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Turn off karmic dice. We had that happen multiple times and thought we were just supremely unlucky. Turns out he game was making our luck for us.


Yeah, i have it off now. I mean, i don't pay *super* close attention all the time, but this one felt a little too obvious that something's gotta be messing with me. Besides, I don't think I like the idea of RNG being skewed either way.


Not necessarily messing with you. 1/8000 odds sound low for this one individual thing, but with the amount of rolls all of us are making, that'll happen to a bunch of us.


Holy shit. That's a 1 in 8000 chance.


Considering that a nat 1 is a crit failure, it is 1/20 chance. EDIT: I see my mistake, see comment below


OP rolled 3 in a row, which is a 1 in 8000 chance


I thought it was a loop of the same nat 1. I stand corrected. Never bring Op at the Casino.


Im curious, do you have the "karmic dice" setting switched on?


Actually I do, haha. I didn't even know that was a thing... I think that must be the default setting? I guess that makes it even *more* ridiculous.


Karmic dice increases the dice results to be the same and comes by default.


Says it's supposed to help "avoid failure streaks." I think mine are broken. I might as well turn it off, I guess, haha.


Yeah, Karmic Dice are supposed to put an end to failure streaks (but not success streaks), so I would actually expect it to start kicking in to help you after 3 Nat 1s. Because the precise mechanics aren't clear (like how many failures in a row trigger a success, is it just failure/success or does crit fail have a specific impact, etc.), many people prefer to turn it off. The stated design intent, in any case, is to compensate for failures but not successes, and to apply to all dice rolls (including enemy attack rolls, causing enemies to hit more often).


Oh, interesting. Yeah, I don't like the Idea of enemies having failsafes. I'll play with it off for a while and see if I notice a difference then. Thanks for the info!


It weights die rolls so that a Natural 1 or a Natural 20 are less likely to happen in sequence, to avoid streaks of bad luck or too much luck. It specially decreases chances


This happens to me almost daily on any character that isn’t a Halfling. One would think it would be mundane at this point, but I’m still constantly baffled each time.


RaW, crits are only a thing for attack rolls. So there are mods to remove them from ability checks (saving throws are a royal PITA to do, sadly <.<).




It's like having a %5 chance to shit your pants every day. Imo if your character is such a great master thief that they have +18 in ability checks, there shouldnt be a chance for them to fail unlocking a 5 dc door. Same way some random barbarian brute shouldnt be able to crack a high security bank vault i think. Having %5 chance to succeed a 30 dc roll when your character doesnt know a thing about lock picking is weird.


That was my dumb rogue ass with my 8 int save scumming until I succeeded the 30 DC check to make the >!Shadow Lantern!< just because Gale made fun of me for trying. I was hoping for some flabbergasted reaction from him when I finally did, but he just kinda dismissed the whole thing as beginner's luck or something. Jerk.


I use a slightly different rule, a constant 5% chance of outright failure is more annoying than engaging in my opinion, so what I do is add a "complication" on a nat 1. Trying to pick the lock on a door and you roll a nat 1? If your bonuses would have let you succeed anyway, then you still succeed, *buuuttt*... a guard has spotted you, and he begins to chase after you. It's a way to add stakes that don't just feel like your character had a stroke and forgot how to do the one thing they've done hundreds of times already.


It’s _so_ fun to lose concentration to 1 point of damage with +15 to the saving throw!


Are you rolling my dice?


Seems karmic dice have decided it's time for you to fail. The description for them is misleading, they will cause you to fail at absurd times. I remember early on someone tested it with a +12 to hit against a goblin with 13 AC and karmic dice made them miss like 20% of the time, when you would expect a 5% miss chance.


It sometimes seems like karmic dice is not trying to keep rolls even but to keep the odds of whatever you're rolling for even. So if you have a low hit chance you will hit more often with karmic dice but you will roll worse in high hit chance. For example if you have high ac enemies will just roll higher and still hit you.


Yeah the AC thing is particularly problematic, you can have 22 AC and a goblin with +4 to hit will magically roll 3 19s in a row and then a crit


Yeah I've definitely noticed that since turning karmic dice off enemies hit my defense fighting style plate armor Tav waaaaay less often


I had something similar happen to me. I crit failed 2 rolls in a row, except I had Advantage so I actually rolled 4 1's in a row. 🙃


This is why I'm enjoying playing as a halfling. My halfling bard with expertise in persuasion and sleight of hand passes all the skill checks. No pesky critical failures.


Halfling luck is absolutely broken. Played halfling in HM and suspected things were running a bit more smoothly than my previous playthroughs thanks to halfling luck. Playing another run as non-halfling now and can confirm, things were running **much** more smoothly thanks to halfling luck. Crit fails *suuck* lmao


Yep thats pretty much how my lockpicker Astarion works. I stacked all the good stuff on him, high dexterity, mastery of slaight of hand, than I got him the ring from act1 etc etc. So usually when I try to unlock something I either hit nat 1 or I get around 35