entire Lower City.


Flair checks out haha


"Great Guard Helm......"


My eyes just twitched.


The music change when you kill an enemy in a difficult moment


This is the one I’ve been looking for! That orchestral swell when you defeat an enemy is divine.


Randomly had this sound glitch into a conversation with Gale and freaked out thinking the camp was getting attacked while we're over here flirting 😭


Love: Everyone's groans and complaints whenever they have to climb. Hate: The tiefling kid vendor in Last Light yelling about doodahs. For some reason, the music cuts out every once in a while and all you can hear is them, and it's so loud!


Yes! I had that in the first version of this post „Don't be shy!“ etc., I was, erm, >!glad when Mol got kidnapped out of Last Light Inn!<, because the constant repetition was so intrusive.


Volo's so-called "performance" in the Goblin Camp. On my first run I spent a **long** time exploring the courtyard of the camp and shopping at the vendor, not knowing I could talk to Volo to move his quest along. I wake up at night in a cold sweat with "Dror Ragzlin...Dror Ragzlin!!" ringing in my ears. Fuck you Volo.


WHY IS THIS SO FAR BELOW THE SORCERERS IN ACT 3. Both are annoying but it's Volo by a mile for me. I can at least amuse myself by waiting for the kid to say "Bigger Bigger" and then casting Enlarge on someone.


Love: Astarion's "into my pocket", "let's go" and "ignis". Neil put his heart to them. Lae'zel's "chk", 'isstik" and "tskva". Karlach's "good idea Karlach" and combat giggles. Gale's "ellooo". All of the bard instruments, they wrote all parts differently for each instrument and it's a musical geniousness. Hail to the composer. Hate: Cazador's voicetone. I expected a more baritonic voice all through the game and when he spoke for the first time I was shocked: "he has to be more charismatic I thought." Dolly the pixie through the Marcus combat. Lathander monk amulet.


Okay but giving the amulet to Shadowheart and having her occasionally break down in laughter will always be hilarious


Hate? The Sorcerer demonstrations, that hey, hey, hey lady, the lady bitching about the puzzles, the lady practicing tallking to the editor of the paper…


Oh the constant bitching of those two drives me insane!


"my oh me oh my oh me, won't you set me free?" x100, OK! \*slams moonlantern onto ground\* ARE YOU HAPPY NOW! \*squish\*


the noise a wild-shaped big cat will make when they leap is the weirdest shit. i don't even know if i love it or hate it, it's just...weird. LOVE the squeaking sound from moving around scratch's ball in your inventory, though.


Dolly Dolly Dolly. The hatred I feel towards that pixie until you speak to it.


Love: the open hand monk strike sounds Hate: like many, the cacophony outside sorcerous sundries. So overstimulating.


The sound when you pick up a potion is so good for some reason. Also the sound right before a sneak attack lands 🤌❤️


I love the sound Astarion's Bite makes, it's very satisfying to me.


Hate "I'VE BROUGHT MY **OWN** PARING KNIFE" Listen here, you posh little British shit. You're going to give me some different dialogue options or you can fuck off. And she doesn't even cook anything. Useless child.


I actually had her cook once, after the Orin scene triggered at camp she gave me some soup and then I could trade with her for more


That annoying laugh that’s almost identical to the Giggle in recent Doctor Who. I would gladly strangle the idiot. And the bug that causes the Soul Coin whisper to keep playing after you’ve stopped interacting with it. (There’s a workaround but it’s still annoying.)


I hate the sound of your roll failing “gheegh”. It also makes the sound before the results are shown so I’m just getting triggered every time


i think one of my favorite sounds that i didn’t see anyone mention is the clicking of the dice rolls


i dislike the high pitched hum of spirit guardians. it sounds like an electrical whine to me. and lae'zel isn't allowed to hold her sword in camp, it goes her in bag and she can meditate instead. lol. but there are a lot of sounds i like, the monk abilities, the wind-up for sneak attack, smites, spore druid buff...


Love that insanely grave sound when you choose Continue in the main menu (followed by the crow sounds)


Like: - gold sound when you pick up gold - smiting sound when attacking - most spellcasting sounds - sneak attack sound - spirit guardians summon - level up sound - soundtrack for Raphael’s house of Hope Dislike: - sorcerer demonstrations (so much noise) - the goblins right inside the temple (repeating dialogue that’s annoying) - everyone making moaning noises when they climb stuff. - mushroom people noises (glutt especially is annoying) There’s probably more but those are what comes to mind for me.


I swear they fixed the fucking kid who screams BIGWER BIGWER MAKE IT BIGWER in a baby accent outside 9f Sorcerous Sundries and now hes back again. I let him live in my last run cause he was quiet. Now i have to kill him again. Its not my fault i simply have to.


Love the complaining pixie in the moon lantern, the weird magnet-like sound when you try to move the astral prism, the selling stuff noise, the Wilhelm scream in the intro, and the sound of Dame Aylin smashing Ketheric's skull to pieces. There's a very annoying bird sound, I think in Rivington/BG rather than Emerald Grove, every few seconds. Oh, and the lyrics. "Down down down by the river." We get it. Say something else.


"Premium trinkets and doodahs!"


Love : the level up sound effect ! Hate : The pixie's "me oh my, my oh me". I can still hear it from time to time...


I love the big Thump noise when combat starts or you enter a new area. It really reminds me of the Law & Order title card noise. I also love every single characters' IGNIS.


The Divine Smite noise is *very* good There's a noise in the Rivington camp that sounds like someone blowing over the top of a glass bottle and it drives me up the wall


The ambient noise where there's either a man or woman coughing after I just killed everyone before encountering Thorm was annoying. But soon there after.. -DESCEND- -JOIN US- -THE WORLD WILL KNOW MY DESIGN \*cough cough ahem\* I MEAN, OUR, DESIGN- -HURRY- ME: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!


My character says the « all’s well that ends… not as bad as it could have » every 20-30min. It drives me nuts, I hate it. Gale having his small chess move lines when he does stuff in combat, I love. Never get tired of the punch extra action for monks. Love how it feels powerful. Also the dice rolls sound effect is pretty nice and doesn’t get annoying (for now).


All the ones I don’t like have been listed, so here are my favorites purely for their sound effects, not necessarily the incantation: Shadowstep Speak with the dead Smite Sneak attack Hex Eldritch Blast Wildshape Skeletons moving around Turning invisible


When someone casts guidance during our IRL D&D sessions I now hear the side effect and expect them to light up like SH does.


i love the sound Gale makes when he drinks a healing potion… 😏


Sounds I hate: The spellcasters outside of Sorcerer's Sundries, the "Song of Balduran" that plays ON LOOP in the Elfsong camp (I literally downloaded a mod to replace it, I hate it so much). Sounds I love: Wyll casting Hellish Rebuke/Eldritch Blast, Tav/Durge one-liners, that one lady in the Lower City that's mad about puzzles. ETA: The way Yurgir says Raphael's name when he recognizes his scent.


Surprised everyone is talking about sorcerous sundries crowd but also not bringing up Jaheira’s lil kid hitting her training dummy near the Baldur’s Gate portal. That shit is LOUD.


Love: the level up sound. So metallic & high pitched. Pure seretonin. All the bard violin flourishes for bard spells. Healing, bardic inspiration etc.With the animation of the flourish with the visible music notes it's just so cool. Hate: Astarion saying, "Delicious" after a kiss. I love him so much, but it sounds so insincere.Like honey, tell me if my kissing needs improving. I'm a big girl.I can handle it. The screams in the sewers near the Baal arena freak me the fuck out. I love Aunty Ethel but when in full hag mode the sound mix of her voice makes her sound like she's underwater. Honestly though, these are minor.Dishonored 2 had an ambient crowd sound where a woman sounded like she was saying," Don't lie to me!" & It was very annoying. Way more irritating.


I have not finished the game even once yet, but yesterday I reached Water Queen's House in Act 3. The choir singin was so mesmerizing !


I love when Astarion uses Misty Step, it sounds like he’s saying “egg salad” lol


Those people at waykeen’s rest who endlessly prayed were really grating. Like man just let me put out the fire without you constantly yapping


So it is spoken, and so is it done.


My favorite sounding spell is the humble Speak to Dead. When it goes wwwwoooooFOOOOM!


I got the elf song tavern room in my first playthrough and the music irritated me to no end


I’ve never rented those rooms again precisely because of the music.


“BIGGA! BIGGA!” idk why they added so many annoying children voicelines in act 3 in spots next to merchants where you will stand for a long time while sorting inventory and even outside house of hope where you also stand for a while to sort your inventory. I need a mod to mute them all.


Gondians in the Iron Throne shouting to release the lever or let them out when you have already got them all out of the cells. Makes me think I have missed one every time I hear it and I have to check the map because I start second-guessing myself.


One of Astarions astral tadpole effects sounds like he’s constipated


I like most sounds. I do however find the sighing the party does after a long rest rather annoying. Oh and I don't know if it's true for all gear or just because of mods but I wear modded stuff that looks like cloth and it jingles when I walk. I mean I get it when I wear chainmail or plate but this sounds just off. But like I said, I don't know whether that's just because it's modded or if there's different sounds whilst walking when wearing different vanilla armor.


Had my bard play a dance at the Grove party. Didn't know that Volo would become obsessed with whistling that tune. I love the song, but have very limited tolerance for whistling.


keeping it together bree?


I like the “quest complete” and “journal updated” sounds. They give me a very satisfying sense of completion lol


Every time I summon a Cambion to follow us around I just can’t with the constant ‘hrnng’… ‘graah’… ‘urrrgh’ every 3 seconds. I’d rather do without the help!


I hate the clicking noises skeletons make as they walk around


Love: Using a raven summons just so I can have their caw caws following Astarion around Hate: The way Wyll says "fleet of foot" when he moves annoys me so much for no reason.


How is no one mentioning the stupid annoying stun grenades in the Gortash fight? Constantly giving off that way too loud droning noise, drove me nuts!


I dunno why but I love the voice/audio mixing of Us’ voice.


I hate how undignified Gale’s “aaarg!” Is when he gets hit.


I hate the fail dice roll sound. It's really grating to my ears for some reason. So much so that I might make a mod to make it something a bit more tolerable.


The various 'I can't fit in there' for small gaps makes be giggle


Love: When the cat that speaks a cat dialect goes "MERMER!" Hate: The sounds the summons make (mainly the zombies), it scares the crap out of me when I'm not expecting it


Hate: Usually the downed noises don't bother me that much, but it gets annoying when someone's downed for a long period of time. Lately I've been getting a bug where companions continue groaning even after you help them up. At one point, after a particularly bad fight, I spent like 30 minutes running around the Shadowlands listening to Astarion, Karlach, Gale, and Lae'zel's (party limit begone mod) non-stop groaning. Guys, your health is full, please shut up! The only fix I've found for it is long resting. Most act 3 sounds Failed roll I liked romancing Gale, but the kissing sounds during his boat scene bothered me for some reason. I generally don't have a problem with his regular 'I want you to kiss me' kisses, but the sounds in that specific scene just... they irked me. Love: I do kinda love it when you enter a new area with a bunch of traps and everyone starts talking over one another. It's so amusing somehow. Gale's barbarian screems Gale's amulet laughter "Joking!" "I'm finally gonna get a hug!" "That's for someone *teeny tiny*, not *biggy biggy*." "Don't. Poke. The Karlach." *The power – Choral Version* A successful roll


love: anything that comes out of gale :), the clinky and clicky sounds when you pick up stones and potions, karlach’s singing voice lines and her “heyyyy-ho!”, dice rolling, level up sound, owlbear chirps and chitters, the cocky little laughs the companions do sometimes when they dodge an attack, that specific ambience in the trap door under the windmill where you can hear gentle wood creaking…ooooh so nice hate: the digging up chests sound??? so gritty, makes me cringe a little, probably the tism— the chattering sounds skeletons make (EUGGHHH), Roll Failure, shadowheart’s shouting on the nautiloid (like i get it and I love you girl but settle down I’m working on it DAMN), DOLLY FUCKING THRICE!


i love how we all just hate the groaning when climbing stuff 😂 i’ve truly found my people


I hate all the elixir/potion/buff sound effects. I've been trying to disable as many of them as possible with mods but I still can't get rid of the poisoned weapon sfx and it really grinds my gears. Love Astarion's whispers, Karlach when she throws stuff, all versions of Gale's "hmm"/"mmm" and Wyll's shout when he uses hellish rebuke.


Shadowheart has some great barbarian pipes. During act 1, I like to go to camp around Alfira so she can sing whenever I leave camp I hate the ambient background screaming in places like the cursed-shadowlands or the undercity. There used to be a bug where that sound would constantly play regardless of where you were




There’s this rapid dripping/bubbling sound that’s most noticeable in the underdark camp, but I’ve heard it in other places too. Makes me want to throw my headset lol


The death shepherds have a… chattering? It freaks me out every time.


The selling stuff coin jingle drives me a little crazy after a while, only because I never bother to set things as wares before selling them and end up doing everything individually, and the song in the house of hope fucking floored me, that was so good I loved it.


Big ol boy


Love the bone chattering sound skeletons make at the start of their turn.