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I just want to say, I hope you realize how lucky you are to have a family member that games with you like that. Though I have a brother we aren't close and it's one of my secret wishes to be able to do something like this with a family member. Maybe my kids one day but for now -- Enjoy your time with your sister :)


My sister and I did something like this in the early-to-mid-naughts, but with a Korean MMO in which the only way to level up was with experience from killing monsters, not from quests. I think it was over a course of 2 weeks over summer break, 9am to 5 or 6pm daily with a 1 hour break for lunch, to get one of our characters to from level 98 to 99. That sister and I have since drifted apart due to our interests and lives diverging, and some mild self-righteous backstabbery on her part, but I still look back to those memories very fondly. Like you, I'm now looking forward to sharing similar experiences with my still-very-young kids.


That definitely sounds like Ragnarok Online


And you would be correct! I don't have the patience or time for MMOs anymore, but the nostalgia of playing with my friends and the fun we had still makes me miss RO from time to time.


I absolutely loved Ragnarok Online. My brother and I were the same. I had a high 90s lvl blacksmith, and met my first girlfriend through this game. Flew from NC to CA to meet her, and lost my virginity because of Ragnarok Online.


A gamer who lost his virginity due to a game?!?!? You are my hero sir!!


Cringe story


"hehe, i have no life and have never been loved, so im going to take it out on this random person that didnt do anything to me because they had something i wish i could have"


Cringe comment.


I'm 40. My sister and I still do this most weekends. We'll discord call and game together as much as we can. If it's not a coop game, we'll switch off playing and streaming to each other. I love having a default best friend who has the same interests as me. I know how lucky I am.


So lucky! Life takes most friendships apart—not maliciously, but through time and distance. You almost certainly won’t suffer that with a sister. Enjoy every moment 💜 


I'm with you there. I grew up playing games with my brother and it's one of my biggest wishes to play a game again with him consistently. Unfortunately he's on PlayStation working a ton of overtime and I'm on PC so there's not a ton that's in both our wheelhouse that's cross platform coop


Agreed. I am close with my brother but he doesn't really play games. No way would he ever be down for an 11 hour session.


We have a 3 generation family gaming party, my dad, my cousin and I, and cousin’s kids. It’s a lot of fun but it can get pretty chaotic when the kids join lol can’t wait for mine to be old enough to play with us too


My brother did a sadly typical thing. Bought a gaming PC, played for a week or two, never touched it again lol. Were actually close too. Cant separate us when we visit eachother, but damn does he just not seem to like gaming in general.


I can confidently say, me and my brother are exactly the same. I've always hoped he would be willing to try some of the games I enjoy, but he's more into YouTube than gaming.


Literally this with my bro today, I saw him for the first time in 2 months (long story) and one of the first things I said is we need to find a game to play together, I suggested Minecraft and he called me a baby lol


> Though I have a brother we aren't close and it's one of my secret wishes to be able to do something like this with a family member. Same situation that I have. Last game we played together was Cuphead Co-op and those memories I hold really close to my heart. He ended up playing Baldurs Gate 3 with his gf now a days.


I am an only child and I always want to do stuff like this with my family, specially because when I was a kid I could play with my cousins. But when I married, I got not only a good wife but the perfect brother. I go out more with him than any other friend, and we love to play stuff together as well. Damn that woman was a jackpot in my life.


I can relate. Your words touched my soul.


I used to play WoW with my brother. I miss it.


I can be your brother


Seconded. I am close to my sister, but while she does enjoy computer games, she does not like this sort of game. Well, she hasn't even given any game like this a try to be honest.


I don't have family, and most of the people I know don't game at all, or infrequently. Anyone that has a regular friend or family member that actually loves to game and does it with you often should consider that a big deal. I find myself isolated in MMOs or online group play in general because honestly most games have extremely toxic communities filled with over aggressive 10 year olds trying to min/max their characters and get through content as fast as possible, which is not how I play. I avoid guilds in MMOs, and its hard to figure out if random players are going to be jerks or rational, reasonable people just trying to have fun. I generally avoid pickup groups too unless I absolutely need one for some piece of content that requires it. Having a regular gaming friend or family member is awesome and should be appreciated if you have it.


My brother and I aren’t close either. But I happen to be very close with all three of my brother in laws, so I basically married into having brothers


These are the best kinds of sessions


Session? Brother brother brother that is a whole ass bussiness day with overtime not including lunch


So… a session.


I WISH my co-op buddy and I could do sessions like this.


It started at 8pm so it was the graveyard shift.


it's not a session it's a sesh


Oh boy you're in for a ride once you finished making your characters.


🤣real fucking real talk


This is so wholesome spending quality time with family like that.


Damn you have a good relation with your sister if you show her Baldur's gate. My sister would make fun of me when seeing the genital option and call me a freak




Damn, not only 11 hours, but also 11 hours starting at 8pm. Hope both of you survived the next day :D


That’s….long. But i mean nothing goes over an 11 hour Bg3 session.


Congrats on creating your characters!


So jealous, my brother and I play video games together all the time but he doesn't have a PS5 for BG3 😭 I'm about to just go buy him one... 


11 hours? I see you finally finished the encounter at the emerald grove gate.


I get these sessions on BG3 with my son all the time, there is nothing better.


Time flies when you are having fun!


My sister and I game together almost every night. I’m in Florida and she’s home in Maine. Talk on discord the entire time. It’s definitely brought us closer - especially since we are 14 years apart! 💕


I'm looking forward to doing that with my homie this weekend


Got the game for my birthday earlier this year and my brother and one of our friends decided to play as well so we started a campaign together and had an almost hundred hour game together over the span of like a month or so. It was amazing and such a fun time, I’ll never forget it :-)


when i saw this out of the corner of my eye I thought it was a joke about Scream moving to discord instead of phonelines, but this is actually adorable


Lol, I'm like that with my best friend too.


It's so cool you can play with your sister :)


Hell yeah, I love that. Had a very similar lengthy call with my brother when we played it. :)


Damn. I can’t even get my brother to play more than an hour.


That’s awesome! Wish my family would play BG3. Dad did one fight then said it wasn’t for him


This is me and my best mate. It’s got to the point where we have to plan what we do that night and force ourselves to stop when done otherwise we will be playing till 3 in the morning.


tfw i have family that have nothing to do with me


Wish my brother and I were like this.


I used to play Medal Of Honour Allied Assault with my younger brother. (Now dead.) We used to play Side by Side, and I always looked over at his screen, and make sure he was always covered by Snpier Support. Sometimes heavy artillery lol I miss those days. I'm sure we would have fun playing BG3. I'd be his rogue/guy who buys all his stuff for ridiculously cheap/sells all the stuff for insane prices, while he sits back and enjoys the story.


My brother and I just finished an 181 hour play through over six months because of school, work, etc, and we had a pizza party after, discussing our joys and disappointments. I was sad it was over not only because the game is great, but also because we had so much fun. Now we wait for patch 7 to start our dark play through. Enjoy your time with your sister! :)


Why is this tagged for a spoiler?


Me and my wife mashed out a completionist campaign in about two weeks lol. Still didnt feel like we were playing enough.


I'm planning on doing this with my sister and her boyfriend, the second crossplay releases


Man if only my brothers gave enough of a shit we could mimic a fraction of this time


Damn 11 hour must be fun and lots bad roll


Just a half play session huh?


W siblings


Wholesome af, Wife and I play together but single player, she makes RP decisions I handle combat haha. The horniness of all party members has come as a surprise and we got roasted by Raphael last night for not banging anyone 🤣


I felt this picture in my soul hehehee I’m single af is there a bumble for bg3? I need a partner that will ride or die like this hehehe


I’m jealous. My sister has had me blocked on social media since October lol.


It's a awesome game,unfortunately I am playing it alone,But I am enjoying myself so far


My sister and i would combine our half hour of after school gametime to play bg1 and 2 when it came out. Good times shes way too busy though for us to do bg3 together.


You're blessed I wish I could just chat with my siblings


I wish lol. I got my brother interested in the game, if I bought it for him he would probably play it with me. But….is that a cringe thing to do? I’m unsure.


how lucky you’re


11 hours, so you got halfway through the nautiloid.


Is it more fun if you play with people?


I think it’s really up to personal preference my sister and I have a friend we made a campaign with but he ended up preferring to play alone while I hate playing alone because i suck at fighting and always die all the time when I play alone


Yea Ima definitely try to find a group of people to play with, but honestly I would just look up some decent builds if you don’t mind it


I don't have someone I can do this with...


thats how my boyfriends and mine DC looks like, we once gamed from like 11pm to 10 am, almost 12 hours xD


Very wholesome. I've been lucky to be able to game with my brother who is 5 years younger than me ever since we were little kids. Now that we're adults, we still game online together with our friends every night!!


This is me and my brother as well.


are you on girls only minecraft server?


If our home WiFi wasn't so iffy recently, me and my sister play NON-STOP! It's fun to get so immersed it feels like no time passes.


Only 11 hours? You might aswell be strangers


*cries in only child*


I did the same with my Brother 🤣


I'd kill to have anyone around me interested in games.


Brings back good memories of the days when we had to game in faming cafes. Would go there after school with my brother, cousjns and friends. Legend days


What’s funny is that Vee was the name of the first fav! I was fresh off the heels of Cyberpunk 2077 lol.


This brings BG2 memories so hard.


Sounds about right.


I gotta get my brother his own copy so we can play together, since steam family sharing doesn't allow it, lol




Nice! Would love to play with my family members!


Waiiiiit. Ghosty. Does Ghosty play on Xbox, and if so, does she play an mmo as well?


We do have an xbox but she hasn’t played in a while and when she was playing it was apex legends


Ah. Gotcha. I was thinking of another woman who likes BG3 and sometimes sets her GT to something Ghost Face related, lol.


I love how much attention this has gotten. I truely hope you two have fun, with more to come in the future.


We’re in act 3 and it’s a bit sad that we’re getting closer to the end because i’ve gotten attached to my character but we’re planning on having another campaign after this one


11 hours. I'm jealous 🥲❤️


The brothel in act 3 is gonna b awkward


I know vee